Global Awakening: Only I Can Respawn

Chapter 123: Acceptance (2)

The room went silent. All eyes turned to Min-Ji, who stood there fidgeting around.

"What do you want?" YuWon asked, the warmness gone from his eyes.

"I-I wanted to check if you're alright—"

Before she could say anymore, Yeji got up, staring at Min-Ji like she was going to burn her with her gaze itself.

"Get out," she said, pointing towards the gate. "You're not welcome here."

Min-Ji looked down but didn't move. Yeji lost her cool and was about to lash out when YuWon grabbed her wrist, pulling her back.

"Calm down," he said.

Yeji looked at him as if he had stabbed her in the back, but then calmed down. YuWon smiled and shook his head. He knew Yeji was acting out on his behalf.

In her eyes, he nearly died because of Min-Ji, even though it was his choice. But Yeji couldn't say anything to YuWon, so she was lashing out at their mother.

Once she was calm, YuWon looked at the rest of the girls and nodded towards the gate. They understood and walked away, but not before casting dirty glances at Min-Ji on their way out.

The door shut behind them, leaving only YuWon and Min-Ji in the room. For a moment, neither of them spoke and kept staring at each other.

"How are you feeling?" she asked. "If you need—"

"You don't have to pretend," YuWon cut her off. "You don't need to play the role of my mother anymore."

The words pained her, as usual, but she swallowed the pain, trying to keep her emotions in check.

"I wasn't—" she started, but YuWon wasn't finished.

"Look, if you're here to talk about our past, I can help you," he said. "I'm not sure what I want right now, so you can leave."

Min-Ji's lips trembled, but she nodded. She wasn't there for forgiveness, but to check on him. Still, hearing her son say those words hurt more than any physical wound could.

But she had done the same to him. Even if it was Seok who manipulated everyone, the things she said about him and his father weren't something they would work past so easily. However, YuWon wasn't done.

"But Yeji," YuWon continued. "She needs her mother. She's lashing out because she's hurt and guilty. But you still have a chance to make things right with her. She deserves better than what you gave me."

"Yes... I know."

Min-Ji had never taken the word Yeji told her to heart. After her father's betrayal and the guilt of destroying her stepbrother emotionally, her aggressive behavior was expected.

But YuWon's words gave her some hope. YuWon looked confused, seeing her smile suddenly.

"I'll try," she whispered. "No, I'll definitely make things right with her."

Min-Ji felt tears well up in her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away. She turned to leave, not wanting to burden him any further. But before she stepped out, she stopped and looked back at him.

"Why did you save me?"

"Is that what this is about?"

", but I want to know—"

"You were an excellent mother to me once, a long time ago," YuWon shrugged, not meeting her eyes. "Saving you was to pay back an old debt."

Debt. The four-lettered word had never felt heavier. But Min-Ji didn't let it bother her. YuWon wouldn't say it, but she was his mother, always has been and always will be. But for now, her other kid needed her more.

"I understand," she whispered. "But I won't let you down again. I promise."

YuWon said nothing, just grunted in response. Min-Ji took one last look at her son as if burning his image in her head, before turning and quietly leaving the room.

As the door closed behind her, YuWon sighed. He wanted to feel nothing, but her visit stirred something in him. Something he wasn't ready to face yet.

"...I should go for a walk."


YuWon walked to the edge of the massive root. The wind blew gently, ruffling his hair as he looked down. Far below, he could see some people around the disaster mole's corpse.

Lucifer stood at the front, directing them as they worked on digging a massive hole next to the mole.

"It's good to see you out and about," Asmodeus called out, joining him. "How are the injuries?"

"Getting better," YuWon replied, his eyes fixed on the mole. "All thanks to the World Tree's fruit. My body's recovering faster than I thought."

Asmodeus nodded thoughtfully. The two stood in silence for a moment, both of them staring down at the workers below.

"What are they doing down there?" he asked, glancing at Asmodeus. "Preparing for the mole's burial?"

"You could say that," Asmodeus chuckled. "Not out of respect, but caution. After all, hellfire burns within the corpse."

If they were to leave the body as it was, the fire might make its way out of the mole's body, which would have been disastrous.

That's why Lucifer and Asmodeus decided to bury it far below the surface, deep enough that no one would ever stumble upon it. Whether intentionally or by accident.

"Out of sight, out of mind," YuWon nodded.


"Speak up."

"Pardon?" Asmodeus asked.

"Whatever's on your mind, just say it."

"Did you… see anyone else inside the mole? A woman, to be precise."

"No," YuWon shook his head. "And I definitely didn't see Lilith."

Asmodeus looked at YuWon like he was some ghost before speaking again.

"How do you know about her?"

"Relax, Anna told me about your... history," YuWon began. "About you, about Lilith… and everything else."

"I... see."

Although YuWon was acting calm, back when Anna told him about the fallen angels, he had a tough time believing her. But then there were other angels, so it wasn't impossible, just strange.

Meanwhile, Asmodeus stared up at the sky, trying to hide the sudden surge of emotions. He said nothing for a moment, lost in thought. Then, he turned to YuWon, forcing a small, grateful smile.

"Thank you for killing the mole," he said. "At least now, the World Tree will flourish again."

YuWon nodded but said nothing. He could tell that Asmodeus was holding back a lot of what he was feeling. But he wasn't about to dig into it further.

Asmodeus then turned and walked away, leaving YuWon alone at the edge of the root. The wind blew again, and YuWon looked down at the mole's body below, before pulling out a pink crystal.

Sorry, Asmodeus. But Lilith needs a new master. Besides, how can I give you the reward I got after killing the mole?

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