Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 44: Godfire Annihilation! Dragon Breath!

Chapter 44: Godfire Annihilation! Dragon Breath!

Chapter 44: Godfire Annihilation! Dragon Breath!

While the outside world was in awe, Qin Fan, along with Xiaojiu and Su Rou, had already reached the fifth level inside the dungeon.

The first and second levels tested the ability to clear small monsters.

The third level was a maze, testing the challengers' perception and navigation skills.

The fourth level featured elite monsters, testing one's damage output.

When Qin Fan arrived at the fifth level...

What greeted him was a vast, desolate plain.

It was hard to imagine such an expansive plain existing within an underground tomb.

Moreover, this place even had a sky!

It seemed this was a special space independently created by the test designer.

A mirror within a mirror!

A grand setup, creating a small dungeon within the secret realm as the fifth level!

However, when Qin Fan saw the monsters of this level, even he couldn't help but gasp.

Standing several hundred meters away were ten towering giant stitched zombies.

But that wasn't the most critical point.

The critical point was...

Behind these ten giant stitched zombies stood a horde of densely packed small zombies, numbering around two thousand!

Two thousand!

My heavens!

Su Rou's pretty face turned pale at the sight.

She never imagined the fifth level would be like this!

Ten elite monsters!

Plus two thousand small monsters!

This was already a shocking monster army!

Even the principals and teachers outside couldn't help but gasp at the sight!

"Hiss...my god, what kind of level is this? How is it so perverse?"

"Isn't this supposed to be the vocational exam secret realm? Why is there such a difficult level?"

"Ten elite monsters, plus two thousand small monsters...isn't this beyond the curriculum?"

"Don't forget, this level was designed by that King Yan, so it's normal for it to be like this!"

Reminded by someone, the other principals and teachers fell silent.

It seemed true!

In such a scenario, only King Yan would design such a level!

Previously, there had been an exceptionally bizarre vocational exam.

In that exam, no candidate managed to pass smoothly!

Everyone was stopped at the penultimate level.

The reason was the same as the scene before them now—too high a difficulty!

"It seems that all candidates choosing the hell difficulty in our Nanzhou Province this year will find it quite tough!"

Even Director Liu Jinliang of Anning City Education Bureau smiled wryly.

"Everyone need not worry, actually this level is specifically designed for team challengers!"

"In solo mode, there would be only five elite monsters and one thousand small monsters."

"If a genius exists, they can still solo this!"

Liu Bin explained softly.

However, even after hearing Liu Bin's explanation, the principals and teachers were still full of sighs.

Because even at half the difficulty, it wasn't something an average candidate could pass; only an extremely formidable genius could.


King Yan himself was a genius at designing levels!

And his levels were meant to test geniuses!

Ordinary candidates entering, let alone passing, would struggle to get a decent score!

"Keep watching, this little guy has a dragon!"

"Let's see if this little dragon can handle this test!"

Liu Bin said expectantly.

Liu Bin felt the level design made sense.

Genius levels should be broken by geniuses!

If geniuses were to clear conventional levels, how could their strength be demonstrated?

Thus, such levels were necessary to identify true geniuses!


Though Qin Fan was in a team, the difficulty was twice that of solo mode!

Moreover, the monsters would have thicker health bars.

Simply put...

Qin Fan's current state was no different from soloing the dungeon.

Even though Su Rou was there as a priest, all she did was give Qin Fan some minor buffs.

Facing this overwhelming monster army and the mountain-like giant stitched zombies, her buffs were negligible.

Let's see if he can continue!



Inside the secret realm.

Qin Fan looked at the monster horde ahead, momentarily stunned but then showing a hint of joy.

The reason was simple: the more monsters, the more experience for him and Xiaojiu!

Rewards in secret realm dungeons were settled only after clearing the levels.

"Xiaojiu, go!"

Without hesitation, Qin Fan commanded!

With so many monsters, Qin Fan could handle them, but it would take too long.

This level's difficulty was insurmountable for others.

But for Qin Fan...

Sorry, I have a dragon!


Receiving the command, Xiaojiu roared, then leaped from Qin Fan's shoulder to the sky!


A massive magic array appeared.

Then, fireworks-like crimson light burst in the sky!

Xiaojiu's body began to blaze with divine fire, growing to fifty meters tall!

However, this time, Xiaojiu had no intention of landing.

It spread its wings, its enormous body covering the sky, its fiery form illuminating the entire realm!

‘Godfire Annihilation’ form!

Golden divine fire patterns emerged from Xiaojiu's colossal body, emitting intense heat.

The entire realm heated up from Xiaojiu's transformation.


Roaring, Xiaojiu dived like a bomber towards the monster horde!

"Roar roar roar!!"

The zombie horde and giant stitched zombies below roared defiantly at the approaching divine fire!


No matter how they raged, jumped, or threw weapons, they couldn't touch this mighty and noble sky lord!

Qin Fan didn't even need to command.

Xiaojiu opened its mouth, unleashing the terrifying, destructive dragon breath from above!


The magma-like dragon breath poured onto the zombie horde below!!

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