
Chapter 84: Revenge Arc Intermission: Hot for Teacher! Part III

Chapter 84: Revenge Arc Intermission: Hot for Teacher! Part III

Kiyomi was pacing back and forth in the foyer of her mansion as she thought, Dammit Tier, of all the days to have an orgy.

She sent an annoyed look up to the second floor where her bound sisters where sharing a bed with Naruto. Which although normally her annoyance would have been at having missed out, it was due to it keeping Naruto around. Especially, as she had timed the arrival of her guests on the belief that he would be sleeping in that morning considering it being a day off from the Academy, and preferably in the den or anywhere else really. She sensed several presences arriving via the detection barrier that surrounded the mansion, and as they approached the door quickly opened it saying, Thank you for coming. Now, please follow me.

Naturally to her chagrin one of her guests refused to do so quietly as she said, What did you summon us here for Fox?

Kiyomi turned towards her guests, who were Yuffie, Aeris, Tifa, and Kiba, much to her further irritation. She reflexively nearly replied in a tone similar to the hostile one that Yuffie had used, but figuring it wouldnt be conductive towards the reason that she had invited the three women over said, Please follow me to my study. This is a conversation that I would prefer to keep between us.

Yuffie looked like she was going to refuse, but Aeris replied politely, Of course, please lead the way.

Tifa sounding rather similar to Yuffie said, You dont have to sound like we dont know where it is, Aeris. Weve been there plenty when she forced us to obey her.

Aeris frowned softly before replying, This is something that she did after we tried to kill her host, as well as a few other grievances. We arent exactly blameless in why she would feel justified in her treatment of us.

Kiyomi inclined her head, but simply turned to lead them to her study while hoping her lover kept to his habit of sleeping in on the weekend. Upon reaching it, she considered asking Kiba to remain outside, but figured Aeris and Yuffie at least had wanted him present. She closed the door after being the last to enter, and moving towards her desk explained why she had asked them over. Thank you for coming. Recent events have shown me that although I admitted my handling of you three was wrong. I was only admitting as much because of the hardships it was causing between Naruto and I. But, truthfully I had no issue with what I did to you.

Which you were rather honest about, Aeris stated since the Bijuu had stated as much when she informed Yuffie and her of the fate that she suspected awaited them in the Waterfall Village.

Yes, Kiyomi said remorsefully, Yet, recently Ive come to realize my actions towards you were wrong, and as such To the surprise of those gathered, the Nine-tailed Bijuu dropped to her hands and knees, where she placed her head against the ground as she humbly stated, I ask that you please forgive me for how Ive wronged you.

Before any of those gathered could respond, Narutos voice cut in asking, What is going on here?

Kiba turned to respond, but busted out laughing as the blond man was wearing a womans robe, which extended just barely down to his thighs. What the hell are you wearing?

Naruto shrugged an action which nearly caused the head of the large trouser snake which resided between his legs to peak out. Feeling far more uncomfortable in his getup due to the presence of Aeris and Yuffie, he explained his reasons for interrupting rather stiffly, Im sorry for barging in. But feeling Tifas presence. I wanted to make sure everything was okay.

Aeris quickly surmised the reason Kiyomi had been rather anxious to get them alone so said, I believe it was, at least before you appeared. Miss Kiyomi wanted to apologize for her past actions against us, and I believe she wanted to do so without your knowledge.

Why? Naruto asked sending a confused look towards his red-headed lover.

Kiyomi stood with a sigh as she explained, I wanted to apologize to them without your knowledge as then I felt I could be sure it was because I had truly come to regret my

Bending us to your will, Yuffie supplied for the Bijuu feeling a small measure of satisfaction at being able to shame the Bijuu in front of her lover.

It quickly faded though as Kiyomi looked truly remorseful while she admitted, Yes. It took seeing what Kanji did to my homes newest guest to realize that although our methods differed, our actions werent too terribly different from one another.

As such the de-aged former leader of the Taki trio said, Well we werent exactly blameless in why you would resent us.

Aeris smiled at the woman that she shared Kiba with as she stated, I believe what Yuffie is saying is that we accept your apology.

Hey! Dont go putting words in my mouth, Yuffie said quickly and fought back a frown as she noticed bout Aeris and Kiba appeared disappointed in her.

Kiyomi appeared guarded as she asked, Im guessing that youre looking for some form of compensation.

Look, I forgive you okay, Yuffie said quickly sensing trying to hold it back wouldnt get her what she wanted. But, there is something you could do for Aeris and me.

What would that be?

You could let us start using the hot springs here again, Yuffie said quickly finding even Konohas famous ones paled in comparison. It not fair that we got kicked out just because we chose Kiba over Naruto.

Kiyomi smiled since she noticed Kiba perked up from the womans words. Still, she answered, I cant simply agree to your request, Im afraid. After all, more than just I use the hotsprings and theyve been the venue to some of our more carnal desires with our lover. She noticed that even Aeris seemed rather disappointed by her answer, although Kiba hadnt appeared to have been too thrilled by his lovers desire to use the springs on her property. She chalked that up to having found out Naruto was sleeping with his sister and mother by catching them during one of the womens visits to the Hot Springs. She opened the door to the possibility though as she said, However, there is a matter which I must discuss with my Family, and it may result in us needing to allow women not bound to Naruto to be allowed in. Still, Im sure even if that doesnt come to pass, some arrangement can be arrived at, but I would like to speak with his other lovers first.

Fine, Yuffie said, But if you end up refusing, then Im going to demand that you start letting me work those gold level shipments.

Well that I would refuse without question, Kiyomi replied quickly before adding, Youd have to become much stronger before Id consider letting you guard those.

Kiba interjected before his lover could, For which Im grateful since Narutos told me about how hard some of those shipments have been hit.

Aeris smiled as she added, Then let us just hope that theyll agree to her first demand then. Thank you Kiyomi, for your heartfelt apology. Sensing that Tifa had remained quiet as she wished to voice her opinion about Kiyomis apology in private, she turned to leave.

Yuffie grew annoyed with Aeris as she stated, Dont just pin it on me. Youve complained how the outside springs fail to measure up too. Following after Aeris and Kiba she added, Youre just trying to make everyone think youre the sweet innocent one.

The brown-haired woman smiled as she looked over her shoulder to reply, Well, you do make it easy for me to assume such a role. You could have just accepted her apology and then petitioned for the bathing privileges later.


Yuffies reply was cutoff as Kiba closed the door after his lovers stepped out leaving Naruto alone with Tifa and Kiyomi. He felt the air between the two was rather thick with tension, particularly as the silence began to drag on. He suspected that Tifa was mulling over Aeriss last words, which he felt explained how as she sighed out that tension evaporated before she said, I accept your apology.

Tifa turned to leave, but stopped as Kiyomi asked, I appreciate the no strings attached way you offered it. But, is there something you want from me?

The former Taki kunoichi turned back towards the Bijuu, as she admitted, I was mulling over embarrassing you in some way. Perhaps by asking Naruto use the Binding on you to make you unable to move while I have my way with him. Yet, truthfully, I realize I also need to offer an apology. I did so for Naruto, yet never acknowledged that our attempt to kill him would have negatively affected you as well. A small smile graced her lips as she also acknowledged, Besides, since I already have access to the hotsprings and you already gave me a body I would have killed to have in my youth. What more could I desire?

Kiyomi smiled before her gaze grew seductive and began sauntering over to the woman. Caressing the face that she had given the woman, the Bijuu asked, Perhaps then youll grant my request by allowing me to witness you using that body to pleasure our shared lover?

Tifa didnt seem to mind the request as she allowed Kiyomi to pull her into a kiss. It started off slowly as if each woman was verifying that there truly were no hard feelings remaining between them, but it soon grew fiercer as they surrendered to their desires. Tifa then began to push Kiyomi back towards a chair which as soon as the Bijuu sat, she pulled back to ask, Would you mind if we played out the scenario I laid out?

Kiyomi hesitated since she didnt particularly enjoy the idea of the Binding being used on her. Especially considering the role that it had played in Naruto forcing her to accept that she had been wrong in how she dealt with Tifa and her teammates. However, she gave a nod figuring that at the very least being denied pleasure would lead to a greater reward.

Tifa gave her a pleased smile before backing up to ask their lover, Naruto, can you command her that she isnt to talk or leave that chair until she climaxes. Naruto nodded and repeated the order feeling that despite his usual desire to refrain from using the control that he had gained over his lovers, in this case he felt it was little different then how Maki occasional would use her jutsu to tie him to the bed.

Tifa then turned her back on Kiyomi as she slipped her suspenders from her shoulders and then pulled her white shirt over her head as she approached her blond lover. Kiyomi however, rather than watching the two begin to kiss energetically while Naruto fondled one of Tifas breasts, instead turned inwards as she recognized that she still had control over her body. Having had Naruto use the command aspect of the Binding on her, she recognized that when he used it his voice would have reverberated through her. This had led him to nicknaming that ability the Voice. Still, while the sensation of his using it had felt similar, her body in this case had failed to lockup as it had the previous time.

She quickly surmised that it may have been due to the shift in her chakra color which Hinata had informed her of. She sighed feeling a sense of relief, especially since she had grown concerned immediately upon hearing of it as she feared it had signaled some sort of negative change. Hinata had naturally shared with her that Tsunade had felt it was a positive one. Particularly as the Hokage had undergone the same shift from red to orange. But still, Kiyomi had been unable to quiet the lingering doubts.

Now though those doubts were gone, so she settled in to watch the show unfolding before her. Still, while she was willing to merely be a spectator for the moment, she did intend to join so in order to fulfill the conditions she had been given began to concentrate her chakra on her clit causing a pleasant tingling to begin coursing through her. To aid her along she drank in the sight of Tifa bent over at the hips as Naruto had sat down in the middle of the small couch in her study, and was currently enjoying the head he was receiving.

Tifas heavy breasts swayed seductively as she worked her mouth up and down her lovers rod. The motion of her mammaries proved to lure Naruto in as he leaned forward enough to begin massaging them. This caused the woman to moan as he slipped free of her lips. At which point, she leaned up to begin kissing her lover while she continued to slowly move her hand over his tool which was slick with her saliva.

While their tongues rolled around each others, Narutos hands traveled down Tifas body until they rested on her ass. He yanked her skirt up over her hips, before grabbing the cheeks of her butt and pulling her onto his lap trapping his phallus between their bodies. Tifa pulled her lips away from his to smile at him as she instead began grinding her panty covered mound into his cock. Naruto groaned before pulling a similar sound from her as he latched onto a breast and began teasing her nipple with his tongue. Tifa shivered as much from the feeling of his tongue flicking her hardened nub as from the feeling of his cock gliding against her cloth covered pussy. She felt a thin sheen of sweat begin to cover her body as her pleasure continued to build, and nearly lost control when Naruto grabbed a handful of her other breast where he began to roll her nipple between his fingers. She tried to stave off her release, but found it harder as her lovers free hand wrapped around her lower back and he pulled her grinding hips firmer against his steel like rod.

Kiyomi was in a similar state as she found it nearly impossible to remain still while she used her chakra in a similar manner to creating a rasengan to stimulate her clit. She was gripping the arms of the chair firmly enough that her nails were beginning to dig into the leather. The tension continued to build due to her increasing the intensity of the chakra stimulating her to keep pace with Tifas gyrations against their shared lover. As a result, when the former Taki-nin tensed and arched her back as she cried out in release, Kiyomi was also climaxing, although the tension that had built while trying to remain still bled out of her.

Kiyomi stood from the chair and under normal circumstance, may have been embarrassed at the wet spot she was confident was staining the back of her kimono. But, for the moment was glad for it, since later she would be hosting a guest, and didnt feel like wiping the furniture down. Approaching the two sitting on the couch as they kissed in wake of Tifas orgasm, she surprised them as she said, Im hurt. It appears that youve both forgotten all about me.

How Tifa but Kiyomi silenced her with a kiss.

Pulling away the Bijuu said, I followed the conditions you put forward. Straightening she added, Let us adjourn to a more fitting venue. Kiyomi then teleported the three of them into her bedroom, with Tifa and Naruto appearing on her bed. Having appeared at the foot of it, she began removing her clothes while Tifa still straddling Naruto lowered her face to his in order to begin kissing him.

Once she was completely nude, Kiyomi climbed onto the bed, and then elongating one of her nails she made several slices to Tifas panties to remove them. The other woman rose up and was about to complain, but since the red-head had positioned Narutos cock at her entrance, all she did was moan as the sudden movement caused him to slip inside her. Kiyomi smirked as she said to the woman, Youre welcome, and then pushed the robe her blond lover was wearing open so that she could begin licking his chest.

As Tifa bounced on his cock, Naruto used one hand to reach between Kiyomis legs in order to begin teasing her cunnie. She moaned, and pulled a deeper groan from him as she nipped at his nipple before running her tongue down to his stomach. She then began kissing up Tifas thigh before reaching her undulating breasts. Latching onto one, she began suckling on it, while her fingers rolled the nipple of the other. Tifas head shot back as she let out a loud moan and Kiyomi pulled back to ask, Did you just climax a little?

Tifa nodded her head, and expected the Bijuu to ask her to step aside so that she could have a turn on Narutos kunoichi impaler. Yet, instead the red-head said, I imagine you wont be satisfied with just that. Tifa smiled as she began to grind her pussy against their shared lover while Kiyomi moved around behind her, where she began massaging Narutos balls as she said, Naruto, I think youve laid there like a lump long enough. Im probably not going to get a turn until youve pumped a load of cum into her, so hop to it.

Naruto chuckled before rolling Tifa on her back, and then began doing his best to pound her through the mattress with his cock. Tifas legs quickly wrapped around him as she used her legs to aid his downward plunge as hed withdraw all but the tip. Kiyomi sat back to enjoy the show as it seemed Tifa became more and more lost to pleasure each time Narutos dick slammed into her. Her eyes completely glassed over when Naruto buried himself to the hilt and let out a pleasure soaked moan which was followed by Tifas cry of ecstasy.

Naruto waited until Tifas legs dropped to the bed to pull out of her, and he asked Kiyomi, Are you satisfied?

The Bijuu gave him a smirk before she answered, Not even a little. Yet, Tifa on the other hand doesnt appear to have any complaints.

Naruto crawled over to her and kissed her hungrily before proclaiming, Neither will you soon enough.

You always talk so big, Kiyomi teased as she leaned back while he moved to her collarbone.

Having worked his way down to her breast, he replied, I like to believe that Ive proven that Im not all talk.

Kiyomi moaned as his tongue began concentrating on her hardened nub, while he began running his dick against her slit. Bringing her mouth to his ear, she began nibbling on it, while responding, Past glories are all well and good. But in the here and now of this very moment, youve yet to prove yourself.

Naruto smiled at her and caused her to cry out as he slammed his cock into her in a single thrust. He felt her pussy quiver around him causing him to say, Dont worry my dear Fox. Ill never rest on my laurels when it comes to pleasing you, or making you happy in the present.

Hearing Narutos words caused Kiyomi to feel an immense sense of happiness, which only grew as Naruto moved slowly within her as he sealed his lips to hers. For Kiyomi the kissing, was almost as good as the feeling of his cock moving within her. Still, soon the two of them began to grow more forceful as their lusts began to take over. Naruto sat back and gripping her hips lifted them slightly while he began driving his dick into her more forcefully. Kiyomi moaned loudly as she grabbed at the comforter above her head as small arcs of electric pleasure shot up her spin every time his cock kissed her womb.

A shadow settled over her, and focusing on the person causing it she saw Tifa kneeling over her head. The woman reached down to spread the lips of her pussy, showing off the cum still inside. Kiyomi didnt need any further prompting than that before she grabbed Tifa by the hips to pull her quim within range. Tifa moaned as the Bijuus tongue probed inside her in order to extract Narutos seed. The flavor of which caused the Bijuu to begin experiencing several small mini orgasms. Naruto groaned out from the constant milking of his cock as it drilled through the Bijuus quivering insides.

Naruto pushed down on the back of Kiyomis legs as he leaned forward to silence himself and Tifa by locking his mouth to hers. The brown-haired woman wrapped one of her arms around Narutos neck as his tongue began exploring her mouth, while the red-head beneath her began using hers to tease her clit. Deciding to return the favor Tifa slid her free hand down the Bijuus stomach and used her middle finger to begin rolling around Kiyomis pleasure switch.

Kiyomi tried to stave off her orgasm for as long as possible, but as the waves of pleasure from her mini climaxes continued to crash in and through her, it proved too much when Tifa began rubbing her clit. Crying out, she managed to set off Tifa as well as she dragged her chin against the other womans as she gave voice to her orgasm. It only intensified further when Naruto buried his dick inside her now furiously milking cunt and gave her thirsty womb what it desired.

When he was spent, Naruto fell back on the bed as his cock began to deflate. He watched Tifa topple over in a similar manner, but as if rising from the ashes Kiyomi sat up. She then began crawling towards him on all fours similar to the beast that she had been and where she began nuzzling his cock with her nose as she said, Im still not satisfied. Yet, she then gave his prick a kiss before sliding off the bed and adding, However, business comes before pleasure.

Naruto sat up on the bed, but before he could ask what she meant Tifa wrapped her arms around him from behind as she said, Can you really claim that you put business first after what we just did?

Kiyomi made her way to the bathroom located within her room as she replied, Having taken care of the first item on my list, I decided to indulge a bit. But, now I must see about rousing our little shut-in to see if she is open to accepting a new position. After that, Ill need to attend to a rather influential guest as he makes his demands.

Naruto frowned as he asked, Whos that, and what makes him think he can demand anything of you?

Turning back to her lover, she considered for a moment blowing off the rest of her planned events to spend it in bed with him. But, she knew one didnt blow of Hiashi Hyuuga and not expect him to bring some pressure to bear. She smiled at her lover as she said, Dont worry. If Im right, his demand may work out more in our favor then his. But, it wouldnt do for him to arrive to find the two of you here, so if you are going to continue please do so elsewhere.

Naruto stood, but rather than leave, he helped Tifa to her feet as he said, I guess we should help you clean up before moving on.

Kiyomi smiled as she backed into the bathroom with Tifa and Naruto following her in. Well it would be more efficient if we showered together I suppose, she conceded before turning on the water. A moment later, she was lifted up and pressed up against the shower wall as Naruto buried himself inside her. While Kiyomi moaned in ecstasy, Tifa grabbed some soap which she used to lather up her breasts and then used them as a sponge against the blond mans back while she awaited her chance to have him inside her.

Kiyomi feeling the pleasure building inside her, considered once more canceling her later appointment. Yet, thinking of who she would be meeting with next, felt it best to continue as planned so the young woman would in time come to know the same happiness that she did. The idea of which, caused her to grow rather excited as she began to use her legs to urge her lover on so she could begin setting the event in motion.


Momo Hinamori was sitting in the guest bedroom that she had been occupying since she had been taken into custody. She could leave the room if she so desired, but hadnt as she felt that she deserved to be jailed for her actions. She had been surprised when she hadnt been, but she figured none of Naruto or his lovers wanted her unaccounted for so that she couldnt spill any of their secrets. Yet, she had quickly come to believe that wasnt entirety of it as she realized they could have just killed her. But furthermore, when she had stopped eating due to her feeling as if she deserved a slow death, Kiyomi had paid her room a visit stating that she would force her to eat if she continued her hunger strike.

Upon realizing that they werent harboring any ill will towards her, it had caused an immense sense of guilt to settle upon her. Which had resulted in her not setting foot outside of the room as she began to treat it as a cell. The women of the mansion seemed to respect her desire as everyday she would find food and clean plain clothes lying outside her door.

That morning she had opened the door and had been surprised when nothing was put out for her. She wondered if it was a sign that she had overstayed her welcome. The handle on her door began to turn and as freshly showered Kiyomi stepped into the room, she imagined the woman was about to evict her. Instead though, the red head asked, How are you doing today?

Im doing well, Momo replied.

The woman gave a cryptic smile before responding, Excellent. She then extended out her hand and a chakra claw launched from it. It shot underneath the mattress, at which point Kiyomi then flipped it over so that Momo spilled onto the ground before it fell on her. The former priestess climbed out from beneath it, but before she could make a fuss, Kiyomi tossed some clothes onto the beds frame and stated, Get dressed and meet me in the hall.

The red-head then stepped out of the room so Momo quickly did as she had been instructed. She frowned a little as the black robes that Kiyomi had left her appeared to be rather similar to the busty woman that she had met one day when she had awoken to find said woman sleeping with her after a drunken night out. Kiyomi seemed to be reading her mind as she said, I apologize for the style, but I made the mistake of sending Rangiku to purchase clothes for you. I imagine most of the money I gave her ended up in her closet.

Its fine, Momo quickly assured the woman while feeling befuddled from the red-heads apologetic tone, when considering the rude awakening that she had received. Having believed at first that she had tired of her presence, Momo wasnt quite sure what to expect when she stepped into the hall.

Which turned out to be a pleased smile as Kiyomi said, Well at least Rangiku did get the size correct. Considering how she hangs out of her robes. I figured that she simply bought her clothes several sizes too small when she showed me what she bought. Before Momo could thank the woman, she turned on her heel stating, Follow me.

Where are we going?

I feel that youve been given enough time to mope around feeling sorry for yourself, the red-head said while setting a brisk pace Momo was struggling to keep up with. And so, starting today, you are going to be acting as an assistant for Mito and myself.

Momos eyes grew wide as she said, But, what about my having tried to kill the two of you?

Kiyomi shrugged as she said, Water under the bridge. Besides, the reason you havent been charged with anything is because we presented you as one who had been manipulated for years. It was because of that manipulation that in your desperation for revenge, you aligned with Sasuke. What better way to demonstrate that not only are you no longer a danger, but are truly remorseful for your actions then for you to be seen working with people you once targeted for death.

The former priestess began to blink back tears from recognizing that she was being further helped by people she had wanted to hurt. Why are you going to such lengths for me? she asked as her emotions began to get the better of her. I also tried to kill the man you

Having reached the entrance to the basement, Kiyomi hit a reset button on the womans emotions by turning around and flicking her forehead. The sudden pain caused the shorter woman to stop allowing the Bijuu to say, You are hardly the only woman in this home who has tried to harm him. In fact, I tried to crush his spirit so that he would release me. Not to mention, before coming to get you, I was busy sucking his cum out of a woman who also once tried that very same feat as you, and who I in turn once victimized by essentially bending her and her friends to my will. Kiyomi smirked at the blush which appeared on Momos cheeks from the mention of her morning activity before she led the woman down into the basement, and opened the passageway to the Den while stating, So with that being said, if you want to sit around feeling bad, dont do it on our account. Particularly as it is only for your own benefit.

Im being remorseful, Momo said rather defensively.

By locking yourself in a room, Kiyomi asked over her shoulder, Because from my point of view, a truly remorseful person shows it through action taken for the benefit of others. But more importantly, you seem to forget you were also a victim of Kanji.

I doubt many of the women he took would feel the same, Momo replied quickly.

Hence, why you lock yourself in a room feeling sorry, however, not so much for your actions, but how people will perceive you for them, Kiyomi stated. Before the dark-haired woman could refute her though the Bijuu added, Take it from one who has accumulated thousands of sins. Youre never going to find absolution if you seek it from outside yourself. There will be those who no matter how contrite you are, will never forgive you. Therefore, all you can do is decide that you truly are sorry for the person you were, and live a life that demonstrates this.

Momo accepting the wisdom of the womans words asked, Then, how would you recommend me to go about making amends?

Kiyomi didnt answer, instead she opened a door and indicated that Momo should step inside. Doing as instructed, she found Mito standing in a room that was covered with the symbols that were typically found in seal formulas. She frowned though as she noticed Mito sitting at a desk studying some papers, and then behind her was a point on a wall where all the writings covering the room originating from. Although she didnt recognize it, considering the symbols coated every surface of the room she said, What type of seal is that? Ive never seen anything so complex.

Mito looked up from the notes that she had compiled thus far and said, Momo, its nice to see you up and about. I trust Kiyomi didnt pull you out of the room kicking and screaming.

No, Momo said still finding it strange just how kind the woman was treating her, She only need edto give me a little push out of bed. Moving past the desk to study the seal at the center of the massively complex formula coating the room she asked, Is this some kind of restraining seal? For a moment, she wondered if it was how Naruto maintained control of his harem, but didnt bother voicing it as she had seen him with his lovers.

Mito nodded as she answered, In a manner of speaking. This is the Caged Bird Seal of the Hyuuga, and is how they keep the Branch Family in line. However, as you might suspect it is infinitely more complex than a seal designed for such a purpose needs to be.

Yes, Kiyomi said as she approached the seal and running her hand over it added, Even the one the Fourth Hokage designed to hold me in Naruto was not nearly as complex as this. It is amazing so much information was hidden by such a simple looking seal design.

Momos eyes grew wide as she stared at the back of Kiyomis head and suddenly realized the nine braids extending from the nape of her neck suddenly had significantly more meaning. Youre the nine-tailed fox! she shouted in shock.

Kiyomi turned to give her an amused grin as she asked, Did I fail to mention that? Moving towards the woman her green eyes shifted red while the pupils turned into slits. If you must know, all of us Bijuu live under this roof.

Momo wasnt quite sure how to respond, but then she began laughing. Her reaction surprised the other two women, at least until she explained, Now I dont feel so bad about thinking you were a demon. Plus, now I suppose it makes sense why a business woman who had spent years in a coma would feel she had wronged so many people. Is this a part of how you plan to make amends?

Kiyomi nodded, before stating, A small part yes. But, one I fear is on a rather strict timetable.

How so? Momo asked surprised since as far as she knew the Hyuuga had used the Caged Bird Seal ever since they had taken the name of the man who had founded the clan in its current incarnation of separating it into Main and Branch Families.

Currently one of our number is planning to become the new head of the Hyuuga, Mito answered. Everything will come to a head in a little under two years, and we would need to have a way to remove the seal by then.

The former Priestess didnt really understand as she replied, If one of your members becomes the next head, then wouldnt she just be able to command it to be removed?

Mito shook her head in the negative as she explained, Im afraid it isnt that simple. The technique to apply it is only known by a few Hyuuga Elders. Moreover, chances are even if Hinata succeeds in her bid, those elders will still oppose her and may seek to depose her. Considering her most ardent supporters are the Branch Family, they would not be able to aid her if it comes to violence.

Momo grew rather pensive before wondering aloud, I suppose it would also be beneficial should she fail to take control of Hyuuga clan to remove the shackles of her allies so they can help her take control through force.

Although, Hinamori hadnt outright accused them of wanting to perform of coup, her voicing the possibility made it clear that she wasnt of the belief their intentions were entirely benevolent. The two women could see that as a result, it was also causing her to perhaps believe the kindness they had shown her was to gain her assistance in the matter. Kiyomi smiled softly as she conceded, There is always the possibility this matter might erupt into violence, no matter who takes control of the Hyuuga. However, I assure you it will only be the Main Branch that initiates it.

Still sounding skeptical, Momo asked, How can you promise that?

Giving a wide grin, the Bijuu said, Because whether Hinata controls the Hyuuga or not, it really doesnt hamper our plans any. The important thing is shattering the shackles the Main Family uses to keep the Branch Family under their thumb. If Hinata becomes the Clan Head, then we free them as a means of reforms that she brings about. If she fails, then we still free them and perhaps a new clan is born. But, I believe Hinata will view this as a failure as well since the clan is still divided.

Mito nodded in agreement before adding, The goal here is unification of the Hyuuga, and the best way to achieve that would be to remove the Caged Bird Seal from the equation. If the Main Family loses the thing that allows them to proclaim themselves lords of the clan, then theyll have to accept the Branch as equals. Or, watch as half their strength breaks away.

Which considering some of the plans Hinata is about to enact, would also mean separating themselves from the wealth she plans for the Branch Family to begin generating, Kiyomi stated. If the Branch Familys economic star is brightening while the Main Familys continues to dim, well that would provide all the more incentive for those currently in charge to negotiate a unification of the two Familys.

Neither woman made Momo feel as if they were hiding their true intentions from her. Although, she would admit to herself that it wasnt as if she had the sharpest intuition when it came to such matters. Still, she couldnt deny that if they were conning her, they were going out of their way to pull the wool over her eyes. Particularly as she knew if they truly wanted to force her to help, the man they were bound to could make her if he was willing to take her against her will. However, judging from the happiness the women bound to him seemed to radiate, Momo doubted she was in any danger of that happening.

After reflecting for several moments, she began to feel that the opportunity being presented to her was a fine first step on her path to redemption. Particularly, since it had been the women of Narutos Harem which had freed her and the other women from Kanjis enslavement. As such, she felt that the least that she could due for them in return was to help them free others from a similar fate. With that thought in mind she asked, Where would you like me to begin?


Moegi trudged her way up the stairs of her home as she made her way to her room. Which wasnt particularly strange, especially since she had begun training with Naruto. Stepping into her room, she groaned tiredly as she lifted her shirt over her head while wondering just how much stamina the blond man had. Primarily since during the late morning training session, he had created hundreds of regular clones which he had pitted against Kiba, who had been joined by his two lovers. Furthermore, he had created one of the more stable K-Clones which had been putting her through her paces, while he had focused on their training groups newest member Tenten.

Bending over to pull her skirt and panties down her legs, Moegi felt a pang of jealousy which she directed towards the bun haired woman while she grabbed a towel, which she wrapped around herself. She then proceeded to her homes bathroom, where she turned on the shower to let the water get to the perfect temperature. She focused on her reflection as she took her hair out of the upwardly standing pig-tails which she normally kept it in. When she was done, she gave her nude form a more appraising glance which focused on whether or not Naruto would find her attractive. She felt a sense of depression begin to sink in as she began to feel that such thoughts were a waste of time. Particularly considering his current relationship with Sakura.

She had been rather hurt upon hearing the news, since she had taken his telling her that they would address her unvoiced, if not undisplayed, feelings for him after the Chunin Exams. She had taken it as a sign that Suzume had been correct in things not being as solid as they appeared between him and Ayame. Because of this, it stung that he had slipped from one relationship to the other without addressing her.

However, that wasnt to say that she was bitter towards Naruto, especially since it had seemed to be a byproduct of the tragedy that had befallen both he and Sakura. She could more than understand how the events of Sakura losing her father, and Naruto losing the father figure that he had in Iruka could have driven them together. But, she was frustrated by the fact that the new arrival Tenten got personal one on one training with Naruto, while she was stuck with a clone. Not to mention, how the brunette constantly called him Sensei in a flirty and seductive way, which didnt seem to bother Naruto except the few times she would do so loud enough that Moegi believed he feared she had overheard.

Stepping into the shower, she sighed from the warm water hitting her skin and it beginning to soothe some of the soreness that had begun setting in from being tossed about by Narutos clone. She began washing herself as she wondered why it was Naruto appeared so relaxed with Tentens teasing, but had acted so sternly with her when she had tried to behave in a similar manner. Not feeling that she surrendered anything in the looks department, she wondered if it was because in a way Naruto respected Tenten more. She supposed that she shouldnt be too surprised by the possibility since the older kunoichi was a Chunin, which was the highest ranking most shinobi tended to achieve.

Beginning to soap up her hair and body, Moegi came to the realization that Naruto chastising her for being flirty, but letting Tenten get away with it, could also be because of the stakes involved with each of their training. After all, Naruto had made it no secret that he felt the upcoming Chunin Exams would be extremely dangerous. She wasnt entirely sure why he was so concerned. Because, while she did understand that most of the participants would have several years of experience as opposed to the one to two years a first-time participant normally would have. She still doubted any of the participants would have the power or experience Naruto had accrued. But, thinking along those lines she figured that didnt really mean Naruto would excuse her, since his passing could depend on her doing well.

As she finished rinsing herself, she figured Tenten taking her training seriously didnt really affect Naruto and so he had no reason to be as strict with her. Still, when she had been the one flirting with him, she had attributed some of the unease he showed being due to his relationship. Yet, with Tenten, it seemed it had been her presence alone which had seemed to make him nervous, making Moegi feel as if he would have been fine with it if she hadnt been there. Moreover, Moegi felt there was a familiarity between them that wasnt just explained by their being colleagues, or even living in the same apartment complex.

Finishing her shower, she grabbed the towel that she had brought with her and began drying off. While she did so, she considered paying Suzume a visit to see if she had any insights. Yet as she made her way back to her room she rejected the idea since she wasnt sure what the teacher would be able to tell her other than she had missed her opportunity, particularly since Moegi recalled Narutos long standing crush on Sakura so doubted he would be breaking up with her anytime soon. She frowned though as she would have expected Ayame to be somewhat bitter about the breakup, and yet Naruto still went there after training.

Moegi entered her room and after shutting the door tossed her towel towards a hamper. She sat on her bed and then fell back as she blew out a breath of frustration. She wondered if she should give up on trying to be with Naruto, but the idea of doing so made her feel rather depressed. She wasnt quite sure when she had grown attracted to him, but figured it had been a gradual process from when he had played with them. She remembered being rather infatuated with Sasuke as well when she had first laid eyes on him. But, that had been easy enough to explain as rather superficial due to his looks and the aura he had given off.

Naruto might not have had the same level of looks back when he was younger, but he did also have an aura about him. One that she had come to miss when he had gone on his training trip. It had felt somewhat similar to the coolness that one felt when clouds covered the sun. In fact, Moegi was beginning to believe that she could tell the difference between Naruto and his clones simply because they lacked it. Although, to be fair to the clones, she felt that was generally because they were created with a specific purpose in mind, which in her case was to knock her around.

She sighed and wondered what it would be like to get to enjoy being with him in a more intimate setting. Considering how close Tenten and he appeared, she imagined it must be fun living under the same roof. Moegi had considered trying to move into the Hidden Eddy Inn, but she figured it would be kind of hard to do on a Genins pay. Which although Naruto was a Genin, she knew he had taken mission well above his paygrade.

She pictured herself enjoying a meal with him, which she felt would be like eating with him at Ichiraku. Imagining that he would be even less reserved at home then he was in public. She imagined herself reaching out to wipe something from his face, and unable to resist the temptation quickly stealing a kiss. Which quickly grew heated as Naruto began to kiss her with the enthusiasm that he used when devouring ramen.

Outside of her fantasy, Moegis nipples grew hard as she traced her fingers around her aureoles, and then moaned softly as she pinched them while she pictured Naruto removing her shirt to attack them. In the daydream, he picked her up and quickly divested her of her panties.

Moegi pulled herself out of the naughty dream for a moment to sit up and opening a drawer in her nightstand pulled out a vibrator. The device had been a gag gift that a friend had purchased for her when she had turned sixteen. The device looked more like a back massager as it had a bulbous head which was attached to a wand, and needed to be plugged in. Doing so quickly, she switched it on and placed it between her thighs as she returned to her dream to find Naruto had planted her on the table and was rubbing her cunnie in circles.

She placed the toy directly against her cunt and moaned as she rubbed it against her quickly moistening lower lips. Moegi, was glad the toy didnt really lend itself to penetration since she wanted her first experience with the sensation to be with a man, one in particular. Still, while in her fantasy, she began to beg Naruto bury his cock in her.

However, her fantasy took a strange turn as Sakuras voice cut in to say, Whats going on here?

Moegi wondered if she was feeling guilty since although she had fantasized about Naruto while he had dated Ayame. She couldnt really say she knew the woman, but had worked with Sakura on occasion. While she wouldnt say that they were friends, she did find she respected the kunoichi and had looked up to her.

Her fantasy continued on its strange track, when as the daydreamed version of her tried to cover herself. Naruto smiled at his girlfriend to say, Moegi and I got a little carried away. Would you care to join us?

Sakura gave an amused smile as she said, Id love too. She stepped towards her blond boyfriend, who offered her the fingers that he had used to pleasure her. The green eyed kunoichi rolled her tongue around them as she savored the flavor.

Moegi rather surprised by the pink haired kunoichis reaction asked, Why arent you angry?

Sakura turned towards Moegi and pushed her to lay back on the table. Then taking up a position between her thighs said, Because I understand exactly why you want to be with him. She then buried her face between the younger kunoichis thighs as she began licking her lower lips.

Although a little weirded out by the direction her fantasy was taking, Moegi closed her thighs around the vibrating head of her toy. She moaned as it freed up her hands to tease her breasts, while the dream Naruto pulled down Sakuras shorts and gave her the dick Moegi had been begging for moments before. Dream Sakura said, Youre not yet ready for Narutos nice fat cock to fuck this tasty little hole. But, if you play nice and pass those Chunin Exams, theres no reason for him not to respond to your feelings.

Moegi tensed as she climaxed causing the dream world to fade as she shivered on her bed. She relaxed after a moment and was breathing heavily as the toy vibrated pointlessly between her slackened thighs. She used the cord to pull the toy towards her and cooed softly as the head traced along her pussy. She switched it off while she thought about why her dream had taken such a strange track.

At first, she wondered if it was a result of seeing Kiba with his two girlfriends, because she figured if the dog boy could pull off such a feat, then it would be childs play for Naruto. She did figure that might be a part of it, but then she recalled Narutos words to her. She knew he took his word seriously, and he had promised to speak with her after the Chunin Exams. So, while she could imagine that he might have forgotten with all that happened recently. She didnt believe that to be the case, since she was of the opinion he would have made the promise even if he was seeing Sakura. Therefore, she was beginning to believe it hadnt been problems within the relationship he had with Ayame that had caused him to make the promise to her. Instead some other factors may have been at play, factors he believed would be addressed after the exam.

Moegi felt a buoyed sense of hope, but realized her fantasy had also pointed her to something else that she may need to consider if she wanted a relationship with Naruto. Which was that while Sakura might not be an obstacle in the traditional sense, she would probably need to be willing to share him to make her desire a reality. She again pictured Naruto with Tenten and also began to consider the possibility that it wouldnt just be with Sakura either. Aware her mind was probably coming up with a half-backed scenario, she nevertheless decided shed be paying extra close attention to how Naruto acted around the kunoichi he interacted with going forward.


Thank you for seeing me, Lady Kiyomi.

Kiyomi smiled politely, although it took some will to muster as she replied, You made it quite clear that you werent giving me a whole lot of choice in the matter. Lord Hiashi.

She handed the man a drink before moving towards the chair opposite the one he was sitting. Sitting down, she made a display of crossing her legs, and showed them off in order to get a better read on the man. She wasnt too surprised that his eyes didnt travel from her face, although she wasnt sure if it was simply because he felt a woman from outside his clan was beneath his notice. Yet, she didnt feel that was exactly the case, since in order to get her to agree to the meeting, he had made it known that he was planning to use the Unions that the Hyuuga controlled to begin a price war with her sea shipping company.

Considering that under Fukas leadership the Uzumaki Shipping Company was beginning to generate a profit at its Land of Wave port by offering births to any company willing to pay. The last thing they needed was competition from the ports under the Hyuuga Main Familys control in the form of their slicing the higher costs which were driving ships to the Wave Port. The rumors of which had not only upset members of the unions the Hyuuga controlled, but had also driven several of the Uzumaki Shipping Companys customers to push Fuka for lower prices for the berths that they used.

Kiyomi gave Hinatas father credit especially since she was confident that it was a bluff. But, it was one that she was loathe to call when considering that the U.S.C. was starting to get its legs underneath it. With that thought in mind, she didnt feel Hiashis lack of interest in her femininity was born of a disgust by anything that wasnt Hyuuga. But, simply that he had set a goal and was willing to use any tactic to achieve it. Having riled both his allies and enemies in order to get the sit down with her. He wasnt going to be distracted by her showing a little leg.

Setting the drink that she had handed him down untouched, Hiashi said, I know it is normal to make polite conversation, but I would prefer to get to the heart of the matter.

As would I, Kiyomi seconded finding that while she despised the man for his treatment of Hinata. She found his straightforwardness rather refreshing. Still, she did attribute that to being a part of the Hyuuga Clans arrogance. Whereas most people petitioning her felt a need to offer real or false praise, before proceeding to what they wanted. The Hyuuga were often a power within Konoha and even the Land of Fire, which one refused at their own peril considering the pressure the clan could bring to bear.

Good, Hiashi said before lacing his fingers in his lap as he sat back in the highbacked chair. I would like to begin by asking you what stance have you taken in regards to Hinatas bid to become head of the Hyuuga?

Kiyomi folded her hands over her knee as she sat back in her chair as she replied, Outside of wishing her the best. None.

I truly wish I could believe that, the current Head of the Hyuuga replied with a disappointed note in his voice. Yet, Ive noticed that as your Bathing Association has accepted new members, your business interests have only seemed to expand.

Kiyomi had narrowed her eyes at the first part of Hiashis statement, but in truth she had suspected the rest. I suppose I will ignore the insult that youve paid me considering you attribute our little club as being the secret of my companys successful endeavors.

Do you deny that it is thanks to having members such as the Hokage, that you have managed expand your companys influence into places like Suna and Kumo?

Kiyomi shrugged before countering, Yet, wasnt it your youngest daughter that helped convince the Raikage to open up the trade routes. Moreover, I believe you are hurling accusations for something one could say you are guilty of as well. Or, was it mere coincidence that the Hyuuga sold their interests in companies that had benefited from the lack of open trade just before Hanabi was selected as an envoy. There wasnt much of a reaction, but Kiyomi could tell her point scored so added, In fact, perhaps your accusing me of such is just because that is how your clan has generated much of its wealth in the past, and so you are attributing my companys success to similar methods.

She noticed the knuckles of Hiashis hand turned white, letting her know her attack had rustled his pride. However, she held back a frown when she noticed the tension fade just before he said, It would be folly for one to continue endeavors that a person knows his home and village are working at a cross purpose towards. Or, are you suggesting that if the Hokage mentioned during one of her baths on your property that she was thinking of opening relations with Iwa that youd continue backing companies that profited from the current tensions between our two villages. Yet, the primary reason we ended those business dealing was because rather than changing with the times, those companies that used to keep the nobles of various countries supplied with embargoed goods sought to force the continuation of the old status quo that benefited them and foolish believed those same nobles would back them. Those companies simply failed to realize the nobles werent loyal to them, but were of use in getting around restrictions that hampered the rest of the country. Had they proven they were willing to adapt, we would have continued our business dealing.

Kiyomi inclined her head in acknowledgement of his rather fair point. She also noted how Hiashi seemed to have a rather keen insight to how business worked outside of Konoha. Particularly, as many of the companies that had dealt with goods that were embargoed in the past, were in business so the Daimyo and other nobles werent effected by such things. Items like the Thunder Whiskey she had once gifted Ibiki with, would have been readily available in the palaces of the Daimyo and his various governors, even during the height of the embargo, despite the possession of which being a prison sentence for anyone else. The reasoning used to explain the double standard being that the nobles would need it for their events with foreign dignitaries. Granted, they had paid a premium for the items as a result, but Kiyomi imagined the higher pricing and the fact that they were enjoying things most people would go to prison for even owning acted as an amplifier for their own enjoyment. In fact, the reason many of the original providers of such embargoed items had failed was because newer distributors had begun selling them to the masses driving the prices down, and as a result the nobles that had been supporting the original companies had moved on to other things. As a result, unless a company had avenues into countries which still had embargoed items and the licensing to sell them. They quickly folded up as competition flooded the market place. From what few noble functions Kiyomi had attended, it would seem currently that embargoed items from Iwa and Kumo were the ones most in demand.

She let a small smirk grace her lips since she found the idea of a Hyuuga lecturing others about the need for change rather amusing. Particularly since his clan, not to mention the unions the Hyuuga were aligned with in the various ports of the Land of Fire, did everything they could to fight against change. Hiashi began to frown from the amusement that she was displaying, but rather than giving him insight into her thoughts, she said, After making such bold statements about wanting to get to the heart of the matter that brought you here, it seems weve allowed ourselves to get pulled off on a tangent. It appeared to her that Hiashi was about to state his lead in was necessary, but stopped as she said, Let me see if I can guess what brought you here. You believe that because Hinata is a member of the Bathing Association that meets on my property, she has advantages which will transfer over into her bid to unseat you. All this in spite of the fact of her being the only Hyuuga who is a member. Although, I suspect you wish for this to change.

Hiashis frown deepened as he said, Are you insinuating that Im being paranoid? Let me recount some accomplishments that she has achieved since joining your group. Beginning to tick them off on his fingers he stated, First, despite being only a Chunin with mediocre accomplishments she petitioned and was made the Hokages assistant. A position Lady Tsunade claims that she used to influence her decision to return the two-tailed jinchuriki and force the Raikage to admit his collusion in Kumos kidnapping plot. Which the Hokage also claims is what cleared the way for us to forge an alliance with them.

Kiyomis smirk turned into an amused smile as she jokingly said, Then it seems to me that you should take issue with the Hokage. She seems to be the one who got her into politics.

The Hyuuga wasnt amused as he countered, But Im arguing that the initial contact between them happened here. It was a result of your Bathing Association which allowed someone of Hinatas low caliber to approach Tsunade for a position in her administration. A position she has parlayed into her current one of running the Branch Family and which she hopes will allow her to usurp Hanabi.

Kiyomi found that she had gone through several emotions during Hiashis small rant. The first being amusement since the first true social contact would have happened in Narutos old apartment. Picturing the two women naked and in the throes of passion as Naruto brought them to climax. She found it amusing how Hiashi had no idea as to what type of environment he was trying to inject his youngest daughter into. Still hearing the low esteem that he held Hinata in, quickly erased it. However, she didnt allow the anger that appeared from someone insulting a member of her family to take control, which led towards her mood switching to an icy calm.

Regarding the man calmly, she had to admit that he did have a point in regards to Hinata. Particularly as despite being influenced by Narutos never give up attitude during their days in the Academy. It didnt exactly transfer into her taking charge. In fact, Kiyomi imagined unless fate conspired in her favor, she would never have actively pursued Naruto. Instead, shed remain sitting on the sidelines hoping hed eventually notice her.

Fortunately, life did conspire in her favor in the form of Naruto receiving the scroll from Kanji. But, even then Hinata had displayed moments of selfishness and extreme lack of confidence. Kiyomi believed this due to her recently learning of the promise that Hinata had extracted from Naruto about her being the only Hyuuga that he would seduce. Which although wasnt something she had demanded, was brought about by the weakness that Hiashi was accusing his daughter of having. Kiyomi had learned of the promise due to her having suspected the reason for Hiashis demanding to meet with her, so had approached Hinata in order to feel out how she would feel about sharing the baths with her sister, if nothing else.

Still, Hinata had grown since then and while initially she had wanted to take over the Hyuuga Clan because she had wanted to live up to Narutos expectations. Her reasons had evolved as her strength and confidence had grown. Which, while the catalyst could have been her becoming Narutos lover. Kiyomi felt the true reason was her having an environment where she wasnt constantly being told she couldnt or wouldnt measure up. With that in mind the Bijuu informed Hiashi, I think youll find that Hinatas growth is due to her having an environment she could retreat to that wasnt filled with people telling her she wasnt good enough.

Kiyomi thought she detected a flicker of guilt appear on the Clan Heads face. But if so, it had happened so quickly that she now was of the opinion that it must have been her imagination. Hiashi voice held no hint of it as he said, Regardless, as you have stated, the reason for my visit is that I wish for you to extend to Hanabi and her servant Natsu an invitation to join your bathing association.

Kiyomi pursed her lips together making her distaste at the request clear before asking If I refuse?

Then I think you will find many of the resources that you feared being brought against you to get you to agree to this sit down will begin acting against you.

Kiyomi didnt glare, although she did feel an urge to rip the mans head from his shoulders. But, that was more a result of his believing she was afraid of the forces he could muster. The anger was quickly replaced with amusement which she did show as she said, I see. It seems my meeting with you has given you a false sense of superiority. She took a moment to bask in the quick glimpse of uncertainty which appeared on Hiashis face, before informing him, I agreed to this meeting only because going to war with your business interests would have been silly, without first confirming what it was you wanted from me that is.

You say that, but

My company has overextended itself, Kiyomi interrupted him causing him to frown. True, and if you had struck several months ago, then we would have been in a far worse position. She uncrossed her legs as she leaned forward giving a predatory smile as she added, But it isnt several months ago, I quite like my chances should you decided to go to war over this. Particularly since the rumors you circulated to get this meeting have displayed your weakness far more acutely then mine. Sure, if you suddenly managed to convince your unions to cut their pricing then you would undoubtedly snatch away quite a few customers using our docks. But, then Ill just cut mine forcing you to do likewise, and so on. The difference between us though is that I run a business and so have several avenues by which I could cut costs to keep competitive. Including, if I must, laying people off. Yet you run a union and thus you trade in people. You charge a premium because you claim the quality of your work is superior. Its an opinion I dont sure, as otherwise you wouldnt fight so hard to ensure there was no competition in the docks under your control. But, just from the rumors that you may need to cut their wages to compete, the people of your unions are already clamoring to strike. Perhaps you can convince them to take a pay cut or two. But eventually theyll turn on you. At which point, theyll strike and shut down your ports. Should things proceed as Ive outlined, then Ill have more business then I know what to do with. It will be painful in the short term, but I tend to take a long view of things.

Hiashi didnt bother hiding the frown that Kiyomis assessment caused to appear. He recognized that he had misread the woman due to her quickly relenting to meeting with him after he had brought some pressure to bear. He began to wonder if that was why the woman had refused his requests for so long. So, that he would bring some pressure against her and thus allow her to learn just how much economic strength his clan still wielded. Still, while his clans economic star had fallen some, he was working to correct the matter by developing assets in the Land of Water. However, they were long term fixes as he would need Konoha to establish ties with the country, but he didnt doubt it would since he felt while purchasing the port in Wave had appeared to be a misstep by Kiyomis company. It had been an action taken to benefit her company should the relations between Kiri and Konoha improve. He was more confident than ever that his bet about Water would pay off, but knew it would still be a tough sell to the elders of his clan to continue financing these startups.

He did begin to question though if he was right about the nature of Kiyomis Bathing Association being the secret to the woman and Hinatas successes. He had come to the conclusion the woman and his daughter were using the connections they formed there to further their own ends because as the Great Tree Company expanded into new territories women from those territories seemed to become members. Moreover, it was hard to miss how with half of the major clans being headed up by women, all of whom were members, a powerful voting block had appeared which favored improving relations with the other villages. He was hardly alone in noticing this either, which had led to quite a few influential women petitioning to join the group. But, thus far Kiyomi had rebuffed them. As some of the women were direct competitors of the Great Tree Shipping Company, rumors were beginning to circulate about it being a secret society of sorts. Perhaps even a sect of the Descendants of the Moon, and the various women who belonged were selling their souls to ancient demons to experience the heights of pleasure and enjoy earthly success.

Hiashi didnt believe it to be the case, as he would obviously not be petitioning for Hanabi to join if it were. Moreover, he would also demand that Hinata stop being a member, although with her current attitude towards him, he doubted she would listen. He nearly sighed as he knew if it was revealed that the Bathing Association was some kind of cult, his problem with Hinata challenging him for control of the Hyuuga would evaporate overnight. Still, he felt the rumors could play to his advantage which he demonstrated as he said, You present an interesting chain of events about what would happen if my clans union interests challenged you. But, if you were so confident, then why relent at all?

Because as I said, it would hurt my company in the short term and I have no interest in subjecting those working for me to hardship in order to weaken your clan, Kiyomi replied with a shrug.

Then I suspect you would be loath to submit members of your Bathing Group to rumors that they are colluding with you, in order to befit your company, Hiashi stated calmly. Yet, despite Kiyomi outwardly remaining calm, the hairs on the back of his neck began to stand on end making him feel as if he was standing too close to a powerful energy source. He couldnt place why a feeling of dread was settling over him, but it quickly vanished.

Ive heard many of the same rumors, Kiyomi said after a moment, They were started by individuals who much like you have petitioned to join and have been rejected. If youre threatening to start more, then be my guest. But, were trying to keep the Bathing Association free of those who would turn it into the place where plots and schemes are hatched for personal enrichment. You see Lord Hiashi, by going out and starting rumors to try and force our hand, they are proving themselves to be the type of people we dont want around.

Hiashi noticed how Kiyomi continuously referred to the Bathing Association and realized he had made another error. Hearing her speak of it as more of a collective. He realized that although it was held on her property, she truly considered herself to just be another member. Therefore, he imagined that it wasnt just Kiyomi standing in the way of the rejected applicants. Deciding to change tactics he said, I wasnt alluding to starting more rumors. Merely, that it may be within your power to do something about them. As the association meets on your grounds, and it appears you finance everything, it is easy to see why most people believe you are using it to your benefit.

A belief you held as well, Kiyomi stated relaxing back in her chair.

Indeed, Hiashi admitted. But, one Im no longer sure is accurate. However, if you allow Hanabi and Natsu to join, then wouldnt it go a long way to dissuade people that only those who benefit your company are allowed to join? In fact, as Hanabi represents the Main family and is opposed to Hinata taking her rightful place. You would be allowing someone who many consider directly opposed to your interests in.

Except, I have no interest in your clan, Kiyomi stated dismissively. All I would be doing is allowing in someone directly opposed to Hinata. Still, your idea does have some merit as I do believe it might benefit us to let in a new crop of members. The Bijuu noted that Hiashi seemed pleased, but she quickly stated, However, first off I would only permit Hanabi to become a member.


Several reasons, the red head replied before explaining, Firstly, the reason we have been so selective in our membership is because we wanted to create a place where we could relax without the pressures of the outside world. As the outside world appears to want to force itself in, we will perhaps have to be more open in our membership practices to prevent jealous outsiders from ruining the atmosphere we have built through rumors and sedition. But, with that said, the last thing any of our members should want is little power structures forming among the members. If Hanabi truly wants to join, then shell have to do so on her own merits, and any connections that she forms will also be on her own merits Secondly, before I would even consider bringing this to a vote, I would first ask Hinata if she is okay with it.

That seems rather unfair, Hiashi stated quickly.

Perhaps, but Hinata has been a member since the beginning so deserves the right to refuse what may be a disruptive presence for her, Kiyomi replied in a tone that made it clear she wasnt willing to negotiate the point. If Hanabi becomes a member, then I want you to realize it is only because of how poorly you have misread your eldest daughter. The Bijuu didnt miss the look of guilt that appeared as a result of her statement, as it took him a few moments longer to cover it then before. She found the reaction curious, but pressed on by adding, Thirdly, if Hinata is okay with it. We will bring the matter to a vote of all the members.

Kiyomi could tell that Hiashi wasnt particularly thrilled by that prospect either, since it would seem that Hanabis chances would rest on women close to Hinata. But, he recognized that it was probably the best opportunity he would get, but he still pressed on Natsu as he said, Considering, Hanabi may become a member and face a distinct advantage. Surely, you can allow her one comforting presence.

Kiyomi shook her head, before replying, No. Furthermore, you will need to make it clear to your daughter that she is not allowed to come back and report to you about things she may hear. The Bathing Association is where one can go to forget about the troubles of the outside world. Its a place to foster a better understanding between its members. The reason I imagine Hanabi has a chance is because if she were to become your little spy, and be ostracized as a result. Well, that would be a major roadblock for her considering the powerful members she would have upset. I dont think a servant of yours would find the fallout of being your spy nearly as detrimental. An amused smile appeared on Kiyomis face as she added, But who knows, Natsu may find herself accepting membership someday as a result of her own charms. It may even be Hanabi who helps get her inducted.

Hiashi frowned, but couldnt place why since he had achieved more than he thought he would from the meeting. Yet, he pushed it out of his mind as she stood giving a polite bow as he said, I hope to hear back from you soon in regards to Hanabis becoming a member.

Kiyomi stood and returned the gesture before replying, Of course. Would you do me a favor of saving me from needing to send a messenger and inform Hinata that I would like to speak with her? Hiashi inclined his head, and after seeing him out of her mansion. Kiyomi couldnt help smirking because of the fact that unless she had completely misread Hinatas growth, in time Narutos influence among the Hyuuga would continue to grow. Which would take some of the pressure off of Mito, Momo, and her in regards to cracking the Caged Bird Seal. Recalling something else of note that had happened that morning she disappeared in a flash of flame as she was curious what it may mean for all the women of the Family.


Karin was down in the Medical lab of the Den and recording an observation that Kiyomi had shared with her the day before in regards to the change in her chakra. Tying it into her overall theory on how the Binding worked, she wrote, On previous occasion, Ive made reference to others that this jutsu acts almost like a virus. I do not mean in the obvious sense or the sexual way it is transmitted, but in how it seems to grow and change as time goes on. Still, if Kiyomis latest observation is correct, Im not sure if it is a natural evolution or one brought about by the will of the user. It is hard to imagine what being freed from

Karin was distracted from finishing her thought as Tsunade entered into the room. She frowned as she could tell the Hokage wasnt there solely for a friendly chat so closing her journal asked, Everything alright?

Tsunade shrugged before saying, Depends on what you are referring to. But, rather than keep you in suspense as to what brought me here. Mabui has informed me that recently the Raikage has taken several meetings with Zosui. She hasnt been made privy to what they discussed, but

Karins face twisted into a mask of anger and hatred as she finished for the Hokage, But, if hes meeting with a scumbag like Zosui, then its likely not good. Especially considering the Raikages initial distaste for the man.

Tsunade inclined her head as she added, I feel this meeting is just further fallout from Yugitos defection. I know it may be painful, but I would like you to tell me what you can about the man.

Karin nodded before stating, Hes scum. Thats all you need to know. A small frown appeared on Tsunades lips, which prompted the red-head to sigh before explaining, Zosui is a man that will use anything and anyone to gain an advantage. If hes meeting with the Raikage it is because he sees some advantage in doing so. That was the only reason he petitioned to allow my mother and I into to Grass after all.

Because of your chakra tracking abilities, Tsunade said causing a frown to appear when Karin shook her head.

Because of our healing abilities, Karin said standing to face away from the blonde and wrapping her arms around herself. She studied her reflection, which due to the short sleeve shirt she was wearing showed off her arms. Arms that in the past would have been marred with bites, but had been healed by Kiyomi. My mother had always kept a low profile, since from my understanding it was an ability that other Uzumaki didnt share. With there not really being an Uzumaki clan anymore, she didnt want to attract the wrong kind of attention. We were living in a small fishing village in Tea at the time. She worked as a healer due to her limited medical knowledge, but one day a womans child had been attacked by a wild dog. My mother allowed the child to bite her and as a result he made a miraculous recover.

Tsunade quickly formed a theory that it had frightened the locals who had then turned against Karin and her mother. Since although such things were more common in a place like Kirigakure. That didnt mean people who were afraid of abilities demonstrated by shinobi were limited to that country alone. Did they then seek to drive you out, Tsunade asked sadly.

Karin shook her head, before then stating with a smile, No, they practically began worshipping my mother. Her amusement faded though as she added, It made my mom uncomfortable, which at the time I didnt understand. But, it didnt take me long to. Karin turned to face the Hokage before telling her, One night my mother woke me up, and I found the village was on fire. She told me to be quiet and with only the clothes on our back we fled. Scouts watching the town noticed, calling for the others to begin chase. My mother hid me, and told me that she would be back. I dont know what happened, but by morning she came and got me. She told me that she lost them.

Did she have any shinobi training?

I dont know, Karin said with a shrug, Its possible, but the Uzumaki Clan had been scattered well before she was born. If she had any training, it was probably from her parents.

Why didnt you head to Konoha?

Karin shrugged, but answered, I dont think she cared for Konoha Village or the Senju for that matter. I remember once seeing some Konoha-nin as we were making our way through the Land of Fire, and after seeing the back of their flak jackets, she cursed them. Something akin to their not deserving to wear that symbol. Im guessing she meant the Uzumaki Clan Symbol that all the Konoha jackets sport.

Tsunade frowned, but supposed it made sense since the Whirlpool Village had been sacked only a decade or so before Konohas founding. Which despite the supposed strong ties between Senju and Uzumaki hadnt resulted in her clan offering any assistance to the survivors. The main reason being that it had happened during a period of extreme hostility between the Uchiha and Senju. A conflict the Uzumaki had stayed out of, one of the few, but her Great Grandfather had still taken it as a personal slight, particularly since he had been the one to start the current round of fighting. Her grandfather had tried to right the wrong after founding Konoha, but by then it had been too late. She suspected the only reason Kushina had been sent to the Village, was because it had been her grandmother who had made the request. Tsunade frowned figuring the problem with making a peaceful world was there were plenty of reasons for everyone to hate everyone else depending on how far someone wanted to go back to have a grudge. With that thought in mind, she said, Then Im guessing that is when you went to Grass.

Karin nodded as she pulled her arms tighter around her, while explaining, Im guessing the reason my mother went there was because she felt it would offer us a measure of protection from who had tried to grab us. But, they werent exactly eager to accept us, at least until my Mother demonstrated her healing ability. The red-head let out a derisive laugh as she said, Ifs funny, but Zosui was the one that argued for us. But, that was because he saw advantages in having her around.

Tsunade frowned as she asked, How so? The Third Shinobi War had finished, and while there were still flashes of violence. Nothing of such a scale that I figured someone with your mothers abilities would be in extreme demand.

Karin felt tears gathering in her eyes, but pushed them away as she said, Zosui saw my mother as an opportunity to increase Grasss intelligence gather capabilities. What is the biggest restriction when sending people to gather intelligence?

Tsunade took a moment to ponder the question before replying, I suppose it all comes down to risk and reward.

True, but what if you could mitigate the risk by letting a squad attack what people feel is an impossible target. However, as long as one of them can get out, even when gravely wounded it pays off because you have someone with my mothers abilities. Karin moved to sit down again as she added, Almost daily my mom would be called away to heal someone, and sometimes even multiple times a day. But, even as she became weaker and weaker, neither Zosui or the village leader tried to scale back their intelligence gathering operations. They claimed the intelligence was too good, and would allow Grass to prosper.

Tsunade really wished she had asked Karin to speak with Gaara and Konan before they had petition for Grass to join. But, she doubted it would have dissuaded them since she knew they couldnt judge all of the Grass village for the actions of a few. However, with such an ambitious man in charge, she did feel they may have invited in someone that would hasten the cracks forming in the Alliance due to Narutos actions on Yugitos behalf. Particularly, since he was ambitious and skilled as Grass did prosper greatly during the period she suspected they had been using Karins mother. She focused on Karin before saying, They also didnt need to stop because they had a replacement.

Karin nodded as she said, Yes, she didnt let them do anything to me while she was alive. But

The red-head trailed off and Tsunade was tempted to tell her that she didnt need to go on. She imagined that once her mother had passed, Karin had quickly been pressed into the same task. Although, perhaps with a bit more caution due to there not being someone else to fall back on. But, Tsunade also imagined it had to be extremely horrid to be a young woman and have strangers placing their mouths on her. She watched the woman shiver, and then a small note of admiration appeared in her voice as Karin said, My mother passed a few years before I went to Konoha for the Chunin Exams. Despite hating Grass, I didnt have anywhere else to go. But, then he appeared. Tsunade was about to ask who she was referring to but the red-head stated, Orochimaru. He sacked the Grass Village as apparently, they had stumbled a little too close to one of his secrets. He came across me as I was healing someone and commented on my ability. He offered to take me with him, but I refused him. He seemed rather amused, before shrugging and wandering off. But, after my run in with Sasuke in the Forest of Death and hearing how he defected to join Orochimaru. I figured what did I have to lose.

Tsunade frowned from hearing how Orochimaru had passed on taking Karin as she would have attributed him to being behind the first attempt to grab her. But, she figured there were dozens of people who may have wanted Karin and her mother for their abilities. I take it that it was after Orochimarus attack that Zosui got his promotion to village leader. Karin nodded prompting the Hokage to say, Thank you. Im sure its a period of time that youd rather forget.

She turned to leave, but stopped when Karin asked, I probably didnt tell you anything you didnt already suspect about him. Was that the only reason you came down here?

Tsunade paused since the other reason she had wanted to talk to Karin didnt seem appropriate in light of what she had shared. But, seeing the Uzumakis curiosity figured the woman wouldnt drop the matter, so said, No. But, in light of how heavy the previous conversation was it didnt seem like the time to bring it up.

Karin made a dismissive wave, before moving to resume her journal entry, Thanks for the concern. But, while I might not go out of my way to bring up my past. Im not bogged down by it.

Tsunade smirked before saying, No, I suppose not. Crossing her arms beneath her breasts she sat on the corner of Karins desk before stating, Naruto wants to know if were willing to drop his embargo on taking new lovers.

Karin looked up as she arched an eyebrow asking, Really, is he bored of us already.

Tsunade laughed as she replied, I asked the same thing when he asked me. But, he says hes still very much interested in us. The Hokage shivered in remembered pleasure leaving Karin with the impression Naruto had not just relied on telling the blonde woman. However, he admitted that things got heated between him and Sage during his visit with Naruko. Apparently, he managed to keep control, but promised her that he would make her one of his lovers during the upcoming Akatsuki Celebration. Not to mention it appears last night one of Tiers followers got in on the fun. But, he didnt make her one of us yet. Im guessing that seeing as we keep dangling new women around him, hes worried he might cross a line that makes him break his promise.

Karin nodded, figuring it was a matter of time considering how Anko had started things off with Haruna giving him a blowjob. Still, she figured that even if Naruto did go against his promise not to Bind anyone without their permission none of his lovers would be upset. Particularly since it would likely be at a time where several more of his lovers were also present. She figured the reason the encounter with Sage that Tsunade had mentioned had perhaps jolted him some, was because it had happened while he was alone with her.

Focusing on the Hokage, she said, Well truthfully, I cant really think of a scientific reason to keep his embargo going. Its pretty clear his chakra isnt going to return to normal at this point. I believe it will remain Yellow so long as the vast majority of us have positive feelings for him. Sitting back and giving her fellow harem member an amused smile, she asked, Did he immediately go back to Sage to pick up where they left off? I cant imagine that you felt a need to confer with me before giving him the okay.

Tsunade shook her head, before answering, I believe his getting carried away with her just prompted him to ask. But, he is going to put the question to all of us. He just wanted to make sure there wasnt a more specific reason before asking the others.

Karin smiled as she felt a wave of warmth settle over her, since it was through such actions that Naruto displayed he didnt take the women bound to him for granted. Nodding she said, Ill be looking forward to his asking me then. Especially if the dark spot on your pants is anything to go by.

Tsunade stood and looking at her butt sighed as she said, Gods, it seems that man produces more and more cum by the day.

Karin smiled but wondered if it was perhaps another result of the Binding jutsu so suggested, It might not be a bad idea to put that to the test. Truth be told, it does seem incredible that with his keeping us pleased practically daily that he hasnt had a period where hes been running on empty.

Tsunade didnt appear exactly concerned, but did agree it might be something worth looking into. Giving Karin an amused smirk she said sounding like it would be a chore, I suppose it will fall to us to get those samples.

Sounding equally put upon, Karin echoed, I suppose. But, just the thought of collecting it caused a moistness to begin forming between her thighs. But, since there are quite a few women just as capable of collecting it. I suppose we should make it a point to be there first thing in the morning to ensure the maximum volume.

Mmhmm, Tsunade said with a dreamy look on her face, Not to mention the last one at night to see the difference. The two women traded amused smiles as they decided on the best way to run the experiment since although she had meant her statement as a joke. Karin was fairly confident that the Binding was causing Naruto to produce greater volumes of semen to keep up with his many Lovers needs.


Despite having wrung every enjoyable moment out of her weekend, and despite her usually using her morning free period to catch up on sleep or grade papers. Suzume was sitting in Narutos classroom and much like his students was listening in rapt attention due to the guest speaker he had brought in. She couldnt help smiling since apparently the woman had spent the entire weekend creating a model of the battle that had taken place at Ivory Hawk Valley, and for the past hour had been moving the figures around to simulate different stages.

Having just finished setting it up to reflect the final day she said in a passionate voice, By mid-afternoon we had caused the Samurai forces of the Feudal Lord whose aggression we had been hired to stop to collapse. My fathers strategy to focus on them seemed to be working as they began to retreat down their hill. The Hyuuga who we believed had only sent a few squads moved to cover for them, while the Samurai who hired us swarmed to give chase. The Hyuuga managed to hold their own, and our employers being the moronic samurai they were just committed more men.

A student raised his hand, so Toka stopped to ask bluntly, What?

You dont seem to care for the samurai of that era, the young man stated.

Toka shrugged, before explaining, It isnt a personal animus against them or anything. But, it is primarily because what they were fighting for, as opposed to us. Samurai valued honor and glory. Shinobi valued their lives. When you are allied with a group all running stupidly ahead to cut down enemies to increase their personal glory. Well, that can come back to bite you if you are facing a crafty opponent. Turning her attention back to the model, she pointed to the hill that the Senju had started the battle on as she said, The Hyuuga that remained behind, began to stage a fighting retreat so more and more of our allies rushed to take the opposite hill. The Hyuuga did an excellent job of using their jutsu to prevent from being overrun. She began to move the Senjus allies to the other hill as she added, Believing the Hyuuga were hoping to give their allies times to regroup. My father feared our allies would overextend themselves in their zeal, thus allowing our enemies a chance to counterattack. So, my father moved half our forces over to the enemys camp to support the samurai in case the enemy managed to regroup. Sadly, it was much worse than he anticipated.

Toka moved several Senju units to the opposite hill, while moving their Samurai Allies to the base of it as they chased after the retreating enemy. Once she was done, she pulled away several bushes and shrubs that had littered the surrounding area. In doing so she revealed several figurines which had been painted the same color as the Hyuuga squads. Several of the squads also appeared behind the Senjus own camp. Explaining the sudden reversal, the Senju said, When we had started the battle, we had believed the Hyuuga had only sent a few squads to support our opponents Samurai army. This turned out not to be the case. The Hyuuga using their Byakugan, kept half their force concealed and then had sent half of that force to circle around us.

Aoi raised her hand, and quickly asked, How could they have kept that a secret for so long? It sounded like you guys were pounding the enemy Samurai, why wouldnt they reveal themselves sooner?

Toka crossed her arms before stating, The Hyuuga wouldnt care about the Feudal Lords forces. In fact, they had misled him as to how many shinobi they would be sending for the money he paid. All so they could create this ruse, but more importantly their plan required their employers forces to break down. The enemys panicked retreat was quite genuine.

Suzume was fascinated by the tale, although she knew all these details already. However, the history books were quite bland when compared to the rendition the class was receiving from Toka. As such, she couldnt help saying, Excuse me, but I still find it hard to believe how quickly your forces collapsed. After all, you had the advantage of position and on both hills. These revealed forces should have been easy pickings.

Toka moved to the model as she said, All I can say is that it is apparent that youve never faced the Hyuuga. Suzume flushed as several kids chortled from brown-haired womans comment. She also noted one of the Hyuuga present seemed rather proud of the Senjus statement, while two of the others seemed to lack any pride in the perceived praise. The Senju said, If the Hyuuga rushing the hills had faltered for even a moment, we may have held them off. But the Hyuuga reinforcements that had appeared behind the Enemys Samurai rushed through both them and our own allies with no thought to their own wellbeing. They were on our forces that had taken the enemys camp in moments. Our own camp was no better off, as the Hyuuga that had appeared behind us had closed before we could readjust our defenses. Toka frowned as she began moving pieces around while explaining what the movements represented, The Hyuuga retaking the enemys camp split into two forces. The first continued to battle my fellow Senju to push them out of the camp. While the second force, now began attacking our allys rear. This allowed the Feudal Lords commander to get his men under control to push into our allies. Trapped between the two forces, our employers forces were wiped out almost to the man. Toka seemed to shutter as a note of pain entered her voice, They were the lucky ones it turned out.

Suzume perked up as she noticed Naruto, who had been sitting at his desk during the entire story, now appeared behind the Senju. He placed a comforting hand on Tokas shoulder. A gesture which she responded to as she covered it with hers while she steadied her emotions. She quickly removed her hand as if remembering there were people present. Suzume knew the gesture could have just been a kind one between friends and teammates. But, to her, it had also seemed to imply a sense of intimacy existed between them. Which while hardly conclusive, made her all the more curious as to what was going on between him and the other entirely female residents living within the Hidden Eddy Inn.

Focusing back on the class, Toka moved the Senju figures into the valley between the two hills as she continued, We fought valiantly, but we were pushed off of both hills into the valley. It was at this point that we were surrounded on all sides as the enemy Samurai streamed into the valley to complete the encirclement. However, my Father used a similar tactic as the Hyuuga and had us brazenly charge into one of the flanking Samurai forces believing their spirits were still shaken despite the sudden reversal. She positioned the Senju pieces into a wedge and moved them into one of the lines representing the Feudal Lords forces that had tried to act as walls to keep Senju boxed in the valley. We managed to break through, but nearly a third of us remaining didnt make it. My father stayed behind to buy those of us that remained time. He fortunately was taken alive, but those of us that broke through were harassed for several days resulting in further casualties. Until finally at last with only a handful of us remainng, we managed to link up with another contingent of our kinsmen who slaughtered the pursuit force.

What did the Hyuuga do with your father? Kaede asked as Toka moved to the front of the model.

They ransomed him back to us, the Senju answered. Before stating, That was a rather common practice back then. Provided you werent facing a clan that you had a blood feud with.

Thank you for sharing your experience with us Toka, and Im sorry for asking you to do so. I guess I didnt take into account that for us this might be ancient history, but for you it was lost friends and family. Naruto said tenderly as he stepped forward to rejoin her in front of the model.

Toka inclined her head, but replied, I appreciated the opportunity. Not to mention, I believe it does your students good to hear about the truth of war from one who has lived it, so as not to base their visions of it on the nonsense contained in the books and movies they have seen.

Suzume found it was a sentiment that she agreed with, particularly as while she had lived through the Third Shinobi War. As a result of the peace that had resulted since its closing, many of the younger shinobi were forgetting that was the goal that they were supposed to be fighting for. She acknowledged that these younger shinobi generations werent ignorant to the horrors that could be afflicted upon them, especially considering the Sound Invasion, the Sky-Country Air Raid, or even Pains attack on the village. But, she felt in a perverse way that these single although horrible battles only fed into these shinobis desire to go to war. Much as Toka had described the Samurais need to gain glory at the expense of keeping sight of their objective. These younger shinobi clamoring to go to war against Sasuke, were picturing the glory to be had by taking his head, as opposed to the horrors and personal cost that may be paid to make it a reality. Furthermore, she figured Naruto also unintentionally figured into the equation as an example these young war-hawks held in their minds when picturing the accolades that would be heaped upon them. Particularly, because outside of the Sound Invasion, in which he had still played a major role, he had been the central figure in bringing those conflicts or potential conflicts to a close. As such, many of those calling for the Leaf to declare war against Sasuke, were doing so in hopes of becoming just like Naruto, even as he was calling for cooler heads to prevail.

Suzume found that whether or not he was a Corruptor, she couldnt deny his desire for peace was genuine. Still, that didnt mean she was excluding him as an enemy of womankind, since his desire for peace may just be because he found war would be detrimental to his own ambitions. Still, she found it hard to picture him as some evil monster taking women for his own amusement, since his actions in leading Irukas class made her feel that he did genuinely care for his students. Yet, she couldnt deny the stories that she had learned from the books left by the previous hunters of Corruptors about men that had assumed the guises of kind, caring individuals only to reveal their true selves after enslaving a woman.

Her feelings of concern that he was one such man increased as he placed an arm around Toka while addressing the class as he asked, Now, can anyone tell me what were the direct results of this battle? But, it wasnt the action, as Naruto was maintaining enough space between them, that it seemed to just be a simple gesture between comrades, if especially close ones. But it was Tokas reaction that she felt was the most telling that something existed between them, as the woman who for most of the presentation had appeared rigid and stiff, in a manner of a militaristic person that always considered themselves on duty, for just a brief moment had all the tension from her body bleed out. This left Suzume to believe that should the distance between Naruto and the Senju narrow it would be because Toka desired it. Having been observing Toka whenever possible during the several days that had passed since she had first suggested having her speak to the class, Suzume believed the Senju would have reacted much differently should any other man have touched her. She would have included Kakashi in that assesment, who she felt if her closeness with Naruto was a result of missions together, it would have been a benefit the leader of the team also enjoyed. Yet, as near as she could tell, Naruto appeared to be the only man which who she would even momentarily lower her guard towards in public.

Akane raised her hand in regards to his question, and when Naruto called on her answered, The Senjus employer would end up losing his territory. The Feudal Lord that started the conflict would then go on to face the Land of Fire, but he was defeated by his forces and by the Uchiha. Ironically enough, the Senju would be working for the same man who had hired the Hyuuga to defeat them during this conflict. The then Daimyo of the Land of Fire would annex all the conquered territory, nearly doubling the size of his country.

Very good, Naruto said proudly causing Akane to beam from the praise.

Another student raised his hand, and asked Toka, Lady Senju, which clan did you dread facing the most. Was it the Uchiha?

Toka smirked before she stepped away from her lover, less she give into the temptation to melt into him, before answering, No, you cant dread facing a clan that almost every fiber of your being was driven to eradicating. For most Senju, whenever the Uchiha banner would be raised with an army it just meant to us that there was a new opportunity to right old wrongs, while creating new ones. She thought about which clan had caused her the most concern when the Senju would end up facing them for a moment before stating, Coincidentally, I would have to say it was the Hyuuga.

No doubt because of the Main Familys superior strength, one of Narutos three Hyuuga students stated proudly.

However, his face immediately turned into a frown as Toka began laughing, The Main Family! Hardly, we used to joke that the only time a member of the Main Family stepped onto a battlefield was because he got lost on the way to the Latrine. Dont get me wrong, there were fine commanders among the Main Family. But, it is kind of hard not to be one when most of your strategies is to smash your forces into the enemy head on.

The Hyuugas tone grew icy, and as he addressed Toka, it was clear that he saw her as being some commoner while he stated, You have just spent the majority of the morning detailing how my clan thoroughly trashed yours. I think you should remember the lessen that you learned that day for underestimating us.

Hey, Naruto said growing angry, which piqued Suzumes interest.

But he stopped as Toka held up her hand, she then gave a frosty smile as she replied, I never forgot the lesson learned that day. The mistake my Father made wasnt in underestimating your clan, simply the numbers. But that victory wasnt brought about by superior fighters, only by men and women with nothing to lose. There wasnt a single member of the Hyuuga main family that fought on the front lines, that victory was bought with the blood of the Branch Family. Toka noticed the two other Hyuuga looked up at her statement so continued, Why would the Main Family fight? I mean you dont go around forcing what at the time was nearly two-thirds of their numbers into bondage and then do all the heavy lifting yourself. I dreaded fighting the Hyuuga, because I knew facing the Branch Family meant facing people that felt death was a release from a prison sentence that they were born into. The reason the Branch Family broke through our lines and attacked with such abandon that day was because to do otherwise, was to risk being punished by that horrible seal that your precious Main Family branded them with. In fact, it deeply disheartens me that my Cousin Hashirama would allow your clan to join Konoha, but continue to allow the Caged Bird seal to be applied. He used to speak about it in similar terms as I, but it seems that in his zeal to make his vision a reality, he was willing to compromise on his principles some. Giving a shrug she added, Although, I imagine it was quite difficult to get them to buy into the notion they would have to also supply Shinobi to the village, and not just have the Branch Family do all their fighting for them.

Toka kept her icy gaze on the Hyuuga, and took pleasure from his wilting beneath it. But, the moment was ruined as Naruto ran his hand down his face as he said, Im going to get an angry visit from the Main Family now, arent I? Many of the students laughed, although from the way Narutos student from the Main Family was sitting stiffly, she imagined her lover was only partially joking.

Suzume hadnt joined in with the laughter, since she had on more than one occasion received an angry visit from a member of the Main Family thinking they could use their influence to bring a teacher in line. Having had the mother of one Main Family kunoichi do everything short of openly threaten her for giving her daughter a failing grade. She imagined that if Naruto was a Corruptor, and he found himself in a similar situation, it would be one of the few times that she imagined that she would be okay with a woman falling to one. In fact, picturing Naruto forcing the mother of that kunoichi to fall to her knees and begin pleasuring him as she watched, caused Suzume to begin to tingle in a way she wasnt entirely comfortable with. But, it was a reminder that power tended to corrupt, and those that learned the Binding always ended up being thoroughly corrupted. The bell rang alerting the class that it was time for physical training, and for her to leave to meet with her first class of kunoichi. As she gathered her notes, Suzume sent a glance towards Naruto and Toka, and from their interactions throughout the mornings presentation felt that she had to act. But, although she was now quite confident that he was indeed a master of the Binding, she knew that she couldnt just execute him. Therefore, she began plotting how to get him to reveal his true self, since another lessen her books had taught her was that sometimes it wasnt the Corruptor that was a hunters downfall, but the women that he had enthralled. Judging from how Toka laughed softly at something Naruto said as he helped her disassemble the model that she had brought, Suzume was of the opinion that some of the women corrupted by him, would kill her for harming him. Still, it was for the ones bound against their will that the line of Hunters that she represented had been founded. It was also for them, why Naruto Uzumaki would die after confessing all that he had done.


Mira smiled politely at one of the patrons of Seventh Heaven and having just received a confession from him said, Thank you. But, Im afraid that I just dont feel the same way. She could see the more than a little inebriated man wilt from her rejection, as his buddies all laughed at him. Several of whom had also confessed their drunken love to her from thinking her being polite to them as they ordered their drinks meant she secretly had feelings for them. Still, feeling empathy for the man, as he had crashed n burned in spectacular fashion, something she was all too familiar with, she took one of the mugs off of the tray she was holding and gave it to him. Its on the house. The mans spirits instantly brightened and from the look in his eye, she wondered if she had done her case more harm than good.

She fought back a sigh figuring the patron was telling himself that she was just being shy and her act of kindness obviously demonstrated her secret feelings for him. But, she put it out of her mind as she focused on the bar to find the man that her heart actually longed for working behind it. Naruto was dressed in a white button downed shirt, with a black vest and bow tie, in what he called his bartender outfit. Having given away a drink meant for Kiba, who was enjoying a night out with his lovers, although it appeared the two kunoichi were having a heated discussion, she moved back to the bar.

There a teacher Naruto worked with and he introduced as Suzume was drunkenly saying to Naruto, Youre giving us teachers a bad name. I mean it is all I can do to grade papers before the next day, let alone have a social life. Yet here you are working a second fulltime job for the entire week.

Mira felt her heart flutter as Naruto gave the woman a warm smile before stating, Grading papers are what Shadow Clones are for. The owner of Seventh Heaven and one of her waitresses are currently enjoying a business trip in the Land of Demons. The reminder that for the past few days, Miras nights had been spent in the Bonds company filled her with happiness.

She also noticed the teachers cheeks color. But, whether it was from the smile or the sudden drink she took, the Bijuu couldnt say for certain. Looking at the woman, whose eyes were hidden by her thick glasses, she frowned as she had the distinct impression that she had seen her before. Yet, try as she might to picture where and how, she couldnt really place her. It made Mira wonder if the woman perhaps might have a sister since it was a similar feeling to the one she had upon first seeing Kiyomi after being released. Almost, like there was another woman wearing the frumpy teachers face, but enough changes had been made that she would look like a completely different person, if still somewhat similar. The woman looked at Naruto with curiosity as she asked, What kind of business trip would a bar owner and a waitress need to take?

Mira choose that point to step in as she said, Can you please get me another mug of ale? I kind of gave it away.

Naruto chuckled as he said, Ibaras going to get annoyed if you keep giving drinks away. Probably almost annoyed as Kiba.

Mira looked back to see the Inuzuka giving her the stink eye, and quickly said, Ill make it up to him. It sounds like his lovers are arguing over adding someone to their relationship. Maybe, Ill let him know Im open to such a unique one.

Mira wasnt sure why, but she suddenly felt like a set of eyes had latched onto her in interest. But, turning to face the gaze, all she saw was Suzume staring at her drunkenly. She didnt pay it much mind, as she noticed Naruto appeared to be bothered by her teasing. Hoping, to make it clear that she was only joking she said, Unless, maybe you can convince your girlfriend to share you with me.

Her words did the trick as he noticeably brightened while he said, Ill run it by Sakura. But, you better get Kiba that drink.

Mira nodded, and Suzume blurted out, Why are you ignoring me Naruto?

Sorry, sorry, Naruto quickly replied wondering how many drinks Suzume had as she had arrived rather inebriated, and what was prompting her behavior. Wondering if she had experienced a breakup or some other trouble and was hoping the alcohol would help her to forget he answered her question, by stating, They are going on a tasting tour. Apparently, Demons is quite well known for its Spirits.

The rest of the conversation was swallowed up by the noise of the bar, and Mira spent a moment feeling annoyed by the instructor as she felt the woman was intruding on her time with Naruto. But, she put it out of her mind as she approached Kibas table to hear Yuffie saying, I told you no. You tell her Kiba, were more than enough for you.

For a moment, Kiba puffed up causing Mira to believe the Inuzuka in him was slightly insulted, especially considering his knowledge of Narutos Family. She imagined, that part of him interpreted Yuffies words meant that he couldnt handle more lovers. Luckily, his human reasoning wisely chose to state, I consider myself extremely lucky to have the two of you.

Yuffie smirked at her apparent victory. But, Aeris not exactly hearing a door slam on the proposal said playfully, But, imagine how much more so you would feel if you found another woman willing to share our bed. Kiba had a very male reaction to that causing Yuffies smirk to melt into a glare, but one she delivered to both her partners equally while Aeris leaned in to press her advantage, It could even allow you a chance to raise your prestige in the Inuzuka again.

Aeris appeared to let the matter drop as Mira approached to place Kiba drink before him. But, Yuffie wasnt as she said, Why are you pushing so hard for this? Kiba doesnt care about running the Inuzuka like that bastard Koreshige.

Kiba inclined his head in agreement, while stating, My mom would make the beating he gave me look like a friendly spar if I challenged her.

Even Aeris shivered a little, but she said, Because, I believe it will help you reach the person you are trying to catch up to. Focusing on Mira, she asked, What do you think Mira? Is Yuffie being selfish trying to keep Kiba to herself.

Yuffie grew flustered as she quickly countered, Im not trying to keep him to myself. I already share him with you.

Aeris was about to reply that considering she had given herself to him first, she felt she was the one doing the sharing. But stopped as Mira said, Maybe a little. But, you seem to be the one acting more selfishly at the moment. Even Yuffie seemed surprise at Mira taking her side, considering how often she had thrown herself at Naruto when they had been maids at Kiyomis. Explaining herself, she said, The three of you are in a relationship. But, what I dont think you arent considering Aeris, is that whoever you would bring in, isnt just going to be in a relationship with Kiba, but the two of you as well. Yuffie may not be ready to open herself up to another person, and while you may be thinking of Kiba. You arent thinking of her feelings right now.

Aeris frowned, but having heard similarly from Ino. She realized that she had let Yuffies stubborn refusal to even consider really discussing the matter get the better of her. She gave Mira a soft smile while stating, Youre right. She turned towards Yuffie, and cupping her face said, Im sorry. Well table the discussion for now. Yuffie was a little taken aback by the public display of affection. But, just as she was about to tell Aeris that she accepted the apology. Her female partner pulled her into a kiss. Yuffies body responded automatically as she returned it, and when she felt Aeris tongue probe for permission to enter, parted her lips. She got lost in the kiss, at least until she became aware that much of the background noise in the bar had faded away.

She pulled back to find almost all of the male patons now staring at her and Aeris. Moreover, as the two of them had been making-out right in front of him, Kiba was grinning from ear-to-ear. Growing red in the face, she shouted at the gawkers, What are you assholes looking at? She then directed her gaze to Kiba while demanding, Finish that beer now! She then whispered more sensuously, Because I need you to put that stiffy you sprouted to good use.

Needless to say, Kiba downed the drink in a single gulp and then tossed a wad of bills onto the table before taking both his lovers by the hand and leading them out of the bar. Mira shook her head in amusement, before collecting the bills although she would admit to being rather jealous of the two former Taki-nin.


Naruto closed the back door to the Seventh Heaven and then latched it. He then moved back to the main part of the bar and watched as Mira finished wiping down one of the last tables. He moved towards her and picking up the chair flipped it before placing it on top. She smiled as she began to help him with the others before asking, What happened to Suzume?

Naruto frowned as a few moments before they began closing, his fellow instructor had look like she had gotten sick and rushed off to the bathroom. After a moment, he had gone to check on her to find the kunoichi nearly naked, rather than hurling her guts out. She had then tried to drunkenly seduce him, while calling him someone elses name. He wondered if the man that she had obviously been conversing with had been her boyfriend. Because it hadnt been him that she had been talking to while she was trying to get his clothes off. All the while he had been busy trying to get hers back on, which she began complaining about by saying that the he in question had stated that he wanted her to be more adventurous. When he had mostly succeeded in his task of redressing her, Suzume had then passed out. At which point, he had created a clone and snuck her out the back in order to take her back to her apartment. Luckily enough, it had only been the three of them that still remained in the bar.

Hoping that Suzume would be too drunk to remember how much of an eyeful he had gotten, he said, She passed out on me when I went to check on her, so I sent a clone to drop her off at home. She will probably be regretting her choices tomorrow. Picking up another chair, he sighed still concerned about what made her act in such a way so said aloud, I just dont get it though. At the Academy, she seems to be kind of a loner, and straight arrow. Not exactly the type to drink herself into a stupor. Although, she did make it sound like her boyfriend had wanted her to be more adventurous. Maybe he broke up with her, so she started drinking to work up some courage.

Perhaps, but even had it proven successful once. One should only change because they themselves desire it.

Naruto nodded as he finished picking up the last chair, and turning it over agreed, Yeah, if a person cant accept their partners good and bad faults, no amount of faking it is going to work.

Which is why you rejected me, Mira said sounding sad and disappointed.

Naruto was caught off guard by her statement, but couldnt disagree so stepping up to her said, That is true. There were parts of your personality that I couldnt exactly get past.

Were, Mira said sounding hopeful, As in not anymore.

Naruto nodded, but not exactly agreeing said, I believe this current you, was always the real you. You were just letting your past experiences dictate how you treated others to prevent them from being able to hurt you first.

Mira took one of his hands between both of hers and asked, Then does that mean, youd accept me as one of your lovers.

Happily so, Naruto said before trying to add, If youd have me.

But he only got as far as the first word before he found Miras mouth pressed to his own. He accepted this kiss, before deepening it as his tongue slipped past her parted lips. But, it found Miras awaiting and soon they began coiling around one another. Naruto hands moved down to Miras waist so that he could pull her body closer to his. She melted into him, and after the need to breathe became too much she pulled her lips from his asking, Is this a dream?

If so Naruto began to say as he picked her up and carried her to one of the booths and upon setting her down on the table, finished, I hope it is a good one. He then pulled one of the ribbons of the bow affixed to the front of her red dress to undo it. Undoing the bow, also allowed the frilly strap holding the top of her dress up to be removed. Naruto then pulled down one of the cups of her dress to expose a breast. Gazing at it hungrily, he then let the other fall which he then latched onto.

Mira moaned when Naruto mouth clamped onto her breast, and his tongue began teasing her nipple to full hardness. The pleasure only grew while he began to massage her other breast and occasionally tweaked the now diamond hard nub. Her anticipation grew as the hand that he had been using to roll her breast about, let go and slipped between her thighs. She gasped as he cupped her mound and his middle finger began tracing along her pussy through her panties. His mouth pulled away from her breast, and he was moving in to kiss her, but she stopped him by cupping his cheeks. Although not wanting to stop, she asked, I dont want to stop. But, maybe it would be best considering your promise to the others.

Naruto gave her a wide smile, as he replied, The Embargo on me taking new lovers has come to an end. It actually had before I even agreed to help you this week. The only reason I didnt mention it was because I feared it would make it look like I expected you to jump at the chance and make you mad at me.

To his shock, Miras face darkened as she said, Now I am mad at you. But, it quickly faded as she added, We wasted several days where I could have been your lover.

Naruto gave her a wide smile, before replying, Dont worry. Well make up for the lost time with enthusiasm. He then pushed her panties to the side and slipped his middle finger inside her. Mira moaned loudly, but was silenced as Naruto went in for the kiss that she had just prevented, and after giving her a moment to adjust, began pistoning his finger inside her. She couldnt believe how different it felt compared to her own self explorations. Nor, how the act of kissing seemed to further enhance the pleasure growing inside her. She had even dismissed it when Kukaku had stated as much, although she believed her sister had told her of her own experiences in order to get her to follow a similar path, rather than falling for Naruto. But, while she wouldnt be able to deny Kukaku had been right, she wondered if her sister truly knew the heights of pleasure that she could feel her body was about to experience. This was because Kukaku had put her experiences in such a matter of fact way, not in the glowing and almost spiritual ways her other sisters bound to Naruto would talk to each other. It made her believe, that while physical pleasure was increased by having a partner, it was only when those partners truly connected on another level beyond the physical that true magic was achieved.

Wanting to experience that connection with Naruto. She placed her hand against the arm working his digit inside her, to say, I dont want to be feeling good all alone.

Naruto shook his head before stating, Youre not, making you feel good only contributes to my pleasure. Now, show me the face you make as you cum. He then pressed on a hyper sensitive bundle of nerves inside her, which caused Miras world to explode. She arched her back as she climaxed, which also caused her to soak the front of her dress. She laid back on the table, and despite making a face that she felt was anything but, Naruto said, Beautiful. Then sucking her juices from his middle finger like a chef savoring a fine broth added, And delicious.

Sitting up weakly she said, I want you. I want you so bad.

Naruto helped her to her feet, before pulling her close while saying, This isnt the proper place for that. He then teleported them away after creating a clone to finish the task of locking the bar up.

Appearing in the Den, Narutos hands unzipped the back of Miras dress, before stepping back to let it hit the ground. He was about to surge forward to pick her up and carry her to the bed, but was stopped by Mira. Stepping out of her shoes, she pressed her body against his and pulled him into a kiss. When it concluded, she said, No fair. So far Im the only one whose naked.

Naruto teasing the band of her panties countered, Not naked enough.

But far more than you, Mira countered before just ripping his shirt open. As the buttons flew off, she then pushed his shirt and vest down off his shoulders so that it trapped his arms while she began sucking on his collarbone. Naruto groaned when she then began kissing down his body, while also sinking to her knees. Despite her bolder side coming to the forefront, she felt a little timid as she began to undo his belt. But, after undoing the button of the black slacks that he wore, and pushing them and his boxes down to his knees. She found more than just her mouth was watering for the large cock that sprang free.

Not entirely sure how to proceed, she leaned forward to give the head of his cock a kiss. It jumped at the contact, so she began licking all over it, paying attention to when Naruto pleasure filled groans increased.

While she did this, Naruto extracted himself from the rest of his clothes, and then remained still to allow the six tails her exploration of his body. After several moments, Mira ran her tongue along the underside of the base of his shaft to the tip. She paused a moment to use her tongue to tease the sensitive spot under the tip, and then after rolling her tongue around his cockhead, took him into her mouth. She made loud sucking noises as she bobbed back and forth over the half that she could comfortably take. Shed pause every now and then to tease the underside with her tongue before starting up once more. Naruto groaned as he felt himself grow close to release, and warned, Mira, if you keep that up Im going to cum. His words only caused her to increase her efforts to suction his cum from him, and so when he felt the urge to erupt, gladly did so.

Mira stopped as her mouth was filled with his warm jizz, and she struggled to swallow it all. She managed to, and having heard his cum tasted like whatever one of his lovers enjoyed. She found it to be rather bitter and way too salty. However, she found from the pleased face that Naruto was wearing, the act of swallowing it filled her with an incredible sense of pleasure. She imagined that was what Naruto had been referring to earlier as he made her cum.

She was pulled from her thoughts by Naruto offering her a hand and stating, Mira, Im going to make you mine now.

She gladly accepted it and upon standing said, Its about time.

He shared a smile with before picking her up in his arms like a bride, and carried her to the bed. Climbing in next to her, he moved to kneel between her legs and pulled her panties off. Tossing them away, he spent a moment to drink in the sight of her. Mira didnt try to hid herself from him as she eagerly awaited the moment that they would become one.

She moaned as he dragged his cock against her pussy, and then pushed into her. Mira cried out, as he tore through her barrier. Narutos body stiffened as he was caught by surprise at her having a hymen still. But, he knew better than to try and pull out so leaning in, kissed her softly before saying, Sorry, I should have taken it slower.

No, Mira replied, It didnt hurt. I was just surprised as well.

Naruto nodded, and began slowly moving within her. Mira wrapped her legs around him in order to better match his pace. Before long, he was plunging into her with wild abandon. A frenzy that Mira matched as she used her legs to pull herself into him. She then rolled them over, and bouncing on him wildly while fondling one of her breasts, shouted, This is incredible! Ive never felt so complete in my life!

She began grinding her hips into his and he groaned as her pussy squeezed his shaft while she rolled it around with her movements. He leaned up and began to suckle at her breast, causing Mira to gasp before pulling his head firmer against her bosom. Beginning to bounce again, she asked, Do you enjoy this body? If there is anything you dont, Ill

Shh, Naruto said wondering if her lack self-confidence from her Bijuu form was making an appearance, You are perfect just the way you are.

Hearing that Mira, felt her heart explode as did the feeling of building pleasure. She leaned back as she shouted, Cumming!!! It was followed by a flush of warmth as Naruto followed suit and filled her womb with his cum, which caused her to experience another supernova of pleasure.

They fell back on the bed, and Mira said dreamily, So this is what it feels like to become one. I want to experience it again.

You will, Naruto said as he held her close, allowing his body to drift off to sleep.

But, Mira had other ideas as she sat up saying, I dont want to wait. Theres been enough of that already. She then began to raise and lower herself over him again. Naruto smiled as he reached up to cup her breasts, and settled in for a long night, which although he imagined might have him feeling like Suzume come the morning. He also knew he wouldnt be living with any regrets, so rolled Mira over in order to give her the full taste of his cock slamming into her already filled womb, in order to deliver another heaping of his cum.

Next Chapter: Revenge Arc Intermission: Hot for Teacher! Part IV

Authors Note: Hello everyone, let me start off by thanking everyone that took the time to review. To start off with, I wanted to inform everyone that I am aware that someone has been reposting my story on I did give this person permission, although it was with the condition that they would wait a month or more to post new chapters there. A condition that was not met for the last chapter. I made them aware that I wasnt pleased by this, especially as I feel it contributed to why the last chapter received less than half of the reviews I normally get. At least I hope that was the reason. If it does happen again and because they never responded to the PM I sent, I will be reporting them the next time it happens since reviews good and bad are the things that I treasure most and keep me going.

Also, I do apologize for how long it took me to get this chapter out. My weekends have been rather busy as of late, not leaving a lot of free time for writing. I try to bring myself to do it during the week, but honestly, I just want to veg out most nights after work. I hope the wait was worth it.

As to the poll about what I will be working on next, for now Im sticking with Eroninja. As this chapter alludes, there is a Limelight with Sage that Ive also been working on. That will probably be the chapter I finish next. Then going back to finish this Intermission Arc, and then most likely the Revenge Arc as a whole. This seems to be where most people want me to focus anyway, but with that said. I have been working a little bit on the Pride here and there over the last few weeks. Basically, where my muse moves me, I go.

The next chapter should bring the Intermission Arc to a close, but ultimately, I had to split it again since there is still a lot for me to do. Ill also post an updated Fox mark list next chapter, I wanted to in this one, but one of the scenes I pushed off to the next was a gathering of Narutos lovers to discuss this current change. Not to mention, Hiashis demand that Hanabi be allowed to join the Bathing Association. However, I felt Miras joining was a good leaving off place.

Anyway, I hope this chapter lives up to expectations, and until next time, Take Care. Sincerely, The Lemon Sage.

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