East Meet West

Chapter 288: Quick Action And Escape

Chapter 288: Quick Action And Escape

288- Quick Action and Escape





But the leader of Purple Hide Crocodiles could not see its underling dying in front of it, so it immediately covered the head of the injured crocodile with its tail and successfully defended against the incoming Magic Bullets.

And when the Magic Bullets touched its tail, other than a small white dent mark there was no other effect.

But Orochi had already expected this, and he had already prepared a backup plan for this kind of situation.

So, when the leader of Purple Hide Crocodiles defended its underling from Orochis attack, unknowingly it created some distance between itself and the Level 1 Monster Stage Crocodile.

Such that, Orochi took this as an opportunity and shot some powerful Magic Bullets at the vulnerable Level 1 Crocodile.




And coincidentally, the Magic Bullets hit its head. And the power behind them was so great, that they easily pierced its head and passed out from the other side.

But of course, Orochis attack failed to kill it because neither of the Magic Bullet hit the key location that can kill or seriously injure it.


Even though he failed to kill, Orochi had already prepared for the worst outcome and he was just a few meters away from the Level 1 Crocodile.

And then he immediately fired a huge Fireball at its head.



When the Fireball landed on its head, it immediately destroyed half of its head and started to burn all the internal parts.

Such that, the Level 1 Purple Hide Crocodile died after issuing a small cry of pain and agony.


Host has killed a Level-1 Monster Stage Purple Hide Crocodile.


+30120 Exp


Host has Leveled up

Host has Leveled up


Host has reached Level 100.


Host has maxed out his levels


Extra [Exp] is detected.


Since the Hosts Levels are maxed out and further [Exp] cannot be stored. It is informed to the Host that the system will directly convert extra [Exp] into [Free Stat Points].








Analyzing completed

The System can convert 500 Exp into 1 [Free Stat point]


Converting all the extra [Exp] into [Free Stat points]


System has successfully converted 15500 Exp into 31 [Free Stat points]

Remaining Exp= 130 Exp


Looking at the series of messages that the system displayed suddenly, Orochi couldnt help but stop for a second.

And the series of notifications still did not stop and continued to ring.

But Orochi had no time to read them because he saw that the tail of Super Monster stage crocodile was sweeping towards him with the intention of crushing him into meat paste.

So, ignoring the system notifications, he hurriedly dodged the incoming tail attack.




After dodging the attack, Orochi started to circle both the crocodiles, and in his hand, now an Orange grade sword was being held.

This sword was obtained by Orochi when he, Armelia, and June distributed the loot among themselves after getting Bindu Katans inheritance.

At that time, he got a total of two weapons and 1 broken shield.

In the 2 weapons, one was the Orange Grade Sword and the other was a Yellow Grade Spear.

And due to the limitations of Observation Skill, he still doesnt know of what level the sword in his hand has reached.

But what he knows is that he needs to kill the remaining two crocodiles and end this as soon as possible. And this sword is sharp enough to accomplish that.

Looking at Orochi who was circling them, the two remaining crocodiles continued to attack Orochi with their Purple Energy Beams, but no matter how they attacked they couldnt even touch his shadow because his speed has increased drastically after activating the Physical Modification and Enhancement skill.


Suddenly, a gap appeared in the defense of Super Monster Stage Crocodile and Orochi immediately took advantage of this gap and immediately dashed towards it.

And in the blink of an eye, Orochi appeared a few meters above its head.

With the Orange grade sword in his hand, he stabbed it straight into the Super Monster stages head.



And just like stabbing into a piece of tender meat, the Orange grade sword pierced smoothly into the skull of the Super Monster Stage crocodile.

And the location where he aimed his sword was at its brain. So, when the sword pierced into the skull it also pierced its brain and Orochi immediately twisted his sword and ended its life.


Host has killed a Level-?? Super Monster Stage- Purple Hide Crocodile.


+311230 Exp


System has converted 311000 extra Exp into 622 Free stat Points.


After killing the Super Monster Purple Hide Crocodile, without any delay he killed the remaining Monster stage crocodile.


Host has killed a Level-?? Monster Stage- Purple Hide Crocodile.


+122000 Exp


System has converted 122000 extra Exp into 244 Free stat Points.


Ignoring the system notifications, Orochi quickly collected the bodies of Purple Hide crocodiles and immediately walked into their nest.

Orochi knew that he would be needing a huge space to store all the loot since he is coming to the Dark Forest for a hunt. So, he had already increased the space of Storage Box to 2000 Cubic meters.

So, he had enough space to store.

So much that, even after storing all the bodies of the group of Purple hide crocodiles in the Storage Box, he had only filled 50% of it.

He entered the nest, which was nothing but a huge and long cave.

He hurried inside and started to search for all the precious medicinal plants and ores.

And it was only when he reached deep into the nest, which was most probably the place where Leader of Purple hide crocodile lived, only there did he find things that were enough to make him drool.

But of course, he knew that he was short on time.

So, he quickly emptied and cleaned the nest and immediately got out.

He quickly made his way out of the Dark Forest.

And only after he stepped out of the Dark Forest and ran out a few kilometers away from it, did he then smile in relief.

After Orochi walked out of the Dark Forest, he wanted to enquire what price could he get for the low level Purple Hide Crocodiles.

But due to the Beast Tide that occurred a few days ago, many Merchants and related organizations have taken serious damage so the remaining ones are scared to approach the Dark Forest.

But the most damaged group are other than hunters that come to Dark Forest to make a profit. Surely, many would have died as they were the first to bear the brunt of Beast Tide.

So, hardly any shadow of humans could be seen near the Dark Forest.

But of course, such a situation wont last for long.

It just needs some time, let's say 1-2 months and once again the people will come to the Dark Forest to make money.

As the saying goes,

Greater the risk, greater the profits


Where there is a risk, there is money


Orochi went straight to the Border city and met Chand Roj.

Then he sold all the Purple Hide Crocodiles and got about 42,000 gold coins in return.

Actually, he could have gotten more but the way Orochi killed them damaged certain valuable parts on their bodies, especially their armor-like Hide, which could be transformed into armors, hence, he got less money.

Nevertheless, he was happy with the price because, for the same amount of Purple Hide Crocodiles, the system only gave him about 15,000 gold coins. Hence, he is happy with what he got.

Of course, he only sold the bodies of those crocodiles that were under the Mortal realm.

As for Super Monster stage leader Crocodile and 4 other Monster Crocodiles, he plans to sell them in the Kingdom.

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