Genius Baby, Sweet Mummy

Chapter 111 Speak according to your word

Yun Hanxiao nodded.

"Come, come into my embrace and tell me ??" Di Chajie's voice was too seductive. After thinking about it, Yun Hanxiao slowly turned around and slept in Di Chajie's embrace ?? After a while, Yun Hanxiao muttered softly, "The smell of alcohol stinks so much!" Di Chajie laughed bitterly as he released Yun Hanxiao. He got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face and rinse his mouth.

He brushed his teeth heavily and spat out some water. After confirming that he didn't smell anything, he sprayed some cologne on it before coming out.

Normally, he would never spray perfume.

Although this was part of the elegant etiquette of the upper class, Xiao Wu felt that this was too much for a lady to handle, so Di Sha Jie never did anything about it. He just happened to send some clothes to the top grade dry cleaners and sprayed them with different brands of light perfume.

When Di Chajie walked out again, he felt completely refreshed ?? Once again hugging Yun Hanxiao in her arms, she kissed Yun Hanxiao on the lips, "Hubby's breath must be very fresh, you're not afraid anymore, right?" Yun Hanxiao said shyly: "What husband, so shameless." Di Chajie smiled, "Tell your husband, why are you so afraid of drunkards!" Yun Hanxiao looked at Di Chajie's sincere eyes and thought for a while: "Actually I'm not really that afraid of it. It's just that when I was young, we had an old man who cooked in our orphanage and liked to drink alcohol. Once I was caught, I couldn't even remember how old I was. My reaction was too slow anyway, and I didn't know what I was doing. In an instant, all the people ran away, leaving me alone, caught by him. He kept hitting me, kept hitting me... Using that stick that burned in the fire, and then hitting my body all the way until that thick stick broke and wouldn't stop... Then some big boys hit him with bricks, lured him away, and saved me. Those big brothers told me, Xiao Xiao, your reaction is slow, so you have to keep your eyes open. If you see something wrong, you have to leave earlier than others. "Don't be in that person's line of sight, and it's best to know that if he drinks too much, you should run away." Di Chajie felt great pity, "Poor little Xiao ?? It's a pity I didn't know you back then. If I had known, I would have definitely brought you to my house and slept with you everyday ?? so that you will never be afraid again. " Yun Hanxiao was moved, she blinked, and looked at Di Chajie.

Di Chajie said: "Don't be afraid, even if I get drunk to the point of being unconscious, I won't hurt you." This promise is too intimate, too gentle... Yun Hanxiao lowered her head, feeling a bit sad for some reason.

The man's words were too pleasing to the ears. Most likely, it was a lie.

But even knowing this common sense, Yun Hanxiao still liked to be coaxed by Di Chajie.

Life is so long, so bitter, without so little sweet, how can you stand it! But now, please let her close her eyes and swallow the sugar-coated artillery shell bravely.

Di Chajie had untied the knot in Yun Hanxiao's heart, and everything was ready, now ?? Oh, that's right. Close the door well, or else Shaoze will be finished if he comes in later.

Di Chajie, who had been tossed around by the Shaoze baby, got up again. He shut the door and walked over.

No matter how stupid Yun Hanxiao was, she knew that Di Chajie harbored malicious intentions.

However, as long as Di Chajie did not go insane from alcohol, she would not be afraid.

Shangguan Yueer walked down from the shopping mall's elevator with an LV bag in hand.

Her expression was confused, as if she had no idea where she was.

Enlarged Pupil... His whole body felt uncomfortable.

The past few days had been uncomfortable, but he had no idea what was going on.

However, he had always felt that his senses had become sharper after the advent of further training. Usually, he would be able to face his mother's pressure, but now, he felt that it was really hard to endure.

He obviously hated Li Qi a lot, but he couldn't control himself every single day and insisted on going to Li Qi's place. If he didn't see him for another two days, he would definitely want to go there crazily.

No matter how handsome he was, when he saw that man, he couldn't help but feel disgusted.

For some reason, that kind of falling environment made him feel at ease.

I've been feeling a little dazed lately.

So standing on the elevator, I don't know why, but she moved her feet a little, as if someone behind her was pushing her, or ??" "In short, his entire body rolled down ??" "Ahh!" The screams seemed to be half a beat too slow.

Shangguan Yueer fell down the elevator.

The elevator was originally going down, but there was still about a dozen levels left, and there was no one down there ?? Shangguan Yueer's entire person fell down, in panic, her hands grabbed onto the handle of the elevator, but due to her lack of strength, she was able to slide down. Because of this, her speed became a bit slower and the amount of force she exerted became a bit lighter. But even so, she still heavily fell on the ground with a thump ?? A handsome man came over to hug Shangguan Yueer. "Miss, what's wrong?" Shangguan Yueer raised her head, looked, and softly spoke: "Di Chajie, Di Chajie, please save me!" Di Tianshi thought that it was fun, but this woman actually called him Di Chajie.

He and Di Chajie did not look very similar, and from young, he had often been wrongly shouted at.

It turned out that these two people, who shared the same aura and expression, would actually give people the feeling of imagining things like this.

Sitting on the sofa in the hospital's room V, Di Chajie smoked as he waited for the results of the examination.

"Hmph ??" Those lousy people of the Di Family, who knew that Di Chajie had children, actually disregarded the danger of enmity with Shangguan Ru and rashly ran over to kill him.

A bunch of idiots who only knew how to fight in a den! If he wanted to win against Di Chajie, he had to win it fair and square. The disciples of the Di Family were not interested in wi

ing, and it wasn't easy for Di Chajie to have one.

Hehe ?? This method of borrowing a knife to kill others was quite good.

If something were to happen to Shangguan Yueer, everyone would think that he, Di Tianshi, was not loyal enough.

No matter how sufficient the reason for his absence was, it would definitely be him, Di Tianshi, who did it.

Because he was the only one who benefited the most from this matter.

Furthermore, he really did not know what tricks Di Chajie was playing this time around.

Since he was young, there had always been a kind of tacit understanding between him and Di Chajie.

Between the two of them, the danger was too little! In the eyes of an outsider, the two of them were opposing each other tit for tat. However, he knew that he had never tried his best to kill the other.

A joke.

Di Family still had a bunch of heirs to the throne who were like wolves and tigers, waiting for them to fight to the death for the sake of clearing the battlefield.

It was all beautiful.

Di Tianshi smoked his cigarette lazily as he thought about it... This Shangguan Yueer is really brainless.

You're pregnant, where do you run off to, fooling around with other men all day ?? Even if Di Chajie treated her badly, at this time, he would definitely be more cautious.

They thought that the Shangguan Family was just a golden signboard and no one dared to move against it.

No matter how many hooligans you have in Shangguan Family, or how deep your foundation is, your mother will only be able to keep up the show with this generation of scum.

And your uncle's family, after all, borrowed the strength of the bride's family.

In the face of benefits, what do you think you, Shangguan Yueer, is worth?

Or ?? This was another conspiracy by Di Chajie.

Di Tianshi thought about it for a long time, then finally gave up.

Di Chajie was just a ten thousand year old fox anyway, so it wouldn't be excessive to be careful of him.

The door was pushed open as Di Chajie walked in.

Then the Shangguan??s mother... The group of experts had a majestic aura, immediately causing the spacious room to become crowded.

"Where is my daughter? I request that we transfer her immediately." The Shangguan??s mother seemed to have pushed Shangguan Yueer down the stage aggressively.

She uneasily swept her eyes across Di Chajie, afraid that he would use his safety as the reason and insisted on keeping him.

After all, if Shangguan Yueer stayed here for a while longer, the matter of faking the pregnancy would only give her a little more of a chance to shine brightly.

This could be the strongest code in their hands, how could it just disappear like that?

Shangguan Yueer had been too disobedient recently, defying all expectations with her to this extent. She had clearly told her not to go out when she had nothing to do, but she had instead left her bodyguards behind just to fool around with that little hooligan.

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