Game of Thrones: I Am The Heir For A Day

Chapter 76: The Shadow That Couldn’t Be Killed

Chapter 76: The Shadow That Couldn’t Be Killed

Rhaegar's youthful voice carried an air of authority from everyone who heard it.

A few brave natives got up from the ground and looked up at the huge dragon with a mix of fear and awe.

They bent down to collect the charred remains left by the dragonfire.

In a rare moment of satisfaction, Rhaegar showed mercy.

He gestured to several other wildling leaders and asked, "Identify yourselves and explain the reason for your gathering."

He didn't really care about their tribal names, but the curses they were talking about gave him pause.

He'd seen what the Shadow Creature did to the Hawk tribe, so he figured these tribes had banded together because they were facing a common threat.

He wanted to know more about the curse.

"My name is Gram, this is Moriyama, and this is Trangal..." The pointy-headed savage leader was visibly shaken, giving an honest account like a submissive lamb.

In total, five tribes of wildlings had gathered in the valley.

Except for the leader of the Soldier Pine tribe, who met his end by dragonfire, and the other wildling leader who was dragged away, the remaining three were present.

Rhaegar motioned for Cannibal to descend, his massive form kicking up a cloud of dust that momentarily blinded the wildlings.

Seizing the chance, Rhaegar turned to one of the wildling leaders.

"What exactly is this curse you're talking about?" he asked.

The bearded savage named Trangal spoke up, trembling with fear. "The curse comes from the shadows—a silent threat that takes men's lives without mercy."

"It can't be captured or killed. Our only option is to offer living sacrifices in an attempt to appease it."

Indeed, the presence of a Shadow Creature seemed all too real.

Rhaegar nodded in understanding and asked, "How widespread is this curse? Does it affect every tribe?"

"There's only one curse that prowls the darkness of the swamps and pine forests in search of prey," Trangal replied.

"Have you seen firsthand the victims slain by this shadow?" Rhaegar inquired, his brow furrowed with concern.

"Yes, lots of people have seen the cursed shadows rise and claim the lives of the living," Trangal confirmed.

"It seems to be a strange and dangerous creature," Rhaegar said quietly, realizing the seriousness of the situation.

A malevolent that can move through shadows would be a serious threat anywhere. And now it was haunting Crackclaw Point. Who knows if it'll spread to the mainland?

Rhaegar, accompanied by his dragon,  felt he had to get involved.

He waited for a while until they returned with the prisoners from the Hawk tribe. The Soldiers Pine tribe members were also brought forward and forced to kneel on the other side.

After a moment of thought, Rhaegar spoke up, his voice cold. "Bring these traitors forward and lure out the Shadow Creature. Let's assess the threat it poses."

The pitiless savages immediately obeyed and led the traitors forward, including the corpse of Xander, who had met his end.

Riding on the dragon's back, Rhaegar watched as the savages tied the traitors to a tree and extinguished the surrounding campfires, plunging the area into darkness.

At this point, they had to wait.

The wildling leaders said that the Shadow Creature came almost every night, killing tribe members and scaring the community.

After much discussion, they decided to unite, forming a coalition of five small tribes into one larger tribe. They raided neighboring tribes for resources and prisoners.

They used these prisoners as sacrifices to feed the cursed shadows that plagued their tribes.

Time passed slowly, the stillness of the night broken only by occasional murmurs and shifting shadows.

By two in the morning, a collective unease had taken hold in the air as the wildlings knelt nervously, unsure of what was going to happen to them.

Rhaegar was lying on Cannibal's broad back, his senses dulled by weariness and anticipation.

Then, suddenly, a piercing scream shattered the silence, jolting everyone to attention.

Rhaegar suddenly sat up, his eyes snapping to the source of the disturbance.

It wasn't coming from where the prisoners were being held, but from near the Soldier Pine tribe.

The terrified scream of a female wildling cut through the night, causing the crowd to part and revealing the scene of the curse's attack.

Rhaegar jumped to his feet and looked around.

There he saw a male wildling sprawled on the ground, caught in writhing black tendrils that emerged from the shadows below. Beside him lay another unfortunate soul, lifeless and bleeding from every orifice.

"Clear the way!" Rhaegar barked, scattering the surrounding savages and urging the Cannibal forward. "Dracarys!"

The dragon, taken aback by the shadows, paused for a moment. But at its master's command, it unleashed dragonfire at the encroaching shadows.


The green fire lit up the night, burning a path through the shadows and leaving a scorched crater in its wake.

But to Rhaegar's surprise, the Shadow Creature was unharmed.

"It's not burned?" Rhaegar asked himself aloud.

Before he could make sense of the situation, another scream cut through the air. This time, it was from the wildlings of the Hawk Tribe.

Rhaegar quickly turned his attention to see the tentacles of darkness seize several female wildlings and their children.

The tendrils were incredibly efficient, plunging into their bodies and snuffing out their lives.

Rhaegar was astonished as the shadows on the ground expanded with each life taken, and the tentacles grew longer and more menacing.

"Dracarys!" Rhaegar gave the order, and Cannibal let loose another blast of fire.

This time, the Shadow Creature didn't stand a chance. It retreated instantly into the darkness as the dragonfire engulfed it.

The creature writhed and convulsed in agony, unable to withstand the flames.

It tried to get closer to Rhaegar, but Cannibal's dragonfire repelled it.

At last, it let out a piercing hiss and retreated into the nearby shadows.

"What kind of creature is that?" Rhaegar was amazed by the creature's resistance to the dragonfire.

The dragonfire was a force to be reckoned with, capable of melting even stone, yet this monstrous creature had withstood it, evading capture in the darkness.

Rhaegar was intrigued by the Shadow Creature's mysterious nature. It was unlike anything he had encountered before.

Meanwhile, the sight of the dragon battling the Shadow Creature filled the onlookers with a mixture of awe and terror.

Rhaegar was getting tired of their constant pleas for divine intervention. He signaled Cannibal to silence them with a resounding roar.

"I'm not a god," he said firmly, cutting through the noise. "I'm a Targaryen. So silence!"

Amid the crowd, Skylar grabbed Tormund's arm, her eyes gleaming with admiration and wonder as she looked up at Rhaegar.

She spoke with great enthusiasm, saying, "You command the dragon, you are a Dragonlord!"

Her declaration inspired the other savages to join in, chanting the title "Dragonlord" in unison.

Rhaegar looked at Skylar with a raised eyebrow, acknowledging her proclamation.

Even though he wasn't the legendary Dragonlord himself, the title the savages gave him had a certain power and respect.

Rhaegar looked down at the tribesmen, who were submissive and fearful. He began to form a plan.

He was determined to get revenge on Falcon's tribe, but he realized that one wildling leader wouldn't be enough.

As he considered his options, he decided against a slaughter and instead opted for another approach.

The Shadow Creature was a serious threat, and if he wanted to get rid of it, he'd need the help of these very wildlings.

With a firm voice, Rhaegar addressed the crowd. "The curse that plagues Crackclaw Point is putting your very existence at risk. It's forcing you into migration and turmoil."

"I'm Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, the King's eldest son, and I ride the strongest wild dragon that can burn everything with dragon fire!"

"Submit to me and I will protect you from the curse and together we can kill that shadow!"

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