Finest Servant

Chapter 396

Chapter 396

Chapter 396 The Proposal

When Lin Wanrong returned to the Xiao family, he found neither Qiaoqiao nor the Eldest Miss, and even Madam Xiao had gone out. This puzzled him greatly. After being absent for a few days, why were all the women in the house so busy?

The little maidservant Huan'er laughed and said, “Brother San, Miss Seo Jang Geum from Goryeo has taken Qiaoqiao and Eldest Miss away, as if they are going to play with some rare toy. Even the Madam went with them.”

Seo Jang Geum? Hadn't she returned to Goryeo? How had Qiaoqiao become involved with Seo Jang Geum? Lin couldn't help but feel perplexed.

Luo Ning, having heard of Seo Jang Geum's reputation, and more about her flirty relationship with his big brother, glanced at Lin Wanrong and smiled, “This Miss Jang Geum is quite skillful. She managed to win over both Eldest Miss Xiao and Qiaoqiao. Big brother, don't you think there will be more people speaking for her in the future?”

Lin Wanrong gave an awkward smile and asked Huan'er, “How did Seo Jang Geum become so familiar with Qiaoqiao? What did she invite the Eldest Miss and Qiaoqiao to do?”

“Brother San, on the second day after you went to Shandong, Miss Seo Jang Geum came looking for you. As it happened, you were not here, and Miss Qiaoqiao spoke a few words with her. I don't know what they talked about, but Miss Qiaoqiao became very excited. Even Eldest Miss talked with her for a long time. They became familiar with each other, and whenever they had free time over these past few days, the two young ladies would go visit Miss Seo Jang Geum. They have become quite friendly,” Huan'er explained the matter in brief.

Seo Jang Geum's delay in Great Hua was probably due to what she sought, Master Lin thought. Since he hadn't yet reported to the Emperor, they hadn't received a definite response, so they naturally wouldn't leave easily. This girl was quite cunning, realizing she could influence his wife. With her vast knowledge and firm character, she easily won the favor of Qiaoqiao and Eldest Miss, so their friendship was no surprise.

Lin Wanrong settled down, chatted with Luo Ning for a while, and then gave her a tour. When Luo Ning saw the mandarin duck pillows in big brother's room, she thought of Qiaoqiao's daily romantic time with big brother. Her face turned red, and she quickly grabbed his hand, firmly deciding to move out.

“Big brother, is big brother back?” Qiaoqiao's cheerful voice came from outside the door. Her delicate face was flushed with excitement from her haste. Seeing big brother smiling in front of her, she couldn't help but let out a soft cry and rushed into his arms.

Lin Wanrong laughed and hugged her, giving her a quick kiss on the face. Qiaoqiao exclaimed in surprise, her face turning beet red as she looked behind him at Luo Ning and joyfully said, “Sister Ning, how come you are here too?”

Luo Ning smiled, taking her hand and tapping her nose, “I've been here for a while, but you were too busy being affectionate with big brother to notice. Now that you have married your husband, things are indeed different.” Luo Ning's face warmed, and her last words seemed to be speaking of herself.

Qiaoqiao shyly lowered her head and whispered in Miss Luo's ear, “Sister, aren't you the same? Now that big brother has gone to Shandong, Sister must have had her long-cherished wish fulfilled! Hee hee, congratulations, Sister!”

“Naughty girl!” Luo Ning cried sweetly, pouncing on her, and the two collapsed onto the small bed, tumbling into a playful mess. Master Lin watched with unblinking eyes, thinking, ‘Good, this is just the warm-up, the real drama will be performed tonight.’

Behind Qiaoqiao, Eldest Miss who was following glanced at the two women in the midst of playful teasing, sighed slightly, and was about to leave. Lin Wanrong's eyes were quick, and he grabbed her hand in surprise, saying, "Eh, Eldest Miss, not seeing you for a few days, how have you lost so much weight?"

"Where have I lost weight?" Eldest Miss withdrew her hand, snorting coldly, "It's just that your sights have broadened, and others can't catch your eye."

Seeing her gaze fall on Luo Ning, her face full of bitter resentment, Lin Wanrong suddenly understood. Eldest Miss had already been somewhat envious of Luo Ning back in Jinling; now, seeing that he had brought her, she was naturally irritated.

He quickly grabbed her little hand, leading her out of the room, his face full of worry, "Eldest Miss, you know, I have my difficulties."

"What difficulties do you have?" Eldest Miss looked at him, angrily saying, "With such beautiful and close companions, all of whom have fallen for you, this is the good fortune that all men dream of in the world. What are you worried about? Is it that you think you haven’t attracted enough young ladies?"

She stood tall, her eyebrows raised in anger, her figure slender and elegant, her beautiful and smooth cheeks flushed with a hint of annoyed pink, her cheeks like dewdrops, her nose like powdered rouge, her eyes misting up, and her full bosom heaving, utterly adorable. Lin Wanrong was stunned, mumbling, "Eldest Miss, you look really beautiful."

"What's the use of your sweet talk? You think this will make me not angry at you?" Xiao Yuruo turned her head, humming softly, her voice much softer.

"Ah, Eldest Miss, you have every right to be angry, and actually, I'm very distressed too." Lin Wanrong frowned, putting on a pitiful look, "You probably know some of my situation. Whether it's Ning'er or Qiaoqiao, I never actively pursued them. These feelings just happened naturally, and it was too late to avoid them. Moreover, they shared hardships with me, and it’s hard to abandon them. If you were me, what would you do? Could you cast aside one of them?"

Stealing a glance at Eldest Miss's face, seeing her quietly listening without speaking, Lin Wanrong sighed in relief, smirking, "Actually, from another perspective, isn't my popularity proof of Eldest Miss's good taste? You surely can't love someone whom nobody else likes, can you?"

"Who likes you? Shameless!" Eldest Miss turned around, her neck flushed red.

Lin Wanrong grabbed her little hand, gently stroking it a few times, smiling, "Even if you don't like me, I like you, that's good enough. Eldest Miss, actually, these days when I went to Shandong, I've been thinking about you every day. Even last night, I dreamt of going back to Jinling with you."

"I don't believe your nonsense. You had Luo Ning's company every day; how could you think of me?" Eldest Miss's face was flushed, and after shaking her little hand a few times without breaking free from his grip, she gave up the useless effort and let him hold her.

"Really, I swear to the heavens," Lin Wanrong raised his right hand, his expression utterly sincere, "If I didn't think of Eldest Miss every day, I'd become her ox or horse and let her ride me for a lifetime."

Xiao Yuruo chuckled, then immediately realized that she shouldn't, quickly straightening her face, "Who wants to ride you for a lifetime? You wish. With all your flowery words, you must have used them on many other women. They come easily to you. It would be strange to believe you."

Though she spoke thus, her small hand clenched his palm tightly. Her skin, clear and lustrous as jade, flushed a faint rose color, and her autumn water-like eyes sparkled, alluring and captivating.

Lin Wanrong's heart itched as he looked at her, and he playfully tickled her palm for a moment, then slowly let his hand drift toward her waist.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Yuruo's voice trembled slightly, whispering, "Qiaoqiao and the others are still in the room!"

Lin Wanrong wrapped his arm around her slender waist, pressing her against the wall. He breathed softly in her ear and chuckled, "They are talking among themselves, and we are having our conversation; one does not disturb the other."

Feeling his body leaning towards her like a blazing fire, Eldest Miss's heart rate accelerated manyfold. Her small hands, as if unsure where to place them, gently pinched his back a few times, "Don't come closer, you rogue, hmm—"

Lin Wanrong lowered his head and kissed her lush and alluring red lips, swallowing her soft protestations. Eldest Miss felt weak all over, and the longing of the past few days surged out like a volcanic eruption. Knowing full well that the time and place were both inappropriate, she was unable to resist his fiery passion, and she melted into his ardent embrace.

Lin Wanrong's arms were incredibly strong, and the two were tightly embraced as if they had merged into one. Eldest Miss felt dizzy and breathless, her waist soft and delicate, her full and elastic chest pressed against Lin Wanrong's chest like two dollops of cream. His large hand slid slowly down her slender waist, about to touch her hip, when a soft cough was heard. Eldest Miss's body trembled, and she hastily pushed him away. Seeing the person who had arrived, her face turned bright red, "Mother, Mother—"

Lin Wanrong hurriedly turned around to find Madam Xiao standing in the courtyard, her face stern, staring coldly at him. Eldest Miss quickly gave him a gentle push. Lin Wanrong was flustered, his mind momentarily short-circuited, and he blurted out, "Mother, Mother—"

"Ah! You're killing me!" Eldest Miss covered her blushing cheeks, stamped her foot, and ran off.

Lin Wanrong wiped away a cold sweat, cursing himself, ‘Damn, what a slip-up. Why did I say those words?’

Madam Xiao's face was calm as she slowly said, "Lin San, are you here to propose marriage?"

Madam Xiao was indeed clever. Lin Wanrong quickly nodded and laughed, "Exactly, exactly. I was just about to mention it, but it seems Madam Xiao beat me to it."

Madam Xiao snorted and said, "You'd better think it through and not change your mind later. Although the Xiao family consists of a lone widow and daughters, we are not to be trifled with. If you are sincere, well and good, but if you're trying to take advantage quietly, even if you were the Emperor himself, I would hold you to account."

Caught in the act of stealing a kiss from her daughter, Lin Wanrong felt ashamed and laughed awkwardly, "What are you talking about, Madam? Taking advantage quietly? Could I, Lin San, stoop so low? I'm here today to propose, and I beg you to betroth your daughter to me. Here is the betrothal gift!"

He rummaged in his pocket for a while, producing banknotes, bee stings, a firearm, a bottle of sleeping potion—everything that a wanderer of the jianghu would have—and laid it all before Madam Xiao.

Madam Xiao's face slightly changed, and she picked up a colorful little booklet from the pile in front of her and started to flip through it nonchalantly. She snorted, "With these random and messy objects, you want to marry my daughter? That's far too simple. Oh, dear, what is this?!"

With a "slap," the colorful booklet was fiercely thrown to the ground. Madam Xiao turned around, visibly angry, her face tinged with a bright rosy hue, looking strikingly beautiful.

Lin Wanrong picked up the booklet, and his eyes widened at the sight of the vivid images of dragons and tigers and two lifelike little figures in various positions. It was the erotic picture album he had been carrying with him for a long time. In his haste, he had pulled it out without thinking, only to be caught red-handed by his future mother-in-law. How shameful and disgraceful!

"You shameless man, to hide such obscene material! How can I trust you with my daughter?" Madam Xiao's face was still flushed as she looked at him, both shy and angry.

"This is a misunderstanding, Madam." Master Lin picked up the booklet, looking extremely serious, "Having been in the Xiao family for so long, don't you know what kind of person I am? To be frank, my colleagues in the residence have even given me a nickname behind my back."

"What nickname?" Madam Xiao asked coldly.

Lin Wanrong, without blinking an eye, answered righteously, "My nickname is 'Charming to All, Upright and Unequaled'! Think about it, how could someone as upright as Lin San ever engage in such vulgar acts? I don't believe it, and neither do you, Madam. Isn't that right?"

Madam Xiao glared at him fiercely and huffed, "The evidence is right in front of us, and you still want to argue?"

"What is evidence? What you see may not be the truth." Master Lin smiled mischievously, glancing around cautiously and lowering his voice, "Today, I will tell Madam a huge secret. Please watch—"

He picked up a bee needle from the ground, activated its mechanism, and with a whooshing sound, the needles were shot out, hitting a potted plant in the yard. The plant immediately withered and collapsed, surrounded by black smoke.

"What is this?" Madam Xiao stepped back in shock.

"This is a hidden weapon called a bee needle that I carry with me when I wander the martial world. And this is called a firearm." Master Lin played with the firearm, the firing pin clashing with a rattling noise.

"Wandering the martial world? Bee needle? Firearm?" Madam Xiao looked at him, perplexed, "Lin San, what do you mean by this?"

Lin Wanrong became unusually serious, "Madam, think back to our time in Jinling. Why did Mr. Xu value me so highly when we were strangers? How did the Eldest Miss and I escape unharmed from the White Lotus Sect? Why were the northern nomads afraid of me during the princess's martial contest, and why does the Emperor trust me? Have you ever thought about this?"

Indeed, when Lin San's various encounters and relationships were considered, everything seemed extraordinary. Was there a hidden secret to it all? Madam Xiao looked at him, her brow furrowed in confusion, and said nothing.

"Madam, to tell you the truth, on the surface, I may appear to be a mere servant in the Xiao mansion, but in reality, I am a top-notch martial artist, known in the jianghu as 'Quick Pleasure Cannon King.' Only you and a few others, like Qiaoqiao, know this secret. I don't tell it to ordinary people, so please be sure to keep it confidential. The reason I have been able to help the Xiao family complete so many impossible tasks is that I have the aid of divine martial arts, which makes the northern nomads fear me and the Emperor trust me."

"Divine martial arts assistance?!" Hearing his increasingly mystical words, Madam Xiao was half skeptical and half believing. But apart from this explanation, there really was no way to explain his miraculous experiences.

"Madam, what you saw in this little book might seem like erotic art at first glance, but appearances are meant to deceive the ordinary man. Vulgar people only look at its surface, but profound people can see its extraordinariness. This erotic art, in reality, represents a special martial art technique called 'Dongxuanzi's Thirty-Six Scatter Hands.' You see, this pose is called 'Flying Dragon in the Sky,' this one is 'Fierce Tiger Leaping Out,' and this move is even more amazing, called 'Golden Cicada Attaching Tail.' It can be used as a hidden attack, and it is one of the secrets of my school. Madam, please take a look but never reveal it."

Madam Xiao spat lightly and waved her hand, slapping the album away, so it fell on the ground. She turned her head, saying, "Speak properly, what do you show me this for?"

Lin Wanrong said sincerely, "I am telling you this earth-shaking secret today to gain your trust, so you won't misunderstand me anymore."

"I don't care about your 'Quick Pleasure Cannon King,'" Madam Xiao said, not easily deceived, and hummed coldly, "Since you have a contract with my Xiao family, you must naturally execute it as agreed. There's no escaping it."

"I haven't thought about running away," Master Lin said, smiling broadly, "Madam, what about my affair with the young lady? Have you agreed to it?"

"Lin San, don't play dumb with me," the Madam said with a slight smile, "You keep asking me to agree to your marriage with the young lady, but my Xiao family has two young ladies. Which one are you proposing to?"

"This..." Lin Wanrong hesitated, and just as he was about to shamelessly say he wanted both, Madam Xiao's face changed, "My daughters, Yuruo and Yushuang, are each a phoenix among people. If you want to marry both, I advise you to give up on that idea early. Yuruo, Yushuang, you can only marry one of them!"

"No way!!!" Lin Wanrong was horrified, ‘How can you say such a thing, Madam? You know full well the passionate relationship I have with both young ladies, so why obstruct it? If I can really only marry one, should I choose the eldest or the younger sister?’

"What do you mean, 'no way'?" Madam Xiao said, dissatisfied, "You have many beloved women around you. Asking you to marry one of my daughters is already a compromise on their part. What more do you want?"

Seeing that the Madam's stance was quite resolute and she seemed intent on separating the lovers, Master Lin hurriedly called out, "Madam, let's negotiate further. How about this, today I'll be the brother-in-law to the Second Miss, and tomorrow I'll be the brother-in-law to the Eldest Miss. I'll take on both roles. Ah, it will be hard, but the capable should work harder!"

"Becoming the brother-in-law to the Second Miss today and the Eldest Miss tomorrow?" Lin San's words were full of twists and turns. The Madam pondered for a long while before she regained her senses, her anger suddenly flaring up. "You shameless man, you want both of them? Dream on! My Xiao family's two young ladies will never serve the same man. Whether you want Yushuang or Yuruo, Lin San, you must think it through. Once you've decided, prepare the betrothal gifts, ask Master Xu to be the matchmaker, and come to propose in an upright and open manner. My Xiao family's daughters will never engage in sneaky affairs."

With a "slap" sound, the lady raised her small foot and kicked the abandoned "Dongxuanzi's Thirty-Six Scatter Hands" far away. Angry, she turned around and walked away with long strides!

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