Evil-like Duke Household

Chapter 68: Witnesses and Accomplices.

Chapter 68: Witnesses and Accomplices.

Inside the audience room of the royal castle.

Several years ago, I, Count Raul=Nizzet, wouldnt had believed that someone from Sorcerer Association, will be summoned to the castle by the king himself... But in fact, I did, the majesty called me to the castle for audience with him. It was really surprising.

Well, its actually the prince who summoned me in the name of his majesty thought.

Then, prince, I wonder why Prince Alto did something like this? It seems that his intention was to make divulge the evil act of someone who was close to me and really to misunderstood, Duke Grid=Ractos.

However, the people in the room were understood very well that the governor never had any evil plan or whatsoever.

I feared this matter will ended up by the prince reprimanded heavily by his majesty, and then his majesty who will get heavily reprimanded by the prime minister.

... Indeed, if Duke ractos were ever absent or even backed down from his current position it would put the fiancee condition of the kingdom in chaos, it wasnt even an ecaggeration that it will trigger riot.

I thought so, but.

... I have witness and evidence!

His higness suddenly remarked that he had evidence with him , It wasnt something that I could ever interupted.

In the first place, someone with ranked of Count like me didnt have any right to voice my opinion in this kind of place.

Moreover, altought Duke Grid=Ractos seems to be in chaos and shaken, all of that to me were kinda predictable to some extent.

Now, the relationship between me and Duke Grid wasnt just a relationship between governor and his assistant.

Our children is engaged with each other.

The untrutht rumour about the Evil rumour of Duke Household of course already there even before our chidren engaged with each other, its even already there before I became the assistant of the governor.

But of course, now that my daugher, Anessha, engaged with the son of the ractos household, Jake=Ractos... my family, Nizzete household, were also affected with that rumour, and that was something that was already inside my prediction.

Yes... I already predict that the reason for his higness summon this time was something related with Anessa.

Altought it wasnt really something that her biological father should said.

But Annessas appearance really easy for other people to misunderstood her.

She married someone from Duke Ractos, which was easier to get misunderstood than her, it would be weird if I never prepare any countermeasure for this.

From the day they got engaged, I already prepared a lot of evidence that Anessa was innocence.

Of course, there was still Jake who became her husband.

That is to say, I already prepared enough evidence to prove both of Jake and Anessas innocence.

That why, I able to keep my calm, witnesses, go ahead and take it out.

... Althought I was the assistant governer, I didnt hold any power with that position. So theres no way that I personally involved in this.

Well, bring them here!

Someone was summoned by his higness Alto... the witness was a maid with dark circle around her eyes.

Then as I said before, testify what you have seens and heard

... yes

The maid knelt down of the carpet and start to speak while seemingly tried to hold her body from trembled in fear.

... I... I had heard the evil plan, the evil plan that Grid=Ractos-sama planned...!

Ah, sure enought, the maid seems to misunderstood.

The dialogue that Duke Grid always spoke about was always about food.

Perhaps she witnesses the moment Duke Grid talking to himself talking about importing some foreign food.

yes, that was one day in summer, two months ago. When I finished, cleaning, I walked on the corridor, then I heard the voice of, of, Grid=Ractos-sama, and Count Raul=Nizzet-sama talking to each other...

... Hmm? It seems the thing didnt go as I had predicted?

The two of you were talking about the matter wouldnt be good for the both of the family, and something that you both had to do in the future. I, I remembered some rumour, about Grid=Ractos-sama about how, he tried to take over, the country...! I thought about what the thing that would happened to the country after this, but, before I was able to hear the important part, he found me, Jake=Ractos-sama, ... he found me!!

Thats enough. I know ... Thank you for your testimony

At that point, the maid trembled as if she couldnt hold the fear anymore.

When her Higness Alto spoke to her to with tone of concern, the guards took her to the corner of the room as if they were protecting her.

... Just wait a moment please.

Does that mean this maid... She was the maid who eavesdrop when I persuaded Duke Grid=Ractos to engage his son, Jake Ractos, with Anessa?!

Why does the talk about marriage interview become the talk about taking over the country!? Did I said something bring any misunderstanding?

With the regard of Count Raul=Nizzet, since there were no conslusive evidence of your evil deed, we will not go throught it this time... But further investigation will be done in the futuerre

His higness Alto said to me with threatening tone.

Wait, wait wait, You dont need to find any evidence, right?... rather, wouldnt this become pretty bad?

Even if he searched around, he would never find any, beacuse I never done anythign evil, so nothing bad will really happened to me.

But, what if I said something like In order to prove the innocence of Jake and Annesa, I already prepared some evidence! in this condition.

In this situation where I was also the part of the convict, if I do this, and wheter it will convice him or not, it will only bring further misunderstanding...

Duke Grid=Ractos had the peridgee of Duke, so negative rumour to some extent, will not hurt his family in any matter, but my family was just a count household, furthermore its sorcery household.

If my family had the same level of rumour as Duke Grid=Ractoss household...!

No no no no no no ... Calm down, calm down! ...I, I have to think calmly about this.

That maid testimony just now. Altought she was a witness, but the was only proving a strange conversation between me and Duke Grid=Ractos, which was still not clear.

I am afraid that due to how grave the misundertanding that happen in Prince Altos head, he wouldnt be able to think calmly about it, and the matter about me will also bring many loophole one after another.

Yes, that is to say, as long as the prime minister or the king said its wrong then the matter will be solved though, ... but I had a bad feeling that....

With this ambigue and lack of accuracy as testimony, it wouldnt even become a stronge evidence of the matter... You think so, dont you?

With a triumphant face, the thing that was unexpected happened.

... what happened? Well, its of course.

Do you think that there is only one witness? Youre naive!

What happened? Aah, not good.

Bring the witness here!

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