Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 2183: Cause, Effect, and Consequences

Chapter 2183: Cause, Effect, and Consequences

Though it was pretty common for her victims to simply ignore things like being stabbed, Hanako could tell Vahn was aware of it due to the fact he wasn't bleeding. Her powers allowed her to ignore conventional durability, and, thanks to the Law of the Assumed Form, even the most powerful Gods in existence were vulnerable whilst appearing as humans.

Under normal circumstances, the people stabbed by Hanako would simply ignore the injury even as they bled out. The closest they would get to being aware of their plight is feeling weak or nauseous. It didn't matter if they were alone or surrounded by a group of people. Unless they possessed some form of extra causal sense, they shouldn't be aware of her actions. Such was the fate of the Lost and Forgotten.

"You knew I was going to stab you…?"

Hearing Hanako's question, Musashi Pink's brows perked up as she looked towards Musashi Black and Kenshin, asking, "Are you for real? Did you actually believe you could just walk into the Sage Dragon's Hearth and assassinate Vahn? And I thought I was rash…"

Recalling how she had once attempted to battle against Vahn head-on, a wry yet reminiscent smile developed across Musashi Pink's face…

Confused by her counterpart's lack of hostility, Musashi Black sent Kenshin an accusatory look out of the corner of her eye as she coldly replied, "Someone neglected to inform me of this particular aspect of our plan…"

Shaking her head, Kenshin did her best to appear calm as she explained, "You're mistaken…we did not come here with the intention to kill or cause harm. Our mission was to ascertain the true nature of Vahn Mason and the Sage Dragon's Hearth. If your Community is truly as neutral as you purport it to be, there is no reason for you to refuse your services to the Nine Dragons Sword Association…"

Rising to his feet, Vahn removed Hanako's pitch-black dagger from his stomach before ruffling her hair and handing it back to her. Then, with a marginally more serious expression on his face, he met Kenshin's gaze, stating, "That isn't the only reason you were sent here. Hanako is unable to trespass the domain of another unless someone enters with the intention of seeking lost children. You must be aware of her existence, or, at the very least, aware of the possibility of her existence in order for her to manifest…"


Realizing there was some truth to the rumors regarding Vahn's deductive omniscience, the tensions in Kenshin's body began to relax as a paradoxically oppressive yet serene aura began to exude from her body. The turquoise haori on her body, starkly contrasting the rest of her outfit, wasn't worn out of a sense of pride or braggadociousness. She was, at the present moment, the greatest among all mortal swordsmen, women, and everything in between. Her Origin also ascribed her with the ability to break through encirclements and shatter the ranks of her enemies, so, even if she was trapped in an inescapable prison, she could break free so long as the people within identified her as an enemy.

Amused by the overly serious woman before him, a teasing smile developed across Vahn's face until he heard Musashi Pink muttered, "There he goes again…"

Promptly deciding against teasing the fiery-eyed brunette, Vahn motioned towards the cushions he had prepared before returning to his seat, manifesting tea, and asking, "So? What, specifically, does the Nine Dragons Sword Association seek from my humble enterprise…?"

Taken aback by Vahn's behavior, Kenshin found herself at a loss for how to respond. It didn't help that Musashi Black immediately followed Pink's example by taking a seat. As for Hanako, the only person still aware of her was Vahn. Kenshin knew she had to be around, but, unlike Vahn, she had very little affinity with beings possessing non-existent or acausal physiologies. Hanako wouldn't be able to kill her due to the differences in their Origins, but, unless the Demoness went out of her way to draw attention to herself, even omniscient deities would find it difficult to sense her. (A/N: Simply put, a Lost/Forgotten Child could never defeat a swordsman recognized as Peerless Under Heaven.)

Deciding it was for the best if she continues with her mission, Kenshin returned Musashi's sword in an effort to remove the temptation from her heart before taking a seat and answering, "According to the rumors, the Sage Dragon's Hearth specializes in the production of Gifts. Similar stories credit you with the ability to awaken a person's hidden potential. We have unearthed substantial evidence to back these allegations, but, no matter how dig we deep, we have been unable to ascertain what, exactly, you expect in return. How does the Sage Dragon's Hearth benefit from empowering others? What is your aim?"

Though they had conducted a thorough investigation into the Communities affiliated with the Sage Dragon's Hearth through the Burgeoning Communities Accord, the subsidiaries of Kotoamatsukami had failed to ascertain the reason behind Vahn's actions. It would have made sense if he was trying to build a rapport with the people of the Little Garden, but, looking at his most recent actions, that didn't seem to be the case. He also didn't actively communicate with or demand tributes from the Communities he assisted, so, while there was a possibility he would call upon them in the future, all evidence pointed to the fact that Vahn had helped them simply because he felt like it.

Reinforcing this sentiment, Vahn just shrugged his shoulders, answering, "Everyone, be they good or evil, deserves the right to pursue strength if they're willing to work for it. The reason I don't care about benefits is that I have no need for them. As for my aims, well, I don't see how they are any of your concerns. Even if you did accept my offer, it wouldn't have anything to do with my penultimate goal, much less my final aspiration."

Furrowing her brows, Kenshin asked, "You would empower the wicked in their pursuit of strength? Do you have no conscience?"

Rolling his eyes, Vahn's expression became a mocking deadpan as he asked, "Really? You're going to lecture others on conscience when you willfully brought a Demon Lord that specializes in making children disappear into the home of someone who's never wronged you? It always amazes me how truly hypocritical you 'justice' types can be…"

Unable to refute Vahn's words, Kenshin could only lower her head in shame, hands clenching into fists. She didn't like the thought of employing Hanako any more than Musashi did. It simply wasn't her decision to make…

Resisting the urge to snort, Vahn briefly cast his gaze towards Hanako. A smile immediately spread across her face, as, despite trying to kill him, she didn't have any actual enmity toward Vahn. Killing people was just the most 'convenient' method to ensure there was always at least one person who remembered her. There were a number of other reasons as well, but, as those were significantly less pleasant, she did her best not to even think about them.

Ruffling the marginally more mature-looking girl's hair, Vahn's expression gradually relaxed into a smile as he said, "Besides, you're mistaken about one thing. More specifically, I haven't explained to you the 'cost' of receiving my aid…"

Retracing his hand from Hanako's head, Vahn met Kenshin's gaze, adding, "Anyone who signs one of my contracts accepts the inevitability of being wiped out the moment they come anywhere near my bottom line. Trying to eliminate 'evil' is a fruitless endeavor as even people such as yourself are capable of making exceptionally foolish decisions. Thus, rather than arbitrarily killing people I don't like, I place restrictions on them to make them act more in line with my principles. I provide them the means and opportunity to change. If they violate the terms of our contract after the fact, they only have themselves to blame for the consequences of their actions…"

Tensing at the word 'consequences', the fiery glow in Kenshin's eyes became more prominent as she asked, "And what, exactly, are these consequences you speak of…?"

Shrugging his shoulders, a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes spread across Vahn's face as he answered, "As I stated previously, I don't help people while expecting anything substantial return. If they violate our contract before the term expires, I will kill them without hesitation. I don't believe in imprisoning people, and, unless they committed some kind of heinous act against children, I see no merit in forcing people to suffer. I would rather just kill them and let the systems in place sort them out. Simple as that."

Though Vahn's words might sound extreme, they were actually relatively tame in regards to the way most Gods dealt with their enemies. Nearly every major 4-Digit Faction had its own version of Hell, a place where their enemies and people who refused to abide by their will would be made to suffer for all of eternity. In that regard, killing was a mercy, as, more often than not, it simply meant being reincarnated or descending into a lower realm. This often meant losing your memories, but, unless the person who killed you went out of their way to remove your inborn powers or Gifts, they would persist even after reincarnation.

"I see…it would appear our Master may have misjudged you…"

Following her words, Kenshin attempted to perform an apologetic dogeza but found herself barred by an invisible force. This briefly improved her impression of Vahn until he, in a tone reminiscent of Musashi Black, stated, "Mistaken as she was regarding the Sage Dragon's Hearth, Amaterasu is right to fear me. Soon enough, my Empire, the Aldrnari Empire, will span the entirety of the Divine Realm. I'm not particularly fond of the current state of affairs, so, unless they are willing to join me, Factions such as the Kotoamatsukami are bound to be shattered and subsumed. Thus, while I can appreciate your willingness to apologize, rest easy knowing there is no need. The moment she tasked you with inviting Hanako into my home, Amaterasu had already crossed my bottom line…"

Though his tone and expression gave off the impression he was completely disinterested in the words coming out of his mouth, the aura exuding from Vahn's body caused even Musashi Pink to freeze in place. He might not have any enmity towards Hanako, quite the opposite, but Loi-chan had made him very aware of her powers and abilities.

As the Demon Lord of the Lost and Forgotten, Hanako didn't even need to take personal action in order to make children simply spirit away. The only prerequisite was for a child to be neglected for even a moment. Then, unless the parent or guardian proactively searched for them, it would only take a few hours for them to forget they even existed.

The most terrifying thing about Hanako's ability was that it wouldn't actually take the children away. Rather, from the perspective of the child, everyone would simply be ignoring them. They would still be able to interact with the world around them, but, even if they threw objects or violently attacked people in an effort to garner their attention, nothing would work. They would be lost and forgotten in a world filled with people. To make matters exponentially worse, the only people who could see them were Demons, Evil Spirits, and those who willfully predated on children. In their eyes, the Lost and Forgotten were a rare treat, as, even if they committed all manner of heinous acts right in front of other people, no one would notice…

Though the odds of his children being spirited away were precisely 0%, Amaterasu had no way of knowing that. She knew it was a possibility, but, for the sole purpose of obtaining information, she sent Hanako into his home without regard for the consequences. After all, if the Lost and Forgotten couldn't be remembered, what consequences could there possibly be?

She would learn the answer to that question very, very soon…


(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'SCP-1504 had a daughter…','Vahn almost had a relapse xD…','To be Lost and Forgotten is a fate worse than death…')

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