Evil-like Duke Household

Chapter 71: Assassins

Chapter 71: Assassins

With light brown skin, one could already knew that I wasnt someone who came from Azolias Kingdom. My name is, Yuuga.

Whatever in my hometown or in Azolias kingdom, my social position wasnt really that high, as I was just Civilian, thus I didnt had any surname.

Speaking of my homeland, my homeland was a country that was located on the small island on the east from the continent from where Azolias Kingdom, people called it the land of the east. Unlike Azolias kingdom, there were no nobility in that place. In my homeland the people who were referred as nobility were called as Kousou, while the people who was referred as the Knight here were called as shogun. Those people had the same role as the nobles, as the one who were in charge of the countrys politic.

Well since I was just a citizen, that was the limit of my knowledge, though it seems that they had a different politics compared to Azolias.

The place where I live now was inside the alleyway of the castle town, where my father together with myself run a shop called Crescent moon pavilion .

I suppose it was already five, six years since the first time I came to this country.

The reason why we did something so bothersome as went to the other country just to run a small shop like this was actually pretty simple.

My mother. who has already passed away, is a person who was the citizens of Azolias Kingdom.

Then, after the death of my mother, my father decided to bury her in the place where she was born, thus we came to the capital, build a grave for her and live here.

Just as it supposed to happen, even thought this was the hometown of my mother, the first time we arrived at this land it was pretty tough for us.

Especially, the language barrier. For my father who meet with mother in this continent, understanding the local language wasnt a hard task for him, but it wasnt so for me.

In the first place, I was born in the east, raised there, and the language that I learn through my life was a different language from this place.

Well, while I still in learning phase, but compared to the first time I migrate to this place, it could be said that I already learned a lot.

Regarding reading and writing, as long as it wasnt something that I wasnt learned yet, it would pose no problem for me.

Also, I made friend in this place.

That was right, that friends name is Jake=Ractos.

The first time I met with him, I thought that there was a scary person that came to the shop, but through my fathers translation, the time we exchange word I knew that he wasnt actually a bad person despite his scary face, after that we became friend.

Just like what I had said before, in my place, there wasnt any concept such as nobility. So whether people said that he is the first son of the duke household, I wouldnt changed how I interact with him, and I probably that was the right choice.

Jake, he didnt had many friend, and I thought that him having a friend on the same age as him that would interact with him openly, was something that fresh for him.

... Well it wasnt my place to speak about people lack of friends, though.

Anyway, since we became a friends, Jake and me met a lot.

Well, for us who had a different status which is duke and civilian, we couldnt meeting openly in public, but he still came to my place whether he had time on his hand.

Well, there was time where he made a mess when he talk about a marriage meeting to a certain knight, by acting like he was on some kind of play, but still I would never thought that I want to cut my ties with him.

But, there something that I conceal from him, rather, it was something that I couldn't tell him.

That was....

---------------------------------. ---------------- Crescent moon-----------

From my meeting with Jake until this moment, I still couldnt completely completely catch the word of this continent.

------------ Crescent moon----------

Let's confirm the current situation once again.

For some reason I was kneeling in front of a really important person, the king, who didnt look really well, inside a really extravagance room with my hand tied together behind my back.

And then, right in front of my face, a person who spoke with really fluent, fast azolias language, the one who bring me here, the prince.

The one who stand over there facing over here, Jake-kun, his father, Duke ractos, and some other noble-like person with a blonde hair with blue tip.

By the way, there was also the old man who sometime sell a kebab in front of my store, in the same condition like mr, with his hand tied on the back of his back.

Then there was this girl who wore an apron who for some reason sleeping on the corner of the room.

Also, who was the old man who cover his eyes with his hand who stand on the back of the king? It feels like I had seen him somewhere before. But compared to this man, I could see that his veins on his temple were swelling, with a really frightening expression, was he angry? Wait, at me? It was really scary though.

To be honest, I didnt had any clue of what actually happened.

The time when my father gone out to get the supply for the shop, and I was preparing to hang the closed sign for today, a man who looked like a prince suddenly bursted into the shop and talked about something really fast.

Because he spoke to fast and so fluently, I couldnt understand what in the world did he talked about, but hearing Jake names come out here and there I just responded with Yes and yes, and now the situation become like this.

Well, it seems that wasnt really the right choice to made.

Did he confuse me with some kind of criminal?

Wait, but the uncle from the kebab stall also had his hand tied. I always felt that this wasnt a place where a normal civilian like me should come, so perhaps it the custom to have your hand tied when coming to this place.

Dammit--- Even if the prince talked a little more slower, I wasnt sure that I could follow his word... No matter how hard I tried, the only word that I could catch was the word Crescent moon Pavilion !

...!! His highness (?)! Please wait a minute. That man (?) ------- actually my friend!!

Just as I tried what the prince talking about, Jake suddenly shouted something in different tone than usual.

For this reason,while I still couldnt completely understood what he saying, I could understood more than usual.

It seems as if I had been guilty of some crime.

But then Jake said to that I wasnt a criminal, but a friend of his. He is protecting me.

While, this guy who looked like a prince. Was he really a prince? But a prince wouldnt came to such dangerous place as an alley.

Haha, ------- jake? - ------ ---- but----- !

Oh, I felt like the prince was in good mood.

He may understood what Jake tried to say.

------------------------- ! Are there ----------------------

... Wait, wait? Did he really understood what Jake tried to say?

I always felt like he spoke in stronger tone than before in faster word.

No, but he had a triumphant face now, with his corner of mouth slightly raised. He should be really in good mood.

Anyway I for sure couldnt understood his word. But for sure.

... Ah, yes

-------------------------------- ! Do you ------------------ !

Oh Yeah, Yes, Yes

Okay, I should answered it in the most friendlier way that I could.

... Why does Jake Had a face that the world was about to ending.

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