Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 392: Social Undeath

Chapter 392: Social Undeath

While I walk down these tunnels, I change the focus of my scan to accommodate my new priorities.

My top concern being a potential security risk, our resident necromancer, Da Xia. The evidence of which is hiding along one of the corridors I’m in.

Nestled in one of the countless spider holes, dotted along the tunnels, is one of her tiny skeleton rats… formed from the body of a dead rat and with an adjusted version of the OCS method. Watching me from a distance.

Which is ridiculously absurd. The fact that she could adjust the method this much, without the key to unlock the necromancer cultivation method, clearly illustrates her genius. Maybe even more so than Xing Xun, my regressor ally, since Xun at least had the benefit of a previous lifetime.

But even if she possesses remarkable skill and intelligence… she's still a child. With only a limited knowledge base of what’s possible in a world like this. Even adults make mistakes, so how much more for a child? No matter how smart, it can happen to any of us.

And my scan is telling me, if I don't redirect her from her current way of doing things, she'll unknowingly reveal this base to everyone.

I head toward the little skeleton rat and whisper some words.

“Da Xia. Meet me at the center square area. We’ll need to talk a bit.”

The rat looks as surprised as an undead thing could be, leaping backward at my words. Revealing that she is utilizing its vision, as a scout. Right after, it gives a cautious little rat nod.

Okay, she's using it directly. At her level, there are a lot of risks to doing that, one of which being damage to her mind, if it dies. Let alone the experience of living in a skeleton.

But that doesn’t mean I can’t help.

I walk through countless tunnels, allowing my scan to guide me through the safe areas to get back to the open underground city area. As I walk out under the giant light stone, shedding light all over the city, I still find myself in awe at the sheer amount of work and coordination that Gong had to have put in to build this place.

After these thoughts, I soon move back to navigating the alleyways and streets of the city to get to the center city square. All the while, I see more and more skeleton rats running around, alongside the spiders. The number of spiders vastly outnumbers the skeletons, but it is still a surprising number.

From what I can tell, she might have hundreds of these under her control.

Leading to a certain suspicion of mine, that my scan soon verifies.

She’s already at the peak of Foundation Establishment.

Meaning that she’s already gone through a minor tribulation to break through to Foundation Establishment. And had done so in the short time since I had given the OCS cultivation method to the demihumans. Less than two months…

…no wonder Gong has been so stressed. And how the heck did she hide a tribulation from the city?

With my high speed, I reach the center square in short order. Getting there before Da Xia, even with her being closer.  

Using the scan, I can witness her effortlessly navigating these confusing alleyways while keeping some rats in the area. Even as she seems to be technically coming alone, with how she’s positioning the rats, she doesn’t fully trust me. The contract may prevent her from doing anything except defend herself, but that would be enough to let her escape.

A loophole that I didn’t consider in the contract.

Luckily for us both, I don’t plan on creating an enemy out of our strongest asset.

I finally see her round the corner, her reptilian eyes and panda-like features, contrasting with her black hair. Just as I saw her before, she is still that wary, 16-year-old that was protecting her brother Cheng, even as they accepted the healing. She stops before me, before giving me a deep bow.

“Master James. It’s an honor to be in your presence again. Thank you for the healing and gifts you gave to all of us.”

Her polite tone and voice sharply contrasts her secret movements. She continues speaking.

“If I may ask, what did you want to call me specifically out for?”

Hmm… as much as she tries to hide it, with my scan, I can see how tense she is. It seems like recent views of her have not been positive.

I’ll change that.

I give a sincere smile and compliment.

“Well, I actually wanted to congratulate you. I see you’ve touched upon one of the secrets of the cultivation method I gave all of you. With that in mind, I was hoping to train you specifically on your abilities.

She blinks once. Twice. Before bowing abruptly with an exclamation.

“OHTHANKYOU… ahem… I mean, thank you, Master James. I’m honored to have caught your attention.”

The array of emotions and calculations that crossed her face was surprising and humorous, so I let out a chuckle.

“Hahaha, I’m sure you already have realized how exceptional you are compared to others.”

I look her in the eye, being a little serious.

“I’m glad to see that you haven’t let that lead to arrogance. Making sure to take care of those around you, despite disagreements. It must have been tough…”

With my scan, I can infer the different activities that have been occurring. Which is based on how other demihumans have been whispering about her, the different things she’s been doing around the caverns.

Even though Gong doesn't need the help, she's been diligently patrolling the tunnels, having her rat skeletons ensure things are secure, and getting rid of minor pests. While doing this, Gong has been teaching her tactics on how to use them like her spiders.

But, as expected, her speedy climb to the peak of Foundation Establishment and gaining such influence with Gong, hasn't sat well with everyone. Although direct harm between them is not possible, there are social means to inflict damage upon an individual that does not contradict the group's contractual rules for protection.

That must have been lonely. Even with Gong’s support.

She freezes in place, realizing that I may know her activities, despite her assuming no one saw her actions. Her head falls as a millisecond of weakness passes over her before she recollects herself.

“…I’m fine. Thank you, though.”

I give her a light smile before changing the subject.

“So… how’s your little brother, Cheng?”

Her guard drops at the question, a momentary lapse, as she rolls her eyes.

“Being a little menace, as always. Just the other day I had to yell at him to not run so close to…”

She freezes again, her emotions having made her speak without thinking. I laugh out loud. To show her she doesn’t need to be guarded with me.

“Hahaha, go ahead. It’s good to get a rant out from time to time. Especially about your siblings.”

I give a smirk and a story to put her at ease.

“When I was younger, I was that little menace. Literally jumping off the walls and causing havoc for both my parents and my sister. She yelled at me all the time, deservedly so. Luckily, she stopped me a few times from making silly mistakes… so keep up the good work!”

My easygoing demeanor and story finally seem to set her at ease, having her give a sympathetic chuckle, even though she doesn’t offer more information about her brother.

I might get farther by training her first. It seems like she’s been constantly on guard from the stressful situation.

Starting with training, will let her be more comfortable with me and my instruction. And I already know she’s a genius… so my scan will have to fill in the gaps on how to navigate that. If I do this right… I may be able to take some of the burden off Gong with this issue.

And gain us a potent, devoted necromancer ally.

Because even if she’s under contract, doesn’t mean she’s dedicated to our group. She’s just protecting herself and her brother right now.

Let’s show her how cool being a necromancer can be. Especially one that gets tips from a modern person…

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