Even Posing as a Hero is Easy–Why? Cause I’m a God–

275 Episode 257: The Cicada Of The Floating Continent (Visit Of The Fox, Part 3)

He was taking Inari's Fox Amzu to guide him around the other world.

Next came the floating continent.

It seems that the clouds are just clear, and the dazzling sun of spring makes the ocean under your eyes glow blue.

I said you in your witch's clothes, with your eyes shining.

"Laputa really must have happened. Hey!

"Are you me?"

- I know what it's like to say.

It's not the first time I've lived to be able to say these words.

I couldn't help but laugh as I walked alongside you.

Ancient ruins like time stopped.

"It's an old town...... I feel some harsh signs. Is it the breath of God?"

"Well, it's a pretty old town. It seems that God and his family live in Takoshi."

"Ha ha, is that so? but unlike elsewhere, you also miss it"

"You know what I mean, too? - Because it is the use of the five grain riches? When seeded, this floating continent is just like Earth. It's a fantastic ancient civilization, Atlantis."

"Whoo! It's amazing how you can come to different worlds and stroll through illusory ancient civilizations! I'm so glad I didn't give up until now that I'm glad I'm alive!

"Good for you."

Watching Amun exaggerate makes it fun this way.

But there was something that caught my mind.

I didn't know what that was.

- and.

I heard a weird squeal. The quiet atmosphere of ruins is ringing.

Anxiously, you frown shapely.

"What is that noise...?

"Come on, there's only got to be a golem."

I wondered, so I went.

Then, on the walls of a four-story building facing the boulevard, a giant cicada was stuck.


And it's ringing.

I thought it was too early for summer poetry, but when I looked closely, it was Lapisia.

That's what you say as you hide behind me.

"Oh, what is that...? Though I feel the power to be close to you. The other world is full of wonders."

"I have nothing to be afraid of. That's Lapisia, daughter of Mother Earth God. He's one of the guys I traveled with, and now he's got the building fixed."

"Was that child the Mother Earth God...... hmmm. I do feel a strong sense of richness."

That's just the use of the Goya Toyoshi Commercial Prosperity God, and he quickly spotted that.

Looking around, the ancient township, collapsed by the battle against the Demon King, had been fixed by about half.

Lapisia's tenacious building also fixes cracks, missing columns and broken glass windows.

When it was all over, he stopped ringing, and when he did, he moved his hands and feet and came down like a bug.

"You're trying, Lapisia. Much better in town."


Then the blue twin tail creeps up and comes to the side.

"That's great."

I stroked my head and praised him, and he smiled more cute.

"Kaika, what are you doing here?

"An old acquaintance has asked, and I'm just showing you the world over here."

Lapisia leaned to the side from body to body and looked at you. Blue twin tail gets to the ground.


"Yes, sir."

Like the kid who found the toy, he glitters his golden eyes and looks at me.

"Kaika, can I keep it?


Lapisia swelled her cheeks and burst.

"Bu fu! I want to have pets! I want it! Ho ho!

- As Mother Earth God, you wanted a tight guardian for the fields.

"Transferring dependents can be tricky to death, so no. I mean, the Great God of the Soul of Uga (or only the occasional odd one) is too broad and understaffed, so I can't do it first"

"... Yes, unfortunately. Your service is not over, so thank you. I hope so too, but I'm sorry..."

I bowed my head like I was sorry. The thick tail drips.

My little back looked so sad.

"Buh. I don't know, but I get it"

Lapisia nodded as she swelled her white, soft cheeks like a cake. But he didn't seem convinced at all.

- It's unusual for Lapisia to waste so much time here.

I said as I stroked the girl's blue hair.

"Well, I asked you to restore the building."

"Good luck!"

A refreshing breeze blows through a quiet corner without people.

They rocked my dark hair and my witch clothes.

Suddenly, Lapisia screamed.

"Ah! I just found the heck out of it!


"Yeah! Over here!

They pulled my hand and took me to the back street.

Stone paved trails.

There was a small jar in the shadow of the building.

Lapisia points and says.

"I'm saying something! But I don't know!

"Sounds like you have residual thoughts... is this a will?

Read the letters written on the surface of the jaw for the hand.

It was an ancient language. Close to line letter A.

You peek in from the side.

"I want the remains scattered across the ocean."

"You want to go back to Earth... can you ask for it?

When he received his sad face, he held it in his little chest.

"We'll take care of it. In exchange for this life, I will surely sprinkle it on the beautiful Atlantic Ocean that shines green."

I felt a tremor.

Maybe you resonated with your thoughts and shook with sadness.

She speaks of her determination to exaggerate.

I caressed her head gently because she seemed so adorable to accept a major role in that little body.

My thick tail was shaking like it felt good.

He then visited the border village and saw Mount Faslanaft.

Before noon he also went to Brizaria, the frost giant (Frostal) country.

The Giants' going-away king's capital, Grachese, feels spring far away in the sun, still as weak as winter.

The shops and streets were all giant-sized big cities, and you were surprised with your eyes round.

"It's amazing! You're going to mistake me for getting smaller!

"You're a little old, though."

"This still grew. Yikes!

I forced myself to give you a chest. A small valley glanced from the collar of the witch's clothes.

Then I met Ticky, the frost giant aunt who lowered her shopping cage.

"Oh, brave man. Good afternoon."

"Long time no see, Ticky. I'm touring with someone I know today. This is the guy."

"My name is Anzu. Best regards,"

I bowed my head, frightened by the difference in physique. My tail is dripping.

"Oh, you're such a sweet kid... how tough is that? But there's nothing to see about sightseeing, right?

"From what I don't know, this country is full of eye-openers"

"Yes. I'm sure if you grew up in a different place, it wouldn't be normal - so let me show you a lot"

Ticky smiled and stood first and walked out.

"Sounds like you're on your way to shopping, okay?

"Yeah, I'm fine. Because I'm done buying everything I want."

That's what I said, I let him open the shopping cage.

Inside there were frozen vegetables and ice pickled fish.

Amun peered into the cage and raised an excited voice.

"It's all frozen! Exactly the other world, sir!

"No, you haven't eaten ice fish. Is that good?

Ticky shrugged her wide shoulder.

"It's delicious to eat bollocks like that, but it's not for you guys."

"Wow, it's wild... that's right, Mr. Giant, so sooo"

I was happy to shake my thick tail patterned.

Then we reached the Ice Dragon Stables.

In the large garden, children's dragons are rushing around to play.

You leaked an exclamation.

"It's full of little blue, beautiful dragons! Cute as cold!

I have a symbiotic relationship with the Frost Titans.

Ice dragons and frost giants, I taught him about this country again.

You were happy to make your ears shine.

Ticky came out of the cabin next to the stables and said.

"Oh. Thank you for complimenting our children - come on, have lunch and go"

"Wow, thank you!

- and.

Zushizushi the ground swayed.

"Hihaha! Is it an earthquake? At seismic intensity 2, the seismic origin is... close!?

And the earthquake land came into the garden of the stables.

"Hi Auntie -. Oh, Kaika!

"Freya. Long time no see."

Freya the Giant Toddler. He is about three meters tall. Big enough to look up.

You're hiding behind my back with no fear. My thick tail was shaking.

"Oh, do you know him?

"It's Freya, the princess of the frost giant. This one, really. It's an old friend of mine."

"Cute. Is he a tough beast man?

Freya crouched down and got her hands on it.

I shake my hand in close proximity to my forehead.

"Regards...... Um, may I touch it?

"Yeah? Fine."

"Now, if you'll excuse me"

Anzu touched Freya's leg with a pepper and a small palm.

Then he undresses and climbs the giant, touching his whole body without blemishes.

Freya twisted the young giant.

"Kuh, it tickles me!

"Hawa! Please don't move!

Sticking to his clothes, he touched his flank, back and shoulders.

When I finished, I came down and wore a flattery.

Wipe your forehead with a small back of your hand. I said with a distant eye for some reason.

"Hmm. It was worth the touch because it was huge - no remainder of my heart."

"Weird kid. - Oh, dinner! Eat with me!

Freya hits the ground and runs to the stables.

"All right, we'll have one too."

"Yes, Kaika!

Then I had Ticky's lunch with Freya.

Steamed potatoes with ham and ice fish salad. All the food that saves works.

Icefish was using it in the middle of thawing and had a new sensation of sorbet sharpness. Because it is frozen, there is no odor specific to the fish.

"Yeah. This is it."

"It's a strange flavor! It's a different world! Thank you so much for behaving like a lovely meal to see if you can taste it once in your life!

"Oh yeah? Don't hesitate to eat more."

Ticky smiles happily and turns the dish away.

I grinned the other way.

- I have to think that your words are always increasing and exaggerating.

Change the story and talk to Freya, the giant toddler.

"Still, do you come to Ticky often? Don't you have to eat at the castle?

"After this, Ice Dragons and I will do it, and we will play! 'Cause this is the only place with a big ground!

"I see."

Anzu rocks her brown hair and tilts her little neck.

"Shall we? What is it?

"That's baseball. I've spread the word in this world."

"Ho ho. That's Kaika!

Freya says pleasantly.

"Really! Kaika, you're so amazing! I ran a meteorite home!

"Huh!? Is that because they are playing such a dangerous game!? That's a different world..."

Then, to solve the mistake, Freya told me what I was doing.

You were as happy as I was, waving your tail flat.

By the way, they say something about an off-site home run, like a Kaika class or a Kaika.

Then I took a little tour of what the Frost Titans did and left Brizarria behind.

Walk as you follow the snowflake.

"Kaika, you really saved people... I'm glad to know that last time,"

"You're exaggerating. No, I was surprised by the ice dragon, but there's a bigger one, right?

"Ho, is it true!? Let's see!

"Well, there you go next."

I took you to Mount Green.

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