Game of Thrones: I Am The Heir For A Day

Chapter 467: Baelon and Aemon

Chapter 467: Baelon and Aemon

The King’s Chambers

"This one in my arms is the elder brother," Rhaenyra said with a proud smile.

"Oh, then this little one here must be the younger brother," Viserys teased, cradling the baby.

Rhaenyra beamed. "He's amazing. He hatched the dragon egg on his first day of life."

"Then he is a natural-born dragon knight," Viserys marveled, looking at his grandson with even greater affection. A descendant with such pure blood was a true blessing. "They're both wonderful and will both be the best dragon knights in the future."

Rhaegar, feeling the warmth of the moment, added, "The two children haven't been named yet."

Viserys's eyes lit up, and a newfound strength seemed to infuse his frail body. Rhaegar smiled, "Rhaenyra and I agree that as their grandfather, you should have the honor of naming them."

Viserys, excited and touched, nodded eagerly. Rhaenyra encouraged him further, "Father, the naming rights of the children are officially in your hands."

"Good! Good!" Viserys said, repeating himself in his joy. In the loving presence of his family, his happiness was palpable, and his pain seemed to fade.

Rhaegar watched his father with a hopeful smile, wishing that the newborns would bring Viserys renewed vigor and a prolonged life. He wanted his father to be there for many more years, sharing in their joys and challenges.

"You are really, really good children," Viserys said, understanding his children's intentions. His eyes welled up with tears as he gazed at his family.

After a moment of thoughtful consideration, Viserys made up his mind. With the expectant eyes of Rhaenyra, Rhaegar, and Laena upon him, he spoke firmly, "Baelon! This child will be named Baelon Targaryen, after your grandfather."

Rhaenyra looked thoughtfully at her father, then nodded in approval. Rhaegar added, "Good, this child will be called Baelon. May he be as brave as his grandfather."

The name Baelon had a special significance, honoring Rhaegar's late grandfather, a name chosen long ago by Viserys.

"I'm glad you like it," Viserys said, looking down at his grandson, who was babbling and blowing bubbles. "Baelon's best friend was Aemon Targaryen. They were the pride of their generation."

Rhaegar listened quietly, knowing what his youngest son's name would be. As expected, his father continued, "This child will be named Aemon. I hope they can be as close as those two brothers were and become the pride of an era."

Aemon and Baelon, heirs to the Iron Throne and brave warriors. Their namesakes had tamed dragons and brought glory to the realm.

Rhaegar and Rhaenyra exchanged a look of mutual understanding, both satisfied with the meaningful names.

Rhaenyra pinched Baelon's cheek, ignoring that he was still nursing, and laughed, "Did you hear that? Your grandfather named you Baelon."

"That's a good name, for sure!" Viserys said proudly.

The room filled with laughter. Laena, who had been watching the entire time, joined in, sitting by the bed and looking at baby Aemon. "He will be a fine Targaryen, inheriting his grandfather's name," she said softly.

Viserys wiped the smile from his face and looked at Laena with soft eyes. "My cousin couldn’t continue Aemon's glory, so I named this little one in the hope that it would be a consolation to your mother."

"I think my mother would have loved this little one very much," Laena smiled softly.

Viserys nodded seriously. "When the war in Dorne is over and Rhaenys returns to King's Landing, she must hold this child in her arms."

Laena, slightly distracted, said, "Thank you, Your Grace."

"We are family!" Viserys said warmly, setting aside his kingly airs.

At the 101st Great Council, Viserys had competed with Rhaenys for the Iron Throne. Although he emerged victorious, he lived in constant fear of the Sea Snake's rebellion for the next ten years, enduring sleepless nights.

Over time, his relationship with Rhaenys deteriorated, filled with resentment and mistrust. Even Rhaegar's victory over Driftmark and the proclamation of the Dragon's Law with Corlys, which restricted House Velaryon from taming dragons, couldn’t heal the rift between them.

Now, with six wonderful children and twin grandchildren, Viserys felt a profound sense of security. His once troubled heart was at peace. In contrast, Rhaenys had lost her eldest son Laenor, and House Velaryon was forced to submit to the Iron Throne.

Viserys's resentment had dissipated. He only wished to care for his lonely cousin and strengthen the bond between their families. Laena’s eyes flashed with warmth, feeling the genuine kindness of the king.

The room fell into a rare moment of peaceful silence. After a quarter of an hour, the two children had fallen asleep, their eyes closing peacefully. Viserys, though loving the children dearly, felt his shoulders aching and reluctantly handed Aemon back to Rhaegar.

Rhaegar took his son and then addressed another pressing issue. "Father, what do you want to do about Alicent?"

Viserys, stunned by the question, fell silent. After a long pause, he said, "You and Rhaenyra don't need to worry about it. I will handle it myself, and it won't affect you."

Rhaegar understood the unspoken meaning. This "you" referred not just to him and Rhaenyra but also included Aegon, Helaena, and their other siblings. His father had a plan.

Viserys suddenly laughed and patted Rhaegar's shoulder. "Don't think too much about it. Alicent went too far this time."

Rhaegar remained silent, a complex expression on his face. The baby in his arms moved, and little Aemon hummed in his sleep. Rhaegar stroked his son's rosy cheeks, then glanced at his father's left hand, noting the missing ring and little fingers, pale and wrinkled.

A realization struck him. "I'm a father too?" The thought stunned him, deepening his understanding of the word. His father would do anything for him, including dealing with Alicent.

The father and son fell silent together. Rhaenyra gently rocked the cradle, noticing the somber atmosphere and feeling a mix of curiosity and unease. She realized that her father's mention of "dealing with it" wasn't about covering up for Alicent.

Rhaenyra’s chest tightened with a strange mix of emotions. Sensitive to the tension, Laena gave her a look and quietly left the room. Rhaenyra hesitated but then followed her out, not wanting to be involved in the plans between father and son.

Left alone, the atmosphere grew even more somber. After a long silence, Rhaegar spoke. "I'll go see Alicent later."

"There's no need," Viserys replied.

"It's better to see each other and talk things over face to face," Rhaegar insisted.

Holding his younger son, Rhaegar placed the Soul Restoring Orchid powder box on the bedside table. "I'll be going to Oldtown in a couple of days. You just rest and relax. I'll take care of everything."

He smiled reassuringly and left the bedroom with the baby. Viserys watched him leave, raising his hand as if to stop him, but it hung in the air, unable to fall. He understood his son's intentions and felt there might be room for maneuver.

Viserys was lost in thought, surrounded by the mixed scents of medicine, orchid, and baby milk brought by his family.

Outside the Bedroom

Two Kingsguard stood guard at the door, watching as the heir prince and Princess disappeared down the corridor. Suddenly, a restrained sob came from the bedroom behind the door. Startled, the Kingsguard lowered their heads, trying to make themselves less noticeable.


Behind Maegor's Holdfast, the Hall of the Seven.

Rhaegar and Rhaenyra left their father's bedroom and headed directly to the place where the queen was being held. Laena had already left to inform the Hand of the King to prepare for a Small Council meeting.

The hall was adorned with statues of the seven gods, placed against the four walls and encircling the open space. In the center stood a round altar, prominently displaying the skull of Balerion the Black Dread.

Rhaegar approached the altar, placing his palm near the candles, feeling the warmth of the flames. As a child, Balerion's skull was the first relic he had ever seen, and it was here that he had explored the skull and acquired the relic of "Blood and Fire" while holding a candle.

"Balerion, you are truly the greatest hero of the Targaryen family."

Rhaenyra joining him with the baby in her arms. Her white fingertips touched Rhaegar's hand as they both flicked the wick of a candle.

Rhaegar smiled, taking her hand. "Come with me to meet our stepmother," he said.

He had refused his father's sacrifice—not for Alicent's sake, nor because he was weak, but because he didn't want his father to suffer the loss of another wife in his old age.

He also felt a deep affection for his younger siblings and didn't want to deprive them of their mother, even if she was not his own. Growing up without a mother, he had envied Aegon for having one, and Rhaenyra had filled that emotional void for him. If Alicent died, he wouldn't be able to provide the same emotional support to his siblings.

Rhaenyra caught the teasing tone in his voice and gave him a look, but she obediently took his hand and followed him upstairs. Rhaegar held Aemon in his arms, glancing at Rhaenyra and Baelon beside him. His mood was as bright as spring.

Over the years, Alicent had not been entirely bad. He had no interest in her, leaving it to his father to deal with her. Instead, Rhaegar wanted to address the root of all the trouble. "House Hightower, you've been living too comfortably in Oldtown," he thought.

The Church, the Attic

They climbed the ladder to the small, dark, forgotten room in the attic, covered in cobwebs and dust. At the end of the corridor, a broken wooden door let out a muffled cry.

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