Game of Thrones: I Am The Heir For A Day

Chapter 483: Sea Snake: I Want a New Heir

Chapter 483: Sea Snake: I Want a New Heir

Everyone was shocked and speechless. Since the founding of the realm, there had only been deceased kings, not rulers who voluntarily abdicated.

Viserys' heartfelt speech was like a hammer striking the hearts of those present.

"No!" Daemon stood abruptly, his face darkening. "I don't agree. You are my brother and I recognize you only as king."

If Viserys were to die of illness, he would not oppose anyone succeeding him. But as long as his brother lived, he should never step down from the throne and abandon him.

Viserys was silent for a moment before speaking with the severity of an older brother. “Daemon, you are my younger brother, and you should support my decisions even more.”

Daemon’s eyes were as sharp as a hawk’s, staring straight at his brother. The two brothers locked eyes, and a silent battle of wills ensued.

Rhaegar, caught between the two, was in a state of confusion, unable to speak. He was stunned.

When he had gone to wake his father, they had discussed nothing more than punishing the Sea Snake and making a five-year development plan for King’s Landing, the Stepstones, and the Free Cities. Abdicating the throne to a wise man? It was completely out of the question.

Rhaegar was taken aback, his mind swirling with a storm of thoughts. "Father, are yoy abdicating?" The importance of this matter was far greater than the beginning and end of a war.

“Rhaegar, Rhaegar,” a soft whisper came from the side.

Rhaegar snapped out of his internal conflict and looked down. Rhaenyra looked nervous, quietly tugging at his sleeve, hurriedly reminding him, “You have to say something.”

Rhaegar was taken aback. Rhaenyra's eyes widened and she whispered in a tone of frustration, "Don't let your father down."

His father’s health was deteriorating, and he was no longer able to rule. Alicent, Corlys, Daemon, and other threatening figures were disorganized and unable to form an effective resistance. Taking advantage of the great achievements of the war, Rhaegar could succeed to the throne, inheriting the prosperous kingdom left by his great-grandfather and father.

Rhaegar’s eyes narrowed as he stared at Rhaenyra, as he had when they were children. His gaze then moved down to Baelon, who was fast asleep. The little one was sleeping soundly, looking very cute, like a little animal clinging to him.

Rhaegar took a deep breath, and images of his father, Rhaenyra, and the two children played back in his mind. He suddenly felt at ease. A thought flashed through his mind.

'The time has come!'

Viserys looked away from Daemon and asked, “Rhaegar, tell your father what you are thinking at this moment.”

Daemon's eyes darkened, and his grip tightened around his wine cup, his knuckles turning white. The sudden news was hard to accept. When he was young, his brother refused to even consider him as the heir. Now, in his middle years, he wanted to pass the throne to his nephew. Jealousy had made him unrecognizable.

Corlys, Rhaenys, and the others were all stunned into silence. The king abdicating and naming his heir was unprecedented in over a hundred years since the Targaryen dynasty was founded. This was no small matter.

Alicent lowered her head, her eyes tightly closed, silently praying to the Seven. Her slightly trembling body betrayed her fear.

“Father, I agree!” Facing his father's direct question, Rhaegar found his voice. He spoke with force and conviction. “If you are tired of sitting on that Iron Throne, I will take your place. I promise that the Targaryen dynasty will usher in a new era of dragons!”

His words were spoken with a steely gaze, like a sharp sword.

“Good!” Viserys exclaimed, his frail body trembling with excitement. “My boy, the Iron Throne is yours.”

To occupy new territory, restore peace to the kingdom, and see his eldest son ascend the throne—these were the accomplishments that would make Viserys’s life worthy of his youth.


The wine glass smashed heavily on the table, sending the dinner plates jumping. Daemon's face darkened, and without regard for etiquette, he turned and stormed out of the room. It wasn't anger or jealousy driving him—it was the feeling of being perpetually excluded from his brother's plans, never considered a true part of the family.

“Daemon, stop!”

He had only taken a few steps when Viserys's weak voice called out from behind.

Daemon halted, looked back at his anxious brother, and said, “You have the world's best heir. What else do you want from me?”

“You bastard, do you want to make me die of anger!?” Viserys shouted, his face flushing with an unnatural redness. “You only have me as an ally at court, and everything I have given you, you’ve squandered.”

Daemon rolled his eyes and snorted.

Viserys continued, exasperated, “I'm abdicating, but do you still want to be spoiled and act like a child forever?”

Daemon's expression changed slightly, and his inner defenses began to waver.

Viserys sighed deeply. “Rhaegar is my eldest son. His abilities are obvious to all. You are his uncle and his most capable assistant.” He looked Daemon in the eyes, advising earnestly, “Brother, don’t make me teach you how to treat a king again.”

With Viserys stepping back from power, Daemon would be completely alone. No one would protect a wayward, reckless man anymore.

The words hit home, and Daemon, unusually quiet, stubbornly turned his head to the side. His heart pounded, and his fingers, skilled at drawing a bow and wielding a sword, twitched slightly.

The last time he had a heated argument with Viserys was the night after his nephew was born. He had mocked his nephew as the “One Day Heir” at a brothel in Flea Bottom. Otto's spies had discovered the incident and reported it to a grief-stricken Viserys. Daemon was scolded severely and nearly had his tongue cut out.

This time, it was also because of his nephew that they were at odds. Daemon's mind raced with retorts, but none could be spoken. The last time, he had called Viserys a weakling, a man drained by the leeches of the Small Council. He was then banished from King's Landing for the first time.

This time, Daemon chose to remain silent. He wasn't afraid of Viserys; he knew his brother wouldn't be so cruel as to strike him. But he couldn’t refute the truth: Viserys’s decision was not wrong, and his nephew was indeed capable.

He just...

Daemon lowered his eyes and glanced sideways at the younger Rhaegar, a flicker of jealousy in his indifferent gaze. Viserys could never trust him the way he trusted his nephew. He felt out of place at this dinner, in the Red Keep, like an outsider forced to fit in.

Daemon locked eyes with Rhaegar, who returned his gaze steadily. Rhaegar’s long hair fell over his shoulders, and his eyes seemed to look into Daemon’s very soul. He remained silent, neither advising Daemon nor comforting his father. This was a quarrel between the older generation, and it was not his place to intervene. Every word he said could affect the brothers' relationship.

Like everyone else there, he chose to remain silent.

“Daemon!” Viserys commanded, his voice almost an order. “Sit back in your seat and don't make me say it again.”

Laena quickly looked at her husband, her eyes filled with concern. She didn't want him to anger the king and be banished from the royal family again. Daemon, however, paid no attention to his wife's plea. What he was about to do could not be influenced by others.

Viserys shouted angrily, "Do not influence him! Let him decide for himself whether to stay or go!"

Before he abdicated, he needed to see Daemon's resolve.

Tapping, tapping...

The sound of footsteps echoed, followed by a thud on the ground. Daemon's face contorted, he turned and took three steps back to his chair. He sat down heavily, the chair legs making a loud squeaking sound as they rubbed against the marble floor. It was as if the scolded child was deliberately trying to make his presence known.

"Hmph!" Viserys snorted, his stern expression relaxing slightly as the anger in his mind finally cooled. At least the bastard has a conscience.

Daemon took a sip of his drink, his face sour. He would rather have his conscience licked clean by a stray dog on the street.

Viserys didn't care and turned to his eldest son. "Rhaegar, don't worry about Daemon being my brother. Use him as much as you want."

Rhaegar was speechless. Looking around at the two middle-aged men, he was at a loss for words. Had Aegon or Aemond dared to treat him with such disrespect, they would have been on the ground by now, teeth smashed, begging for mercy. Of course, his father was not a skilled fighter. He was simply asking, in a different way, that his good uncle not be harmed at will.


Daemon caught the deeper meaning behind Viserys's words and sneered in disdain.

Rhaegar's forehead creased, but he said nothing more than, “Yes, Father.”

I will not hesitate.

“Good boy,” Viserys said, satisfied. His face took on a healthier color as he changed the subject, turning his attention to Corlys, who watched the proceedings with amusement.

“While I am still in power, you can make any request you want,” Viserys said sincerely.

He knew he was not a particularly good king, and the honor and shame of the realm depended largely on the political legacy of his grandfather, King Jaehaerys. He had benefited from the dividends of his predecessors and wanted to leave his eldest son with more invisible wealth.

The Small Council was capable and could share the king's burden, but they couldn't be everywhere. The kingdom had newly acquired territories: the Stepstones, the Disputed Lands, and the Dorne region. Daemon and the Sea Snake were important to ruling the Narrow Sea territories.

Rhaegar was ruthless, which made it difficult for him to tolerate Daemon and Corlys. Viserys had to put aside his prejudices and win them over personally.

Corlys, suppressing his emotions, showed his true skills. "Your Grace, your honesty touches my heart. Forgive me for speaking so openly."

Viserys waved his hand and smiled. "My court has always encouraged its advisors to speak their minds."

Corlys nodded in agreement. "I have lost an heir, and Driftmark has no lord to succeed me. I demand that the royal family compensate me with a new heir."

Rhaegar and Viserys exchanged glances, both surprised.

How can this be compensated?

Rhaenys, slow to realize, fixed her eyes on the Sea Snake.

Where could the royal family find a new heir?

Unless Corlys had other candidates in mind.

As the thought crossed her mind, even a confident woman like Rhaenys began to suspect him.

The children didn’t understand, but the Lords looked at Rhaenys in a way that made her feel uneasy. Especially Daemon.

His face suddenly brightened, and after staring at the Sea Snake in surprise, his eyes gradually became playful.

They have something up their sleeve!

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