Game of Thrones: I Am The Heir For A Day

Chapter 103: Is it Rhaegar?

Chapter 103: Is it Rhaegar?


The door slammed shut with a loud thud.

Viserys sank into his chair, closed his eyes against the throbbing headache, and let out a weary sigh.


The door opened again, and Harrold's voice echoed in the room. "Your Grace, the prince has been adored by the princess since childhood. Your proposal is too sudden and harsh for him."

"He must face it eventually," Viserys responded, lowering his head. "Rhaenyra is gentle and lacks a clear vision. If she inherits the Iron Throne, it won't benefit her or the kingdom."

"But you still chose the princess," Harrold said, sounding a bit helpless.

"Yes, she and I are similar—a weak father and daughter," Viserys admitted, a self-deprecating smile on his lips.

He just wanted to rule by winning hearts and minds, but it was just an excuse for his own mediocrity and incompetence.

In his heart, he envied his brother Daemon and his eldest son Rhaegar, both of whom embodied a fearless spirit and the audacity to wield a sword.

But Viserys was naturally weak. His life had been smooth and the throne had basically been handed to him on a plate, so to speak, allowing him to reach the pinnacle without much effort. Everything had gone too well.

His grandfather Jaehaerys had not lived long enough to instill in him the courage to lead decisively.

Now, Viserys was hoping for a strong leader to take the throne after him, to bring back the glory of House Targaryen. He thought his eldest son, Rhaegar, could be that man.

After a moment of silence, Viserys beckoned Harrold and said with a weary breath, "Summon Rhaenyra. Tell her I need to speak with her."

Harrold glanced at the sorrowful king and nodded, "Yes, Your Grace."


Rhaegar was in a hurry as he ran through the corridor, his panic getting the better of him until he found himself outside the castle.

By the time he realized where he was, he had reached the cliffs.


The Cannibal let out a low growl as it sensed its master's presence. Its massive form loomed above him. The dragon could tell that Rhaegar was scared, which was out of character for the usually bold prince.

Rhaegar looked up at the enormous black dragon, towering like a mountain, and gasped, "I need some air, partner."

The Cannibal stood up, wrapped its tail around Rhaegar's waist, and hoisted him onto its back.


With a mighty flap of its wings, the dragon took off, soaring into the sky and cutting through the clouds.

Flying in circles was a simple task, but for Rhaegar, the sky and sea offered a much-needed escape, washing away his confusion and fear.


Inside the Castle

Rhaenyra washed up and walked down the hall for breakfast. Alongside her was a haggard-looking Alicent.

Rhaenyra ate small bites of bread, her demeanor light and carefree. Alicent, on the other hand, didn't seem to have much appetite. She glanced at Rhaenyra from time to time. She opened her mouth several times as if to speak, but then stopped herself.

Rhaenyra couldn't help but chuckle to herself. This former sister of hers had a real flair for drama. She had no idea what Alicent had been through the night before and subconsciously assumed that Alicent had some kind of agenda.

"Princess, the King has summoned you," Harrold said softly as he approached the table near the end of breakfast.

Rhaenyra wiped the corner of her mouth with a handkerchief and asked, "Where's Rhaegar? Has he had breakfast yet?"

"Not yet. The prince had something to attend to and went out," Harrold replied, forcing a smile. He hesitated before adding, "It would be best if you saw the King first. It's very important."

"Yes, Ser," Rhaenyra responded, frowning curiously as she left the table.


Not long after, Rhaenyra entered her father's room.

Viserys had been waiting for a while and greeted her with a smile. "Please, have a seat, Rhaenyra."

"What did you want to see me about?" Rhaenyra asked as she slowly stepped forward and pulled out a chair to sit across from him.

Viserys' smile seemed a bit too good to be true, deepening her suspicions. He poured himself a glass of wine, took a large gulp, and then looked down, his expression troubled.

Rhaenyra's eyes narrowed as a thought crossed her mind. Pursing her lips, she said leisurely, "Rhaegar returned safely. You gave me a choice..."

"No! No talk of your marriage today," Viserys interrupted hastily, his voice tinged with fear.

Rhaenyra breathed a sigh of relief and laughed softly. "What else could be so difficult for you besides this?"

She had foolishly assumed her father was trying to rush her marriage, she'd already made up her mind, though.

Viserys lifted his head, meeting his daughter's gaze, and said with difficulty, "Rhaenyra, I think Rhaegar is a fine boy—brave and clever."

"Of course, Rhaegar is restless, but he always has a plan," Rhaenyra replied, smiling at the thought of her brother.

He was the only blood relative her mother had left her, the one she would rely on.

Viserys paled slightly when he heard his daughter say that Rhaegar was restless. He drained his glass.

"Rhaenyra, you are a smart, kind girl. Have you ever felt that being the heir brings you pressure, making it difficult to breathe?" Viserys kept his smile, asking tentatively.

"From time to time, yes, but you have been supportive, and Rhaegar has helped me. I am blessed to have you both," Rhaenyra replied with a smile, clasping her hands behind her back.

These words pierced Viserys' heart like a sharp blade. He struggled to breathe, his chest tightening.

"The dream has come back to me. Rhaegar is the prince of the prophecy. I need to make a decision!" Viserys repeated these words in his mind and then pushed himself up and opened his mouth.


The goblet fell heavily on the table. Viserys looked up, his face serious. "Rhaenyra, I need to be honest with you. The reason I called you here is to discuss changing the heir."

After holding back for so long, Viserys finally opened up and felt a mix of relief and anguish. At least he'd said it. It was better to be honest, even if it was painful, than to hide the truth.

Rhaenyra froze at his words, her breath seeming to stop as disbelief appeared in her eyes. What had she heard? Her father, who had always supported her, was talking about changing the heir.

She was going to be replaced!

Viserys stood up and walked quickly to Rhaenyra, speaking with difficulty, "Rhaenyra, I know this is hard to accept. You've been the heir for six years. But your position was always precarious. I had to consider a more suitable heir."

"As your father, I hope you understand. I love you, and I'm not making this decision lightly."

Viserys saw his daughter's shocked expression and tried to explain further, trying to soften the impact of his words.

After a few moments, Rhaenyra blinked and processed the news. She lifted her head and looked her father straight in the eye.

There was no complaining, no crying, no hysteria. Rhaenyra was calm. She placed a hand over her heaving chest to steady herself.

With her other hand, she grasped her father's, forcing a smile as she asked, "Father, is it Rhaegar?"

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