Game’s Dogma

Chapter 94: Auntie You’re So Nice!

Chapter 94: Auntie You’re So Nice!

Sky Chun shook his head and sighed in his mind; this woman spelt nothing but trouble. Recalling their first few encounters, they were definitely terrible experiences.

Ahem Its quite spacious here, is there really a need to fight over this? How bout youll go left and Ill go right? Sky Chun stared straight at Dakki, as if the attractive cleavage that could suck away souls didnt exist.

The guild members of Sky Dominion were ashamed of themselves upon seeing their guild masters response. That was what men who were meant for great things should dounwavering before the temptations of women!

Meanwhile, Dakki was swearing within herself while thinking back about those days when Sky Chun had drooled all over her. Hoho, Master Chun, do you really think I know nothing about the Highlands of John? The right sides a barren place where monsters are far and few. The left sides a river, monsters dont spawn there do they?

Sky Chun didnt budge even when he was exposed right in his face. With a face which suggested he didnt care, he said, Then what now?

At that moment, footsteps and rowdy sounds emerged from the forest behind them.

You Stop following the boss around with that disgusting look!

Hmph! Hes my boss, you all are just copying me!

Zephyrwolf and Danting led the way as they engaged in their usual banter. Drako Yau and Greenstone had already gotten used to it; when Danting hadnt joined them yet, Zephyrwolf would argue with Hades all the time anyways. On the other hand, Idyllic Poet couldnt have enough of it and chimed in from time to time, helping both sides alternatively in hopes that things would escalate further.

With all that going on, Drako Yau simply walked like a dummy; he didnt have the airs of a boss in the slightest.

As the five of them wandered further into the Highlands of John, they were now at the inner regions where even Idyllic Poet had yet to explore. They emerged from the trees and bushes to find two groups of people glaring at them with suspicious eyes.

Idyllic Poet squinted her eyes at the two guild names: Sky Dominion, Allurers.

Unlike Zephyrwolfs bunch who were clueless about such things, Age of Scholars had once been a top tier guild as well. She naturally had knowledge about their competitors. Be it Sky Dominion or Allurers, they were both leading guilds within Empyreon. Sky Dominion coincidentally ranked one place higher than Allurers, which was why they were at odds with one another for a while now.

The guild master of Sky Dominion, Sky Chun, was a powerful warrior who used to rank top 10 in the entire game. After progressing into the berserker class, he was now ranked number 5, and that was without accounting for actual combat techniquesit went without saying how good of a fighter he was. With a great number of powerful players gathering under his banner, Sky Dominion was rising through the ranks rapidly.

Dakki was the guild master of Allurers whose class was unknown, yet no one dared to look down on this woman. She recruited many great players and single-handedly developed the guild into what it was today; she was not someone you would want to sniff at.

And right now, two great guild masters in the game were staring at the group of people who appeared out of nowhere.

Someones over there! Boss, Ill ask them the way! Danting hopped over immediately like a kid.

Hmph, brat! Zephyrwolf bickered, though that was all he could do. If he had to fight Danting, it would easily end in his defeat.

Although Drako Yau didnt know who the two people were, he still furrowed his brows at the atmosphere they gave off; perhaps they might take advantage of Dantings naive personality.

Poet, go with Dan and look after him.

Yes boss, Idyllic Poet sent a flirty wink at him, then followed Danting as she walked while twerking. It was a somewhat painful sight to look at.

This woman is a witch

Hiya! Are you guys here for the event too? May I ask if you know a place where there are more monsters? Danting made a salute and gazed at Sky Chun and Dakki like an innocent child.

Both of them stole a glance at each other and thought, Where did this crude guy come from?

Suspicions aside, they had no intention of looking down on Danting because no ordinary player could venture so deep into the Highlands of John.

Sky Chun simply said, Kid, were all here for the mission, all here for the same monsters. Were competitors.

Aw, Master Chun, how could you say this to such a cute child? Dakki said with a heartbroken look.

Sky Chun twitched the corners of his mouth without voicing out his thoughts: This bitch

Dakki then took a few steps forward and said with a gentle smile, Perhaps it is fate that we meet here today. Were familiar with this place, just go that way and take a turn to the left and youll find an area with loads of monsters. Its enough for a five-man-group like yours, but a bit too few for the ten of us.

Danting was visibly grateful as he grapsed Dakkis hand and said, Thank you! Auntie youre so nice!

Dakki froze on the spot.




Eh, Dan, dont just run off like that! Idyllic Poet finally caught up with Dan, just in time to hear him call Dakki an auntie. Holding in her laughter was truly a challenge. Did you ask for directions?

Yeah, aunties so nice that she told me theres lots of monsters at the left.

Hearing the word auntie again, Dakki almost wanted to devour Danting right on the spot.

Im just 28! How am I an auntie already!

Oh? Idyllic Poet swept her gaze across Sky Dominion and Allurers members before covering her mouth with her hand and chuckled. Thanks. Actually, I dabble a bit in fortune-telling, and its telling me that well face a crisis if we turn left. Were weak, so well go right instead. She waved her hand at Danting and siad, Dan, lets go.

Okay! Dan trotted behind Idyllic Poet.

Sky Chun and Dakki both had complicated looks. Hold on!

Hm? Idyllic Poet turned around and sized the two of them up. Whats the matter?

Sky Chun had a headache just from looking at the mage; just one sly woman was difficult enough to deal with, let alone two.

Who are you people? I havent heard about your group before, Sky Chun asked.

Dakki voiced out the answer right away. Terrafirms Pyrowitch, Idyllic Poet, right? But It's said that she left Age of Scholars and is now a free player?

Sky Chun frowned. Pyrowitch? Ive never heard the name.

Idyllic Poet bowed slightly in return. It is my honour to be recognised by Allurers guild master Dakki. However, I must say Im no longer a free player. Im just a salarywoman, that over there is my boss. She pointed her finger at Drako Yaus group behind her, all while maintaining that friendly smile.


Just because Sky Chun didnt know her didnt mean Dakki didnt either.

Idyllic Poet the Pyrowitch was rumoured to be stronger than she appeared to be, but she lay low the entire time because she didnt like gathering attention.

Such a master mage is working under someone?

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