Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 291: Battle For The World Tree 3

Chapter 291: Battle For The World Tree 3

Drake unplugged his ears. Looking at the aftermath of Damian’s mecha blast? Particle Beam? Rail Gun?

He looked to the side of the huge mechanical monster, a still smoking shell sizzling on the ground.

Drake wasn’t sure what to call it other than pure destructive force that might rival his own magic.

Letting out a long whistle he gazed at the still smoldering remains of the wall, area, and the hole taking a large chunk out of the World Tree in the distance.

“That was some crazy- No way,” Drake scoffed, looking at the Tree, “It’s regenerating? Seriously?”

The cockpit’s cover cracked and swung open with a puff of air and a hiss, Damian’s music blaring.

“Got damn it! And here I thought I one-shotted the thing.”

“You got more of those in you? Was that a skill?” Drake asked.

“Naw, I can’t be doin’ another of those. Cooldowns too long and I ain’t trying to lose my whole Monster Core Stock in one fight. I’ll stay here and chill for now. I’ll let you and Leon handle the rest dawg.”

Leon scoffed, “He said he’d let us deal with it,” he began laughing, “Dude never changes huh? You remember when he started that server wide guild war, then left us to clean it up?”

Drake shook his head, “Depends. Which time are we talking about? Wow-fi never could keep his mouth shut.”

Damian waved them on like he was shooing cats. The rest of their small group, Aralleen and her guards standing in awe of the destructive force just displayed to them.

“Oi… Princess. Anyone still there?” Drake hollered, tapping on her shoulder.

Aralleen snapped to attention, shaking her head.

“I-I’m present! What exactly was that beam of light!?”

“Don’t go getting surprised just yet, you still need to point us in the direction of Valor. And did you want to give up on saving as many people as you could? Or are you going to just stand there?” Drake asked.

Aralleen’s brows furrowed, “I will not! Valor will be close to the Tree’s base, of that I am sure. It offers the greatest protection and he will not be willing to leave it,” she fell to one knee and placed a hand over her chest, “Allow me to once again speak to my people. I swear I will change their hearts and see the error of standing with a man such as Valor.”

Drake scratched at the back of his head, not sure how to handle such a formal request.

“Ah… And I thought the way Sarah asked for things put me on edge… Come on, get up. No need for that,” he sighed, holding out a hand, “We already decided to do this. There’s no reason you need to ask to save people. Not from me at least. Go on, go do your best Princess.”

Araleen’s eyes shot up and stared at Drake for a long moment, before beginning to shake. Her head dipped covering her eyes as she took his hand and stood.

“I will leave the World Tree to you, Lord Wallen. I wish you victory.”

Drake waved his hand back and forth dismissively, “Don’t worry about me. Just focus on your task and get as many people out as fast as you can. I can’t guarantee Leon and I won’t blow this place up with the Tree.”


“Why are you saying I'm going to do it? You’re the one always messing up and changing plans,” Leon scoffed.

Drake ignored him, “Off you go,” he pointed to his wrist, “Time’s ticking.”

Aralleen nodded and turned to her guards, “Let us be swift! Recover as many people within the walls as possible! This is a royal order!”

Cheers and shouts rang out as the guards raised arms and weapons into the air before speeding off into the opening created by Damian.

Once they were gone, Drake turned to Leon.

“So, you want the Tree or the Evil Elf Overlord?”


“Have any reinforcements arrived yet?!”

Valor shrieked at the standing guard.

“No, my Lord. We have had no contact through any of the long-range communication crystals…”

“Useless!” Valor growled, “No matter! They only brought less than fifty soldiers, it would be inconceivable that they could penetrate the walls, let alone the World Tree’s barrier…”

Valor rubbed the top of one the arms of his chair nervously.

Only a fool would come here with no army! That lowly human was barking like some mad dog in the summit! There is no possible way he could… Valor thought but the scene of Drake breaking through the system protection to get to his brother flashed in his mind, sending a chill down his spine.

He tapped anxiously against the wood that made up his throne under the World Tree impatiently.

“Is there any news from the wall?!” he finally shouted.

“They are reporting that the Princess and a small force has taken up position outside the West wall, my Lord.”

Valor slammed his fist against the armchair, “Then have them dispatch them! I will not waste time allowing them to come closer to the city!”

“My Lord! It seems one of the members of Princess Aralleen’s group is preparing to breach the wall!”


“He appears to be inside a siege weapon we have never encountered before.”

“Well, take it down!” Valor shouted, then scoffed to himself, “A single siege weapon couldn’t possibly-”

The next moment a deafening cry shouted out, a bright white haze filled the room removing any shadow and any sound from the area.

Valor tried to shield his eyes only to fail as the intense light would not be ignored.

He took in a sharp breath, his ears ringing, and his body suddenly filled with irreparable dread.

The light dissipated quickly leaving his eyes unfocused and the sounds around him still muted, as he attempted to scream for someone to figure out what had just happened.

Throwing out his arm to point at the silhouette of one of the guards, he saw how feverishly his arm was shaking. He gripped it, trying to still the shaking with his other arm only to find the dread that was pooling deep in his stomach thicken as his arms continued to quiver uncontrollably.

The muted ringing finally began to clear in his ears, the room coming back into focus and he could hear his voice once again.

“What just happened! Where did that blast come from?! What are the soldiers on the wall doing!!!”

Valor’s head was now on a swivel, trying to assess the surroundings. For some reason none of the elite guards posted to protect him and the World Tree were responding.

“Answer me damn it!!” he shouted once more into the clouded area filled with dust and debris.

“Now that’s no way to speak to guests.”

A voice came from the opening in the room still draped in gray clouds.

The sound of crunching wood from the room’s entrance filled Valor’s ears. Slow and methodical. As if the person, no, people, were taking a casual stroll.

Infuriated Valor screamed, “What are you all doing standing there!!?! They are intruders! Take them!”

A desperate cry came from the surrounding guards as a shrill scream through the clouded room. However, in the next moment, the dust and dirt was blown away and every outline that Valor could see previously was lying dead on the floor.

Only two figures remained upright. One he knew very well, the other, made him feel as if he had turned into a small mouse. Cornered and waiting to be turned into a meal.

“D-Drake Wallen… Bastard…! H-how is it possible?! How did you get past the gate, the protection of the World Tree!”

The beastman next to Drake scoffed, placing a blood tipped white spear over his shoulders, yawning.

“That was barely even a light stretch… I guess I should’ve picked the Tree…”

“Now, now. Don’t go pouting when I gave you first pick.”

Valor’s face reddened. Never once had he been so ignored. Pulling his staff from his inventory, he raised to his feet.

That which gives life also takes it! Life Tether!”

A vibrant green magic circle formed at Valor’s feet, vines budding to life from the floor beneath and shooting forward.

Valor aimed for Drake with the points of the vines, but that was his mistake.

Drake’s hand rose, covered in golden light as he snatched the vines out of the air as easily as picking a fruit from a branch. Meanwhile the beastman vanished.

And before Valor was able to utter another word he was on the ground, searing pain in his shoulder, above him the beastman, sneering down.

“Bad move, chump. Looks like you’re just another level inflated bum…”

Valor looked to the side seeing the white spear now pinning his shoulder to the ground. He tried to struggle but the aching pain from the wound quickly smothered any will to resist physically.

“You won’t get away with this! My allies will come! I have already sent word to them, they will be here soon. If you leave now, I will spare your lives-”

No one is coming for you,” a voice told him coldly out of view, “But if they do decide to show up, that’s better for us. I’ll get rid of you and whoever else is dumb enough to back a slaver. A worthless ruler willing to sell his own people out for empty strength and promises of power.”

Valor tried to angle his head to see the owner of the voice despite knowing them.

“I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you and that little bitch Princess!”

Valor suddenly felt a lead weight drop on his chest, knocking the air out of him and then he saw crystal blue eyes eerily staring back at him.

I’d like to see you try,” Drake leered.

Feeling what seemed like the weight of the world on his chest, Valor’s mouth finally snapped shut, a warm liquid pooling at his legs.

Drake gave a sharp exhale of disgust, “Unlink or remove yourself as owner of the World Tree. If you do, I won't have to level this whole city. Do at least one good thing for this city in your last moments-”

“Ha!” Valor stammered, “D-D-Do not wish to dirty your hands with killing more people?! I have worked my entire life to be where I am, you will have to take that Tree from my cold dead hands!”

Leon scraped his spear from the ground, lifting Valor into the air. Placing his hand out, Drake offered Leon another spear.

“W-what are you doing?” Valor winced.

“Captain has to go down with the ship right?” Leon stated evenly, walking back over to the throne made of vines.

Drake pointed his hand upwards, blowing a hole into the roof of the building, the sky a shade of red now that the setting sun was falling. In the edges of the hole, branches and vines of the World Tree swayed gently in the breeze.

“It isn’t the best view,” Drake said, “But at least you’ll be able to see what’s coming.”

“See what is coming?” Valor parrotted.

“Why, the end of your city. It’s only fitting I give you the best seat in the house, right? You did so much to deserve it after all.”

Drake nodded to Leon. Leon threw Valor to the throne as he landed with a pained grunt, only to scream out in pain once more as a spear was thrusted into his lower abdomen. The spear pinned him to the throne, a wound that would have easily killed him before the system, but now with Valor’s stats, although inflated, allowed him to survive.

Valor looked up from the spear, gripping it in bloody hands, struggling to release himself. Only to see Drake staring back at him, his visage surrounded by several rotating elements, filling the room with a density of mana Valor had never felt before.

“A Tree has been a symbol of life. It’s only fair I use something that has wiped out all life on this planet to destroy it.”

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