Evil-like Duke Household

Chapter 77: Prologue

Chapter 77: Prologue

In the world where magic and monster were exist.

The biggest continent that existed among the continent at that world, <<Vulniska Continent>>.

The biggest country in that continent, <<Azolias Kingdom>>.

Since that country was a country that built by strength, the emperor gather the respect of his nation through strength.

In that kingdom, there was governor that shrouded with black rumour.

No, not only that governor. All the member of his family, were shrouded in dark, fearsome rumour.

People fear, afraid, scared of them... no, they was.

That's right, nowadays, there were not even one person in Azolias Kingdom who believed such rumour.

The reason for that was the the emperor had said it personally to his citizens that the governor's dark rumour was just a baseless, wrong rumour that born from misunderstood.

In fact, those people who shrouded in dark rumour didn't have the heinous personality like what the citizen had imagined, but it was the opposite of that. They were people of good nature.

Therefore, while the citizens were perplexed for the first time, but since that it was the word of their emperor whom they respect so they believed that it had no lie in it, the rumour dispatched as the truth were confirmed.

--- That was the story from 12 years ago.

The king were replaced, new face of the head of the house, the lost of the old life.

While the flow of time is cruel, by no means that the lost of something will be worth nothing.

New life were born.

So that they wouldn't forget the one who went before them, there was something they left as the prove of their existence.

The main stage would be the world 12 years years from the previous event. The institute that was built as the memoirs of the great, << Continent school- Deibold Composite Academy>>.

That institute, that was built by the kings of the Vulniska Continent, were built to bloom the talent of the youngs who will bear the future of the continent.

... Of course, among those youngs, there were those who had the blood of that Governor, Grid=Ractos.

The kids of Ractos, in that special academy with the name of continent's school , would interact with the other students from another country.

Shouldering something, feared something, wishing for friends.

If this was the Azolias kingdom, if they were the citizens of Azolias, surely no one would believe in those dark rumour.

But, what if it was the people from another country.

What would happen in that academy that belong to every country, but at the same time it didn't belong to any of the country?

Even if their parents didn't had any ill will on their heart, will the same could be applied to their children?

---- This was the story of such children.

What kind of intention that those child had.What will the effect it had to their surrounding?

This is such kind of story.

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