Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 121: Trapped

Chapter 121: Trapped



Waking up with a start, Xenovia gasped for breath.

Great, Xenovia, youre all right!

Irina cheered and hugged Xenovia, and Asia and Mihae beside them also wiped the sweat from their foreheads with a sigh of relief. Xenovia was seriously injured, but they were finally able to rescue her.

AsiaArgento, Kamiya Tenrakus Peerage

Irina, why are we here, and what happened?

Seeing Asia and Mihae Xenovia, she pretty much knew where he was now, she rubbed the still aching forehead, and asked Irina.

Just when we were about to be killed by Kokabiel, Tenraku came to rescue us, Xenovia, you were seriously injured, it was Asia and Mihae-san who treated you.

There is more

Irina recounted what happened afterward, while Xenovia, who had heard the story, was for a while in a complicated state of mind.

I cant believe I owe such a favor again, our sins are really getting deeper and deeper

With a sigh, Xenovia couldnt help but smile wryly.

In the moment of danger, the Lord did not protect her and Irina instead a Devil saved them. 

It is impossible for Xenovia to not have some thoughts in her heart, but at this time the crisis has not been resolved and Xenovia does not want to think too much, she will think about this when everything is resolved.

Where is Kamiya Tenraku now?

After calming down, Xenovia asked.

Tenraku-Sama is discussing with Rias-Sama and Sona-Sama about countermeasures against the Fallen Angel cadre Kokabiel, and he instructed me to tell Miss Xenovia to come over if she wakes up.

Mihae replied with a dignified and gentle posture.

Take us to him.

Got it, both of you please follow us.

Under the leadership of Mihae and Asia, Xenovia and Irina walked out of the room and came to the lobby together, and Tenraku and the girls, who were discussing countermeasures, also looked back and looked at them.

Under the gaze of everyone, Xenovia took a deep breath, then walked towards Tenraku and bowed down:

Kamiya Tenraku, although I hate to admit it, Irina and I owe our lives to you, and you can always take them back if you want!

Rias and Yubelluna were impressed with Xenovia, and Tenraku had a smile on his face as he saw her bold and unbroken heart

I dont think I need to say anything about Irina and you are her companion and friend, so I couldnt just let you die.

Lets talk about all these things afterward, right now its more important to discuss the matter of dealing with Kokabiel, Xenovia and Irina as Churchs representative should also join.


Xenovia nodded and did not refuse.

She already knew that Kokabiel wants to cause a war between the three races. The current situation is no longer something she and Irina can deal with. 

If a war can be avoided by cooperating with Devils then even their Lord will forgive them even if he knows it.

So, now Ill say some of my thoughts.

After clearing his voice and seeing the crowd looking at him, Tenraku continued.

Kokabiel wants to start a war between Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils. He needs to be stopped or the whole world will be plunged into chaos if he succeeds.

Rias, President Sona, the situation is serious now, so please contact Underworld and report this incident to Sirzechs and Leviathan.

Looking at each other, although neither Rias nor Sona wanted to rely on their Elder Siblings, they also knew that now was not the time to be capricious and nodded at the same time.

We cant get in touch with the Church for the time being, but Irina and I will participate in the fight on behalf of the Church.

Xenovia spoke out, and everyone also expressed their understanding.

In Devils territory, it would be uncharacteristic to have Churchs personnel casually pass on messages requesting support!

We have already contacted the Underworld, but it will take an hour at the earliest for Onii-Sama and the others to get here.

Me too

Putting down the communicator, both Rias and Sona spoke with solemn expressions on their faces.

It will take another hour for Underworlds support to arrive, but Kokabiel is not going to sit there waiting for them, and if nothing is done, Im afraid that by the time Underworlds support arrives, the entire Kuoh Town will be left in ruins!

Dont worry, we would just hold that guy for an hour, its quite simple

Tenraku chucked and said as he didnt pay much attention to this matter.

Although he hasnt tried it, Tenraku doesnt think he will lose even if he really fights Kokabiel!

At the same time, at Kuoh Academy

A magnificent throne was floating in the air, and Kokabiel held his cheek boredly waiting for the arrival of Tenraku, Rias, and others.

On the playground below Kokabiel, Valper Galilei laid out five united Magic squares, while Freed inserted five Holy Swords in the center of each of the five Magic squares

Holy Sword of DestructionExcalibur*Destruction!

Holy Sword of MimicryExcalibur*Mimic!

Holy Sword of Heavenly FlareExcalibur*Rapidly!

Holy Sword of DreamExcalibur*Illusion!

Holy Sword of TransparencyExcalibur*Clarity!

The real Holy Sword Excalibur has been broken in the Ancient War. Later, the Church used Alchemy to refine the fragments of the Excalibur into seven new Holy Swords. These seven Holy Swords each inherited part of the abilities of Excalibur.

Compared to the real Excalibur, these fragmented Holy Swords are naturally much weaker.

And now, Valper Galilei seems to be preparing to combine these five Holy Swords into a new Holy Sword!

HHHHH Look at it all, my dream will finally come true.

Looking at the five Holy Swords that were exuding dazzling brilliance and gradually merging, Valper Galilei was extremely excited and Freed on one side also blinked his eyes with a look of anticipation

Woowhat should we do?

Thats Magic, right? Hey, it looks like Magic in a comic series, right?!

That man is so scary, isnt he the legendary Fallen Angel? The Fallen Angels printed in the Holy Bible that I read in the bookstore last time was like that.

Are you kidding me, those are all lies, how can they exist!


Hidden in the Kendo Club and quietly looking in the direction of the playground, the girls were talking nervously one by one.

Suddenly a man with wings came flying in and suddenly an old grandfather was performing Magic on the playground or something.

Please, this is the real world, dont give them this supernatural unfolding!!

Shut up all of you, do you want to be discovered by that monster?!

Kiryu Aika spoke in a low voice, and the girls stopped talking nonsense.

They are just ordinary girls and they almost panic when they encounter this kind of shocking routine. Among the more than one hundred Kendo Club girls, Kiryu Aika and Murayama are barely able to maintain their composure.

Hey you guys, what happened with the Police, are they coming here?

Kiryu Aika asked as she looked at a few girls who were anxiously talking on the phone.

Woo the police dont believe us, they told us to go back home without staying in the school.

A girl with a mobile phone replied and she was almost crying at the end of her sentence.

Kiryu Aikas face turned dark, and the other girls became nervous again.

The police didnt believe them. Although they were a little angry, it was not difficult to understand. If they hadnt seen this kind of thing with their own eyes, they wouldnt have believed it either!

Should we just go out, maybe they are not bad guys.

A girl suggested weakly, but everyones eyes rolled in an instant.

If you are not afraid of death then go out.

Kiryu Aika wasnt really pleased by this idiot but she didnt really mean it.

Shrinking her neck, the girl who spoke just now hurriedly covered her mouth, she just talked about it casually, but she didnt dare to really go out.

Kiryu, what should we do now?

Murayama and Katase both asked Kiryu Aika. Kiryu Aika, who is in danger and has the most spooky ideas, seems to have become the head of the girls at this moment.

Kiryu Aika, who had pondered for a little bit, finally made a decision

I dont know what these monsters those are, it would be too dangerous to go out.

There is no way, I can only call that person for help!

Under everyones gaze, Kiryu Aika also took out her mobile phone, and then dialed a number

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