Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 2211: Actions and Consequences

Chapter 2211: Actions and Consequences

"What are you thinking about…?"

With Wu remaining silent even after his reciprocative confession, Vahn eventually gave in to the urge to ask what she was thinking about. In response, the petite monkey girl simply smiled before discreetly flexing the muscles of her pert and exceptionally toned bottom.


Returning a smile of his own, Vahn attempted to decipher the meaning behind Wu's actions by observing the state of her body and aura. In the end, the conclusion he came to was that she simply didn't know what to say or do. He could sense that she was extremely giddy, but, a stark contrast to her usual self, she appeared reserved and calm.

(*This is rather unexpected…she appears to be letting you dictate how things develop…*)

Having reached a similar conclusion, the corners of Vahn's smile briefly curled upward as he cast an illusory barrier over the entire throne room. Then, just to be sure, he strengthened his hold on Wu's body and asked, "Are you sure about this…?"

Sensing the changes in her surroundings, Wu remained silent for several seconds before looking up at Vahn and answering, "I was…now that you're asking, I'm starting to have doubts. Are you usually this indecisive…?"

Shaking his head, Vahn moved one of his hands to gently caress Wu's abdomen as he explained, "If my previous reaction hadn't made it clear, I never expected you to come out like this. I'm extremely happy, but, at the same time, it feels like my plans have been derailed a bit…I sort of had something different in mind when I hosted this Gift Game…"

Though she briefly tensed when Vahn shifted his hand to her abdomen, it didn't even take a second for Wu to completely relax in his arms. She even placed one of her own hands over his, a contented smile developing across her face as she softly replied, "Yeah…to be honest, I hadn't actually thought things through before pressuring the old man to let me participate. It's just…Mount Huaguo has felt strangely lonely ever since you installed the teleportation ward…"

Resisting the urge to ask why she didn't just come and visit whenever she was feeling lonely, Vahn continued to caress Wu's abdomen until most of the cameras focusing on them naturally gravitated to other scenes. As groundbreaking as Wu's confession was, watching the two of them sit in silence wasn't particularly interesting. Thus, after observing them for the better part of ten minutes, most of the perspectives focusing on them simply shifted to other, more exciting scenes.

In spite of their increasing privacy, Vahn strengthened the illusory barrier surrounding himself and Wu before muttering, "I see…" in a soothing, affection-laden tone. Then, as his fingers traced over the golden buckle keeping her belt fastened around her waist, he added, "I will give you a choice, Wu…you can either tell me what you want or leave everything to me. Just know that if you choose the latter, there is a good chance I'll spoil you rotten…"

Amused by Vahn's words of warning, a playful snicker emanated from Wu's throat as she allowed her body to go limp in his embrace. This wasn't exactly the answer Vahn was looking for, but, after a moment of silence, he decided to just go with the flow as he scooped her unresisting body into his arms, gently cradling her as he whispered, "So be it…"


Though she wasn't privy to what was going on behind the illusion Vahn had created, the sight of Wu seated atop his lap was enough to make Amaterasu feel anemic. She was already beginning to regret picking a fight with the Sage Dragon's Hearth. Now that Vahn had someone as troublesome as Wu on his side, Amaterasu wanted nothing more than the opportunity to go back in time and beat up her past self…

Unfortunately, even if she had realized the error of her ways, Amaterasu's pride wouldn't allow her to backpedal. This was a battle she had proactively sought, so, until the dust had settled, she would do everything her power to emerge victoriously. At the very least, she needed to take measures to ensure the standing of Kotoamatsukami wasn't irreversibly compromised as a result of her actions.

With this in mind, the color of Amaterasu's eyes shifted from a fiery violet to a pure, amber-esque hue. Immediately thereafter, she rose from her throne, a majestic and luminous aura exuding from her body as she coldly muttered, "Vahn Mason…I don't know if you're listening, but, if you are, know that I, Amaterasu Å?mikami have acknowledged your power and supremacy. The Kotoamatsukami will no longer oppose the Sage Dragon's Hearth. In exchange, I ask that you not intervene as I take steps to ensure my Community is not brought to ruin…"

Not expecting an answer, Amaterasu followed her statement by manifesting her sword, a legendary blade known simply as Eclipse. Before she could take a step forward, however, illusory kanji formed from flames appeared less than a meter away from her, stating:

"You touched my bottom line when you placed my children in jeopardy. I have no problem sparing you, but, unless you abandon the game here and now, expect to receive some form of punishment. This has nothing to do with holding a grudge; actions have consequences."

Seeing the illusory kanji, the golden coloration of Amaterasu's eyes briefly waned as her previously around pupils contracted into thin, cat-like slits. The knuckles of her left hand, the hand holding her katana, promptly became pure white, and, though she did her best to appear calm and composed, the vulpine ears atop her head began to twitch as a result of her frustration…


Feeling a familiar warmth spreading through her mind and body, Caulifla opened her eyes with the expectation that Vahn would be near. Instead, she found herself seated half-naked atop a partially destroyed throne. The only other person present was Kale, who, after tuckering herself out, decided to curl up near Caulifla's feet and get some rest.

Seeing her loyal companion sleeping peacefully on the ground, a soft but clearly exasperated sigh escaped Caulifla's throat as she attempted to recall what had transpired prior to her collapse. The last thing she recalled was feeling extremely nauseous as an overwhelming, sweltering heat began to pervade her body. After that, she had completely blacked out…

"Vahn must have done something…"

Though there was a chance Kale had come to her rescue, the rejuvenating warmth permeating her body led Caulifla to believe Vahn had intervened. This left her feeling somewhat bitter, but, at the same time, a smile developed across her face as she muttered, "Looks like I'll need to 'reward' him once things calm down. I wonder if there are any positions he hasn't tried yet…?"

Seemingly in response to the sound of Caulifla's voice, Kale's brows began to twitch before she ultimately opened her eyes and sat up. For a brief moment, a look of confusion marred her face. Upon seeing Caulifla, however, tears began to swell in the corners of her eyes as Kale practically pounced on the wryly smiling Saiyaness, shouting, "Ane-saaaaaan…!" in a sobbing tone.

Suppressing a sigh, Caulifla dutifully wrapped her arms around Kale's body as the latter nestled into her chest and began to sob. This was the one aspect of Kale's temperament that she genuinely despised, but, having come to terms with it long ago, Caulifla accepted the woman's smothering, overly emotional ministrations with a smile.

"There, there…as you can see, I'm perfectly fine. Make sure to thank Vahn once we get back, okay?"

Hearing Caulifla mention Vahn, a low groan emanated from Kale's throat as her sobbing gradually began to wane. She 'really' didn't want to have to thank Vahn, but, after a moment of deliberation, she realized it was probably the right thing to do. She just hated the fact that she was always being indebted to him…


Nodding her head in approval, Caulifla ran her fingers through Kale's long, paradoxically smooth yet spiky black hair. Her hairband had been destroyed when she began tapping into her power as the Legendary Super Saiyan, so, while she normally kept it tied up in a high ponytail, Kale's current hairstyle greatly resembled the mother of Goku, Gine.

Thinking of the petite Saiyaness, it wasn't long before Caulifla's mind wandered to Goku, and, as a result, Broly. She didn't want to admit it, but, had the two of them been present, they likely would have been able to seize victory without Vahn's help. Such realizations made Caulifla feel more than a little bitter, but, instead of letting it show, she adopted a tantalizing smile as she raised Kale's chin and asked, "You ready to run rampant…together…?"

Understanding the meaning behind Caulifla's words, Kale's nostrils began to flare noticeably as she excitedly replied, "Of course! To be one with Ane-san…there is nothing I desire more…!"

Chuckling in response to Kale's vigor, Caulifla grabbed the sides of her face before leaning down to give the overly excited Saiyaness a kiss. Vahn had given them the ability to perform a Potara Fusion without the need for Potara Earrings. The only caveat was that the fusion could only be undone by him, and, as per Caulifla's request, the method mandated a fair amount of debauchery…

Following a not-so-chaste kiss, a blinding, bluish-white light enveloped the bodies of Kale and Caulifla. When it faded, a lithe yet remarkably toned woman with the characteristics of both Saiyanesses appeared atop the throne Caulifla had previously been seated upon. Then, despite the fact she wasn't even trying to output any power, the surrounding throne room began to tremble as the metal comprising the throne began to slowly bend and buckle toward her, almost as if it was being drawn by a powerful gravitational force.

Staring at her outstretched palms, a predatory smile developed across the fused Saiyaness's face as she mused, "I seriously love this feeling…" in a voice that resembled two women speaking in perfect synchrony.

As the dominant personality, Caulifla was the main consciousness in control whenever she and Kale fused into the being known as Kefla. This allowed Caulifla to experience what it was like to possess Kale's truly unlimited potential. It was an incredibly intoxicating feeling, and, were it not for the fact she wanted to obtain such strength on her own, Caulifla may have wanted to stay fused indefinitely.

Kale certainly wouldn't mind…

Pulling out an incredibly durable scrunchie, Kefla took a moment to tie up her unruly hair before rolling her shoulders and popping her neck with a loud, satisfying pop. The area around her had already started to dissolve as a result of her ever-increasing energy, but, the moment the cracking sound emanated through the hall, it was like an invisible explosion had been triggered. As a result, even the near-indestructible throne behind her was reduced to molten slag as she slouched over, hands clasped into fists as she released a loud, empowering shout…


Though people with the power to destroy planets weren't particularly rare within the Little Garden, watching a planet violently explode was always a humbling experience. Those that bore witness to such a scene rarely cheered. Instead, they were forced to stare in silence as a wave of existentialism washed over them. After all, compared to an entire planet, their existences were minute to the point of being inconsequential. Thus, while they were excited by the destruction of the first planet, most of the Little Garden's residents watched on in stunned silence as they resolved themselves never to oppose the Sage Dragon's Hearth…


(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'When it comes to pampering, Vahn may as well be a God (U w U)…','When will you people learn…when will you learn that your actions have consequences!?','A Legendary Super Saiyan with the mind, prowess, and ambition of a prodigy…too spooky…')

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