Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 108: Hatred

Chapter 108: Hatred

Who did this?

Looking at Raynare, who was being treated by Asia for sword wounds, Tenraku frowned and asked.

With Raynares current four-winged Angels strength plus the strength of the [Black Evil Dragon King] he bestowed on her, it is almost impossible for ordinary people or ordinary Supernatural creatures to hurt her except for the High-Class Devil or even the enemies above that.

High-Class Devils are one of the few powerhouses even in the Underworld, and it is generally not so easy to encounter them. 

And the sword wound on Raynares body is not an ordinary wound, it is constantly eroding her body as if it has been painted with some kind of fierce poison

This wound was caused by a Holy Sword!

Tenraku-Sama, its the Stray Clergy named Freed.

Looking worried, Kalawarner and Mittelt walked to Tenraku and replied.

Under the explanation of the two women, Tenraku probably understood what was going on. It turned out that the three of them unexpectedly met Freed when they finished the cleaning work and were preparing to come back. 

After that guy escaped from Raynares hands last time, Raynare was very upset, so they began to fight with the intent to kill as soon as they saw each other.

Originally, with Freeds skill, it was naturally impossible for him to be Raynares opponent, but the guy got the Holy Sword Excalibur from someplace, and he used the power of the Holy Sword to wound Raynare!


A sharp light flashed in Tenrakus eyes as he murmured, and some memories related to the Excalibar appeared in his mind.

Freed appeared with the Holy Sword Excalibur, which means that those few are about to appear


Any Holy Sword would have a great restraining effect on Devils and Fallen Angels, especially the Excalibur, the legendary Holy Sword, its power is similar to poison for Devil and Fallen Angels and perhaps just a small injury would be fatal for them.

Obviously, it was very painful, but Raynare clenched her silver teeth and did not say a word, letting Asia heal her.

Shaking his head, Tenraku also placed a hand on Raynares body and activated the ability of [Holy Mothers Smile].

A flash of light flashed, and Raynares injuries that had been deteriorating also quickly recovered.

Why not let Kalawarner and the others help.

Tenraku asked after the treatment was over.

Raynares body is covered with injuries, but Kalawarner and Mittelt were fine. It was obvious that these two women were not involved in the fight.

That guy is my prey, I can deal with him myself.

After being healed comfortably, Raynare replied lazily while stretching her waist.

Hmph, you said you can solve it and you still got yourself all bruised up?

With a cold snort, Tenraku said sarcastically.

Although that guy wounded me with his Holy Sword, he himself was even more miserable than me, and I would have killed him if he hadnt escaped so quickly!

H H HMaster, are you caring for me?

Raynare gave out another evil smile as she looked at Tenrakus body.

Too lazy to pay attention to this woman, Tenraku looked to one side towards Rias

Rias, do you have any news from your side?

Not yet, but the Familiars have been sent out to explore every suspicious place, and the news will come back as soon as they come back.

Rias replied while shaking her head. But then something came to her mind and the girl looked angry again:

Those damn Stray Clergy, how dare they bring such a dangerous Holy Sword to my territory, I will never let them do whatever they want!

Without any Belief, the Stray Clergy alone is a dangerous opponent not to mention that he now has the Holy Sword Excalibur with him. Rias doesnt know what crazy things the other party will do now. 

Maybe it will bring huge disasters to this small town under her jurisdiction, and that is something that Rias will never allow!

In the next few days, I will let Yubelluna and Undine also go out and search. Once they find the target, they will remove the target immediately.


After discussing the plan with Rias, Tenraku instructed the women to do their own thing, while he walked into Toscas room.

Hearing the sound of someone coming in, Tosca, who was standing in front of the window, turned around, but her delicate face was covered in tears.

Tenraku had guessed that Tosca had heard about the Stray Clergy and Holy Sword Excalibur when he didnt see her outside.

You still care about what happened back then?

Taking Tosca into his arms, Tenraku gently wiped the tears on the young girls face.

I cant forgive them. If it werent for them, my friends wouldntnor

W w w woo

Thinking of the painful memories, Tosca buried herself in Tenrakus arms and cried out.

She is the last survivor of the Holy Sword Project, and she bears the hatred of all her friends.

Those are the only people she could never forgive!!

Allowing Tosca to vent her emotions in his arms, it was a long time before the girl gradually calmed down

Dont worry, Tosca, it wont take long for you to get your revenge.

Tenraku said softly while rubbing the girls cheek.

If the direction of fate has not changed, then after Freed got the Holy Sword Excalibur, then the guy named Valper Galilei who led the Holy Sword Project should also appear soon!

Really, Tenraku-Sama?

Raising her head, a hateful and fiery light erupted in Toscas eyes.

Ah, really

The corners of his mouth raised slightly as Tenraku smiled back.

Not only Toscas side, as the price for taking [Demonic Sword Creation], Tenraku also promised Isaiah that he would take revenge for them!

Although I dont know the guy Valper, Ill kill him when I meet him

In the underground chamber of Kuoh Town Church, several miserable screams rang out from time to time.

Damn you Raynare, I will kill you next time! I will kill you!

Ahhhhhhh, Old Man Valper, please be lighter!

There were burn marks all over his body and Freed screamed in pain while lying on the bed.

Dont move, if it werent for the protection of the Holy Sword, then you would have died ten times over by now.

This is the aura of darkness curse, it seems that the Fallen Angel also has some kind of powerful Sacred Gear on her.

A short and fat-looking and somewhat older man standing next to what seems to be some kind of potion looked at Freeds injuries and analyzed.

That woman didnt have any Sacred Gear before. She must have gotten one from the Phenex familys [Sacred Gear Plunder] Young Master and sold her body in exchange for it!

Freed guessed maliciously.

Although it is a bit evil, the facts are inseparable from his guess

The medicine is ready, there will be some pain, you must bear with it.

After preparing the potion, Valper poured it on the burned area on Freeds body.


As if being poured with sulfuric acid, Freeds wounds kept bubbling with bubbles, and Freed blinked before

Ahhhhh, Ahhhh, Ahhh!!!!!!

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