Everyone Thinks that I Like Him

Chapter 69

Shang Jin just hung up when his bike was brutally kicked by Ye Zhou.

Shang Jin: ???

Ye Zhou ranted, Did you ask me before you called me to see your mother? To think that when Ye Zhou had agreed to bring Shang Jin to see his brother without consulting him, hed agonized over it for a long time. but when it came to Shang Jin, the other looked like it was as it should be and didnt consider his feelings at all.

Dont worry, shes not important.

Even if shes not important, shes still your mother! Although he could guess from Shang Jins attitude that the relationship between the two wasnt very good, but in any case, the other side was still Shang Jins mother and Ye Zhou couldnt help but be more cautious. Go, lets go buy some clothes.

Shang Jin sneered, Whats there to buy?

We must dress up well. After all, were meeting the elders.

Dress up well Shang Jin heard this and looked at Ye Zhou with a sudden smile, We really should dress up well.

Ye Zhou: ???

The two people returned to their apartment to rest for a while, and then Shang Jin pulled Ye Zhou to the mall.

Ye Zhous mind couldnt keep up with Shang Jins actions. He wondered, Didnt you just look like you were against this? Did you suddenly change your nature?

Actually, you reminded me.

Looking at the elevator stopping at the fourth floor, Ye Zhou pulled at Shang Jin and said, We still have save money now. What are you thinking looking at such expensive clothes? This wasnt because Ye Zhou was miserly. Hed never been a stingy person. Due to his fairly well-off family conditions and frequently getting scholarships, he was usually extravagant when spending money. But what a person could bear had its limits. When he bought clothes, hed spend one or two thousand on clothes at most, but he wouldnt choose these brand name clothes that would press down his entire body.

Carefully choose well. Shang Jin entered the shop and helped pick out some clothes for him and let him change in the fitting room.

After he came, Ye Zhou looked at the man in the mirror and his face filled with black lines. Is this because you fear that people wont know that this isnt a famous brand? Why would you choose this kind with such a big logo and such a flashy style? Ye Zhou had always used a simple and casual style. As a result, when Shang Jin brought him to a designer brand today, Ye Zhou felt a little unaccustomed.

Very good. Shang Jin directly said to the customer service personnel, Wrap up this one.

Hey, hey! Listen to my opinion!

Shang Jin told him to take a turn for him to see and evaluated, Its quite good-looking. Occasionally try out a different style.

But this is too expensive. 10,800 gone in just a few minutes.

Shang Jin laughed mysteriously, This is the effect we want.

Ye Zhou wasnt too clear now, but he understood once he met Liang Jingmin on the second day.

Arriving at the appointed restaurant private room, Liang Jingmin glanced at him and stared at his clothes.

Obviously, the other recognized these brand name clothes and was calculating the price in her mind.

Shang Jin looked at the place Liang Jingmin had chosen and he knew in his heart that hed end up paying this time. After taking a seat, he asked the waiter for a menu.

Liang Jingmin originally wanted to take the menu, but was intercepted by Shang Jin on the way. He handed the menu to Ye Zhou and said, See what you want to eat.

Ye Zhou was a bit embarrassed. He said hesitantly, Thats not so good. Why dont we let Auntie choose first

Dont call her Auntie. Our relationship isnt so close; just call her Ms. Liang.

Liang Jingmin couldnt bear anymore. She fiercely slammed the table and said, Do you still have this mother in your eyes?

The corner of Shang Jins mouth hooked up and he replied, How would I dare not see you? Thanks to your blessing, my dad found out about Ye Zhou and me and has already driven me out of the house.

So you just went out like that? Liang Jingmin didnt expect Shang Qingping could be so callous. She clenched her fists and said, Drive you out of the house? Based on what? Youre his own son. Even if he drove you out, he has to give you something, and it cant be little. After we finish eating, well make a trip to the Shang house. Want to drive out the eldest son to make room for the youngest son? Dont think about it!

Ye Zhou finished ordering and quietly watched Liang Jingmin. Although the other party didnt seem easy to get along with, but these words could also be considered as thinking for Shang Jin. How could the relationship between the two be poor to that extent?

Liang Jingmin took a drink from her glass of water to soothe her anger. She once again turned her attention Ye Zhou. Youre Ye Zhou?


Liang Jingmin glanced him up and down and suddenly smiled, I just made you see a joke. Shang Jins dad neglects him too much and Shang Jin doesnt do so well when it comes to etiquette.

Ye Zhous brows wrinkled. Did she have to slander her own son so much?

However, thinking of his own parents, it was really better not to mention it. Shang Jin and him, in some respects, could really be considered fellow sufferers empathizing with each other.

I think Shang Jin is very good like this. Being straightforward is always better than some who wears a hypocritical mask and is always extremely cordial towards everyone, but who knows when theyd stab someone in the back. Ye Zhou, whod never been fussy when dealing with people, didnt want to deal with Liang Jingmin now. Her own son, Shang Jin didnt like her, so there was even less of a need for him to tuck his tails in between his legs and behave in front of Liang Jingmin.

Shang Jin lowered his head and lightly coughed. He helped pour a glass of water for Ye Zhou and said, Saying so much, you should be thirsty, right?

Ye Zhou gave him a great deal of face and drank a big mouthful.

Liang Jingmin took a deep breath and said as gently as possible, Ye Zhou, what are your parents high positions?

It cant be called high positions. Theyre just ordinary middle school teachers.

Liang Jingmin obviously didnt believe it. Middle school teachers treatment is so good now that they can buy clothes over ten thousand at will?

Ye Zhou froze for a moment. He didnt expect that Liang Jingmins focus on his clothes was to determine his family background.

No wonder Shang Jin had taken him to buy such expensive clothes yesterday. If what he wore was too ordinary, hes afraid that Liang Jingmins attitude towards him wouldnt be good.

Ye Zhou pulled his cuffs and said, This suit? Shang Jin bought it for me. My parents are middle school teachers and could only take home several thousands in hard-earned wages each month.

Shang Jin looked at him in reproach.

In the next second, Liang Jingmins expression turned malevolent, as if the money spent was her own. Shang Jin had given clothes that cost ten thousand so easily to a totally unrelated stranger. With these thoughts in mind, her eyes on Ye Zhou became as sharp as needles. Before, shed thought that he was a rich second generation, but she didnt expect that he was a poor student. She stared at Ye Zhou and said sarcastically, I think your parents must not have educated you. Using your body to exchange for wealth is a despicable method.

Ye Zhou sneered, Not mentioning what my parents taught me for now, but Ms. Liang, you just gave me a vivid lesson in what it means to favor the rich and disdain the poor.

Liang Jingmin restrained her anger and said, Believe it or not, Ill tell your parents about what youve done. I hope that at that time, you can still have such a glib tongue in front of them.

Shang Jins face changed and he wanted to speak, but was held back by Ye Zhou. You can go make a big proclamation. Its best if you make it so that they severe their relationship with me. Then I can wrap around Shang Jin, spend his money and live in his house. After all, it was because of you, Shang Jins mother, that I fell to such a stage. Oh right. Shang Jin was already driven out by his father and he doesnt have his own house. At that time, Shang Jin and I will come to your house to eat and drink. On the way, we can help you promote in the neighborhood that you have a gay son.

Liang Jingmin kept gasping in anger, Simply shameless.

Ye Zhou took out his cell phone and said, This is my parents number. You can call them now.

Liang Jingmin fiercely glared at Ye Zhou, but didnt take the phone.

Ye Zhou sneered and took the phone back. If my family has money, you wouldnt say anything further and agree to let me be together with Shang Jin. If my family has no money, you would oppose it to the end. Auntie, no, Ms. Liang, Im really glad that Shang Jin didnt follow you back then. Otherwise, based on Shang Jins appearance, he might have been sold by you to someone. Using your body to exchange for wealth is a despicable method. This phrase, why does it sound so familiar? Who said it?

Liang Jingmin was jabbed at her sore point and stood up suddenly. She walked in front of Ye Zhou and raised her hand to hit him.

Shang Jin pulled Ye Zhou aside and grabbed Liang Jingmins arm with his other hand. It doesnt seem like we can eat at the same table peacefully. For the sake of everyones appetite, we wont disturb your meal.

Saying this, Shang Jin seized Ye Zhous shoulders and opened the door to the private room, just happening to run into the serving staff.

The dishes I ordered, what a pity. The spicy smell wafted to Ye Zhous nose and caused him to gulp involuntarily.

We can come eat next time. Shang Jin just left the hotel and Liang Jingmin called him. He didnt even look and directly hung up.

Ye Zhou said resentfully, What did she call for?

Shang Jin shut off the phone and said, What else could it be? Money for the meal.

The just-quelled fury ignited again. Ye Zhou said indignantly, She still has the nerve to call herself your mother? Has she taken on a mothers responsibility? Opening or closing her mouth, its money, money, money. Eating a meal, shed actually chase after her son to pay for it!

Shang Jin rubbed Ye Zhous hair and said, Why are you so angry? I dont feel anything.

Ye Zhou hatefully glared at him and said in annoyance, Im even angrier after seeing you like this! Ye Zhou couldnt imagine how many times Shang Jin was hurt by Liang Jingmins attitude before he became so indifferent. I really dont know how much effort it took for you to not go astray in this environment, but still be able to get first in every class.

Shang Jin wasnt to be outdone and countered, You still have the nerve to talk about me? Youve been working so hard for so many years but your family still ignores your achievements. You can still grow up to be a red-roots socialist successor.

I, thats Ye Zhou said halfway and didnt understand what he was arguing with Shang Jin about, Are we comparing whos more miserable?

Shang Jin laughed. Yeah, but this time, you won.

No way, Ye Zhou said, I didnt expect that Id lose to you when it comes to being more miserable.

No, you won.

Its you who won.

You won.

You won! Ye Zhou fiercely said, then laughed out loud. What are we doing?

Shang Jin pulled Ye Zhous hand and said, Hungry? Lets go eat.


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