Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 1092 Who Goes First?

Chapter 1092 Who Goes First?

The crowd was still trying to recollect their thoughts from what had just transpired. Drako smirked disdainfully in the direction where the insane beggar had fled, "What a waste." He stepped forward before reaching for the mallet.

But just as he was about to grasp it, Liam, sharp-witted and not one to back down, interrupted him, "Who said you get to go first?"

The tension became palpable, a thick cloud of uncertainty hanging in the air. The onlookers were on the edge of wondering how this power struggle between the young masters would unfold. Drako's arrogant smile faltered as he shot a fierce glance at Liam, sparks of rivalry flashing between them.

Drako, clenching the mallet tightly, sneered, "Are you trying to challenge me, Stormrider?"

Liam's gaze was steady and piercing. "I'm suggesting a fair chance for each of us. Let's determine who rings the gong based on merit, not arrogance."

Elara, her voice calm yet commanding, chimed in, "True mastery is not about who strikes first but about the resonance one can create. The gong's wisdom lies in acknowledging the strength within, not in a race for ego."

Her words hung in the air, carrying a profound truth that made many in the crowd pause and reflect. Drako, while still visibly annoyed, couldn't deny the wisdom in her statement. His grip on the mallet loosened slightly.

Liam nodded appreciatively, "Well said, Elara."

Sylva, the druid, added with a gentle smile, "The forest teaches us that every part contributes to the harmony of the whole. Let us embody this harmony as we approach the gong."

Drako's lips curled into a sneer as he strode confidently towards the ancient gong, the mallet clutched firmly in his grasp. The gathered crowd, a buzzing mass of excitement and anticipation, watched intently. Every eye was fixed on the scene before them, hearts beating in unison, awaiting the moment of truth.

His chest swelled with pride, and with a flourish, he raised the mallet high above his head, ready for the grand strike. A hushed tension fell upon the onlookers, the air thick with expectation. Drako, the epitome of confidence, exuded an air of arrogance.

With a swift, powerful motion, he brought the mallet crashing down upon the gong. It was meant to be a resounding triumph, a testament to his mastery. Yet, what followed was unexpected - a discordant, feeble sound, hardly the mighty ring he had envisioned.

His triumphant expression twisted into confusion and disbelief, the sneer replaced by astonishment. The gong had betrayed him, defying his expectations. The silence that ensued was deafening, filled with the unspoken astonishment of the gathered crowd. Drako stood there, frozen, his arrogance shattered in the face of reality.

Frustration surged within Drako, like a tempest in his veins, as he swung the mallet once more, this time with a force that spoke of his determination to conquer the gong. Muscles tensed, tendons strained, and a primal roar of exertion echoed through the air as the mallet struck the gong again. Yet, the result remained unchanged.

The gong's response was a feeble chime, betraying the young master's fervent efforts. Doubt crept into Drako's eyes, gnawing at his confidence. He could feel the weight of the crowd's eyes upon him, a mixture of anticipation and disbelief painting the atmosphere.

The realization of failure was like a bitter taste, an unwelcome guest in the grandiose feast of his aspirations. His shoulders sagged, and for the first time, the fa?ade of arrogance wavered, revealing a hint of vulnerability.

His mind raced, grappling with the inconceivable. How could this be? He was a master, a prodigy of martial arts, feared and revered. Yet here he stood, bested by an inanimate object. The gong had mocked his arrogance, exposing his limitations.

Drako, his voice strained, muttered to the crowd, "This... this is not possible. I am Drako Wrymheart, the master of martial arts! This is a mere gong!"

Liam, always the sharp-witted analyst, couldn't resist a slight smirk as he quipped, "Seems like the gong doesn't think so."

Drako, with a flicker of defiance in his eyes, handed the mallet over to Liam, challenging him, "Go on then, Master of Sharp Words. Show us how it's done."

Liam accepted the challenge with a composed confidence. He took the mallet, his expression contemplative, evaluating the situation. He was known for his intellectual approach to problems, and this situation was no different. He approached the gong methodically, analyzing the intricacies of the task.

With precision and control, Liam swung the mallet. The impact reverberated through the air, the clang of metal against metal ringing out. However, once again, the gong failed to respond as expected. It vibrated, but the resounding, powerful tone they expected was absent.

The crowd, already enthralled by the unexpected challenge, grew quieter, observing this curious turn of events. Liam remained stoic, absorbing the outcome. The gong had resisted their attempts thus far, seeming to demand more than just physical force.

Drako's laughter echoed through the area, a mix of mockery and amusement at their attempts. His confidence seemingly unshaken, he jeered, "Well, well, looks like the great Liam Stormrider fared no better than I did."

Liam remained composed, unbothered by Drako's taunts. He knew there was more to this challenge than met the eye. The gong held a secret, and they needed to unravel it. He turned to Elara, her demeanor always serene and contemplative.

Lyon's eyes widened in shock and confusion as he witnessed Drako and Liam's failed attempts at ringing the gong. His mind raced, trying to comprehend why the two skilled young masters had not achieved the expected resonance. The puzzle became even more intriguing and enigmatic.

Elara stepped forward gracefully, her movements deliberate and unhurried. She regarded the gong with a knowing gaze as if sensing its secrets. She opened her hand then Liam placed the mallet on top of it. With an air of confidence that came from her profound connection with her elven roots, she swung the mallet, aiming for a perfect strike.

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