Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 112: Finally Winning the War

Chapter 112: Finally Winning the War

James had already moved from his place, to meet the rescuing fleet midway. The battle wasn't that hard to manage, as the number of the fleet of mercenaries was already low.

Just as he appeared with his large fleet he managed to scare them out. Many tried to run, but he was already well prepared for them, spreading out many of his ships to circle them, tightly not giving them any space to run to.

The battle didn't last long, as apart from some crazy maniacs who tried to attack and destroy some of his ships, they had what they deserved for sure; the rest tried to escape. They acted wisely, but in the end most of the ships surrendered, and their fleet expanded by over three hundred ships.

This huge increase gave James the confidence to set his eyes towards the biggest threat to him now. "It's time to get that big fish, send the boys inside that cruiser, and plant bombs there," he said to Rigo, as he decided to destroy this large cruiser and take it down!

For him gaining one cruiser was good, and it wasn't wise to just clash directly with that big one, as sharks might kill each other if faced in a bloody fight.

The wisest approach here was the initial plan that he didn't follow. He decided to plant the bombs even long before he reached there, using the dead droid plan.

James was now planning a pincer attack amidst the confusion caused by the bombs inside the large cruiser. He and his fleet marched rapidly, towards the main battlefield, and once they reached there, the situation was already heated up.

The fight had already started, and a huge battle between two large cruisers dominated the scene. He didn't like it, as this way his large cruiser would get much damage already! The only weapon he had towards the large cruiser was his space bombers in his possession, which grew from only two to over twenty.

However these space bombers were fragile, weak without any defense of any kind. That made them vulnerable, so he waited, calmly, while he joined the small fights going on between fighters and small and intermediate sized cruisers, waiting for his men to finish their task.

"Have the men finished with their task?" he asked, while feeling more stressed the longer this fight continued. He finally got his hands over a large cruiser. this behemoth would shape the entire future of his, as everything would start from its domineering existence.

Losing it meant losing a great edge from the start, and so he was so nervous right now.

"Not yet, they needed more time," Rigo instantly replied, feeling how nervous his leader was.

"Make them hurry, the war won't wait for them to finish god dammit!"

He was so nervous and Rigo didn't respond. He knew how delicate and important the fight of his men inside the large cruiser was. If they were discovered earlier, then forget about destroying this large cruiser fast.

Victory was in sight, but the young age of James and his lack of leading and battle experience overwhelmed him right now. So Rigo stepped in, covering up for his leader, not relaying anything James ordered him to say.

After half an hour, the good news came, as they managed to successfully plant bombs inside.

"Finally!!!" James heaved a long sigh of relief before his eyes turned cold and his expression became ruthless as he glanced over that distant behemoth attacking its own preciousness. "Detonate the bombs, let it burn!" he viciously gave the signal for Rigo to detonate it, and it was quite a spectacular scene.

The large cruiser was actively using its large numbers of different sized cannons to attack everywhere. The moment the bombs were detonated, the ship suddenly halted, everything froze up like it entered a time point where time didn't even pass there.

This moment of pause was more than enough for many attacks to pass the lowered shields now and massively devastate the outer haul of the ship. The next minutes went by in strange and deep silence, with only the sound of explosions coming from the outer shell of the large cruiser echoing everywhere.







It was like the birth of a new small star in this distant forgotten place of the universe. The large cruiser had many explosions beyond count, and each one came with mighty rumbling and severe tearing of the ship from inside out.

Like an egg hitting a rock, the large behemoth that made even James so nervous was simply devastated like that!

The flames alone were enough to engulf many fighters and small cruisers nearby, causing them to destroy and kill every single living one inside them.

It was such an overwhelming victory, which was ignited over the tomb of this large cruiser. "Send the bombers in," James ordered, "and make everyone guard them, it's the last hit in this war, and let's do it beautifully," he added, with a wide smile of content over his face.

Rigo complied, as he organized the whole fleet to form a strong defensive net that protected the twenty space bombers on their journey. The bombers were like sacred knights, going on a sacred mission, all protected from every angle, with no single attack managed to hit them.

It didn't take minutes to reach the space above the large cruiser, where the gates of hell opened, and rows after rows of cruiser destroying bombs were thrown on the large cruiser, destroying what was left of life in it.

The explosion was huge, and the destruction of this large cruiser was a rare to be seen scene. James knew the battle was over, and so the mercenaries, who tried to escape, but most of them were either shot down, or surrendered to him.

Before he used to kill every single prisoner, just to secure himself from any treason in such a delicate time, but now he didn't need to. He was the victor, the conqueror of this star system. If anyone wanted to double cross him he would be insane, as there was no one else there, no other power to support anyone except for James' power.

"Leave them alive, we might need their help later," James finally showed them some mercy, as he knew, by the total destruction and defeat of the mercenaries fleet, there was no loyalty left inside any living one of the mercenaries here.

So, he decided to keep them, after all he was going to recruit a large number of soldiers, and to do so he needed a core to begin with.

"Wrap things here, and let's go back to Islinda," he said.


The aftermath of the battle didn't take long to be organized, as all the remaining ships of the mercenaries ran away from this place, lamenting their bad luck in not following that leader who left earlier.

James watched his new fleet, growing over four hundred cruisers now, with one big, whale-like large cruiser, moving amidst them all like a mighty being. He chuckled, as finally, his first step towards establishing his own force had already started.

James sat inside the commanding deck in the large cruiser, ruled now under his control, as they approached the main planet in the centre of this area. Now, with all the mercenaries gone, he entered the planet, unhindered.

He was now the supreme ruler of this part of space. He sat there, inside his commanding deck, observing the scene of the planet coming near to him, while imagining flashes of his rapid shifting life he recently lived.

"It was such a nice journey, I really didn't expect it when I planned to escape from that dirty planet!" he thought to himself, while recalling everything from beginning up till now.

He sent a separate detachment to each planet, as they took hold of everything there, locking up officials and high leveled personnel, interrogating them for info regarding business here.

The last planet was the crown jewel of this place, as it had ten large inhabited cities, each could marvel the largest city in any other planet.

These cities had a very advanced style of life that was dedicated to attracting the rich customers, and other luxury lifestyle lovers.

James took control of this planet easily, as the patrol teams made of volunteers living here had already surrendered in front of his fleet. He didn't let the large cruiser dock on the planet, or at any other planet, as he spread them all like a huge defensive network.

Inside the main hall of the huge palace in the capital, James sat on the throne, which he didn't dislike, with its main body formed of a unique golden ore, with many dark red and black ores that kept flashing from time to time.

'I like that seat, I might even take it with me when I finally leave here,' he said to himself, as he sat, comfortably, feeling the taste of victory at last.

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