
Chapter 87: Revenge Arc: Operation: Kill Konan Part I

Chapter 87: Revenge Arc: Operation: Kill Konan Part I

Moegi felt a deep sense of satisfaction as she slowly awoke to her new life as one of Narutos lovers. She moaned in phantom pleasure as she remembered being taken in a variety of ways, which ended with her being carried off to be fucked one last time in the large shower room located between the Master Bedroom and Club N. They had then dedicated themselves to cleaning themselves up in order to get some sleep. Naruto had finished first, and left her alone to freshen up the bed.

As she had stood under the water, she had expected to feel some sense of nervousness in regards to her being bound to a man that could make her do anything he wished, However, instead all she felt was a sense of contentment, especially as she could still feel the seed he had deposited in her leaking out. After her shower, she had moved to a mirror to study herself. Having removed the remaining bungee and placing it around her wrist so as to not lose it, she considered how best to wear her hair. The reason behind her desire was that while it may have seemed rather silly on the surface to say she had changed as a result of the days activities, still she felt sleeping with Naruto had made her a bit more mature. She knew it wasnt the sex, since more often than not it could show just how immature the ill prepared were as she knew a few kunoichi that had needed to put their careers on the backburner upon receiving unexpected buns in the oven. Not to mention, she knew a few shinobi that had gotten roped into marrying said kunoichi in what were considered crossbow weddings.

Yet, considering all that she had learned, in between the bouts of lovemaking, about Naruto and his Familys ambitions. She couldnt help feeling that being with Naruto had truly been a mind-blowing experience. One that hadnt been exclusively related to the sex. Standing in front of the mirror, she had giggled to herself as she realized that perhaps she wasnt all that different from the kunoichi and shinobi that she knew whose lives had taken a drastic direction because of an impulsive choice where one hadnt considered all the ramifications of what could happen. But, she didnt regret it in the slightest, as she found she was only worried about being able to measure up to the challenges that she knew Naruto would face as she wanted to support him.

Deciding on a more sophisticated look, Moegi took the tie from her wrist and pulled her hair into a ponytail that was slightly off center at the base of her skull and caused her hair to rest over her right shoulder. She had smiled and decided it was much better than just reversing the direction of her pigtails, thinking that would be similar to just a lazy artists way of showing the passage of time, as she had been considering doing.

She had then headed out to the bedroom, and found Naruto in the last stages of making up the bed. Upon his noticing her, he asked, Going for a new look now?

She had nodded, while replying, To go with the new life tomorrows going to bring.

He had smiled at her as he approached her in order to give her a light kiss, after which he had picked her up in his arms. She laughed happily as he carried her to the bed like a bride while stating, You dont have to go changing on my account.

Moegi quickly shook her head as she replied, It isnt. Ive just felt that considering the new perspective that Ive been shown today, that maybe a new hairstyle would be appropriate. But, Im still your sweet, if not so innocent anymore, Moegi.

Naruto laughed before setting her on the bed and jokingly stating, Something the old sheets would attest to.

Moegi smiled as he laid down beside her, allowing her to cuddle up into him and enjoy the feeling of his warmth seeping into her. Using his shoulder as a pillow, she quickly found that sleep had overtaken her.

A sleep which as she became more aware had left her almost in the exact position she remembered taking the night before. She could feel Narutos hand on the small of her back, and was amused as that was also where her fox mark was. She had chosen the location specifically due to the notion that women who had tattoos there were thought to be rather promiscuous, which although she didnt expect to show it off regularly to random people on the street. It excited her knowing that it marked that side of her which belonged to Naruto now.

However, just as she was considering how best to put that new side on display to wake Naruto up, she heard the wet slurping sounds that made her aware that someone had already beaten her to the punch. Which although she had figured Naruto was tied to many of the women that he lived with in the Hidden Eddy Inn. It still hadnt mentally prepared her to the possibility of awakening to the sight of the Hokage kneeling between Naruto legs with a hand wrapped around the base of his cock, while she rolled her tongue around its head. Nor that she would be completely naked while doing so.

Lady Tsunade, Moegi said softly aware that Naruto was still asleep.

The Hokages honey brown eyes twinkled with amusement as she focused on her before asking, Does this really look like the time to be using titles? She then returned her attention to the pillar of flesh before her. Moegi watched on in amazement as the Hokage wrapped her lips around it and then made it disappear by swallowing it all the way down to the base. She left it buried in her throat for a few moments, before she reversed course and then began stroking his rod that was now coated in her saliva. Naruto groaned in his sleep causing a pleased grin to appear on Tsunades face, as she refocused on Moegi to ask, So, was last night everything you dreamed it would be?

Moegi felt a similar sense of a surreal disconnect as she had when Sakura had brought her to the Den due to how unbelievable the scene unfolding before her was. After all, in the past every time she had conversed with the Hokage it had been related to a mission that she had completed or been assigned. Yet, now the woman was kneeling naked before her while stroking the same cock that only the night before had been buried deep inside her, while asking her how good it had been. To her surprise, despite the strangeness of the moment she smirked as she replied, I think you know perfectly well it was all that and more. By the end I was nearly to the point of begging him to stop because I dont think my pussy could take anymore.

Tsunade surprised Moegi as she moved from her spot between Narutos legs to kneel before her. She then gripped the orange haired womans knees to spread her legs as she stated, You better let me take a look.

Im finereally, Moegi said flushing in embarrassment as her villages leader stared intensely at her pink flower.

Tsunade, lowered her face to the younger womans quim and giving a playful smirk said, Theres nothing to be embarrassed about. Im a doctor after all.

She then gave Moegis honeypot a large lick that started at the bottom and concluded with her swiping the young kunoichis pleasure buzzer. Moegi let out a loud moan as a result which was followed up by several more as the Hokage began energetically licking the kunoichis cunnie.

Moegi couldnt believe just how accurate the fantasy she had of Narutos love life was proving to be. Despite Tsunade filling in for Sakura, it became a little closer as Naruto revealed that he had awakened as he stroked his cock stating, It isnt like you to leave a task half finished, Tsunade.

The Senju pulled her mouth away from Moegis now glistening cunt to teasingly counter, You have no one but yourself to blame. Once she complained how rough you had been, I was honor bound to make sure you hadnt done any serious damage with that kunoichi imapaler you carry.

Getting to his knees behind his blond lover, Naruto caused her to moan as he knelt behind her so that his legs laid outside of hers and rubbed her pussy while commenting on how wet she was, I dont know, it seems theres more than a bit of self-satisfaction involved.

Inserting her middle and index finger inside Moegi to keep her moaning by tickling the inside walls of her love tunnel, Tsunade looked back over her shoulder to reply, All great doctors take pleasure in helping others.

Naruto chuckled before causing her to moan by rubbing his cock along her silken and drooling lips before saying, Then I imagine you dont mind if I have these lips here deal with the swelling that I seem to be experiencing. He didnt wait for a reply as he buried his dick inside his blond lover causing her to moan quite contently.

Tsunade focused her gaze on Moegis pleasured filled face and addressing her lover said, Just be sure to reward me with a fresh injection of your cum. She then lowered her mouth back down to her fellow kunoichis pussy and used her tongue to focus on Moegis clit.

Naruto groaned as her cunt coiled around his rod as he worked it back and forth within her. Finding her to be extra tight due to her legs being close together, he responded, That shouldnt prove to be too difficult.

Moegi watched Naruto repeatedly drive himself into Tsunade and felt the pleasure the Hokage was generating in her spike every time he slammed his hips into Tsunades rear. The orange haired kunoichi clutched at the sheets beneath her as she moaned deliriously in pleasure from the fingers and tongue stimulating her primary pleasure generator. One which overloaded when the Hokages tongue withdrew only for her to suck on Moegis clit, who arched her back as she cried out in ecstasy.

Tsunade wasnt given the chance to bask in her achievement as Naruto scooped her up by her knees and fell back onto the bed. Now laying atop of him, Naruto maintained his grip on her knees to pull them apart and then began to rapidly piston his cock into her. Tsunade cried out as she began arching her back as his dick began smashing her womb over and over again.

Looking over her shoulder she felt her heart swoon at the desire and lust his eyes reflected for her so in between moans said, Kiss me!

Naruto instantly obeyed mashing his lips to hers for a moment, before pulling to let their tongues dance with each other in the open. Her hands sought out her breasts, which she fondled as her thumb and index finger pinched her nipples. Tsunade found a delicate balance as she would tweak her nipples to bring her closer to the edge of release, but then would stop to bring herself back just enough to avoid falling over. But the balance was broken as revitalized Moegis tongue suddenly teased her clit causing her to cry out as fell into the abyss of orgasmic pleasure.

Naruto followed suit as he buried his dick deep inside Tsunade as her pussy began milking him for his seed. He gave her womb what it desired as he began to fire stream after stream into her. Tsunade sagged atop of him, and then let out a whimper of loss as Moegi pulled him from her velvet sheath.

The orange haired kunoichi gave his cock several strokes before wrapping her mouth around it. He groaned as her tongue circled around his still sensitive cockhead prompting her to moan from the taste of his jizz mixed with Tsunades essence. Moegi then straddled his hips and guided him inside of her, letting out a soft low moan as she sank down onto his pole. Once he was buried fully inside her, she lifted up Tsunades hip so that her butt rested on her chest, and buried her face in the Hokage snatch as she began grinding her hips against his.

Naruto groaned as Moegi glided back and forth with his cock nestled deep inside her. Meanwhile, Tsunade also let out a deep moan as she came back to the world to find Moegis tongue exploring inside her as it sought out Naruto seed. Meeting the young kunoichis eyes she said, My, youve certainly adapted to this all rather quickly.

Its rather hard to find a reason not to, Moegi said as she pulled her mouth away from the Hokages tasty quim, when one sees how happy this life has made you.

Mmm, so happy, Tsunade replied as Moegi returned to eating her out. She then looked over her shoulder and sticking her tongue out moaned into his mouth as he leaned forward to swallow it. She reached over her shoulder to pull his mouth against hers firmer, while his hands sought out her tits for foundling.

Moegi watched Naruto and Tsunades lips pull away from each other to stare in each others eyes. In that moment, she quickly recognized that Tsunade would be another woman whose chakra was Orange, as she could see the depth of love and devotion the two had for each other as the gazed into each others soul. But, it disappeared just as quickly as their mouths collided again as they kissed hungrily.

Turning her focus back to the Hokages dripping snatch, she plunged back in as she reflected that despite the torch that she had carried for Naruto, her own chakra was probably in the green range. But, she wasnt disheartened by this fact, as she recognized it had likely been a long road before Tsunade had achieved her level of closeness with Naruto. A road that she looked forward to exploring, much as she found she was looking forward to witnessing Tsunade cumming from her tongue.

An event which appeared to be nearing as she noticed the Hokages muffled moans growing louder. Focusing her tongue on Tsunade clit, she sped up her own hip action as she wanted to see Naruto and his Senju lover climax together, yet apart. Due to her squeezing down on the rod buried inside her as she worked her hips faster and faster, Naruto groaned into Tsunades mouth before stating, Shit, Im about to cum.

Me too, Tsunade moaned in agreement. Moegi chose that moment to clamp her mouth over the blonde womans clit which she sucked, setting her off. Im cumming!!!!

Naruto in turn choose that moment to give up fighting his own release which caused Moegi to quickly pull her mouth away as she shouted, Me too!!! Feeling Naruto cum painting her womb as she climaxed sapped her strength so that she fell backwards onto the bed. She sighed in loss as his cock slipped out of her, but simply laid still as Tsunade laid sprawled out over both Naruto and her.

The room was silent except for the sound of the three of them recovering their breath, at least until Tsunade stirred. Rolling off of the bodies beneath her, she crawled over to Moegi and simply gave the kunoichi a wet passionate kiss as thanks for the orgasm that she had been given. Moegi returned the kiss eagerly, and when it ended said, Youre welcome.

Tsunade smirked and gave a softer kiss before turning to face Naruto as he had moved to lay against the head of the bed. She crawled into his side, and Naruto said, Thank you! My Senju princess. If you hadnt have convinced me to stick with Suzume I probably wouldnt be here right now.

Moegi sat up and saw another sign of just how deep the two were connected as it was apparent to her that Tsunade had needed to hear that. She nodded gratefully and then rested her head against his chest obviously taking comfort in the heart beating inside.

Moegil felt a little like she was intruding, at least until Naruto smiled at her stating, Arent you going to join us? She nodded quickly, and settled into his other side to enjoy some post coital cuddling.


They sat in silence for the most part until Naruto noticing something on the cabinet nearest the bed asked, Whats that file?

Tsunade pulled her head away from her lovers chest and turned to grab it while she answered, While you were entertaining Moegi. I asked Yuugao to look into Suzume.

Naruto frowned at the mention of Suzume, but what really prompted it was Tsunade likely having told Yuugao why she wanted the womans background look into. Taking the file from Tsunade, he asked, How did Yuugao take the news?

Tsunade shrugged, as she replied, She was obviously concerned, why?

His frowned deepened as she said, She doesnt really react well when people attack me from out of nowhere.

Tsunade cupped his face, as she said, My Love, that is the case for all of us. Naruto did smile at her, but it didnt exactly reach his eyes. Tsunade got a sense of why as she could sense Yuugao was in Club N, and felt rather conflicted. As a result, she began to share in her lovers concern that it might not have been wise to involve the Anbu Captain.

She was about to get up from the bed to check on Suzume afraid that there was now a body to be cleaned up, but she stopped as Naruto asked, I take it you read it. Anything of note?

Tsunade frowned and wondered if Naruto was just buying time as he likely would need to react harshly towards Yuugao if she had murdered Suzume in cold blood. As such, she imagined that he was hoping to delay that moment for as long as possible. She sighed figuring that Suzume wouldnt get any deader if they delayed so said, Not from her official records, as there really doesnt appear to be much of interest in them. Much as it appeared, she was a pretty mid-tier kunoichi who specialized in the arts. She seemed to take part in a few information gathering missions, where she mainly played the role of a noble woman or courtesan in order to infiltrate and extract information. It isnt explicitly stated, but it was apparent that she didnt have many reservations with sleeping with her targets. Which leads us into what isnt in her record, namely that it seems youre not the first person that shes played dress up with.

Despite her current concerns about the Anbu Captains possible actions towards Suzume, Tsunade was impressed with how the woman and her team of fellow Family members had turned up quite a bit on the Chunin Instructors nighttime activities. Informing her lover, she added, It appears Suzume was living a double life long before she likely began to suspect you. During the day, shes a frumpy mild-mannered instructor teaching our kunoichi the skills theyll need to blend into high society. But at night, shes a woman looking for a good time with a little black book filled with names, including some of the instructors that she worked with. Many of whom dont appear to be any the wiser they slept with her.

Naruto nodded filing the information away, as he was confident that Yuugao hadnt killed Suzume as he believed Tsunade might now fear. Feeling the ebb and flow of his purple haired lovers emotions through the fox mark, he believed it had been a very near thing. Yet, rather than someone fearing punishment for a major crime, he was getting the feeling that Yuugao was dreading his appearance in a similar manner as a misbehaving child at school while waiting for a parents arrival. Still, he felt she had run right up to the line as he could still sense a burning anger, which was what was telling him Suzume was still alive.

He was about to head over, but stopped as Tsunade stated, Still, Shiho also found something of interest in that chest.

That was fast, Naruto replied slipping from between the two women to grab a robe.

She hasnt really had time to delve into too many details, but did feel it worth mentioning that it appears that the woman that trained Suzume was Biwako Sarutobi, Tsunade said leaving the bed and following in his wake.

Naruto frowned as he pulled a fresh robe from a dresser and handed it to Tsunade so she could dress. He grabbed one for himself as he stated, Konohamarus grandmother was her sensei in regards to combating people using the Binding? Does that mean the Third Hokage knew about it?

I dont believe so, Tsunade answered as she finished tying the robe off. She smiled for a moment as it appeared Naruto had chosen one of the smaller ones so that the cheeks of her ass would peek out if she so much as raised an arm. But, it made her relax some as it displayed the confidence Naruto had in Yuugao. Focusing back on the current topic she added, Nevertheless, I told Shiho to focus on Biwakos journal.

Good, Naruto replied as he grabbed another robe for Moegi upon noticing her getting off the bed.

Why would you single that one out? Moegi asked having decided to join them, as she figured they were going to confront Suzume.

Naruto was the one that answered as he explained, It will give us insights into why she chose Suzume as an apprentice. Which might give us some ideas as to how to handle her.

Tsunade stared at the back of Narutos head as he headed towards Club N through the connecting shower room. She wasnt too surprised that it appeared that he wanted to keep Suzume at arms length, particularly since the woman had been rather willing to sacrifice innocent people to complete her objective of eliminating him. It was a mindset which her lover found wholly distasteful, particularly as it was one that had seen his mother sealed inside him as a chakra spirit meant to aid him in taming the Kyuubi. Rather than allowing her the privilege of being a mother that she had been craving. Moreover, it was a spirit that didnt belong among the women that Naruto had thus far chosen to share his life with and was why he had tried to disengage for fear of ending up in his current situation. Still, she was surprised that there wasnt more anger from him being directed at the woman outside of how she had used Moegi so stated, You dont seem particularly cross with her considering her nearly killing you. Would you care to elaborate on why? My Love.

Naruto paused for a moment as he turned to focus on her, before explaining, I suppose it is because outside of her willingness to offer up Moegi to verify her beliefs about me, her tactics really didnt differ that much from my own. Tsunade was about to protest, but she stopped as he held up his hand allowing him to state, Let us remember how we seduced Mabui to our side. I used a jutsu which implanted experiences I shared with my lovers to drive her into a state of arousal which allowed me to isolate her. I then bound her to me, and then forced her to forget until we could make our pitch later. Crossing his arms, he met Tsunades honey brown eyes as he said, Being completely honest, outside of her trying to kill me, our tactics were pretty similar. Thus, the only thing that I can be truly upset about is that she was willing to manipulate Moegi to act as bait rather than expose herself. But, even then I understand that she was thinking. That it was the best option that she had since she couldnt really go to you or the village leadership.

Naruto turned away as he moved to enter Club N, and Tsunade couldnt help smiling as it appeared that Moegi had become more enamored of him by his answer. Following after him, Tsunade suspected that the reason it appeared that Naruto wasnt sure about how to deal with Suzume, since up till then he hadnt really been bothered at finding himself bound to women that had tried to kill him, was because he had always possessed a keen sense of the womans spirit. Even someone such as Fuuka, although Tsunade suspected it had been the former ghouls vulnerability upon finding herself alive again which had drawn Naruto in. However, Suzume had managed to, if not blind his insight into the hearts of the women around him, perhaps made him question if it was still working as well since she had managed to project a vulnerability that hadnt truly existed. Still, Tsunade would say that insight gained from his many experiences with the opposite sex was still as sharp as ever, which was how he had so easily seen through her disguise when she had tried to poison him. After all, while it appeared Suzume had been living something of a double life for quite some time. It wasnt the outer shell which Naruto was drawn to. Yet, he had taken an interest in her wellbeing after her first drunken attempt to seduce him, only for her to reveal that she was aiming for his life, and as such, he feared allowing her to fall deeper into his orbit as so many other women had done, would introduce a poison into the Family that he had created. Particularly, since it also appeared Suzume preferred a life of one-night stands and booty calls. Thus, to that end, Tsunade believed that Naruto was of the opinion that it would probably be best to make sure their controls over Suzume were complete, and then keep her as far from him and the Family as possible. Of course, that was if he was also correct about Yuugao and Suzume was still around to present a problem.


It had been a relatively peaceful night for Suzume especially considering the manner in which she was put to sleep, the evidence of which was displayed from the bruising on her face. Yet, that wasnt to say that she felt she was out of danger as she had awoken to find a sword buried in the bed beside her head up to the hilt. Moreover, when she had been compelled to return to the room where she had spent the majority of the day before, she found the woman she imagined had put in there leaning over the bar with an open bottle of liquor close at hand. A bottle that she used to fill her glass several times in the short time since Suzume had entered.

Also in that period of time, Yuugao had made it a point to not even look in her direction as if she feared what she would do. Left to her own thoughts, Suzume realized that the Anbu Captain was likely regretting her assault, making it somewhat apparent that whatever else Narutos goals for her was, it likely involved her remaining unharmed. The thought didnt exactly calm her since she quickly concocted a scenario where after completely bending her to his will, hed use her to corrupt entire generations of kunoichi. Likely, involving classes where some the theories on seduction that she would teach kunoichi were put to a practical use with him as the benefactor.

However, what also was making her uneasy was the sword Yuugao had left buried in her bed. Particularly, since Suzume imagine that she had done so to leave a clear message. Which was that she was only still drawing breath because Naruto was.

Suzume found the message, not to mention the manner in which it had been delivered rather unsettling to her world view of the Corruptor that was Naruto. While she had chalked Tsunade, Sakura, Ino, and Hinatas interference, not to mention the desperation that they had shown to save him as being a result of his braking them to the point where they couldnt imagine a world without him. Yuugaos actions couldnt be so easily explained. Particularly since, although the anger behind the attack could simply demonstrate she had been broken in the same manner as Tsunade and the others. It didnt exactly jive with how the purple-haired woman had left her alive. Any one of the actions could be explained to being due to his having a use for her. The two actions together didnt fit. Suzume believed this because, for Yuugao to be upset enough to attack her it meant the Anbu Captain had learned what she had tried to do to Naruto, which meant she would have been informed of his survival, and more to the point that he wanted her to remain unharmed so he could play his games. To Suzume, this meant that Yuugao had hidden her desire to harm her, which didnt exactly fit with a broken woman who viewed her existence as being dependent on her Corruptor Master. This was because if Yuugao was that unhinged. Then the thought process she would have most likely been using was that she was acting in Narutos best interest while his other slaves were not, and in turn to Suzume that meant she wouldnt have woken up that morning. Because the Anbu womans sword wouldnt have killed Suzumes pillow.

The fact that it had, showed Suzume that Yuugao knew she was acting against Narutos wishes, yet still had been unable to stop herself. But more importantly, it showed her that the woman didnt have any controls placed on her that would prevent her from acting against his desires. Which meant it had only been Yuugaos fear of upsetting him that had stopped her. Yet studying the womans behavior it wasnt fear of pain or even death that she was displaying. But, simply a fear of disappointing him, something which Suzume couldnt deny as the woman stiffened noticeably as the door Naruto and Moegi had disappeared through the previous day began to open.


Although Naruto was confident that Yuugao hadnt killed Suzume, he still felt a wave of relief when he saw her sitting at the same table she had been at when he had left. However, he quickly spotted the angry looking bruise she was sporting on the left side of her face and that her glasses seemed to be missing. After squinting to make sure it was him that entered, Naruto could see that the woman was visibly relieved by his presence. Which was not to say that she was pleased to see him, but likely considered him the lesser immediate threat.

He held back a frown as he wasnt sure how best to handle the situation since on one hand he could understand Yuugaos reaction. Yet, if he wanted to convince Suzume that he wasnt the type of person that she thought him to be, felt it would be important to make it clear that he wasnt pleased by her being attacked. Naruto grabbed a chair as he closed with the table Suzume was sitting at. He placed it so that so that as he sat he could stare at Yuugao, who had yet to turn to face them. This left him sitting closer to Suzume, which allowed Tsunade to use the chair that he had been using the day before, while Moegi occupied the one she had previously.

Naruto could tell his newest lover wasnt quite sure what to make of the situation as she likely wanted to ask Suzume about the bruise. But, as neither he nor Tsunade had commented on it, she was likely keeping silent to follow their lead. He gave her a quick reassuring smile, before stating towards Suzume, I suppose we should start today off with addressing the obvious question of what happened to your face, Suzume. Yuugao, should I assume your presence this morning isnt purely coincidence?

The Anbu Captain sighed and turning to face him replied, No.

Naruto held back a sigh of his own as he had really hoped the answer would have been yes. However, he was surprised when Suzume interrupted, Whatever game you are playing at, just quit it and save us all the trouble.

Yuugao quickly moved towards the woman angrily as she said, He didnt put me up to it you stupid bitch! The only reason youre still breathing is because you fucked up!

Thats enough, Naruto shouted with some heat of his own, causing his angered lover to stop. Calming some, he stated, Yuugao, I will not force you to apologize, but I am going to punish you. Come here. Suzume watched surprised as the woman continued to obey his command and suspected that he hadnt even needed to use the Voice to do so. When she was beside him, he ordered, Bend over my lap.

Yuugao stiffened, and Suzume for a moment felt that she would refuse the command. She hoped the woman wouldnt comply as then if he did use the Voice, it might confirm for her that she would be able to sense its use even when not directed at her. The reason she hoped that was the case would be because if she noticed him using it with certain women, it might point out potential allies. However, Naruto didnt repeat his request and didnt seem to be in any hurry to make the Anbu Captain obey him.

Nor did he need too much to Suzumes disappointment as after a few heartbeats she complied. Naruto quickly pulled her pants down exposing her ass and pussy to Suzume and then brought his hand down on her rear. He raised his hand to deliver another so Suzume directed her gaze first to Tsunade to gauge how the Hokage was reacting. She wasnt too surprised to find that Tsunade didnt seem bothered by the sight. In fact, to the Instructor, she almost seemed rather pleased, as if Narutos disciplining the unruly member of his harem was displaying his growth as the head of it.

Suzumes turned her attention to Moegi next, and to her surprise the young kunoichi didnt appear to be bothered by what she was witnessing either or exhibiting signs that she was regretting her choice. She was rather surprised by this since if Moegi had truly only joined the day before. Suzume imagined the sight of Naruto spanking a full-grown woman would elicit some sort reflecting on the choice the young woman had made. As such, Moegi seemingly being okay with it made Suzume suspicious that much of yesterday had been a rouse.

Upon reaching his fifteenth strike, Naruto paused leaving Yuugaos ass bright red. Suzume watched him trying to detect if the sight aroused him, but all she saw was a grim seriousness which was reflected in his tone as he asked, the woman laying over his lap, Yuugao, did you do anything else to her last night?

Suzume eyes went wide as the thought hadnt occurred to her, since she had felt that the sword planted in the bed had essentially been a warning to her as to what the consequences she could expect to befall her should she hurt Naruto. However, she began to feel a new vestige of fear that it might have been a misdirection so that when some poison or other calamity befell her, Yuugao wouldnt be suspected as she had already made an attempt and let her go. She quickly calmed herself though, as she began to wonder if that was what Naruto wanted, especially as she felt the Anbu Captain should realize no matter how clever she plotted, unless she had the same exemptions as Sakura or Inos chakra seemed to afford them then he could easily make the person confess.

As a result, this caused Suzume to quickly suspect this was Naruto leading her into some sort of ploy to make her feel that he wasnt a villain. She quickly spun a scenario where Yuugao, would say yes that she had indeed poisoned her and that Naruto would quickly order Tsunade into action, who would then report that something would have killed her otherwise if she hadnt, thus at the very least leaving her with some positive feelings for the blond.

Which was why she was glad that she kept it to herself, especially Yuugao simply shook her head, before confessing, No, I just hit her.

Naruto frowned but said, Is that all that you did?

Suzume didnt get the feeling that Naruto was using the voice on her, which made it somewhat impressive as after a moment Yuugao added in a voice that sounded close to tears, II had planned to kill her. I really wanted to, but in the end, I just buried my sword in the bed to make sure she knew how close she had come.

Naturally, she still felt the scene happening could all be a rouse to try and trick her somehow. However, as Naruto began delivering more smacks to the Anbu womans butt, she didnt get the feeling that he was enjoying it. Moreover, although it didnt appear that he was holding back as the redness of Yuugaos ass attested to the strength behind his smacks, Suzume was aware that as an Anbu Captain, Yuugao would be highly resistant to torture. So, while she didnt doubt the spankings hurt, she didnt feel they were the cause of the emotion that she had just heard in Yuugaos confession.

Naruto stopped after delivering another fifteen spankings, and pulled Yuugaos pants back up to cover her ass. Having her stand up, he said, Im disappointed in you. What surprised Suzume was that a pained look appeared on Yuugaos face which reflected that his words probably hurt her more than the spankings he had just delivered. The Chunin Instructor saw a small crack appear in the stern face that Naruto had worn since he began questioning her, and she got the sense he wanted to reach out to caress her in order to soften the blow. But, he didnt as he used words by stating, However, Im pleased you refrained from seeing your desire through. However, it best not happen again, so I want you to personally tell those that might seek her harm that Suzume is under my protection.

Yuugao nodded before turning to leave. Suzume though wasnt exactly pleased as she said, Thats it she admits that she wanted to

Shut your mouth, Suzume! Tsunade said clearly using the Voice as she followed the womans order.

Moegi shivered a little and asked, That was strange, did you just use that ability to command us?

Suzume was pleased by the kunoichi question as it confirmed that other women bound to Naruto would sense its use. She studied Naruto out of the corner of her eye as she wanted to see if he was concerned by the information getting out to her. But, upon noticing that he wasnt, she felt some of the hope the information had given begin to fade as it suggested that whatever hold Naruto had on the women he had bound to him, it wasnt from the use of the Voice that he maintained it. It began to dawn on her that it might be possible that all the women bound to him were quite happy to be so.

Once the door closed behind Yuugao, Naruto turned to Suzume to say, I am sorry for what happened to you. Ill see to it that you are not harmed by my lovers again. Naruto sat there for several seconds obviously waiting for a reply, which Suzume couldnt give. At least until a look of understanding appeared on his face as he said quickly, You may speak again.

Suzume had quite a few choice words that she wanted to say, but imagined that Tsunade would quickly silence her again, so simply asked, So what do you intend to do with me?

Naruto quickly replied, Nothing. Suzume was surprised by his statement which he expanded on by stating, The controls that you are currently under will remain in place. But, youll be free to return to your life.

While youll be free to enslave more women, Suzume stated snidely.

Naruto shook his head before countering, I think youll find none of my lovers find themselves enslaved and wish to remain by my side. In fact, that is probably one reason Yuugao spared you.

Perhaps, Suzume replied, Or, much as it appears with me, you simply send the ones that dont kiss your ass back out into the world under your thrall.

Naruto sighed, Think what you will. But youre the one that targeted me. The reason Im sending you away is because unlike with the women that Ive Bound. I have no desire to find out which of the versions of you that you put forth is the real one. Therefore, I think it is best for both of us to just ignore the others existence.

Suzume glared at him as she felt her hackles rise from being dismissed for such a reason, as she felt she would be quite the catch for any man. Especially as she felt that she was more valuable of a prize for whatever game that he was playing then Moegi could ever be. She found her temper nearly reaching a boiling point as she realized she was thinking along such lines prompting her to say, Youre quite the sly bastard, arent you? You actually expect me to believe youd value a mediocre kunoichi such as Moegi over

Narutos gaze hardened as he stated angrily, Silence. Which he received due to his using the voice to command it. He shook his head as he said, I dont value my lovers in such vulgar ways. I have an ambition true, and while Tsunade might be more useful in implementing it. That doesnt mean she has a greater place in my heart then Moegi. I do feel stronger for her, but that is because Moegi and I have just started down this path together. In time, my feelings for her will grow, much as I hope hers for me will. My fervent hope is that someday all my lovers will reach the same point of being free of the Voices Control.

Moegi smiled from his words, and directing her gaze towards Suzume stated, I really was just a means to an end for you, huh? How can you see yourself as being morally superior in this situation? The only person that used me was you. Although, I really must thank you for doing so. Suzume was still under the Voices of influence so the only action she that could make was her eyes widening in surprise as Moegi added, Thanks to you, I got the opportunity to give myself to him all the sooner.

Naruto chuckled as he added, For which I thank you as well. He then stated towards the instructor, You may speak.

Suzume didnt really trust herself to respond to Moegis words since it was clear that the genin saw her as a villain so instead asked, What about the chest you removed from my apartment?

That will remain with us, Naruto stated. A part of the controls that will remain on you will prevent you from divulging what you know about us. But, if you manage to get that chests contents to someone, it will cause them to ask questions better left unasked. Better for it to remain here where it cant cause any more trouble for us.

What gives you the right? Suzume said angrily.

What gave you the right to seek my life? Naruto countered calmly. The answer is simple, we decided it was so, and took the actions to make our visions a reality. As currently Im holding the stronger hand, the chest remains here.

Suzume glared at him for several seconds, but wilted after a moment recognizing her defeat. Which was why Moegi surprised her by saying, Perhaps you both can reach a compromise.

The raven-haired kunoichi was surprised when Naruto indulged the young woman by asking, How so?

Moegi appeared unsure about what to say next, likely having expected Naruto to shut her down. But, quickly recovered as she stated, Well, despite how it appears that you are confident in the controls the Binding gives you. I imagine a part of you may still be concerned about leaving her to her own devices.

Naruto inclined his head as he said, Ill admit that it will probably be a nagging concern. Still, with her suspecting everything I do is some plot, keeping her at arms length is probably for the best.

Moegi nodded, but countered, It doesnt say much about the chances for your ambition if youre going to let something like that prevent you from even trying. Are you sure that you dont perhaps carry a little bitterness about her trying to kill you?

Tsunade laughed amused as she said, She does have you there, my Love.

Naruto chuckled in amusement as well before admitting, Perhaps a little, but to be fair that was only the day before yesterday. Turning his gaze towards Suzume he said, Still, even now she is probably thinking this all some ploy on my part. How do you suggest we go about convincing her?

Suzume frowned since that was exactly what she was thinking and she wasnt exactly enjoying the conversation tone of talking as if she wasnt present. Still, she was surprised when Moegi said, Simple, we dont. Moegi smiled as all three of those gathered stared at her in confusion before the orange haired kunoichi explained, Naruto, Suzume isnt exactly wrong in being concerned about you. Youve admitted the guy that gave you the scroll was a monster, and hoped you would become one as well. Leaving her to her own devices will only insure her imagination conjures only the worst-case scenarios making her all the more desperate to break your hold on her.

I agree, her lover stated, But again, shes doing that already.

Yes, and if the emotions of what happened werent still running high then I imagine you would be more inclined to try to convince her of your sincerity, Moegi replied. Especially as you could present her something no one else could.

What would that be? Suzume asked finding her own curiosity peaking.

Moegi smirked as she said, A chance to study someone using the Binding.

Why would I want that? Suzume stated incredulously. I tried to eliminate him precisely because he was a Corruptor.

Yes, Moegi said, And the way you went about it made it clear that most of your kind likely had to piece the information they had together. You obviously didnt know that some women would gain the abilities to control other women that he has bound. Imagine what other information you could learn.

Information that will do me little good as it will not be spread, Suzume countered.

Moegi shrugged dismissively, What else are you going to do? Besides, the fact that this jutsu isnt widely known would seem to suggest you dont want word of it to spread any more than Naruto does. Perhaps in time, enough trust will build between you two that hell let you pass that knowledge on. He already stated that he knows there are some that have abused the Binding, and I believe he would agree having women out there armed to handle them is a good thing.

Naruto smiled at Moegi as he said, Youve made some excellent points. He turned to Suzume as he said, For now, lets just keep our distance from one another to give both of us time to get our minds right. But, if in time you do decide you wish to come to some sort of compromise, Ill be willing to listen.

Suzume nodded, but instead of smiling Naruto frowned as he turned his attention to the door that he had entered through. He got up to move towards it as if expecting someones arrival.

Tsunade frowned as well as she couldnt sense anyone through her foxmark, but began to get a sense of unease. Which was explained when Naruto threw open the door to reveal his mother. Her hair was floating behind her, which normally happened when angry. But, most disconcerting was the fact that her normally violet eyes were red and slitted as Narutos became when angry. Moreover, beginning to bubble up from her skin was a red chakra which as it began to cover her body caused the ominous feeling to double in intensity. Her eyes scanned the occupants of the room, and upon their settling on Suzume they narrowed darkly.

She took a step forward causing Naruto to slam the door shut, and pressing his back against it said, Get her out of her!

No sooner had the words left his mouth, then Kushinas fist punched through the door next to his head. Retracting it, she gazed through the hole she had made and upon focusing on Suzume said, Ive marked you now bitch! Youre not making it out of here in one piece!

Naruto wasnt surprised that Suzumes face had gone white as his mother was pumping a fair amount of killer intent into her words, so to shake her free of it he shouted, Go! He then threw open the door and ducking low scooped his mother up over his shoulder as he carried her off to the bedroom.

Tsunade smiled as despite the ominous aura Kushina had been giving off, as Naruto carried her to the Dens Master Bedroom she began beating on his back rather ineffectively. Standing she said, Lets get going. Shell probably be tied up for the foreseeable future, but Id still keep a mindful eye on my surroundings.

Suzume nodded as she was quite eager to put as much distance between her and the enraged mother as possible. Moegi sent a concerned look back the way Naruto had gone and asked, Is he going to be alright?

Tsunades smile widened as she answered, Oh, dont worry about him. Hell have her eating out of his hand soon enough. Still, it will probably be best if we get Suzume out of here, less the whole process start all over again.


Yoshino sat behind the desk in her homes office as she studied the map across from her. With the Akatsuki Ceremony set to happen in the next few weeks, she was hoping to pin down a possible location for the village that they suspected Sasuke had established. She hadnt experienced much luck in that regard although she did remove a few locations from her list such as the Land of the Sea.

Her attention was pulled away from the map as the door to the study opened to reveal her son. Tucked under his arm was a large file which she had put together for him to read. In it was all the information about The Family. She had asked a nude Narutos permission that morning after he had finished calming his mother down, and while she had suspected that he might be hesitant due to Shikamarus friendship with Chouji. He hadnt even asked her reasoning why before giving her his approval. She supposed it could simply be due to the fact that Shikamaru had already puzzled out some of the truths about the Familys existence. But, she also believed that Naruto had already figured out why she had wanted to involve her son more in the Familys business.

Shikamaru placed the file on the desk, before moving to sit in a high-backed chair which was to the side of her desk. Yoshino took the file and turned behind her towards an iron wood stove which was used to destroy sensitive information once she had already read it. Throwing it inside, she struck a match and set it ablaze before closing the door. Turning herself to face her son, they sat in silence for a moment before she asked, So?

Her son sighed before stating, If I had known getting you involved with him would have been so troublesome for me, I think I would have minded my own business.

Yoshino smiled amused but said, Too late for regrets now. Her son nodded, but something seemed to be troubling him so asked, What is it?

Doesnt it bother you that he could bring dad back, but he chooses not to?

Yoshino understood why the knowledge that it appeared Narutos chakra could return the dead to life would bother her son. After all, he had only asked Naruto to help her because of how her husbands death had affected her. So, she imagined learning he could have brought back any of the people they had lost might not sit well with Shikamaru, especially as much of the tension between Naruto and Chouji could be fixed if he returned Iruka. She had considered omitting that information, but felt doing so would only exacerbate whatever negative feelings her son might have on the matter should he learn of it later.

Having been prepared for the question, she shook her head in the negative before stating, I suppose I would be if he used that ability to bring back people he cared for. However, as he hasnt, I feel that it is for the best that we let our beloved dead rest rather than force them back for our own benefit. It is a sad reality that if Naruto did bring them back, it would do much to diminish the hate and anger he is trying to combat. Yet, it wouldnt really be solving it. To do that, you have to be able to accept what has happened and try to move forward.

Shikamaru inclined his head, and admitted his respect for Naruto had grown as a result of learning the blond man could cure death, especially as he felt a lesser man would use it to heal his own pain. Moreover, he imagined that if Naruto wanted to unite the world under him, a more sinister method he could have employed would have involved starting a religion. Particularly as being able to erase death would convince quite a few people that he had some sort of divine providence.

Getting to the heart of the matter as to why his mother had brought him into the fold, he asked, Are you sure Im the best man for the job?

Yoshino smirked as she said teasingly, Of the people that we could ask.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Shikamaru replied snarkily.

Yoshinos smile softened as she replied, I wouldnt have involved you if I didnt believe in your abilities. When I brought the matter to Naruto, I expected some push back due to the rift growing between him and Chouji. I expected him to be bothered by your friendship with Chouji, but he also believes you are the best suited to lead Ames defense. Even though were confident it is Sasukes next target, in order to refrain from tipping him off, we cant make a lot of overt moves. This means what few resources we can bring to bear, we have to use efficiently.

Shikamaru nodded, but jokingly replied, Its kind of hard to imagine a situation where having nine Bijuu is considered limited resources.

A corner of his mothers mouth lifted, but the mirth didnt last as she said, Sadly, knowing the target doesnt tell us what Sasuke is going to hit it with.

He nodded before stating, Alright, then lets go over the details. It seems youve found a means to evacuate the citizens to the shelter.

Yes, Yoshino replied, Kiyomi, Mito, and Momo came up with a solution rather quickly. Theyve designed a teleportation seal which will emit a wave of energy that will remove every living thing it hits. Well activate it several moments after the alarm has been sounded, that should give people the chance to gather their loved ones. Theyll be teleported to a temporary shelter several miles from the village.

How will it know not to teleport the villages defenders?

Yoshino smiled as she said, Theyll be wearing new uniforms for the celebration which will contain a seal that nullifies the transportation effect. They will not know this of course, as we cant let the Salamander Resistance get word of it.

Shikamaru nodded, before asking, I trust you considered that they might slip people among the civilian populace.

Yes, his mother replied, Which is why this temporary shelter is going to be guarded by the Hyuuga.

The male Nara felt a frown threaten to appear as he said, The Hyuuga, as in more than one.

Yoshino nodded as she replied, Yes, it is a risk. Weve informed Hiashi that he isnt to let anyone know what is going to happen. As far as his and Hinatas entourages will be aware, they are just escorting them to the celebration. At which point theyll break off to the temporary shelter, and thats when theyll let them know the truth.

Shikamaru knew it was still risky, especially as although he knew Hinata would follow the instructions, he felt that Hiashi could be another matter entirely. However, he imagined that Hiashi had been informed about what was going to happen with his rebellious daughter present. So as to make it apparent that if word leaked out and it could be traced back to him, hed end up losing face which would further elevate Hinatas bid for his position. He supposed it was a necessary risk to take, since if the Salamander Resistance or Sasukes forces managed to get people inside the shelter then they could take the civilians as Hostages. Having The Hyuuga on hand, would allow them to quickly determine who among the populace was carrying weapons and disarm them.

Are there any concerns about whether the group that aided Sasukes assault on the prison will be among his forces?

Yoshino shook her head in the negative before explaining, Unlikely. Shadaloo may have been the source for those flying machines, and likely provided the false documents they used to get Udon into the Prison. But, I believe they will not play a big part in this attack.

Shikamaru was somewhat surprised so asked, What makes you say that?

Yoshino studied the wall her map was laid out over for a moment before answering. Wherever Sasuke has setup shop, I believe it is a considerable distance away. Thus, he would need those machines to move his forces around. That is probably why he first contacted Shadaloo. However, as we believe this battle will be about revealing his village to the world, he cant have his forces being overshadowed by those of another organization. I imagine the Shadaloo agents that we identified were to make us believe those flying machines were theirs, but it was likely a misdirection as the attack also served the purpose of giving Sasukes air forces some practice with them in a real combat situation.

A test run before flying in to attack a city located in the middle of a small sea, Shikamaru stated with a nod. Still, its likely hes going to come at us with some mercenaries. Hell want to make sure he has some top tier talent to balance out his untried forces.

Yoshino nodded at her sons point stating, True, there are some talented missing-nin that wouldnt just sign up with him. But, using them wouldnt take away from what he hopes to achieve with this attack like relying on a more established force.

Wouldnt that seem to imply he wouldnt want to work with Tobi then?

As far as most of the world would be concerned Kisame, Tobi, and the Zetsu would be just a mercenary force aiding Sasuke, Yoshino replied. Their presence would almost be expected as a matter of getting revenge on Konan.

Shikamaru agreed, but cautioned, Still mercenary force or not, we could be in serious trouble if they unleashed that Zetsu army you suspect they have.

Yes, Yoshino stated with a grim nod, But, I dont believe Tobi will turn them over to Sasuke. I believe that the Zetsu were to serve as a combat force for Tobis Akatsuki should a village ever openly challenge them. Particularly if Akatsuki had been weakened by losing its more prominent members as it did when Konoha began pushing back. That Zetsu Army is probably the only card Tobi has left, and I doubt hes going to allow Sasuke to put it into play.

Perhaps not all of it, Shikamary stated. But, if it numbers in the thousands as you suspect. Even a tenth of that force would be perhaps more than we could handle.

Agreed, if we didnt have the Bijuu, Yoshino countered. But, then it would be the Zetsu that are overshadowing Sasukes forces. If this battle is going to be a statement that he is making to the Shinobi World, then his forces have to be seen as instrumental in its success.

Im not entirely sure Sasuke cares about making a statement, Shikamaru stated causing his mother to frown.


Shikamaru sighed as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He shook the pack until one rose up enough for him to pull it out with his mouth. He sat back in the chair, and although he didnt light it, he noticed his mothers frown deepened as he hadnt quit indulging in his old teachers habit. Finding the smell of the tobacco rather soothing, and aware his mother would freak if he lit it in her study, he simply kept it in his mouth much as his sensei would have. After a moment he answered, Sasuke has betrayed every group hes ever joined once hes felt they could no longer be of use to him. Hes betrayed Konoha, Team Seven, and Orochimaru. When Naruto fought him during the retrieval mission he told Sasuke Orochimaru intended to use him for his body. Sasuke said he didnt care so long as he got strong enough to get his revenge. We would later learn that this wasnt true as he killed Orochimaru rather than give up his body.

Not too surprising since Orochimaru had no intention of letting Sasuke get his revenge first, Yoshino stated with a shrug.

Agreed, but his telling Naruto that before really getting a feel of Orochimaru himself tells me that Sasuke will say and do anything to advance his agenda, Shikamaru stated with a note of distaste in his mouth. That indicates to me that he doesnt care what anyone thinks of him. So, while it doesnt mitigate that he has goals that will take him to Ame. I dont think he needs to win some grand battle to feel as if he achieved them. Sasukes the type of guy that will take any advantage he needs to win, even if he has to say one thing in the moment while having no intention of honoring it.

Do you truly believe hed start a village just to sacrifice it in one battle?

If the stakes were high enough, Shikamaru replied before pulling the cigarette from his mouth and leaning forward. He then added, You are assuming that Sasuke is using this event as a means to introduce the world to his new village. Im inclined to agree as it also allows him the opportunity to settle the score with Naruto, and if successful will devastate the leadership of the Alliance. So, I do tend to believe he expects his village to be around afterwards as hurting the Alliance could lead to another period of war as various factions try to take advantage. But, hes aligned himself with two groups that I dont think hell need much longer, and whose continued survival might be detrimental to his own plans.

Yoshino stared at her map and with the ideas that her son was putting forth began to picture events should Sasuke win. With Tsunade, Konan, and many key leaders of the Alliance removed, she could picture the Raikage trying to take advantage as he would technically be the only village with a jinchuriki. But moreover, she realized her son was right as Sasuke doesnt emerge from the victory as the strongest force on the continent, that title would belong to Tobi as his Zetsu army was suspected to number as high as a hundred thousand. Which while the Alliance would at best only be able to field a force of close to Forty thousand at present, she suspected the quality of their forces were vastly superior. However, in war, superior numbers more often than not won the day as attrition alone would make it that the longer it waged the more the pendulum would swing in the larger forces favor. Still, she suspected that with the Bijuu and Jinchuriki on their side, theyd be able to easily decimate huge swaths of the Zetsu army in a relatively short order. Which was why she suspected Tobi had tried to remove the jinchuriki from the board before ever making the armys existence known. In fact, he still hadnt and the only reason they knew of it was because of the signs they had found after Kiyomi had attacked Tobis main base of operations.

Realizing that destroying the Alliance would benefit Tobi more than it would Sasuke. She focused on her son to ask, Then why do you believe Sasuke is aiding the Salamander Resistance if not because it will allow him an additional base of operations in which to harass Konoha?

Shikamaru shook his head as he stated, Sasuke doesnt give a damn about Konoha. Most of the people he wants to hurt will be at Ame for the ceremony. I believe he is taking advantage of his allies desire to remove Konan from power or to just outright kill her. The statement Sasuke is making by starting a village is that the game Shinobi have been playing for almost the past hundred years is changing. The best way to make that statement is to kick over the board being used by those currently playing it.

Yoshino found herself extremely glad that she had decided to bring her son into the loop as she couldnt really refute his insights. With them in mind, she stated, Then it behooves us to think of how Sasuke plans to achieve this, and how best to counter it.

Shikamaru nodded before standing and placing the cigarette back in his mouth moved to leave so he could light it. He stopped at the door as he was about to open it, and after a moment asked, Do you prefer where you are now, to where you were?

Yoshino studied the back of her sons head, and knew there were multiple ways for her to interpret the question. Such as, did she prefer Naruto to his father, or did she prefer using her skills again as opposed to when she had simply been a housewife and mother? She spent a few moments thinking about how to reply before stating, It isnt a matter of preferring one to the other. Hes never asked me if I preferred him, and its because he doesnt seek to replace your father. Only fill the hole losing him opened. Im happy and that is all that matters to him. I dont want to lose this happiness again which is why Im here now.

Shikamaru nodded before stepping out of the study. Heading outside, he stared at the setting sun as he lit his cigarette. He took a drag and holding it in his lungs sighed in enjoyment as he exhaled. As he enjoyed his inherited vice, he considered asking his mother if it would be acceptable to let Chouji take part in the upcoming operation. He suspected she would caution against it, and knew she would insist that he not tell him of Narutos harem. However, he decided not to bring it up since in truth lately Choujis choices had been worrying him, especially as he was endeavoring to join the Torture and Interrogation Department. He had cautioned Chouji against it, believing his friends gentle nature would make for a poor fit in the department. Yet, Shikamaru had to admit that his friends nature wasnt so gentle anymore. Not that the T and I department had been behind the change as currently Ibiki had all the hopefuls reading reports, many of which his fulltime staff had already reviewed. He believed it was because Ibiki wanted to weed out the truly passionate from those just motivated by anger. He didnt doubt his friend would make the cut as he truly was passionate about avenging Iruka, but Shikamaru was concerned that passion was being fueled by his anger not a sense of justice.

Which was why despite wanting to support his friend, he found himself being swayed to Narutos way of thinking. The fact that Naruto was even now preparing to fight Sasuke, while still cautioning others against surrendering their better selves in pursuit of the Uchihas destruction, made him realize the burden the Uzumaki was carrying. He was just fighting against the current threats facing Konoha, but was also trying to prevent people from chasing those threats down paths that would create more. After all, the enemy that had taken both his father and Sensei had been born because he had felt justified in his actions based on the villainy that he perceived Konoha as engaging in while in pursuit of its goals. Having heard the tales of how Pain came to be, Shikamaru couldnt exactly say that the man didnt have his reasons to despise Konoha. Which if he was being honest with himself, he might have turned into a similar revenge obsessed individual as Sasuke had Naruto not dealt with Pain. He feared Chouji was becoming such a person, and so Shikamaru felt helping Naruto deal with Sasuke would hopefully cause his friend to abandon his potentially self-destructive path.

Finishing his cigarette, Shikamaru turned to head back inside as he decided that despite how troublesome it would be. Hed ensure that Sasuke failed in his objectives, and hopefully give Naruto the opening he needed to deal with the Uchiha once and for all.


Kiba sank a little deeper into the warm water of the hot-springs located on Kiyomis property in order to stare up at the full moon. After several minutes, he focused on the women currently enjoying the water with him in order to state, I can see why you both wanted to get back to these springs. It feels as if the heat is simply sucking my aches from training away.

Aeris nodded before leaning forward to grab a sake cup from a tray floating on the water. As she did so, Kibas eyes traveled to her back-right shoulder where a black mark in the shape of a dogs paw print resided. The mark was a new addition as both Aeris and Yuffie had only received them that day as Kiyomi had confirmed the rumors that they would be opening the Womens Bathing Association to women not bound to Naruto. Naturally the Bijuu had told them that they were to keep a low profile while using the springs around people unaware of the Familys existence. She had explained that the mark would alert them as to who they should be wary of, but outside of that they had been granted full access to grounds.

When Kiyomi had asked them as to what shape they would like their marks to take, Aeris had quickly suggested the paw design. Yuffie had agreed, although it appeared to Kiba that she suspected her fellow Taki kunoichi was likely setting it up as a brand for the Harem that she desired him to begin, similarly to how the Fox Mark was used. As such, he was rather surprised when Yuffie didnt suggest something else for herself, but believed it might be due to Aeris having not brought the matter up since Mira had made her aware that she was pushing too hard.

Aeris picked up one of the sake cups and leaning back brought it to Kibas lips while replying, Yes, it was nice of her to let us have the run of the grounds tonight.

Its the freaking least she could have done, Yuffie said more out of habit, then actual annoyance.

Which after downing the sake Kiba pointed out why she didnt really mean what she was saying as he stated, Just letting us use them for the night would have been the least. But, we also got to head down to that new club you have to enter through the grotto. What did they call it?

In the midst of pouring herself a cup, Aeris answered, The Hideaway.

Kiba nodded as he thought of the newest club located beneath the streets of Konoha. Having been to the Dens war room, he knew The Hideway lay in the opposite direction from Narutos Familys base of operations. He was also surprised at how quickly it had come together, as he knew Kiyomi had announced the idea to expand the Womens Bathing Association shortly after her previous meeting with his mates where they had asked her to be allowed access to the grounds. Although, he suspected that she had been pondering it for quite a bit beforehand. Still, with the money at her disposal, and the power of several Bijuu to call on in making alterations to the area, Kiba supposed that it shouldnt come as a surprise how quickly they completed it once the decision had been made. Nor at the quality of the work, as Kiba had tried to spot signs within the secret passageway located in the grotto which would have indicated it used to lead to the Den. Yet, despite his skills at picking up such details, he couldnt see any making it clear that Naruto wasnt taking any chances some drunken woman could end up in the Den by mistake.

Kiba smiled as he recalled Kiyomi after marking his lovers had informed them that Naruto had arranged a special evening for the three of them. Kiyomi had then led them out towards the springs which were in the process of being walled off from her property. She had cautioned him to stay close as people that entered the springs without a mark, or in the company of someone with it, would begin experiencing severe genjutsu induced hallucinations. She had also taken the opportunity to explain how the Womens Bathing Association would work for the new members that would be joining. Which, due to the former Taki-nin were being inducted as full members, they would be skipping the learning process that would normally earn them additional perks as the progressed. She had explained that while new members would have the run of the various springs and pools on the surface, to enjoy the underground features the new members would need to advance their marks as that was the only way to gain access.

Kiyomi had demonstrated this once they had reached the grotto by asking Kiba to press on a section of the wall. Despite being able to tell it was a switch, no matter how hard he pressed, it refused to budge. When he had stepped away, Kiyomi had asked Aeris to try and to his surprise as soon as she placed a hand on the switch it began glowing and with a gentle press caused a section of rock to open into the passage way. As they stepped into it, Yuffie had inquired if people with higher ranked marks would be able to open features for lower ranked ones. Kiyomi had answered that they would, but had informed them that they would want to make sure the person was trustworthy of the faith being placed in them. A feature built into the marks was similar to how Root had used Curse Seals to prevent members from talking, although modified so as nothing drastic would happen to the person. It did act as governor of sorts on people, so that if a member went and began blathering about what she had seen. Shed arrive to find her mark had demoted her to a lower level, and if that person had been allowed to a higher level by someone else, they too would find themselves demoted. Earn a demotion on the first rung and a person would essentially find their membership revoked as they wouldnt even be able to enter the grounds.

Kiba had to give the Bijuu credit for the system as it would serve to explain why the older members were so close to each other. While it would also foster a similar sense of trust among some of the newer members as they advanced together. It would also serve to isolate any potential troublemakers as they would find their progress barred and women hoping to move forward in their membership wouldnt wish to be held back by them.

They had passed several levels, which Kiba was able to mark as the switches for their hidden doors would glow as his mates passed them. Kiyomi had explained that most of the levels would be rather benign hosting such things as salons, gym equipment, or yoga classes. The perk being that the services would be free to members. This made Kiba wonder if Kiyomi was charging the women that would seek to join. She had informed him that it was free, although they would occasional be asking for donations from the members to cover the cost of the staff that they would be taking on.

At which point they arrived at the Hideaway, which Kiyomi had explained was the last stop before the true debauchery would begin. Stepping inside, Kiba wasnt surprised that it appeared as a rather classy looking establishment, done in the colors of purple and gold. Towards the back of the room was a stage where Kiba imagined all manner of shows could be performed, but imagined most would involve barely clothed men. He frowned as he would admit that he wasnt a fan of the idea, but figured Naruto was probably in the same boat, and moreover trusted his lovers to look but not touch. Off to the side of the room were several doors that he imagined lead to private rooms for the women wanting to do both.

The lighting of the room was on the darker side as well, giving it an aura that not only could the women cut loose with the male strippers that would be working there. But, it also led to idea that backroom deals could be made among the powerful women that were expected to become members. Kiba again had to give the Bijuu credit as by opening the Womens Bathing Association to the public, it would allow potential allies and enemies to gather all the while giving Narutos lovers precious intel on both. Naturally, they would need to be careful about how they acted on that information, less its leaking be traced back to the Womens Bathing Association. But, even if they couldnt act on some of the information, knowing the players involved would all them to attempt to deal with them at a later junction.

Kiyomi had escorted them to a table that had comfortable looking plush chairs arranged around it. At which point she had turned them over to Tifa and then burst into flames in a manner that revealed that the red head had been a clone. Tifa had ignored the spectacle as she had given them a menu to order their food and drinks from. Kiba was glad not to be paying for it as Yuffie made a show of ordering some of the most expensive looking items on the menu, although he took it as a good sign for where things were between them as she generally reigned it in when he was footing the bill. By contrast, he was pleased when Aeris followed suit as she typically tended to order the less expensive items to be found at the restaurants they went to.

Placing his order, Kiba made small talk while also finding himself feeling a bit inadequate. He knew it was silly, but he couldnt help it once the food arrived and he watched his mates enjoy a meal that would normally put him in the poorhouse. He knew it wasnt fair to himself to feel it was a case of Naruto outclassing him, as he knew most of the resources were provided by the women attached to the Uzumaki. However, Kiba felt the reason he felt the way he did was because in essence the perks being enjoyed by his mates was a byproduct of Narutos ambition. Something Kiba now admitted he needed more of, as desiring to grow stronger wasnt enough of a goal any longer, or more accurately shouldnt be the extent of his ambition.

After the dinner, his mates had decided to have a nice soak, which brought his thoughts back to the present as Yuffie asked him, So you arent bothered by us using the amenities here?

Kiba shrugged while stating, I suppose that would depend on the amenity and how you use it. But, I trust you two. If I fretted every time the two of you were around men that wanted to get with you, I would never be able to stop.

Even Yuffie smiled at the compliment, at least until Aeris said, Dont worry, Ill keep an eye on Yuffie for you. Ill make sure she keeps herself pure for our Alpha.

Hey! I wasnt suggesting anything.

No, Aeris said as she began kissing Kibas neck, You were trying to be a tease to see if he would get flustered by the idea of you being around other men. But, he doesnt need to because he knows youll be bringing that cute little butt back to him.

Kiba felt his manhood stirring, but admitted, Well to be fair, I dont exactly enjoy the idea.

Nor should you, Aeris stated as she began kissing down his chest, After all, its the other mens intentions that you cant trust. You said so yourself. But, you know your mates are loyal. She then stood and turned to grab a nearby edge of the spring. Looking over her shoulder she said, While it is nice to be allowed access to the springs again. Theres another type of experience I wanted to enjoy in them. To make her desire clear, she moved a hand between her legs and spread the lips of her pussy.

Kiba leapt at the invitation as he buried himself into Aeris, who let out a howl of pleasure. Yuffie for her part wondered when her teammate had become such a slut, remembering how back when they had infiltrated villages, although she could be flirty with targets, shed often let Tifa or her do the actual bedroom negotiations. Granted, she knew Aeris had genuine feelings for Kiba, but she felt her friend was acting a bit too much like a bitch in heat at times.

Although, if she was to be honest with herself, watching as Aeris kissed Kiba over her shoulder while he mauled her chest, and his dick was churning her insides, was filling her with a sense of longing as well. Deciding to let her own inner bitch out, she quickly closed with the rutting pair and grabbing Kibas face said, Dont forget there are two of us. She then planted her lips to his. She then raised one of her legs so that she could rest a foot on the edge of the spring, at which point she grabbed one of his hands to press it against her snatch. Kiba middle finger quickly began rubbing along her slit, and as it began to leak her juices responded by sliding the digit inside her.

Yuffie moaned softly as Kibas finger explored her insides, while Aeris made up for his divided attention by slamming herself back into him. Soon Kiba felt the telltale signs that he was nearing the end of his rope. Hoping to recover some of it, he pulled out of Aeris to buy a few moments of respite from his mates velvet grip. But, his respite was short lived as Yuffie lunged forward to taste his rod. He groaned as he adjusted his body so he could rest on the stone edge of the spring. Aeris spun so that she could muscle her way into having access to Kibas cock as well, which Yuffie let slip from her lips as she moaned from the hand still buried between her thighs.

Kiba drank in the sight of Yuffie trying to swallow his dick once more, but finding Aeris unwilling to completely relinquish it, settle for running her tongue along it. Aeris began following suit, which although pleasurable did allow Kiba time to settle down some. To make sure Aeris didnt cool down too much as well, he ran his free hand down her back and over her butt so he could finger her quim much the same was he was for Yuffie. Several minutes passed, before Kiba extracted his fingers from both of his lovers snatches. The two women paused in their tongue bathing of his cock to share a look, and although no words were exchanged it was clear they had come to some agreement as Yuffie climbed up into his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck while Aeris lined his cock up with the smaller womans entrance. Yuffie moaned as she sank down onto his rod until it was fully inside her, at which point she began swaying her hips back and forth. Her pleasure filled cries grew in volume as Aeris hands clutched at her perky breasts and teased the hardened pointed nubs at the end.

Kiba groaned as he quickly found his control failing him once more. The loss of which became more imminent as he laid back, which caused Yuffie to lean forward to the point where she began bouncing her hips on his cock. Raising her hips to the point where his dick would almost slip free, shed then reverse course until it was deeply nestled inside her once more. A process she repeated over and over so that the sounds of their slapping flesh filled the springs. They kissed fiercely, while Aeris massaged his nuts, until he needed to announce, Shit! Im going to lose it.

Yuffie rather than burying herself on his rod, instead allowed him to slip free of her. She then spun to face his cock, and wrapped her hand around it above where Aeris had as soon as it had emerged. They began stroking him in tandem, as they brought their faces towards his cockhead. Sending sultry looks in their mates direction, they both flicked their tongues against the swollen head until he erupted like a geyser.

Kiba watched each spurt of his seed fly up into the air until gravity pulled it back down so that it landed on his mates. When he was spent, they raised up to face each other in order to stare into one anothers eyes and then while continuing to stroke him leaned towards one another to begin licking his seed from each others face. Naturally, between their continued stroking of his dick and the show they put on, he was soon as hard as steel. At which point Aeris straddled his hips while facing away and slid down his cock. Grinding her hips into him, he rested his hands on her hips as Yuffie moved to slip back into the water between his legs where she began sucking on his nuts.

Kiba stared up at the moon as Aeris arched her back so she could rest her hands on his stomach while she worked her hips. He grinned as his mates moans increased in tempo and before getting lost in the pleasure himself, resolved that hed become a man truly worthy of the two women pleasing him. Especially as the night out showed him that while it was all well and good to desire to become stronger, it was meaningless if he couldnt provide his mates all that they wanted and more. With new resolve, he sat up and wrapped an arm around Aeriss stomach and began bouncing her on his dick while he gripped the back of Yuffie head with the other hand. Guiding her lips to his, he decided the first place he would start was by making sure both women went home fully sated with bellies full of his seed. Perhaps not the most ambitious of beginnings he conceded, but then again Konoha hadnt been built in a day either.


Naruto was returning to the Hidden Eddy Inn as what he felt was an extremely long weekend was coming to a close. That wasnt to say it was bad, but considering it had started with another near-death experience it only could have gone up from there. Which while not a straight line from its low point, certain did have quite a few high points, especially as in the coming week Moegi would be moving in.

But, he was glad it was coming to an end as he felt the day had been especially trying. Particularly as after dealing with the Yuugao situation, he had spent several hours calming his mother down. Which although pleasurable, had been followed by Yoshino visiting him to inform him that she wished to have Shikamaru lead Ames defenses, and that she felt it would be best that he be given full knowledge on the Family. Naruto would admit that there had been a few moments of hesitation on his part, but it didnt last as he knew Shikamaru was bright enough to figure out most of it on his own if he truly wanted to be a threat.

Luckily, his mother had been in a better mood when she had awoken which had prompted them to pay a visit to Kiyomi. His nine-tailed lover hadnt been too surprised to learn his mother was exhibiting signs that she was gathering Bijuu chakra. When he had asked her to clarify, she had explained that in essence Kushina had done the same thing as she had when she transferred her spirit into her current body. However, as she had left all the tails behind, her form had been extremely weak meaning she had been in danger of fading away. Yet, much as was suspected to be the case with Nel, that didnt mean she wouldnt have reformed at some later date in a diminished capacity.

He hadnt been too pleased at Kiyomi for not even mentioning the possibility, but his lover had shrugged it off. She had countered that she couldnt exactly have known that would have been the case as Tier still hadnt regenerated the tails she had sacrificed, which could have just as easily meant that because Kushina had given up her tails willingly, she might have simply faded away as expected. Yet, as his mother had once been a part of Kiyomis original form, and regardless of whether she would have faded or not, her spirit was now acting as a gathering point for Bijuu Chakra making her another Human-Bijuu hybrid.

Kiyomi had then instructed Kushina on how to call forth her Bijuu chakra in order to get an idea of how many tails had formed. But, despite how his mothers hair had waved about, it didnt prove to be a good indication as only one small half formed tail had appeared. Still, Kiyomi hadnt been surprised as she reminded the two Uzumaki that it had taken nearly two decades for the Black Kyuubi to fully form. However, she had stated that she believed the seal that had been placed on Sora had contributed somewhat to the slow rejuvenation rate. Kiyomi had explained that she expected as more tails formed the speed at which the next would appear would also increase as had been the case with her.

Naruto was rather surprised at how calmly his mother had listened to Kiyomis reasoning. But, she had reminded him that despite appearances, when she had been sealed inside him, she had technically been a giant orange fox, and as such, she wasnt too surprised that she hadnt emerged from her time as one unchanged. He did take it as a sign that the relationship between his mother and Kiyomi was continuing to improve as she had opted to stay with her for the day to train in how best to call on the chakra, so that she wouldnt need to be in a murderous rage for it to come forth.

Before he left, Kiyomi had informed him that most of the alterations that needed to be made to the Hot-Springs area before expanding the Womens Bathing Associations membership were complete. Naruto had been shocked by the announcement, which had obviously pleased his Bijuu lover. Especially as she had explained that she had a rather dedicated Clone workforce thanks to her daughter Naruko, who was hoping it would lessen whatever punishment he had planned for her due to her stunt in Ame. Furthermore, Seven had sealed off the old passageway that would have led to the Den, which left only the wall that needed to be built to seal off her Mansions property from the Springs as the only item to be completed. A task which was being handled by a work crew that she had hired.

When he had asked what the urgency was, she had explained that word that they would be expanding the Womens Bathing Association was already spreading. As such, most of the new members would have expectation that the hidden facilities they would find had been built long before their joining. New staff would be easy enough to explain as being a requirement for the expanded membership, but finding that the Womens Bathing Association only consisted of the Hot Springs with an entirely new construction underway would quickly lead some to suspect the secrets they would be shown werent the original ones to be found.

Kiyomi had asked if he wanted to break in the new club, but he had suggested letting Kiba and his lovers enjoy that honor. He had been pleased that Kiyomi had agreed, as he suspected that his Bijuu lover saw it as another chance to make amends for her treatment of the Taki-nin. However, in order to make his suggestion a reality, Naruto had spent a few hours making preparations. It had been easy enough to get Tifa to agree to act as a waitress, but Ayame had proved harder to convince. Primarily as she had come up with the menu which The Hideaway would be featuring, and would also be acting as one of the head chefs the club would feature. However, she had steadfastly refused to open the kitchen unless she could serve everything on the menu. No amount of pleading on his part had swayed her, forcing him to travel to the ends of the Shinobi World using the Hiraishin in order to collect the necessary ingredients. Naruto suspected that the reason for Ayames unusual stubbornness on the matter was due to when she had tried to expand Ichirakus offerings several years back when he was just starting out as a shinobi. But, she had faced extreme resistance from many of the most frequent customers with him being the biggest holdout. In the end, the new items had disappeared from the menu. But, in making him complete her errands, Ayame was making it clear that she hadnt forgotten the betrayal brought about by his palate.

With Ayames request taken care of, Naruto had decided to return home as he felt that there was one task left on his list. Reaching his destination, he made his way up to the Third Floor where Yuugao shared an apartment with Kurenai and Anko. Aware that she was the only one present at the moment, he knocked on the door. Prepared to leave if she didnt wish to speak, he was nonetheless pleased as after only a few moments the door opened.

He studied her face, and found that it didnt reflect much of what she was thinking. After a moment of silence, he asked, May I come in?

Yuugao nodded stepping aside and closed the door after he entered. Naruto felt her eyes on his back, and could imagine they were searching for some hint as to what his reason for visiting was. The silence between them was growing unbearable, and so hoping to start things off lightly teasingly said, It was rather cunning of you to use my own request to inform those wishing to harm Suzume against me like that.

Despite herself, Yuufao smiled softly as Naruto turned to face her, Well, she was the most likely suspect besides Kiyomi and a few of the Bijuu.

Naruto nodded before chuckling, Yes, but her reaction didnt say much about any concerns my lovers would have about disregarding my requests.

Can you blame her? Yuugao asked, She is your mother after all.

Naruto smiled before replying, No, and to be truthful it does make one feel good to know his being harmed can inspire such passionate responses in the women around him.

Im sorry, Yuugao blurted as tears suddenly began leaking from her eyes. I knew it was wrong even as I was doing it. But, I couldnt stop myself, I

Shh, Naruto said quickly closing the distance between them to wrap his arms around her. You did stop yourself, before it became a mistake that couldnt be fixed.

Yuugao shook her head against his chest as she stated, Its only because she failed. If she hadnt then Id have ended her.

Naruto with her head placed on his chest as she wept, rubbed her back soothingly as he stated, I choose to believe that wouldnt have been the case.

You cant know that, Yuugao stated pulling her head away to meet his gaze.

Naruto smiled lovingly at her as he cupped her face lovingly and used his thumbs to wipe her tears away. Nor can you. If you wish to believe the worst about yourself, I cant stop you. So please dont try to convince me not to believe in the best.

Yuugao nodded, but Naruto knew that he hadnt exactly reached her or changed her opinion about herself. However, Yuugao stepped away as she quickly composed herself before stating, Regarding my punishment.

Im sorry about that, he began apologize fully, but stopped as she shook her head.

I understand why you had to, Yuugao quickly explained. You had to convince Suzume that you didnt wish her harm, and I put you on the spot. I wanted to know if you intend a more fitting punishment such as exiling me from here or

Seems youre asking me to punish myself if that is the case, Naruto said walking to her couch and taking a seat.

Yuugao frowned wishing hed take the matter seriously so stated, Naruto, Im an Anbu Captain. If I had a subordinate act as I did, thirty lashes would be the least of their concerns.

Naruto sighed before replying, Yuugao, I may have seduced you originally for your position, and youre far more to me than merely an Anbu Captain. I truly considered the matter resolved after those spankings. He could see that she wasnt exactly pleased by his statement, so shrugged as he added, Very well, if you truly feel as if you need to be punished further than until I leave for Ame, youll be sharing my bed every night.


Hey, I wouldnt take such a punishment lightly. I can be rather insatiable you know. It might be more than one woman can handle, even a Anbu Captain.

Despite herself Yuugao smiled as she asked, And when would this punishment begin?

Here, now, Naruto answered.

Closing with her lover, she climbed into his lap as she asked, Shouldnt a punishment seek to convince someone their actions were wrong?

Naruto pulled her shirt over her head as he replied, Thats the thing. Such punishments like spankings dont really last, sure they hurt in the beginning, but much as the pain fades rather quickly so too are the lessons learned. He set about freeing her breasts from her bra, and paused to marvel at them once he had done so. He then stared into his eyes as he said, But the really good punishments seem easy to take at first, but prove to be much harder than anticipated throughout the duration.

Yuugao smirked, although she did begin to feel that perhaps she was in for a bit of a punishment after all. Especially since, with Naruto not set to leave for another few weeks, her ass might be taking a pounding which would make the spankings she received seem like playful smacks. Still, deciding to see it through, she slipped from his lap and began to unfasten his pants. Helping him out of them, she found his cock hadnt quite awoken yet so taking it into her mouth began coaxing it with her tongue. Soon she felt it begin stirring and as it stood straighter began bobbing her head along his increasing length. Naruto groaned as he placed a hand on her head and began raising his hips to meet the back of her throat.

Naruto savored the feeling of his cock being coated his purple-haired lovers saliva and groaned when she paused her up and down movement to circle his cockhead with her tongue. But, as the cool air began to evaporate the wetness coating his cock, he pressed gently on the back of her head causing her to begin bobbing once more. Nearing his end, he informed his lover who simply hummed her acknowledgement but continued on with her task.

Yuugao moaned as his cock swelled before releasing his delicious cream which caused her to experience a climax as soon as it hit her tongue. She kept her mouth wrapped around his cock until he finished filling it, and at which point she let him slip free of her lips without spilling a drop. She then opened her mouth to show him his release which she swished about with her tongue, before the swallowing it.

Naruto smiled at her before saying, Well done. Now, stand up and turn away from me.

Yuugao wordlessly obeyed him, prompting Naruto to sit up and reach around her in order to unfasten her pants. He then pulled them down to her knees, and spent a moment rubbing his hand over the cheeks of her ass. He was glad to see there wasnt any bruising, but figured that could just be a result of the improved healing his lovers had inherited. Place his hand on her back he urged her to lean forward until her hands made contact with the small table in front of her couch and her dripping snatch was exposed. Inhaling her scent, he then dove is as he explored her quim with his tongue. Yuugao moaned as he tasted her, and went weak-kneed when he sucked on her clit.

Nearing her end, she reached through her legs and gripping his cock said, Naruto, I want you inside me.

Pulling away from her honeypot, Naruto nodded so helped her stand straight as she pulled her pants and panties the rest of the way off. Then still facing away from him, she backed up to place her legs on the couch beside him with her knees resting on the edge. Reaching for his dick she gave it a few strokes, before guiding it inside her prompting her to moan as she slid down it. She then laid back so that her back was pressed against his chest, and simply savored the feeling of his being buried inside her.

Narutos hands moved to fondle her breasts which caused a shiver to run down her spine to where they were connected which prompted her to begin moving her hips. Yuugao began swirling her hips in an oval which caused them both to moan, she moved slowly at first, while she kissed her lover over her shoulder in a soft sensual manner. However, soon she began moving faster and faster, which was reflected as their kiss grew hotter and more passionate. She needed to pull away to gasp, when Naruto began moving his hips and timing his thrusts when her oval motion was at the perfect point to deliver the maximum force to her womb. His grip on her breasts also became more possessive as he began kneading the flesh while occasional stopping to roll her nipples.

Soon Yuugao found herself covered in sweat, which she knew signified she had been at her current pace for some time despite it feeling as if she had only begun. She felt her climax approaching, but tried to fight it off to prolong the moment as long as possible. Still, she knew she wouldnt last much longer as her hips were beginning to move frantically having abandoned her swishing motion to meet Narutos thrusts as fast and often as possible.

Naruto decided that she had denied herself long enough as he moved one of his hands from her tits to her clit which he nudged with his middle finger causing her to explode as she arched her back while crying out his name. He granted her milking cunt its reward as he buried himself deeply inside her, and filled her womb with his cream. Yuugao sagged against him, and feeling spent kissed his cheek as she said, Mmm, can we stay like this for a while.

Naruto smiled at her but said, Sorry, but Im afraid it wouldnt be much of a punishment if I said yes. He then lifted her up and with his rod still buried inside her, carried her out of her apartment to his. He then laid her face down in his bed, and pulling his cock out until just the tip remained teasingly said, Just remember you asked this of me.

Yuugao cried out as Naruto began pounding her still sensitive cunt, and although she quickly found herself surrendering to the waves of pleasure being created in her anew, suspected that by the end of her punishment would truly understand the meaning of the phrase, Too much of a good thing.


I meant it when I said I want you to fuck me, Suzume shouted almost angrily as she began bouncing frantically on the cock buried deep inside her. The man that it belonged to complied with her demand as he gripped her hips and began thrusting up into her harder. Still, Suzume became almost desperate as she leaned forward while gripping her lovers shoulder as she tried to force his cock deeper and harder inside her. Yet, no matter how violently she threw herself into his thrusting cock, she couldnt reach the final destination. Growing tired, and with a tone of frustration she cried out, Im cumming! The man beneath her decided to claim his own reward as he fired his load inside her, and then once satisfied rolled them over so that she was on her back so he could pull out. He then rolled off of her onto his back, and then pulled an expensive pair of glasses from the nightstand of the love motel they had rented.

Placing them on, he said, It must have been a while, you seemed almost desperate to cum.

Still am, Suzume thought although she didnt speak it aloud as she felt it wasnt the mans fault that he hadnt noticed. Particularly as all the previous times in which they had fucked in the past, he had left her seeing stars.

The man, who was named Sannomiya, much like her, loved to play the game. In fact, Suzume had once thought him to be a potential Corruptor due to his success. She had quickly realized that wasnt the case, but had learned that much like her, it was the hunt and the kill which really got him off. Typically, his prey of choice were the wives and girlfriends of other men as he felt they were the most fun to tempt into his bed. Suzume realized that in his own way, he was a Corruptor of a sort, but as he hadnt relied on a jutsu to achieve his goals, she hadnt really cared. To her thinking, which she suspected was rather similar to his, if he could tempt some woman away from her lover then the man probably was failing in satisfying her where it mattered.

Suzume sat up, and reaching for some tissues from the nightstand, began wiping away the seed leaking from her. Wanting to preserve her dignity and reputation in his eyes, she said, Hardly. In fact, just last weekend I was with someone.

Sannomiya shrugged as he replied, Doesnt mean he got the job done.

The Kunoichi instructor frowned at him, as Sannomiya had been the first man that she had slept with since Naruto had bound her to him several days earlier. In the time since, she had quickly figured out that any attempt to alert the people of his status as a Corruptor would only result in her looking like a loon. Even if she attempted to write her story out, all that appeared was the scribblings of a person that wouldnt exactly appear lucid. She suspected that Narutos lovers were keeping tabs on her, but had yet been able to prove that to be the case. Growing frustrated, she had decided that she had needed a good fucking but wasnt in the mood for the usual hunt so had called up Sannomiya as they had often turned to each knowing the other would almost always be open to some no strings attached sex. Sannomiya mistaking the reason for her frown said, Hey, dont shoot the messenger. Dont tell me youre sweet on this guy.

Trust me, Suzume replied dryly, That isnt the case. Hoping to prevent his digging any further, she asked about one of the women that she knew was something of a project of his. What about you and whats her face? She isnt one of your typical marks, and youve been playing with her for quite a while now.

Sannomiya scoffed as he said, Kukaku? Hardly. The only thing keeping me around is that she hasnt quite succumbed to my charms.

You mean thrown away her pride, Suzume clarified for the record.

He was hardly insulted as he said, What can I say, its the quandary that I face. Im still interested because, she hasnt reached the point where shes thrown it away and begged for my cock. But, once she does, Ill have no reason to hang around.

Shes seemed to have grown pretty fond of you though, Suzume stated having noted the woman had stopped competing with her for some of the better-looking guys when theyve hunted the same grounds.

Youve noticed that too, Sannomiya stated with a smirk. Its why I havent answered her last few requests to meet up. Shes almost ripe for the final plucking.

Suzume figured a part of her should feel insulted on behalf of her gender, but couldnt mustered up much ire. After all, she couldnt exactly claim any moral high-ground as she had destroyed quite a few relationships herself, while treating her ability to do so as a game. A game which Kukaku had entered into willingly, and she was about to learn one of the worst mistakes one could make was to come to care for another player. Particularly as when a person went out at night simply looking to put notches in their bedpost. They shouldnt be too surprised when someone else targets them for the same reason, nor expect to find any of their past conquests too willing to soothe the hurt feelings that often resulted when it happened.

Not that Suzume felt she was looking to be soothed in anything other than a physical capacity as she was glad when Sannomiya tired of the small talk so got up to take a shower. However, having been denied that physical release, she quickly turned her mind as to figuring out why. Having tested the jutsu she had used on Naruto beforehand she refused to believe she was suffering from some sort of side effect. Furthermore, as some of the stories contained in the memoirs of past huntresses had made it clear that some Corruptors would use their victims to satisfy other men, and hadnt appeared unable to fully attain release. For Suzume, that meant she likely suffering from some sort of command Naruto or one of his whores, as she was beginning to think of his women, had placed on her. Perhaps as a punishment of sorts, but more than likely as a means to drive her back to Naruto as she imagined only with him would she truly be able to climax.

However, she, much as Kukaku seemed to, had her pride and she would see herself damned before she begged Naruto to fuck her again.


A young blonde woman sat in what she assumed was the Village of Darknesss war room. Currently, she was alone in it except for one other occupant, the man that had convinced her to make the journey. She focused her dark-green eyes on the man, who was dressed in a cloak that had a hood which he always wore. As a result, the top part of his face was often covered in shadows, but during a few points along their journey she had been able to see that he also wore what appeared to be a bandana which also covered his eyes. This along with the large walking stick that he carried led her to believe that the man was blind. Although, from what she had witnessed, it didnt appear to hamper him much, leading her to believe it possible that he might have a Dojutsu, which allowed him to see through the cloth, or it wasnt as thick as it appeared so only wore it to give the appearance that he was blind.

All in all, she supposed it could all just be an elaborate disguise as she had dismissed him as a beggar when she had first laid eyes on him. Still, he had made a persuasive case for why she should travel to the Land of Crows, and meet with Sasuke Uchiha all without actually promising her anything. When she had asked him for his identity, he had merely informed her that he was but a humble Emissary, so she could refer to him as such.

Naturally, she wasnt in the habit of running off with strange men, but she had been unable to dismiss his claims that Sasuke Uchiha would grant her fondest wish. Revenge for the death of her master. She imagined a great fuss was currently being raised about her disappearance, but she pushed such thoughts aside as the door to the room opened.

As her eyes settled on the lone man who entered, she was instantly drawn to him as she found he bore a passing resemblance to her deceased Master. But, as his eyes met hers, she admitted it was only a physical one, as they lacked his stoic and even at times carefree nature. In Sasukes eyes she saw a dark hatred the seemed to be smoldering like a fire that was waiting for a chance to rage out of control. His eyes quickly shifted from her to the Emissary prompting him to say, You took your sweet time returning to inform me if the request that I made of you was completed.

Request is putting it mildly, the man stated amused, Besides, is that the way to thank someone for doing you a favor. The organization that I represent has done quite a few for you. Would it hurt to show some small appreciation for our efforts?

When I asked you about what you wanted as payment for your favors, Sasuke countered unamused, you stated my acting as I desired was enough.

Still a thank you would be appreciated from time to time, the Emissary said standing and grabbing his walking stick.

I suppose that depends on what you have to report, Sasuke replied prompting the man to sigh as he truly doubted it did.

Ive accomplished the task, naturally, The Emissary said, Lord Ay has already received a summons from the Daimyo to head to the capital. Upon arriving, he will be made aware of your impending attack on Ame, with the intention of seeking Konans life. The woman watching the exchange felt her eyes grow wide in shock as one of the people whose life she sought was mentioned.

By who, Sasuke asked noticing his other guests sudden interest.

Does it matter? the Emissary asked tiredly.

It does if the Raikage is going to take it seriously, the Uchiha said sounding upset.

The Emissary shrugged as he said, Whether he takes it seriously or not isnt the primary concern. It is, whether or not hell act as youve predicted. That is a question that youll still be wondering about, regardless of if you know who informed the Raikage of your plans. Thus, I see no reason in answering one that gets you no closer to the true heart of the matter.

Sasukes gaze darkened, but as the Emissary yawned in response decided to ask despite having an idea already, Who did you bring with you?

The Emissary instead of answering said, I believe there was supposed to be a thank you provided.

Despite Sasuke scowling at him, the man simply remained waiting expectantly. However, the woman suspecting the reason he had approached and why Sasuke would want her stepped forward announcing, I am Hotaru of the Tsuchigumo Clan. If you truly seek Konans life then I will gladly put my meager skills in your service to accomplish this task. However, if you wish the Kinjutsu that has been sealed in my back, then there are three more individuals that I require to be slain first.

Sasuke smiled for the first time since entering the room, and approaching her said, Then youll be glad to know all three will be participating in the assault. A perfect opportunity for you to put that jutsu to its ultimate use, wouldnt you agree?

In the Uchihas eyes, Hotaru saw a similar hatred burning as the one which had been set ablaze inside her upon learning Akatsuki had captured and extracted the Bijuu from her master Utakata. Finding Sasukes resemblance to her master to be an omen that the path being presented to her met with the gods approval she nodded, Yes.

Sasuke smiled affectionately at her before stating, Good, quarters will be provided for you. Turning to the Emissary, he simply said, Thank you, before leaving the room.

The Emissary chuckled as he made his way to leave after several Darkness Shinobi appeared to escort Hotaru away. Stepping out into the Village that was currently cloaked in darkness due to the lateness of the hour, which didnt much matter to him as it was a permanent state of affairs, the man thought to himself, I have such high hopes for the chaos youll spread, Sasuke Uchiha. I hope you dont disappoint me as your brother did.

Next Chapter: Revenge Arc: Operation: Kill Konan Part II

Authors note: Hello everyone, I hope all is well. Sorry for the couple of late starts about when this would be posted. But, I hope the wait proves worthwhile. Now, I know some might be disappointed that considering the title, the answer as to whether or not they succeed in their goals isnt answered. But, I think considering how the previous chapter ended, most will understand why we didnt get to the Ame portion of things this time around.

To be honest, the Yuugao cliffhanger wasnt something I had planned out until writing the previous chapter. It was during that time when it hit me that it made sense she would react in such a manner. Naturally, it was something that needed to be addressed which is why the first half of the chapter is effectively dedicated to the fallout. Now, I dont imagine Yuugao chakra would change after all, she is still going to see the worst of herself, so much as how the womens chakra changed different shades of green in the beginning, shes built up her own wall to actually moving into the red despite all the prerequisites being there.

In any case, I hope the detour was appreciated, if not entirely welcomed considering the stakes. Regardless, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. So, until next time, take care. Sincerely, The Lemon Sage.

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