Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 86: A Great Complication

Chapter 86: A Great Complication

At this moment, Eli couldn't bear to witness anymore. She hurriedly retreated and amidst all the chaos right here she managed to slip through everyone unnoticed.

She was in great confusion, as she hadn't crossed her own trauma yet. The issue here was related to the fact she wasn't even trusting the man who saved her.

James was her savior, the one who risked everything to save her. This was a fact she was sure of from all the talks she heard so far from everyone. However he also killed her brothers and sisters.

She had some feelings for James, pure ones, but now she couldn't feel that way towards him. she only knew him for a very short time, not like how deep she knew the sisters and brothers she grew up with.

Despite being raised in a harsh environment, and living in cages and fears, she still had many memories about her friends. She couldn't just ignore or forget them simply like that.

She was grateful and angry at the same time as James. All she could think of right now was to run, escape far from here and try to find somewhere safe to live at.

She wanted to seclude herself from the whole world, James in particular.

So, she had only one option left, to seek help from those who were in the same shoes as her, Alex and Islinda.

She knew Alex was like her, impulsive and attached to the past, however Islinda was different.

She felt how strong minded Islinda was, like a natural born leader. If she wanted to escape here then she needed Was Linda's help for sure.

Driven by her instinct to survive, she began to head towards the prison in this cruiser. her mind began to think about ways to free them from capture. She knew the place of the prison from Rigo and James discussions from before.

They never suspected her, so she had a perfect chance to listen to many things, the location of the prison was one of them.

And the place of hyperspeed escape pods was another. They were now travelling in the light speed, so not a normal escape pod was able to depart from the cruiser safely.

She heard Rigo speaking with Dora about this thing, as they were afraid Alex and Islinda would escape from here and use one of these special pods.

So, they had posted some security around the places of the pods.

To overcome these security was something hard, like how she was supposed to free them from captivity. Eli felt when she freed them, they might be able to help her, or Islinda in specific.

The only problem she was facing right now was the fact she didn't have any combat abilities and didn't have to fight for her life until she met James.

Ironic, but this was the truth. so the first thing she began to seek was that armory. She listened to the stories everyone was narrating around her since she woke up.

It seemed that armory played a good role in making James save Dora and the others. She was saved by the weapons inside the armory and she intended to get herself a nice cannon and start blasting things.

The way to the armory was long, but she had the map inside her head. She was behind Rigo all the time so she noticed everything he was doing. At first she didn't know what that map Rigo kept looking at every once in a while was, but after what happened from Charles she realized this was the map to the armory.

And Rigo was just trying to keep track over things by monitoring the map. She was lucky, super lucky to manage and memorize the map to the armory and the map to the prison.

And for her luck the two were closer to each other than the commanding deck.

She had to run for a whole hour to get there, but once she reached the armory she could reach the prison in less than twenty minutes.

That was the beauty in her plan, or the good luck she had.

However her good luck was destined to end right here.

At the same time, James was holding the syringe in hand as he was intending to use that serum to break the barriers of Charles' mind and hear whatever he wanted to, even at the cost of Charles losing his sanity.

"Please please wait, I will answer everything you want to ask."

Charles tried to save his sanity by asking James to stop. He was pleading for his safety as he even sat on his knees and pleaded for mercy again.

"Please, I didn't mean any harm to you, please believe me."

James looked at Charles then to the syringe in hand as he said:

"Everything you did was to ensure me losing control over this cruiser, which is pretty close to harming me."

"I-I know, but this wasn't my intention at all. I just wanted to escape from the clutches of the terases by any cost. You know how brutal they were, and they won't stop at snatching that small piece of space. Nothing will stop them from taking everything in this big sector, and you can't refute that!"

Charles seemed to be desperate, however James was more certain he wasn't Charles. Charles was someone with low experience in life and wouldn't even know the name of terases race. Dora didn't recognize the horrors of this bloodthirsty race, not like what Charles here was knowing of.

That meant only one simple glowing fact in front of James, who moved the syringe closer to the neck of Charles, just near those bulging veins out of fear as he said:

"You know you can start stating your real identity."

"M-Mu real identity?!" Charles asked with widened eyes.

"Yes, you aren't the same Charles I met back at Dora's cruiser. you even not the same Charles I met at that forsaken planet before. You seem different, you are different. So, cut the crap and tell me who you really are, or else."

James then moved the syringe to cut a small wound in the outer skin layer of Charles, whose body just trembled involuntarily out of fear. Charles seemed to be hesitant so James pressured him again:

"You know I don't need to waste my time with you like this. I simply can use my little serum here and your mind would be broken open for me to know anything I delight. What do you think? Will you waste my time here?"

James was really ready to use the serum if Charles didn't stop playing around like this. Charles seemed to realize what James intended, and he knew James wasn't joking or trying to frighten him. James really was ready to use such a serum on him, which made his choices limited, very limited actually.

"Ok, but can you please keep my identity safe?" Charles said with a long sigh.

"Unfortunately I can't promise you anything. You don't have any privilege here," James coldly replied.

"Oh, really? Then what if I told you to do so for Dora's sake. I noticed how much you do care about her, right?" Charels said with a chuckle that seemed out of place.

"What is the relation between Dora and you?" James sneered as he was sure the relation between Dora and the master of this kid was that strong. That of course if he was the real Charles, but the mysterious Charles in front of him wasn't that person anymore.

If Charles really knew Dora to that degree to ask for a favor on her name, then he wouldn't try to snatch the cruiser from her hands like this.

"What if I told you that I'm her long lost brother," Charles suddenly said with a big smile.

"What if I told you I'm her father, that makes me your father and I have the right to screw you now, right? I'm done with this, I will use the serum to get the answers I desire," James instantly replied with anger in his voice as he was tired of this imposter fooling around.

He didn't like the idea that the imposter was trying to trick him even in such a situation. James was furious as this was an insult to his intelligence.

"Wait, please I can prove it," Charles hurried to say, "here, take this and see what's inside."

Charles took out a small ring with one rock in the middle of it. James took the ring as he looked suspiciously at it before muttering:

"It's just a ring, what makes it special?"

"It's not just a ring, it has a magnetic memory that records a lot of things. Just give it to your droid and he will recognize it," Charles replied with haste. James just glanced with doubt towards him so he hurriedly added, "inside it you will find a meeting recorded between Dora's mother, my mother, and my late father and my mentor and myself when I was younger.

You will also find other recordings between me and my mentor and me with my mother. There are also many documents that prove my identity."

James checked the ring in his hand in silence for a while. He didn't know why this imposter was claiming something like that. Even if he proved himself to be Dora's brother, why all this secrecy and scheme? Was this family fucked up to the bottom as each person was trying to kill the other like that?

"Leader, it's an emergency!" Suddenly Rigo entered the room with a worried face.

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