Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 138: Ora Coastal Plains

Chapter 138: Ora Coastal Plains

"Since when were you proficient in scythe weapons?"

The brigadier let them pass with ease. The gate was raised and they came out of the city walls. As they walked a little bit forward, An came near him and asked. Mia was also eager to test this weapon, so her attention was caught by the question.

"I can use almost all weapons."

Lee gave a short answer with a smile, and continued walking. Mia raised her brows as she appreciated her brother's versatile talent in weapons.

Walking almost half a kilometre to the east, the solid path began to loosen up and disappear into the brown plains. Daylight was lighting up the atmosphere and the warmth was shed on the ground. As they further walked, a number of huts came into sight.

"Ora coastal plains are vast. Three villages on the Ora plains thrive on fishing. Many adventurers and cultivators reach here to complete quests and refresh their minds."

Gauthama narrated the specialities of the Ora coastal plains. The extensive shallow region of ocean around the coast made safe fishing and diving a reality. Rarely are dangerous marine animals seen in this region. Spear Sharks are periodically known to invade the shallow regions for a change in delicacy, and one or two humans are always unfortunate to be its food.



7 A.M.

77131 Essence harvested.


Gauthama walked further forward and the villages disappeared far behind them. Coconut trees outlined the sides of their path. Familiar faces of Foura Monkeys appeared on the trees and watched them passing by. Unlike the forest version, these monkeys had a sandy complexion and fluffy fur. Lee saw them and immediately remembered about the Perrafin and Fero, and brought them out of the EsGen. The different landscape appeared in front of them temporarily made them cautious, but Lee assured them that the area is not hostile.


Even before catching the four armed monkeys in sight, the Perrafin caught its scent. As the Perrafin turned to the trees drooling, Fero caught a different scent. The intense meaty aroma made Fero step towards the sea. Perrafin took a second to notice it, and its expression turned aggressive instantly.

"Fero, back off."

The olfactory senses of Lee were not slow to pick up the unusually alluring meaty aroma, but the changes in Perrafin;'s demeanor made him alert. Fero, who had stepped towards the sea, was called back. Instantly, the hyena took steps backward. Lee's comment made the others frown. Observing around, nothing other than the loosely packed sandy soil was in the vicinity. Then, a gentle breeze from the sea brought a strong sensation of this meaty aroma. An, Mia, Ruella, Tera and Gauthama were surprised to smell this drooling aroma.

The truth was unfolded as Lee took a peek at the Map. A little farther into the water, a lump of fresh meat floated aimlessly. It would periodically drift towards the shore in rhythm with the waves. Nothing about it was suspicious, and the ferocious carnivorous beasts were at the verge of dashing towards it.


Lee commanded the hungry beasts and bought large quantities of skinned Golden Gazelle meat from the Shop. The beasts immediately became busy with the delicious and tender meal.

"Is anything wrong?"

Tera asked Lee, because she felt that something was off with his behaviour.

"That lump of meat floating on the water, is actually a bait."

Their eyes went wide as they focused on the large slab of meat drifting on the waves. No matter how many times they scan it, there was nothing wrong with the meat, because they could not find what was underneath it. Lee glanced at the faces and understood the reason for the question. The clueless expression as nothing suspicious could be found about it, was visible on their faces.

"Let me show you what I meant."

Lee took out his bow and aimed at the sky. A sizzling arrow with lightning running over it materialised as the bowstring was pulled. He released the string and the arrow rose into the sky and dived nose down towards the meat lump. Like a solitary strand of lightning, it pierced the floating meat and simultaneously delivered the electrocution.

The meat instantly sunk and the water began to show turbulence. As they witnessed, a large marine beast leaped out of the water, and into the air. It was a Blue Stringtongue Fish. Measuring over 6 metres, the behemoth had blue coloured skin which was ample for blending with the water. The fully grown fish was sure to weigh more than 375 kilograms, and had small circular scales that effectively concealed its presence in shallow water. The razor sharp tiny tooth hiding in its mouth was exposed as it displayed its anger.

[Don't let it go back into the water. It's a good addition to the EsGen.]

Instantly, Lee shot off towards the fish rising into the air. Flight was activated and he effortlessly closed in on the fish. Many string-like thin tentacles shot out of its mouth to catch Lee, but it failed spectacularly. Lee smacked his palm on its body with immense force, after he skillfully evaded the tentacles. The fish disappeared in mid-air and Lee used the brief contact on the fish to reach back on the shore. The Flight helped him to descend in a manner that was evidently a freefall.

The amazed faces of the ladies and Gauthama's smiling countenance greeted him as he walked towards them. The entire stunt of Lee jumping towards the fish and coming back after making it disappear, took no longer than 4 seconds. Questions and curiosity almost came out of their mouths, but Lee cut them off and stated-

"If you are as strong as me, You too can do it."

His words acted as a satisfactory answer and a reason for them to get stronger. The reflection of their mental resolve was evident on their faces after a few seconds. By this time, the Golden Gazelle meat worth 1904 Essence was completely consumed.

"We are almost at the place. Lets keep walking."

Gauthama interrupted their train of thoughts and spoke in an encouraging tone. After walking for a few more minutes, Gauthama and those following him reached a much vast plain field. The loosely packed sand had turned to comparatively firmer ground. The trees were not growing in that place. Gentle breeze from the sea swept past them and went away. Lee peeked at the Map and found that the terrain and the area was suitable for training. The almost circular land area was apt for training the mind and body. As Gauthama led them to the centre of the ground, D came up with a very important message.

[I found traces of spatial engineering!]

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