Fake Saint Of The Year

Chapter 11

I got used to it after the third time.

Once again, I woke up as the male version of myself in my small apartment. I was lying down on the ground.

Its another persons point of view as usual, but I wasnt worried. Id just take over it again as usual.

I didnt know if its just my imagination but my body has become harder to move compared to the last time. Its not a big deal though.

Well, I dont think this dream will last long, so lets go for the things I want to see immediately.

I turned my laptop back on from sleep mode and searched for the video.

And there it was, the video of Elrise route Live Playthrough and normal video playthrough.1

I chose the most viewed video on the list.

The video showed the hostage incident event by Fara-san, where she manipulated demons and the fight scene that occurred.

While enemy demons filled the screen, the controlled player was only Elrise alone.


Even when they chose any random command, the demons were trampled one by one.

By the way, the BGM played was not the normal fight scene BGM, but some music I had never heard before.

Its a specialized BGM? Thats quite a luxury.

Too strong. LOL!

One attack erased the entire health bar. LOL!

Wait a minute. LOL!. These guys are BOSS monsters that appear on the late Eterna route arent they. LOL!

I went through so much hardship to defeat it back then. LOL!

My trauma being

Elrise-sama is too strong. LOL!

Musou. LOL!2

Dragon got melted. LOL!

Damage digit is weird. LOL!

Can you believe it this person is not the Saint

Oi, these guys are Last Boss Mob Leaders arent they. LOL! Why did they become small fry here. LOL!

Not even a scratch was taken from the enemy. LOL!

It is because the Saint doesnt take any damage except by her own power or the Witchs power

Although the Witchs power within the Demons is not as concentrated, its supposed to be able to damage the Saint

Attack from this guy cost a Level 99 Vernell a third of his HP though. LOL!

Indeed she is not Saint like hell, such a monster could be considered a Saint!. LOL!

She could clear the whole game Solo, couldnt she?

Its the scene of Musou battle. The comment section was filled with laughter.

Hee-, if my stats were this high, then that meant I was that strong huh.

As expected of the body that Talent Monster Elrise polished with magic training every day.

According to the comments, wasnt Elrise a non-playable character in the other routes?

She had defeated them as part of an event development, but not as a direct fight like what happened here.


Then the event developed how I knew it would, and Elrise stopped the sword with her bare arm.

Ahh-, I also got deceived by the fact she wasnt wounded during my first run

I thought she was protected by Saints characteristic, but it turned out to be just pure stats difference

You really wont get a scratch with that kind of stats

Stocco-san, notice it. LOL! This girl does not take damage not due to Saints characteristic but due to her pure stats being way too high. LOL!

How do I say it its sure felt quite refreshing witnessing my own actions through a spectator POV.

The event eventually ended and Elrise left.

It was supposed to go back to normal Academy life the next day, but the next morning, the comment section turned noisy again.

The reason being uheee

There was an illustration of Elrise wearing the academy uniform walking along the corridor towards Vernells class.

Elrise enrolled the Academy ktkr!3


First time Ive seen it

She also looks pretty in uniform!

To think Sailor form L-sama exists. LOL!

They put too much effort for a route that was hidden for 4 years. LOL!

I wonder what Event CG 100% even means at this point

100% (but it doesnt say 100% is whole things)

When you entered L-sama route the CG collection rate changed from 100%/100% into 100%/150%

the producer side sure got a bad personality

100% (it doesnt mean 100% is whole things)

And thats where the video ended.

The next part was not yet uploaded.

However it seems that my actions on the other side reflected as game route development in the game

Well, this was a dream, so I couldnt say if this truly happened back in Japan, but I dont think this was just a common dream.


As expected, it was hard to think of it as just a dream after I had experienced it 3 times.

Next would be the customary character explanation page. I wondered how it had changed.


The character inside Kuon no Sanka, a Non-romanceable Character.

Or so we thought for 4 years since the game release, but a certain RTA commentary Video proved that its possible to romance her.4

Known as the Saint, the antithesis of the existence known as the Witch.

She was selfish in her childhood, until one day she became aware of what it meant to be a Saint and, as if she turned into a different person, started to do things for the sake of others.

She possessed overwhelming Magic power and sword art worthy of the title of Saint. Her fighting power is the strongest within the game.

Being a symbol of light and the antithesis of the symbol of darkness, the Witch, she will appear before the player and help them from time to time.

She appeared before Vernell when he was 14 years old and helped him control his power of darkness, and gave him a pendant keepsake. This would become a great turning point in his life.

After that, the protagonist is reunited with her when he is 17 years old. However, she has stayed exactly as how he remembered her when she was 14 years old

The Saint is similar to the Witch who is immune to most damage types and stays forever young without aging.

Her period as Saint is said to have come earlier than other Saints.

As a Saint, she wont take damage except by the Witch or Saints power, and wont get a scratch even when blocking a sword barehanded.

She is also capable of purifying the Witchs power.


If theres a place attacked by demons, she will appear no matter how small the place is, and will heal people she sees without asking for repayment.

While she is practically the embodiment of the Saints ideal form, she is actually


Something was wrong. The lines after are empty, unlike before.

Also, the description seemed to have changed compared to what it was before.

As I tried to scroll down, the hidden word showed itself.

Elrises identity

Elrise is not the real Saint.

She was merely a commoner who was mistakenly taken instead of Eterna during the period they were a baby, which obviously means she has no power to defeat the Witch.

The reason she doesnt age is that she absorbed the Witchs power when she helped the protagonist control his own power, which resulted in her physical age being frozen.

But this in turn had actually shortened her lifespan.

The reason she is capable of purifying the Witchs power is that she is using the power of that very same Witch. Further, the reason she wasnt damaged by the sword was that she protected herself using her own magic.

Yet due to how perfectly she took to her role as Saint, no one has thought that she may be a fake, including the Witch herself.

But Elrise herself knows the truth and wishes to one day return the seat of Saint to its rightful owner Eterna.

Role in the Main Story

The unexpected discovery after 4 years has passed.

The conditions to enter her route are, CG Collected 100%, choose new game instead of new game+, then from the moment the game begins never un-equip the accessory Pendant of memories. Afterwards, spend all the free time upon entering the Academy doing Self Training until the 17th night.

(To be exact, dont gain any favorability with the other heroines)


Then during the 17th night, theres a rare chance that she will come to the Protagonists room and tell him of her concern about him not making any friends. Afterwards, it will become possible to raise her favorability.

(You need this event to happen or else itll be impossible to raise her favorability)

After testing done by various sources, it became known that the possibility of Elrise visiting is around 0.3%.

It has been said that the possibility increases if all you do is muscle training, but it is not yet confirmed.

So to do this you must spend all your days until the 17th night doing self-training, save before spending the night action, and then reload it if not proc.

Then during the 18th night, the event where Fara kidnapped the protagonist, Eterna, Fiora, John, and several mobs will occur

By Faras demand, Elrise will come alone without any guard.

Here, a battle will start where she fights against the demons commanded by Fara. This battle is actually an event battle where the player will be controlling Elrise.

In this fight, for the first time, Elrises status parameter is revealed, and her powerful fighting prowess is truly a sight to behold

Even though she has shown how overwhelming she could be in various events in the route, it is an acceptable result considering her stats.

It would normally be akin to a boss rush 30 times in a row of monsters which would only be possible to beat by new game+, but she will trample all of them without much effort.

Doesnt matter how you control her, its impossible to lose no matter how noob you are.

After the event clears, she will transfer to the academy 2 days later.

Request for edit and addition

So it ended there huh.

It changed quite a lot compared to the last time I checked.


Last time, it was blatantly revealed that she was a Fake Saint, but now its considered a spoiler.

Thats how much her importance has grown within the player circle.

As I continued to search, I found that the number of Elrise illustrations had grown to a much larger amount.

This was an impossible thing to happen for the Elrise that I had known before all this.

Of course, before Elrise changed, (Pizza) there were illustrations for her but wasnt much and those existed mainly to beat her up

The comment would be like the ScumRise PUNISHED. LOL! or nice, do it more thingy.

None would draw her as such a cute character.

There was also a lot of fanfic now.

There was a large amount of Kuon no Sanka fanfic originally but there was also quite a large amount of Elrise heroine fanfic that I had never seen before her change.

For now, lets go to the fanfic site with the most number of updates in ranking

The title ho? Artificial flower guardian?

I wondered what it was like.

Artificial flower guardian Author: 5


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