Global Awakening: Only I Can Respawn

Chapter 121: Escaping Disaster's Belly (2)

He had the hellfire crystal. If he had just used it, then he wouldn't be in such a condition. Well, apart from his broken arm, since it happened when he fell into the stomach.

"If you could think of everything yourself, then would you need us?" Anna shook her head.

The duo made their way to the upper mouth of the stomach. Before using Hellfire Crystal to kill the mole, they needed an exit strategy. Although they were immune to the fire, random explosions from Gastrognats could kill them.

The first plan was to use Asmodeus's way and make the mole vomit. But YuWon quickly disregarded the plan. If the mole vomited, it could vomit the hellfire crystal as well.

"In the worst case, the mole might throw up the flames along with everything in its stomach and set the world tree on fire," YuWon commented.

The second plan was to climb their way out. But even that wasn't possible. First, the climb back was too steep and second, YuWon couldn't climb with a broken arm.

This left them with a final, disgusting approach... exit through the mole's butt hole. As disgusting as it sounded, it was the most practical solution to their problem.

Since they'd be traveling down, YuWon's broken arm won't hinder them much. Also, it would be quicker. The only issues were the parasites and germs. They won't give them a clear passage.

"We'll have to fight our way through the shit hole..." Anna frowned. "Even saying so makes me want to vomit."

"I'm not a fan of the situation either," YuWon frowned. "But we gotta do what we gotta do."

"Why don't you use <Soul Bind> on the mole?"

"You think I haven't tried? This shit is too big for me to handle," YuWon replied, walking to the other side. "I would need thousands or more souls just to control it for a second or two."

"The microorganism could give you the souls—"

"They give nothing. No gold, no reward, no exp, nothing."

Anna nodded before getting quiet. That monkey who defeated the mole didn't tell her about this info, but it didn't matter anymore. As long as they could kill the mole, everything would be worth it.

YuWon stood at the edge of the mole's stomach, staring down into the dark pit below. It should be the entrance to the small intestine. But from where they stood, it looked like a never-ending fall.

"Do you think it's too far?" Anna asked, stepping up beside him.

"Does it matter what I think?"


"So we jump," YuWon said, taking a couple of steps back. "On the count of three, we'll dive together."


"One… two… three!"

They both ran to the edge, but only Anna followed through. She looked back mid-fall. YuWon was still standing at the edge, laughing.

"You asshole!" she yelled before disappearing into the dark.

"Sorry! I already broke one arm. I'm not interested in breaking the other so soon!" YuWon replied, waving at her. "Besides, someone has to set this thing on fire."

Just then, freshly spawned parasites came rushing towards him.

"Perfect timing," he muttered, pulling out the Hellfire Crystal.

With no hesitation, YuWon flung the crystal towards the largest Gastrognats in his sight. The moment it struck the parasite, the balloon exploded.

The heat from the explosion melted the frozen crystal. A moment later, blue flames erupted, spreading like wildfire across the stomach walls. The parasites who were rushing towards YuWon were burned to ashes within seconds.

The intense heat warped the stomach walls, making the entire place feel like an inferno. The mucus walls that used to protect the stomach lining from acid and other substances stood no chance against the hellfire.

It was only a matter of time before the mole realized something was wrong. But even if it did, it couldn't do anything to save its butt.

"Time to go!"

Without sparing another glance at his artistic masterpiece, YuWon jumped off the edge.


While Anna and YuWon were fighting their way out of the mole, the life on the World Tree continued as usual. People went about their day. Most had given up on the mission since they thought Anna was dead.

However, not everyone thought the same. Asmodeus and YuWon's family hadn't moved from their spot since Anna jumped inside the mole. The only good news they had so far was that the mole hadn't shown up again.

Asmodeus knew better than anyone how dangerous it was inside that mole. That's why he knew the mole not appearing again was a positive sign. Regardless, he waited for Anna and the human she so desperately wanted to protect.

Just then, they heard a faint rumbling sound. It was soft, almost unnoticeable at first. But then the ground trembled under their feet, causing the giant roots of the World Tree to shake.

"Did you hear that?" Yeji asked.

Everyone nodded, hurrying to the edge of the root to look down. But there was nothing... for a second. Then they felt the ground shake again. Before anyone could say a word, there was a massive explosion.

Dirt and rocks shot out everywhere, and then the mole reappeared. But something was different this time. The mole wasn't moving with its usual predatory grace. It thrashed wildly, writhing in agony.

Its enormous body smashed into the World Tree's roots, causing tremors. People on the tree, unaware of what was happening, quickly rushed for cover.

"What is going on?" Yeji mumbled in disbelief.

"Look inside its mouth," Asmodeus said, smiling. "She did it."

Lysandra looked confused until she saw the blue glow inside the creature's mouth. Just then, the mole let out a bloodcurdling scream before collapsing on the ground.

The mole remained motionless. The beast's indestructible hide contained the hellfire within it, turning its insides to ashes until only its fur remained.

But the victory didn't bring them the relief they had hoped for. As there was no sign of YuWon or Anna.

"Where are they?"

Before anyone could respond, the mole's massive body twitched one last time. And then it crapped itself. The sight would have been laughable under different circumstances, but right now, all they could do was stare in disbelief.

"Come on, let's look for them."

Everyone rushed down the tree root. Just then, two figures walked out of the shit puddle, covered in the mole's excreta from the head to the toe.

"Are they… covered in…?" Gina blinked in disbelief.

"...YuWon behaves like he's the shit," Yuna couldn't help but comment. "This time we call can agree. He really is the shit, or at least covered in it."

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