Even If I’m Reborn as a Cute Dragon Girl, I Will Still Make a Harem

Book 5: Chapter 170: Dream (1)

Book 5: Chapter 170: Dream (1)

“Raymond, Raymond, Raymond! You damn b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲, how dare you slink off to nap on a day like today? Are you trying to embarrass me in front of our guests?!”

The thunderous roar jolted Raymond from his shallow sleep. His mind was still foggy, and the harsh sunlight forced him to squint. He couldn’t see the world clearly, as if it was enveloped in a haze.

“Are you even listening to me? If your grandfather catches you like this, he’ll have your legs broken, mark my words!”

After a moment of searching in a daze, Raymond finally made out the figure of the man, who was a head shorter, standing before him.

“Father, what brings you here?”

“What do you think? I’m here to find you! Time’s ticking, and you’re still lounging here. Don’t you realize everyone’s in a frenzy?”

“Time? What time is it? I thought I was supposed to be in the small world chasing down Luna…”

“What nonsense are you spewing?” The man named Razer interrupted Raymond. He scanned the surroundings before leaning in and said, “That was a year ago!”

“A year ago?” Raymond felt as though he was in a dream. “A whole year? How did time slip away so quickly? And… what am I doing now?”

“Come on, wake up already,” Razer sighed helplessly, inwardly grumbling about how he fathered such a dim-witted son.

“Today is your wedding with Princess Estelle. Don’t you remember?” he reminded.

“Wedding with Princess Estelle?”

Suddenly, everything clicked into place. The once blurry memories became vivid as if they had just happened yesterday.

That’s right… I managed to get rid of Princess Luna in that small world by crippling her a year ago. Stripped of her value, the Emperor gave her to the prime minister, an elderly man in his fifties who is as rotund as a pig.

With Luna out of the way, Estelle’s future was bright. A month after that, she successfully attained the Saint Realm, becoming the youngest saint-level expert in imperial history.

The Imperial Consort kept her promise and convinced the Emperor to betroth Estelle to me. After learning the truth, Estelle was deeply moved, and our relationship quickly blossomed.

Both of us are fully committed to this marriage, and today is the day of our wedding ceremony.

No wonder Father is in such a rush. A marriage between the Emperor’s favored daughter and the First Divine Elder’s grandson is definitely a match made in heaven.

Not only will the dignitaries in the city receive invitations, but the Emperor himself will also personally officiate the wedding of his daughter.

“What are you waiting for? They’re all waiting for you.” Razer grabbed Raymond’s wrist impatiently after urging him.

“Just a moment, I haven’t gotten the bouquet.” Raymond hastily picked up a bouquet from a nearby table. He had specially chosen the arrangement for Estelle. The white blossoms mirrored her beauty… and purity.

Following Razer down the corridor decorated with flowers, Raymond received nods from blushing maids in their new uniforms. Raymond returned the gesture.

Before long, they arrived at the grand chapel.

His father was right—everyone was waiting for him.

The nuns hired to run the wedding ceremony immediately rushed over to him, fixing his makeup, smoothing the wrinkles on his tuxedo, and brushing away stray petals that had settled on his head.

A few uncles offered Raymond smiles, his parents had tears of relief in their eyes, and even his grandfather, who rarely smiled, nodded approvingly, pointing his cane toward the doors.

“Go inside, don’t keep the bride waiting,” he urged.

“All right,” Raymond replied, holding the bouquet and pushing open the doors.


As the doors creaked open, the church bell tolled. White light flooded his sight.

A figure in pure white stood at the furthest end, quietly waiting for his arrival.

“Here comes the groom!” exclaimed the flower girls, who had been waiting behind the door, as they showered rose petals in his path.

Applause erupted from the guests.

His best men, smartly dressed in their tailored suits, exchanged meaningful glances with him before gathering the courage to escort him down the aisle toward the bride.

The Emperor took the bride by her hand and led her toward Raymond, while the bridesmaids lifted the long train of her dress behind her. The best men took their positions at the side of the aisle, while Raymond continued walking toward the bride alone.

Although the bride’s face was hidden behind the veil, Raymond felt a surge of courage just by looking at her. Having walked all sorts of paths, this was nothing to him.

Reaching the bride, the Emperor solemnly placed her hand in Raymond’s, and then offered a stern instruction—”Treat her well, or I’ll skin you alive.”

Raymond couldn’t help but shudder, sensing the gravity behind the words. The Emperor’s threats were never empty.

“I’ll treat Estelle well, I promise. If I break my promise, the heavens can strike me down!” Raymond vowed earnestly.

“Haha, good boy. I knew I could count on you,” the Emperor replied with a pleased smile, patting Raymond’s hand. “Estelle is now in your care,” he said.

“Yes,” Raymond replied, gulping nervously as he grasped Estelle’s soft hand.

“Raymond Cassellman, do you vow to love and care for the bride, in sickness and in health, in wealth and in poverty, in beauty and ugliness, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?”

“I do.”

“Estelle Hesse, do you vow to love and care for the groom, in sickness and in health, in wealth and in poverty, in beauty and ugliness, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?”

“I do.”

“Well then, please exchange your promise rings with each other.”

The flower girl presented two rings, and Raymond’s heart swelled with warmth as he slid one onto Estelle’s slender finger. As Estelle reciprocated by putting the other ring on his finger, Raymond felt a profound sense of joy wash over him.

At that moment, nothing else in the world mattered more than these rings.

With the exchange of rings completed, the pastor closed the bible with a snap and announced to the audience, “Under the watchful eye of God, Raymond Cassellman and Estelle Hesse, you are now united as husband and wife.”

A warm round of applause filled the chapel.

“Raymond Cassellman, do you dare to seal your vow with a kiss and declare your love for your wife?”

Before Raymond could reply, the audience began cheering, “Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!”

“Of course I do,” Raymond replied with a flushed face. He had never felt this shy before in his life.

“Then please lift the bride’s veil and seal your vow with a kiss.”



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