Game of Thrones: I Am The Heir For A Day

Chapter 42: The Mysterious Visitor

Chapter 42: The Mysterious Visitor

Intrigued, Rhaegar gingerly propped himself up, careful not to aggravate his wounds, and slowly made his way to the window.

Looking down, he discovered that the source of the strange birdsong was not a cuckoo at all, but rather a small swordsman with curly brown locks.

Syrio stood in the garden below, cupping his hands over his mouth as he continued to mimic the cuckoo's call.

Furrowing his brow, Rhaegar leaned out the window and called down, "What's all the racket at this hour?"

As soon as Syrio spotted Rhaegar, he bowed respectfully and quickly left the room, offering no explanation.

"Strange..." Rhaegar muttered, shaking his head in confusion as he closed the window.

His mind raced with questions. Was his nightmare a vision? And if so, what did it foretell?

But another thought soon interrupted his thoughts. "Why is Syrio here in the Red Keep?"

A sudden realization dawned on Rhaegar, and he called to his squire, Erryk, who was standing just outside the door.

"Erryk, I need to talk to you."

The door creaked open as Erryk stepped inside, his expression alert. "What is it, My Lord?"

Rhaegar wasted no time in recounting his encounter with Syrio.

Erryk nodded in understanding. "Syrio won the duel at the tournament and requested an audience with the king. He pledged his service to you."

"To me?" Rhaegar echoed, surprised at the revelation.

Erryk elaborated, explaining that Syrio had sought to become Rhaegar's sword-master and had remained in the Red Keep to do so.

The pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place, but Rhaegar couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that lingered in the back of his mind.

Rhaegar pondered the reason for Syrio's late night visit. "If he got what he wanted, why did he disturb me in the middle of the night? Could he have something pressing to discuss?"

"It is possible, Your Grace," Erryk replied cautiously. "But given the lateness of the hour, it may not be safe to meet him alone."

Erryk's words echoed the caution in Rhaegar's mind. The king had ordered that he not be left alone with Syrio, and for good reason.

Still, an unsettling feeling gnawed at Rhaegar's heart. His nightmares had made him feel strangely connected to Syrio, and he couldn't shake the urge to meet him.

After a moment's hesitation, Rhaegar made up his mind. "Ser Erryk, accompany me to the garden. I need to know what Syrio wants."

Erryk nodded solemnly, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. "Of course, Your Grace. Allow me to assist you."

With Erryk's help, Rhaegar made his way down to the garden, his injuries slowing his pace but not dampening his determination.

Under the dim light of the moon, they found Syrio waiting patiently beneath the Fishbeam Tree.

Upon meeting him, Rhaegar's curiosity grew. "Syrio, what brings you here at this late hour?"

Syrio offered a warm smile. "I apologize for the unexpected visit, but something caught my attention and I felt compelled to share it with you."

Intrigued, Rhaegar leaned forward. "Please, tell me what you have observed."

With a thoughtful expression, Syrio recounted, "After the banquet ended, I was strolling through the garden when I noticed two figures slipping away discreetly."

"Who were they? Did you recognize them?" Rhaegar's interest was piqued.

"One was dressed in humble garb, wearing a worn hat. But it was unmistakably your sister, Princess Rhaenyra," Syrio explained, his tone tinged with certainty.

As Syrio described the encounter, Rhaegar's skepticism grew. "And the other figure?"

Syrio hesitated for a moment before answering, "The second figure had a distinct presence, though its identity eluded me. However, if I remember correctly, it resembled Prince Daemon, who left the banquet early."

Though Syrio's words were cryptic, the implication was clear.

Rhaenyra and Daemon had left the Red Keep in secret.

Rhaegar's brow furrowed deeper as he absorbed Syrio's revelation.

Indeed, Rhaenyra and Daemon shared a close bond that was well known throughout the Red Keep.

Since their youth, Rhaenyra had looked up to her uncle with reverence, and Daemon, in turn, had showered her with affection and gifts during their interactions.

Given their relationship, sneaking out together might not have seemed out of character.

However, Syrio's behavior suggested something more troubling.

With a heavy heart, Rhaegar asked, "Is there more to this?"

Syrio's hesitation confirmed Rhaegar's suspicions.

Summoning his resolve, Rhaegar pressed for clarity. "Speak plainly, what else have you learned?"

Syrio confessed, his voice tinged with discomfort, "I overheard Prince Daemon's servant booking a suite at a brothel on Silk Street for tonight."

The revelation hit Rhaegar like a thunderbolt, freezing him in place as he processed the implications.

"Brothel... suite... Demon... and Rhaenyra?"

The possibility, scandalous even for the Targaryens, began to materialize in Rhaegar's mind.

Yet the idea of Daemon's involvement in such matters did not seem inconceivable.

Daemon, known for his cunning and ambition, was not one to adhere to conventional morality.

Erryk interjected, breaking the weighty silence, "Your Highness, this matter demands immediate attention. I suggest we inform His Majesty immediately."

The gravity of the situation dawned on Rhaegar as he realized the potential implications of Daemon's actions.

If he had indeed lured Princess Rhaenyra to a brothel, it would be a serious offense, tantamount to treason against the crown.

"Wait, let's not alert my father just yet," Rhaegar interjected quickly, his tone urgent.

He knew all too well the consequences of his father's rage-a storm that could wreak havoc on their family's stability and reputation.

With a heavy heart, he acknowledged the potential ramifications of this revelation: Rhaenyra's honor could be irreparably tarnished, casting a shadow over her entire line.

His mind raced as he turned to Syrio, seeking clarity. "How long have they been gone?"

Syrio's answer was measured, tinged with contemplation. "About half an hour."

Rhaegar studied him intently, a hint of doubt lingering. "Are you absolutely sure it was my sister? A misidentification could be disastrous."

Syrio's oath was solemn, his conviction unshakeable. "I swear by the old and new gods that my eyes do not deceive me."

Satisfied but wary, Rhaegar gave a firm order. "Let us keep this matter under wraps for now, understood?"

His tone carried a veiled warning, leaving no room for misinterpretation.

Syrio nodded respectfully before leaving, his mission accomplished.

Alone in the garden, Rhaegar's thoughts raced with apprehension and uncertainty.

Syrio's sudden appearance had stirred a whirlwind of suspicion, but there was no time to dwell on it.

With a sense of urgency, Rhaegar set out to find Rhaenyra.

"Ser, let's leave at once and find my sister," Rhaegar urged, his concern for Rhaenyra palpable.

The urgency of the situation forced him to act quickly, lest harm come to his beloved sister.

But Erryk hesitated, his brow furrowed in apprehension. "It is a daunting task, searching for her alone might prove futile."

But Rhaegar was determined, his resolve unyielding. "It doesn't matter. Daemon undoubtedly frequents the largest brothel on Silk Street - that is where we must go."

With steely determination, he declared, "Daemon's intentions toward my sister are clear. We must intervene before she is harmed."

Erryk nodded in agreement, recognizing the gravity of the situation. "Yes, Prince. It seems we must solve this mystery before it spirals out of control."

As they prepared to leave, Rhaegar's mind raced with suspicion.

Syrio's sudden revelation raised doubts - were his intentions truly benevolent, or did he harbor ulterior motives?

Pausing midstride, Rhaegar halted their progress. "Wait, Ser!"

He needed time to dissect the tangled web of deceit that surrounded them.

The pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place as Rhaegar considered the implications.

Daemon's lust for power was no secret, and seducing Rhaenyra might be a means to an end.

But Syrio's involvement raised questions--was he truly an ally, or a pawn in a larger game?

In the midst of this intrigue, Rhaegar considered his role.

Should he play the naive child, reporting to his father and risking the king's wrath, leading to Daemon's arrest? Or should he take matters into his own hands and venture beyond the Red Keep to uncover the truth for his sister's sake?

Or could he feign ignorance and allow events to unfold and escalate unchecked?

As Rhaegar pondered, a grim realization dawned on him: regardless of his actions, if even a single soul caught wind of the scandal, it would inevitably spiral out of control and tarnish Rhaenyra's reputation beyond repair.

"Make it known to all! Someone is trying to exploit this situation for their own gain," he declared with newfound clarity.

In that moment, Rhaegar saw through the facade and recognized the machinations at play.

Finding Rhaenyra was imperative, but discretion was key.

They would tread carefully, lest they fall victim to the schemes unfolding around them.

"There must be a way to divert everyone's attention!"

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