Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 116

116 Chapter 116: The merchant guild master, Sebastian

Frost continued to wait in silence, his nervousness growing with every passing second. He was afraid of Maya rejecting his suggestion, he looked towards the two kids who were silently waiting at this side.

“Haaaaaaa” Finally Maya spoke, well sighed but it was enough. Frost turned back towards her and awaited her answer. Her gaze was complicated and hard to read but eventually when she looked over the two kids, she smiled showing her acceptance.

“I agree with your decision young master, although it may not be the wisest it was a decision you made and the upsides outweigh the downsides, so you have my blessing.” Maya spoke happily while smiling his way, she even gave him a thumbs up for a job well done.

Frost smiled widely in response and let out a deep breath, a weight was lifted from his shoulders.

“Good, good” he nodded.

Having two kids with intelligence would give him someone to talk to other than Maya back home, he’d grown fond of company during his time in Furano. The fact that the two of them would be guaranteed future power houses was a bonus. Right now, the strongest monsters he could summon were only D-rank yet if what Ryuu said was correct the moment these enter adulthood they’d likely at minimum jump to C-rank, his current strength. Sure, it’d probably take several years but he had time especially when it cost him 0DP.

The two phoenix kin still couldn’t talk but they could listen. Hearing Maya’s agreement and seeing Frost’s happy expression they couldn’t help but smile and hug one another, they had a home, they wouldn’t be tortured and suffer any longer. They had a very good impression of Frost and now also Maya. The two children nodded to one another before bowing in thanks.

“Don’t get too excited just yet, although I promised that you’d never be mistreated and being lacking in food. Life with me will not be easy, you need to train and become strong and work for your meals.” Frost planned on training them so they could become even stronger once they mature.

“Ummmmm,” the two kids grunted in acceptance, they weren’t afraid of hard work.


“Good answer, now let’s get you talking again.” Adam was still set as their master and his no talking order was still in effect until Frost replaced his position.

The group of four left the room looking like a perfect family, heading back to Douglas’s bedroom to speak with Leo. They needed to contact Sebastian so he could stop the slave tattoo from damaging their souls further.

When they returned Douglas was asleep but had a rose coloured tint to his cheeked and a smile on his face, the healing process was underway. Cassandra was happily gazing at her husband as he slept with a gentle smile on her face whereas Luna and Leo were waiting for Frost, each in high spirits.

“Frost-senpai thank you.” Leo immediately bowed towards Frost. It was him who found and retrieved the silver vial as well as the one who allowed Adam to live long enough to say his final words, his actions saved his father and he’d be eternally grateful.

Frost moved forward and lifted Leo from his bow.

“No need for that Leo what are friends for.” Frost could feel his insides become warm when he said the word friends. Leo and Luna were his first.

Leo rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment but quickly smiled, he was so happy and owed Frost so much he didn’t really know how to express himself properly but friends, the word also made him feel warm.

“Miss Maya my mother told me what happened with her maid, thank you for saving them.” Learning from his earlier mistake he didn’t bow just nodded his head towards her which elicited a cute laugh from Maya.

“You’re welcome little Leo.” She spoke from a position of an elder causing Leo to blush slightly, since Maya didn’t look too much older.

“The operation was a great success and I’ll be sure to reward you two for your efforts.”

“We’ll hold you to it.” The group then laughed together creating a harmonious atmosphere. It’d take a couple days at least to catalogue the worth of all the items held in Adam’s vault so Frost and Maya would have to wait that long to get their rewards which were sure to be more than generous, but more importantly they needed to contact Sebastian.

“How do we get in contact with the merchant guild leader Sebastian?” Frost asked eager to become fully responsible for the two children by his side and finally hear their actual voices instead of grunts and moans.

“We can call him with the manor’s communication device, his number is one of the ones paired along with Bastion’s, Ryuu’s and the other important officials. Follow me.” Leo led the group upstairs to the third and highest floor in the manor, the room was once Douglas’s office and used to be the busiest and most used room in the entire manor. Now however it was empty and filled with dust.

With the master of house indisposed, this room was no longer needed so it was abandoned.

“Please forgive the mess.” Leo apologised before making his way towards a crystal ball that was the only thing in the room that was clean. It was on a special looking jade pedestal with a single chair for the user.

Communication magic devices came in all sorts of sizes and materials, but the best were all similar to the one in Douglas’s office, made of special crystal allowing for not only audio but also video. Such devices weren’t exactly rare due to the high demand, but they were expensive.

Leo sat down in front of the crystal ball and touched it with his fingers causing a screen to be displayed above the ball which reminded Frost of his dungeon core’s menu.

“Right let’s see Sebastian, Sebastian ah here it is.” Leo scrolled down the menu, which was basically a list of contacts, other than calling the device also allowed the user to leave messages but such a delicate issue needed to be discussed in real time.

Ring ring

The crystal gave of ringing sound as it tried to contact Sebastian’s communication device. They just needed to wait until he picked up. Luckily, they didn’t have to wait long, after a few rings the opposing side answered.

“Little Leo I’ve been expecting your call.” A deep elegant voice spoke, and the image of an old well kept man appeared within the crystal. He was smiling and fully dressed even at such an early time. Sebastian knew of the operation taking place and was too nervous to sleep, even with his aged body he forced himself to remain awake and ready to perform any duties that Leo required of him.

The moment he received Leo’s call he was filled with joy and a heavy weight was relieved from his chest. If Leo failed, Adam would be the one in complete control within the territory, which wouldn’t have boded well for him. His gamble paid off.

“Greetings uncle Sebastian, thank you for all your help, Adam is no more.” Leo bowed his head in thanks before going on to explain the reason for his call, he wouldn’t be calling at this time just to give thanks after all.

“I have a delicate issue that requires your personal assistance, are you free at all, time is of the essence.” Leo spoke seriously, relaying their need. The sooner they acted the sooner the kids would be able to relax, no longer having to suffer their wills and souls being gradually snuffed out.

“I’ll be over immediately.” Sebastian hung up the call and got ready to leave immediately.

Leo was surprised, not expecting such a prompt response.

‘I didn’t even tell him what it was about.’ Leo smiled and once again felt the warmth of being able to rely upon his seniors.

“Well, that went well, given his response Sebastian should be here within the hour how about we eat something while we wait, I for one am starving.” With perfect timing, Leo’s stomach rumbled as proof and in response the two children’s stomachs rumbled as well causing a few giggles from Luna and Maya.

“Sounds good” Frost ruffled the children’s hair with affection.

Frost then along with the children were led to the dining room where they had that very tasty feast the night before. Although given the time the food wouldn’t quite so lavish Leo didn’t spare any expense, the chefs and servants quickly brought out many meals perfect for breakfast.

Bowls of fresh fruit, pancakes with multiple toppings, toast, cheeses, cereal made from wheat with sugar dustings and many others. The two kids had never seen such delights and couldn’t help themselves from salivating as the dining table was filled. They leaned over desperate to dig in, but they couldn’t thanks to the effects of the slave tattoos. They required permission but they couldn’t even request it.

Seeing the problem Frost spoke out, he was their soon to be master therefore it was his responsibility.

“Don’t hold back, dig in.” He waved his hand over the dishes; he too was eager to dig in but needed to maintain a sense of decorum in front of the children.

With Frost’s permission the two kid’s eyes literally shined before they started digging in with relish, shovelling handfuls of food into the mouths bringing smiles to those present, even the servants waiting on them couldn’t help but smile at the sight.

Frost followed after them fairly quickly but with better manners.

‘Oh, this is really nice.’ He started with some of the fresh fruits and found them to be really sweet and juicy. Another thing he’d have to look into for his dungeon.

Around 45 minutes later once they were all finishing up, a servant came up to Leo and gave him a message.

“Sir Sebastian has arrived young master and is waiting in the second reception room.”

“Perfect, tell him we’ll be right there.”

“Understood sir,” the servant then bowed before leaving the room.

“Frost-senpai, Sebastian’s arrived.” Leo spoke to Frost who at this moment was wiping the faces of the two kids with a napkin a servant handed him. They managed to get covered in fruit juice and other bits of food due to using their hands, so he was cleaning them up like any good father. His actions caused all the females in the room to gaze at him dreamily, nothing more attractive than a handsome and young caring father, Luna was no exception, but she occasionally overlapped Frost’s likeness with Leo’s causing her to blush.

“Great, ok you two let’s go deal with this issue of ours.” He finished wiping their cheeks and they responded with happy grunts and nodding.

Leo then led them all towards the 2nd reception room where Sebastian was waiting. Maya had to cede her usual position of being glued to Frost’s arm, but she was more than willing. She held the hand of the young girl whereas Frost held the hand of the young boy. Frost and she were walking on the outside like a pair of young parents, it was a blissful moment and satisfied another urge that Maya had, her motherly instincts. Of course, they weren’t exactly a family, and the two children would most likely not be treated like their kids when they reached the dungeon but for now it was acceptable and quite enjoyable.

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