Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 99: Approach

Chapter 99: Approach

Underworld, Astaroth House, Main Residence

Ah!!! Ah!!!

Painful and numb, the screams of the girls sounded in the darkness of the room from time to time, and Diodora kept beating the girls with a whip with a distorted expression on his face.

He lost, he lost again, he had obviously endured so much pain, and he obviously put in so much effort, but in his battle of revenge, he lost to the same person again!

The Gremory familys affairs made Kamiya Tenraku famous, but he became the laughing stock of the whole Underworld. 

As for his father who was the family lord, he scolded him severely. The Great Satan Ajuka also asked him a question and he asked the same question to the elders of the clan. He is questioning Diodoras ability as the next Head.

Feeling so much anger and humiliation, the last bit of sanity in Diodoras dark soul was completely destroyed.

Whether its his father or Great Satan Ajuka, damn it, damn it all, they are not reliable, they could do nothing to help him! They are useless to him

Diodora-Sama, forgive, forgive us

Semiria begged with a bloodied and pale face.

However, the girls pleading fell on deaf ears and she did not receive any mercy. Diodora whipped her even harder with a distorted smile on his face.


With a scream, Semiria also fainted like the other girls as she finally couldnt hold on.

No matter how much he beats the girls, there is no reaction from their unconscious form and Diodora looks like a ghost, roaring up to the sky


Kamiya Tenraku!!!

Its all because of that guy!

Unforgivable, he is the only one Diodora cannot forgive!!!

You lost to a trash who couldnt even awaken his Bloodline. If this continues then you would just scream and go crazy in this darkness.

You really are quite ugly, DiodoraAstaroth!

A tall woman walked out of darkness and spoke in a mocking tone.

What are you doing here?!

Stopping his rant, Diodora stared at the women with a cold expression on his face.

Does that still need to be said, I am naturally here to invite you.

How about it, Diodora, as long as you join us, you can get the power of the Snake. At that time, neither Sirzechs nor Kamiya Tenraku would be worth mentioning in front of you. Their lives and deaths would be in your hand and you can do whatever you want with them at that time.

Her jade-like hand opened, and a black little snake condensed on it as the woman spoke to Diodora with a playful expression on her face.

Diodora didnt answer right away and he looked at her with a cloudy expression in his eyes.

This is not the first time this woman has come to him. Although the conditions she put forward are very attractive, if he really joins them then he will become an enemy of the whole Underworld. Even Diodora has to think about it as this involved his future.

However, when thinking of Sirzechs lofty posture, and thinking of the pain and shame that Kamiya Tenraku brought to him, the last trace of reason in Diodoras mind also disappeared

As long as he can get his revenge then he wouldnt care even if he became an enemy of the entire Underworld!

Give it to me!

Diodora said lowly with a savage expression on his face.

H H H hehe

It seemed like the Women has expected such an ending as she smiled and waved her hand, and suddenly the black snake shot out and rushed into Diodoras body.

Ahhhhh!!! Ahhh!!!

Diodora bent down and screamed loudly as the expression on his face became painful and distorted.

Pain, all Diodora is feeling right now is piercing pain all over his body!

However, in that pain, he felt a power, an extremely powerful force!

I gave you a little more than necessary, thank me, Diodora, H H H haha

Power, power, I want more power!

Sirzechs, Kamiya Tenraku, just wait for me, I will ground your head under my feet!


The ridiculous laughter and painful screams converge into a twisted symphony in this dark room

Human World, Night time, Kuoh Town


Panting like a cow, a middle-aged man in a trench coat ran desperately on an empty street.

He was angry and frightened, and it was as if he was avoiding something terrible.



There was a sound of an object breaking through the air, and then two lights flew from the darkness and penetrated the mans legs, and the man also screamed and fell to the ground.

You have nowhere to Escape now, my dear Clergy-San.

With a sneer, the three women, Raynare, Mittelt, and Kalawarner landed from the sky with black wings behind their back.

Looking at the three beautiful but evil Fallen Angels in front of him, the man couldnt help but look desperate.

Hey, Clergy-San, what are you doing? Wouldnt it be okay to join us obediently?

Raynare leaned over and spoke with a wicked expression on her face, and her finger poked the mans forehead.

Damn heretics, damn you, Fallen Angel, I will never join you Belief!

Gritting his teeth, the man replied bitterly.

Although he is very scared, he will never bow to evil when he is being watched by the Lord!

Squinting her eyes and nodding, Raynare also straightened up:

In this case

You can die!

The evil smile on her face disappeared, replaced by the endless indifference as Raynare condensed a spear of light and penetrated the mans heart.

Since they would not become her Masters believers then they could go and die. No one in this world can stop her Masters ambition and stand in his way!

You, you

Staring fiercely at Raynare, the man raised a hand to grasp something, but he lost his breath soon after and the color in his eyes was lost

With a disdainful snort, Raynare kicked the mans body away.

You didnt have to kill him.

Flashes of light flashed as several streams of water gathered to form the figure of the Undine Queen.

The Undine is a kind and pure being who cant see Raynares cruel methods.

Who told him to remain that so stubborn, if he cant be used for our Master then it is better for him to die so we can save ourselves from any future trouble, if he is of no use to our Master then it is better to kill him to save ourselves any trouble in the future.

This is how we do things. If you have any complaints then you complaints then talk to Master.

Lazily stretching her waist, Raynare looked disdainful at the corpse on the ground, and then she ordered Mittelt and Kalawarner on the side:

Go get [Demon Scripture] back.

Yes, Raynare-Sama-Sama.

Fearing this woman who had collapsed in darkness but had become more and more powerful, Mittelt and Kalawarner replied respectfully and they quickly found a copy of [Gods and Demons Scripture] from the mans body and handed it to Raynare.

Raynara noddedRaynara nodded her head in satisfaction and snapped her fingers, and a light swirl appeared behind her, she took Mittelt and Kalawarner and walked into the light swirl, not caring about what the Undine Queen was doing.

Frowning lightly, the Undine Queen didnt say much in the end and waved a stream of water to melt away the mans body and all the traces, and his body disappeared without a trace.

The breeze slowly blew and the street was quiet again, it was as if nothing had happened

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