From Goblin to Goblin God

Chapter 90: Almost Died

Chapter 90: Almost Died

TL: Sungmin

“Gah, why do I feel like I’ve put myself in a trap?” Lin Tian gasped.

Looking at those fierce, wolf-like eyes, he felt an inexplicable fear.

But overall, the matter of the magic tools was finally about to be resolved.

Unexpectedly, it was quite easy. No need for soldiers, no need for blades.

And he could get them for free.

When the time came, with a thousand pieces of magic equipment, he could build an army strong enough to fight against thousands, including the Great Tomb and the Church.

Surviving was easy, but becoming strong enough to establish a foothold in the world was difficult.

He decided to get started immediately.

The dwarves gathered around the Apollo Forge.

The entire furnace was huge, hundreds of meters in size, resembling a box.

It integrated forging, hammering, quenching, and enchanting into one.

It was left by ancient dwarves.

Many world-class, half moon-class, and even sun-class magic tools were made on this forging platform.

One by one, the dwarves pulled the iron chains, chanting slogans, and brought up the giant furnace buried in the pit!


The reappearance of the Apollo Forge was not only shocking to Lin Tian, but also ignited the blood of the dwarves!

In their genes, hammers and furnace fires called to them.

The work was clearly divided: some mined, some tended the furnace, and some collected enchanting materials.

Then, the finest blacksmiths in the city personally forged the magic tools.

Whether defensive, offensive, or special, the processes were crystal clear in their minds.

They hadn’t forgotten a thing.

Although the level of each forged item was uncertain, anything produced by dwarves was guaranteed to be top-notch.

Even the worst would be tenth-tier.

Twelfth-tier would be world-class.

Half moon-class, full moon-class, sun-class—it all depended on luck.

In history, only one dwarf could consistently forge magic tools of this level, but he died young.

Lin Tian also strapped on a basket, took a pickaxe, and wore a headlamp-like device.

There was a glowing stone on his forehead.

Then he followed the main group into the mining area of the underground palace.

It wasn’t just to motivate everyone; Lin Tian also wanted to learn the dwarven forging techniques, so he joined in.

The dwarves were moved to tears.

Adele was even more gratified to have found such a good man.

In every aspect, he was excellent.

Among the dwarves, there was no concept of unfair treatment between men and women.

Mining was a job for both sexes; whoever needed to go, went.

All the way, Lin Tian was surrounded by female dwarves.

Their eyes were dreamy, and their mouths curved up, unable to take their eyes off Lin Tian.

Their hungry looks were terrifying.

If any female dwarf dared to make a move, Lin Tian estimated he wouldn’t have a hair left.

“Your Highness Dennis, you are a king, how can you go into the mines? I’m truly touched.”

“The more I look at you, the more I like you. What if I can’t help myself in a dark, deserted place?”

“Strong, responsible, hands-on, I found such a good man. What should I do?”

“Stop teasing him. What if we scare him? I say we go deeper into the mine first…”

Lin Tian genuinely felt scared of women!

Who was he? A goblin, a monster.

The nemesis of all female creatures.

Now, he was so frightened by a group of women that his legs were trembling.

Finally, they arrived at the entrance of the dark mine.

Lin Tian walked at the end, with a group of female dwarves in front, standing at the edge of the mine’s shadow, urging him to keep up and not get lost.

The half-hidden shadows made these little dwarves look like little demons.

“Come on, Your Highness Dennis, what’s wrong?”

“Keep up with us, don’t get lost.”

“Come in, are you afraid?”

Lin Tian finally mustered the courage to step into the dark mine.

A few hours later.

A group of female dwarves emerged carrying baskets full of colorful ores and crystals.

One of them wiped the sweat from her forehead, “Oh, I haven’t done this in a while, and I’m already exhausted.”

“What do you mean you’re exhausted? Clearly, it’s His Highness Dennis who’s tired, alright?”

“Oh, it feels so good. Don’t humans have a saying about men and women working together not getting tired? It’s true!”

As they left happily.

Behind them, Lin Tian’s legs trembled, his basket containing just a small piece of ore, wobbling as he followed.

He was mentally dazed, “Damn, I’m never coming to the mine again. That place is really a nightmare, nowhere to run.”

After returning, he rested for half a day to recover.

Even a dozen people would tire out a donkey.

As night fell, everyone had just started their dirty and tiring work for the day.

Adele made an exception today, and the drinks for the whole city were on the royal family.

“Dear, I’ll go around to reassure and encourage everyone so they don’t complain.”

In the palace, Lin Tian said this while enjoying dinner with Adele.

Adele was a bit worried, “It’s so late, what if you encounter danger?”

Lin Tian didn’t mind, “I’m not even afraid of ghouls; who could hurt me?”

Then, he ran towards the city.

Although he was still a bit scared of those female dwarves who were madly infatuated with him.

But this was not a dark, deserted mine. In the city, he didn’t believe they would dare to act recklessly.

Shame should still matter, right?

Entering a tavern, it was bustling inside.

The dwarves were drinking, the drunk ones were singing and dancing, playing their traditional dwarf games.

They were having a blast.

The fatigue from the day didn’t affect them at all.

Lin Tian was satisfied with this, “Drink well, everyone. As long as we work hard, we will live the life we want!”

“Yes! Your Highness Dennis, I still admire you, even though I’m quite jealous.”

A dwarf downed a gulp of liquor and said.

At least Lin Tian wasn’t lazy. They were used to being lazy, but as long as they had endless liquor at night, they were fine.

Normally, they didn’t work much, but then they wouldn’t have as much liquor to drink.

Lin Tian wandered through several taverns, finally putting his mind at ease.

As long as the progress of forging the magic tools wasn’t delayed, it was fine.

They had to finish early and return.

They had to guard against the Empire, the Church, and even the Great Tomb.


Lin Tian felt something was strange, but he couldn’t pinpoint it, so he continued patrolling each tavern.

When he arrived outside the last, remote tavern at the end of the street, Lin Tian prepared to leave.

After all, there were few people there, and everyone was happy to keep working.

There was no need to go in.

But he thought he had worked hard all day and could use a drink to warm up.

As he pushed the door open, he found it was very lively.

It was even packed!

You had to watch your step to avoid treading on others’ feet.

The small tavern accommodated at least a hundred or two hundred people.

“Welcome to Peggy’s Tavern. Sir, would you like a strong rum, brandy, or perhaps… me?”

At the bar stood a female dwarf waitress, wearing an adorable maid outfit.

Her beautiful eyes had locked onto Lin Tian since he entered and hadn’t looked away.

Not just her, everyone in the tavern seemed to be staring at Lin Tian.

“Damn! This is bad!”

Lin Tian finally realized what was wrong. In the previous taverns, it was mostly men. By rights, dwarves, both male and female, were alcoholics.

There shouldn’t have been no women drinking.

It turned out they were all gathered here, waiting for him to take the bait!

He hurriedly turned around, only to find that the waitress had already closed the door and taken out a fist-sized iron lock, locking it tightly.

“Oh, it’s His Highness Dennis. Are you thirsty? Have some water.”

A female dwarf, looking very concerned, said and led Lin Tian to the center of the crowd.

She handed him a glass of water.

Lin Tian quickly stopped her, took out a dwarven friction lighter and lit it.

The water burst into a blue flame.

“Why does this water burn?”

Lin Tian questioned the female dwarf, his face dark.

The female dwarf gave an embarrassed smile and quickly took the ‘water’ away.

Then, the waitress brought another drink, “Sir, try our newly launched oolong tea. It’s very good.”

“Oolong tea?”

Lin Tian looked at the brown liquid and then drank it.

After gulping it down, he realized something was wrong with this oolong tea. A strange fiery strength rushed straight to his head!

The waitress immediately picked up a bottle and refilled his glass.

Lin Tian snatched the bottle to check, ‘Special Tea Liquor · Note · Super High 92°!!!’

“Ah, crap.”

This goblin body wasn’t truly a dwarf.

How could it withstand liquor over ninety percent?

Half a pint in one glass.

After drinking it, Lin Tian felt his consciousness blur.

He was forcibly drunk and passed out.

When he woke up the next day.

Lin Tian felt his body was light, as if a gust of wind could blow him away.

His brain seemed to lag as if it were loading slowly.

It took half a day to regain control of his numb body.

“Damn, what’s going on?”

Lin Tian looked around, seeing female dwarves sprawled everywhere in the tavern.

Their clothes were disheveled and incomplete.

Lin Tian struggled to stand, needing to escape quickly!

But after just two steps, he was panting, “I’m so tired. What’s wrong with me? Did I escape?”

Looking back, he saw he had barely moved ten meters.

Already exhausted, he had to rest against the wall.

“Damn, am I going to die in this Dwarf Kingdom? I thought it would be easy, damn it!”

Lin Tian felt a chill of fear. Those hundreds of exhausted female dwarves—it was terrifying to imagine what he went through last night!

Once he got the magic tools, he would leave this place immediately!

Struggling to the palace entrance, Adele was anxiously waiting there.

Seeing him, she quickly helped him back.

“Dear, I feel like I’m about to die…”

On the bed, Lin Tian coughed a few times.

Adele looked at his weak state, regretting, “Dear, I should have stopped you from going out last night. It’s my fault. Hold on, don’t leave me.”


Lin Tian’s head tilted, and he fainted again.

He didn’t die, but he was severely depleted, suffering from malnutrition and fainted from hunger.

It took nearly half a month of rest.

Lin Tian could finally get out of bed and move around, “Since I transmigrated, I’ve faced many dangers and opponents, but this is the first time I’ve been so miserable. Almost died.”

“No more waiting. I’ll start the Life Simulation System right now, get the magic tools, and leave this damn place.”

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