Genius Baby, Sweet Mummy

Chapter 108 strenuous mind

Di Chajie was deep in thought while standing in front of the window. A certain driver was out in the open, trying to act cool and cool.

Yun Wen smiled as he walked over, and took a large box of food. As he said apologetically, his face reddened, "Sorry, I was too nervous just now. I didn't remember that you were still outside. "These dishes are all clean. We all use male chopsticks. If you don't mind, then use a little." The driver felt watery... At last he was seen as a human being, not part of a car.

Madam Di looked through the window and saw nothing. She didn't know if this woman was too scheming, or if she was completely unscheming ?? She really couldn't tell! The Madam Di left.

Yun Hanxiao felt tired and quickly went back to her room to take a nap.

It would be harder to deal with such a queen than to take care of the whole house.

Shaoze followed Di Chajie back to the library.

Di Chajie asked curiously: "What's the matter? Shaoze baby. " Shaoze looked at Di Chajie, then slightly lowered his head and used his toes to scratch the ground, not knowing what to say! Di Chajie walked in front of Shaoze, smiled and said, "If there's anything, could you tell me directly?" Shaoze raised his head, and stared at Di Chajie without blinking his large, beautiful eyes that were as beautiful as two gemstones, "Uuu ?? I want to know, are you really going to marry Miss Shangguan Yueer? " Di Chajie looked at Shaoze, and reached out to hug him.

This was the first time Di Chajie hugged Shaoze since the last time. Although this was the first time this had happened in the game, it felt different from the real world.

Shaoze obediently lay in Di Chajie's embrace with a little bit of nervousness on his face.

Di Chajie said to Shaoze, "Child, don't worry too much about adult matters. I will always properly protect you and mother, and won't let Sweetheart suffer any grievances. You must believe in me, okay?!" Hearing this, Shaoze took a detour, but he still more or less understood what was going on.

Thinking for a moment, he felt that it was not safe. "Then, will you marry Shangguan Yueer or not?" Di Chajie sweated, the difference between this child and Yun Hanxiao was too huge, it was too difficult to pull him away.

If he wanted to deal with Yun Hanxiao, he had to deal with Shaoze.

This is a very complicated matter. Your mother and I are in the mortal world. I can only say that I won't let anyone disturb our lives." Shaoze blinked. "Even little brother can't do that!" He heard from a female classmate that after her parents raised a little brother, they didn't love her at all. Thus, Shaoze felt a cold toward his younger brother.

It was not easy to have parents, and he did not want to have a younger brother to divide up the relationship.

Di Chajie smiled, "Okay, little brother doesn't allow it, so can you let sweet mother give birth to a cute little little sister girl, be as cute as sweet mother!" Shaoze thought about it very seriously, then nodded.

Di Chajie smiled as he carried Shaoze towards Xiao Wu's room.

"You really plan to marry Shangguan Yueer?!" Xiao Wu asked Di Chajie.

Originally, Xiao Wu was the one who was the least nosy. However, due to his special relationship with Shaoze, Xiao Wu, who had never liked close quarters nor liked women, felt that there was basically nothing that could be inherited in his life.

Thus, he viewed Shaoze as his only disciple, or perhaps his own son.

Naturally, he cared deeply about the affairs of Youngflame Zhan.

Adding on the fact that Yun Hanxiao was such a beautiful woman, Xiao Wu also felt that he would be happier together with her.

She has a child. The Di Clan wants a child. My mother wants to move in for my father. With all these things coming together, do you think I can refuse?" Di Sha nodded slightly. Xiao Wu was not a talker, but he was a well-informed person.

"I heard that Shangguan Yueer is very close with the Li Qi who kidnapped Xue Er recently. I think there might be some other inside news regarding her being pregnant. "Otherwise, how else would it have been so late ??" Di Chajie smiled, "I am not an idiot who is casually toyed with by others. Right now, the most important thing is not whether or not Shangguan Yueer's words are true or false, but whether or not she is willing to publicly a

ounce that he has my child. " Just as pla

ed? " Xiao Wu hesitated.

Di Chajie laughed bitterly: "I don't want to play with fire, but they forced me to. So, I can only go along with the big picture and do my own strategy on the board. " But, what if there really is a child? " Xiao Wu paid more attention to the issue of flesh and blood.

This matter with Shangguan Yueer, was indeed true and false, and no one could clearly see it.

Di Chajie thought for a while, "There won't be. At first, I was really shocked, but as I recalled, every time I used a condom, I should have been a germaphobic person. Furthermore, the amount of time that I have in contact with Shangguan Yueer can be counted on one hand. I wasn't able to reach the end of that one time more than a month ago, and if Shangguan Yueer is still able to bear a child under several layers of protection, then her degree of impregnation must be as good as that of the Holy Mother. " He didn't want to look at that [B] and she couldn't understand it anyway.

He only knew that there was enough money to even sell his mother and father, not to mention some medical ethics that was not even worth mentioning.

Adding on his subsequent probing of Shangguan Yueer, he was 100% certain that Shangguan Yueer was not pregnant with his child.

If Shangguan Yueer was born with the Di??s's bloodline, how could the old fox, Shangguan??s mother, allow him to negotiate with him over such a weak point?

He was just playing the part for thirty percent of the time. Di Chajie didn't force him into the show for Shangguan Yueer's sake, but to settle the matter of his father once and for all.

Because he didn't want Yun Hanxiao to give birth to the Di??s's son. If that happened, Yun Hanxiao's future journey would be too difficult, and she would have too many twists and turns. Live and enjoy.

After tormenting the big one, he would be able to live a peaceful life for a long time.

Di Chajie was willing to bet.

No matter if Shangguan Yueer was pregnant with another man's child or if she was childless, it had nothing to do with Di Chajie at all.

If she was going to be used by him, he would naturally accompany her in this act.

Yun Hanxiao could not bear to give birth to her son, and he was not willing to look for another woman, so whether or not Shangguan Yueer's pregnancy at this time was real or fake, he did not care.

The only thing he cared about was whether or not he could hurt Yun Hanxiao.

Regardless if it was true or false, to have emotions or not, it was still possible for him to marry Shangguan Yueer.

That little woman must be pacified no matter what. I can't screw him up at such a tense time.

Just one or two months, just one or two months, and the three of them would have a long period of peace and happiness.

Di Chajie did not want to reveal the trouble to Yun Hanxiao.

He was a man, and these responsibilities were his.

He had the ability to bear it.

In this world, this was how super men were sometimes trained.

Originally, they were like ordinary men, doing whatever they could do.

It's just that some people have higher abilities while others have lower ones.

Once they had someone worth guarding or someone worth protecting.

His abilities would explode, he would no longer retreat, and he would slowly cultivate to a super man with a hundred times the confidence.

Half of Di Chajie's previous efforts were forced on him by his own mother, and the other half was fun and fun, where he liked to earn money.

But now, everything was different.

Behind him were two weak people worthy of his protection.

He could not take a step back. He could not allow the enemy to attack them.

Thus, he wanted to become strong, become ruthless, and not retreat as he took the initiative to attack.

As for Shangguan Yueer, from begi

ing to end, she was the one who wanted to jump in by herself, so she couldn't blame him for being ruthless.

Li Qi... Thinking about that scumbag, Di Chajie became even more suspicious of Shangguan Yueer's intelligence.

If that man could use such a ruthless method to deal with Xue Er, then it would be difficult for him to show mercy to Shangguan Yueer.

Shangguan Yueer herself seemed to have never been able to see through herself. Other than being the heir to the Shangguan family, as a woman, she was neither beautiful nor gentle and sweet. Why was she so confident that every man should love her? Shangguan Yueer would fall even more, and would probably be so heavy that she would not even be able to afford it.

Di Chajie thought of that woman and felt a bit of sympathy.

A child who was forever growing up under the wishes of his mother, unavoidably gave Di Chajie the illusion that he was a fox in a rabbit's den.

However, he now had people he needed to protect. The others had all been reduced to inferior creatures.

Yun Hanxiao brought tea in.

She stood by Di Chajie's side and watched him work.

Di Chajie was originally a good person, but when he worked, he looked even more handsome.

Yun Hanxiao looked at Di Chajie's profile, and was in a bit of a daze...

Di Chajie combined the number of times Yun Hanxiao had taken the initiative to get close to him and the length of time she had been here, and suddenly said with extreme suspicion, "You have come here ??" "Hua ??" Discovered! Yun Hanxiao blushed. And she said, "Of course, do you think everyone is you? These few days, you seem to have something on your mind. I didn't ask you about it for a period of time, but you said that I didn't care about you. Now, let me ask you about accompanying you. In short... It's hard to work under you. " Di Chajie laughed: That's right, then Xiao Xiao, how are you pla

ing to accompany me?! Comfort me, "Yun Hanxiao thought about it seriously, looking extremely cute," Let me accompany you to look at the stars. " Di Chajie's face darkened: It's such a cold day, and you're not sleeping even after being tired all day on a night like this. You still dare to show me the stars! "Ugh ??" Di Chajie's words made sense.

"Then, let's go watch a movie!" Yun Hanxiao tried hard to think what it would be like to date a normal couple. She didn't seem to have fallen in love at a normal pace.

"Hmm ??" It must be because of this, he lacked too much of the basis of love, which was why he felt that he had no confidence in their feelings at night.

"The effect of the home movie theater is not worse than the movie theater. What movies can't you see? It's so quiet and comfortable, do you need to squeeze into that movie theater?" Di Chajie lazily denied it.

What a joke, if he brought this girl to watch the fiery midnight scene, would he be able to suppress himself? Even if he didn't ask for her help, he still wanted to live with her as well.

In short, in preparation for the next two months, he was willing to accept any loss.

Completely not daring to think about those thoughts, Di Chajie said: "There are still three plans to be finalized today, and there are millions of things going on every single minute. I probably won't be able to complete them even if it's 2-3 PM in the evening. You should get a good rest. " Yun Hanxiao glanced at Di Chajie resentfully.

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