Even If I’m Reborn as a Cute Dragon Girl, I Will Still Make a Harem

Book 5: Chapter 163: Emergency Response

Book 5: Chapter 163: Emergency Response

The next stall, “Shoot For Toys,” was a classic game of archery but with a twist. Instead of traditional arrows, the game used rubber-tipped ones for safety, though they proved challenging to hit targets with.

Lilith took aim at a toy ten meters away, without any confidence in her ability to hit it. With a whoosh, the arrow flew toward the toy box before narrowly missing its mark as she had expected.

Lilith sighed but quickly prepared for a second shot. Before she could take out another arrow, the toy box that her arrow grazed against wobbled despite the absence of any wind before finally tumbling to the ground.

“Wow! As expected of our esteemed prin-…. this young lady! You have certainly mastered the arrow qi! I’m truly impressed!”

Lilith’s cheeks twitched as the stall owner enthusiastically grabbed her shoulders and shook her with excitement, pretending as if he had not hidden the cabinet to push the toy box off earlier.

“Ugh, boring.”

Lilith shrugged off the stall owner’s hand, paying no mind to his disappointed expression, which seemed to convey a deeper sorrow than losing one’s entire family or enduring a breakup, as she moved on to the next stall—Goldfish Scooping.

While other children were given paper scoops, Lilith was handed a massive metallic one about two meters long. According to the stall owner, she could even catch a shark with it.

Lilith watched the goldfish swim gleefully in their tanks but was unable to bring herself to scoop them with the oversized scoop that could easily capture every single one of them.

“Ugh, how boring.”

She moved to the next stall.


And the next.

“Boring.” “Boring.” “Boring.”

Lilith could no longer keep track of how many times she had repeated the word “boring” throughout the day, or how many disappointed stall owners she had left in her wake.

Despite her lackluster experience, Lilith could not deny the merit of the vendors’ efforts. The food they served was safe, edible, and surprisingly tasty, while the game attractions provided just enough excitement without posing any real danger to the mortals.

In the end, Lilith found herself somewhat satisfied with the bunch of dragons and decided not to complain about them to her mother for now.


As Lilith strolled down the street, she found herself at its end, with only one last stall remaining.

Initially, she had planned to take a cursory glance around before calling it a day as a token gesture of consolation to the vendors. However, her attention was abruptly captured by a particular reward on display—a scroll.

It was ordinary in appearance yet exuded an aura of danger.

Lilith immediately recognized it as the “Burst Scroll Pro Max Double Intensity Burst Plus Edition.” Although it was quicker to deploy since it was smaller, it was the ultimate iteration of the Burst Scroll series which was even more devastatingly powerful!

She had previously requested this kind of scroll from her mother, only to be denied on the grounds of its extreme danger. Indeed, its instability was its sole drawback. Rumor had it that it required no specific trigger conditions—simply shaking it would cause it to detonate, with the potential to level an entire city!

“How can I obtain this scroll?” Lilith inquired eagerly with sparkly eyes.

With a dazzling smile, the stall owner immediately handed her a stack of rings. “Simple. Just toss these rings! The scroll is yours if you can put a ring on it.”

“Is that so?” Lilith smiled nonchalantly, suspecting this was just another ploy to amuse her.

Nonetheless, she felt compelled to approach the matter with more seriousness, lest she regret missing out on the Burst Scroll Pro Max Double Intensity Burst Plus Edition.

After aiming the scroll for what felt like an eternity, Lilith finally tossed the ring, expecting to claim her prize.

Yet, to her surprise, the scroll—despite being under the scrutiny of countless onlookers in broad daylight—shifted away at the last moment, dodging her throw.

Typical, she thought wryly, everyone seemed adept at thwarting her plans.

Despite the stall owner’s dazzling smile, Lilith could not help but return it with a knowing grin.

You leave me with no choice then.

“Give me more rings.”

“Right away.”

Setting aside her parasol, Lilith dished out blurry shadows with both hands. The rings in her hands rained down on the scroll.

Despite its impressive agility and graceful dodges, even the formidable Burst Scroll Pro Max Double Intensity Burst Plus Edition could not match Lilith’s exceptional hand speed and cunning strategy.

With a swift maneuver, she seized the opportune moment and successfully placed the ring on the scroll while it was distracted.

Warm applause immediately erupted from the surrounding crowd.

“Good job!”


“As expected of our esteemed prin… young lady who just happens to be passing by. You’re impressive.”

The stall owners, who had been occupied moments before, now converged eagerly, their faces alight with excitement as they applauded the successful feat. Their words overflowed with praise for Lilith’s accomplishment.

“Thank you. Thank you.” Lilith gracefully bowed to the surrounding crowd, an aura of triumph enveloping her as if she were the sole victor on the stage.

With gazes of admiration, surprise, and relief directed toward her from below, she confidently made her way to claim her prize—Burst Scroll Pro Max Double Intensity Burst Plus Edition.

She picked up the scroll and then raised it high up in the air. The spotlights shone on the scroll, eliciting another round of thunderous applause from the audience.

Lilith smiled at the crowd a smile, then made her way over to the event vendor under everyone’s envious gaze. The vendor’s sunny smile stretched to the corners of his mouth, his hands trembling slightly with anticipation as Lilith drew near.

Lilith grabbed his trembling hand and stuffed the Burst Scroll Pro Max Double Intensity Burst Plus Edition into his grasp.

“Eh?” he exclaimed in confusion.

The applause dwindled, the spotlight dimmed, and confusion swept through the crowd as they watched Lilith’s unexpected gesture. It was inconceivable that the princess would reject such a coveted prize.

“Sheesh…” Lilith reopened her parasol and continued down the street, leaving behind only a lingering phrase carried by the breeze—”You were shaking the scroll too hard, you idiot.”

The audience fell into stunned silence and fixed their eyes on the Burst Scroll Pro Max Double Intensity Burst Plus Edition.

After a prolonged pause, Stall Owner A finally found his voice again.

“In my experience, Her Highness is right. It does seem on the verge of bursting.”

“Of course, it’s already hot to the touch. If it isn’t already on the verge of bursting, then it’s certainly worthy to be in my collection.” Lilith, who had reached the end of the street, glanced back and waved a smile.

“Do something about it and make sure you don’t cause disturbance to the neighbors,” she advised before continuing on her way.

The crowd exchanged bewildered glances. How does one handle a Burst Scroll capable of destroying a city without even disturbing the neighbors?

After much deliberation, they turned to Stall Owner B, who stroked his chin thoughtfully before turning to the pale-faced stall owner with a proposal.

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