
Chapter 41: Revealing Freya’s Secret [1]

Chapter 41: Revealing Freya's Secret [1]

Noah's POV:

"What the?!" I let panicked.

Amidst the chaos, my eyes absorbed an extraordinary sight. A gargantuan frog-like creature leapt from above, his landing aimed directly at the very spot where I stood.

It was none other than Bulf Frog, an (F+) ranked monster.

Monsters were very different in terms of their existence—some indifferent to us, some actively hunted. It was a reality where sometimes the deadliest had no direct ill intentions towards humans, but their sheer size and lack of awareness wreaked havoc, instigating a chain of violence between the hunters and the hunted.

But here we are, confronted by the Bulf Frog. Its physical attacks were not particularly harmful, but its most power lay in its defense and weight.

And right now, it was aiming that weight to crush us beneath it.

"Kyaaak!!" Anastasia screamed, her voice pierced through the chaos.

But, just as the bulf frog began its descent, a strange thing happened.

An almost transparent barrier of ice materialized, forming a protective shield above our heads.

The creature crashed into the ice dome, its colossal weight left visible cracks in the protective barrier.

"Destructive Rush!" A cry erupted from my left, piercing through the air.

My gaze swiftly shifted towards Aeravat, his hands raised high, one emanating a radiant blue glow while the other began to coalesce a violet beam.

??????????????!— A sharp sound accompanied the release of the beam, forcefully shattering the ice cage and hurtling the massive frog away from us.

The creature crashed onto the ground, a mere two meters away from us.

"Take your positions!" Aeravat ordered, his authoritative voice cutting through the chaos.

With a swift maneuver, he launched himself in the air using a makeshift stage of ice, allowing a cascade of flames in his legs to amplify his leap as he went into action.

Midway in his ascent, he launched a glowing ice ball, its path intersecting with the trajectory of his right hand, which skillfully weilded a curved and deadly sword. A talwar.

With the combined efforts of the entire main cast and the rest of the class, it didn't take long for us to end the bulf frog.

The now lifeless creature lay motionless just a few feet away from me.

[Uncatalogued DNA detected!]

Nano's mechanical voice rang in my head.

"Uncata- what?"

[The first generation of Nanobots was specifically designed to catalog DNA samples from a vast array of living organisms. This comprehensive collection contains 8.7 million DNA samples, including some samples of extraterrestrial fungi and bacteria which have not yet been discovered on Earth.]

[Should I acquire the DNA sample?]

Nano asked, its instructions appearing in my augmented vision.

Hesitated a bit but nevertheless, I agreed, extending my hand to touch the lifeless body of the bulf frog.

[Processing...DNA sample acquired]

Nano's response echoed in my mind, and I reunited with the rest of the group.

But a veil of confusion enveloped me. 'Why was Nano really created?'

Questions danced on my mind, eager for answers, but I knew now was not the moment to seek them.

And besides... if Nano is what I really think it is, then confronting it directly is not an option. Atleast not yet.

My grandfather, my father... there is a lot more to this story then I initially believed. One of the few things I need to keep in my mind.


"Alright, everybody, set up your tents," Aeravat instructed. "As always, the guards will take the outskirts of the area, while the mages will be stationed inside."

Following Aeravat's command, we began setting up our tents.

The location had been thoroughly checked for traps, and all the monsters in the vicinity had already been eliminated.

Of course, we had lost some students along the way, but who gives a shit? Atleast not me.

My group was advised to stick closely with the rest of Class A1, as we accidentally found ourselves together, and I gladly complied.

Apparently, Aeravat had implemented a separate group structure formation, where a certain number of students would be assigned to venture out and search for the location of the dungeon while the rest remained behind, some as patrolling guards.

The last team that had scouted the dungeon entrance was led by Lucas Armstone, and he was asked to stay behind while a new team was formed.

With the thought of putting my plan into action, I rose from the campfire and made my way towards Lucas.

'It's time to set the trap for that bitch.'


Aurora's POV(Point of View):

?????????? ??????????!

As I rested against the crackling campfire, its light eneveloped my fatigued self with warmth.

I was lost in thought of the toll these dungeon trials had on us.

Weakness cloaked my body, but sleep remained a constant visitor.

Surrendering to fatigue, I reclined and exhaled a sigh.

"This dungeon trial... it truly push us beyond our limits, don't they?" A voice broke the silence, and instantly, I recognized it as Emily's.

Emily drew closer to the fire, her face a glow. "But do you know who never ceases to amaze me? Aeravat."

"Right. Here we are, engaged in relentless battles through these jungly terrains, surrounded by monsters and what not while that guy, is in his own world. Using spells after spells, does he not get tired?"

Normaly, the continuous spellcasting that Aeravat does on the melee would leave even the most skilled people exhausted, not due to a lack of ability, but to the inherent limitations of one's mana reserves.

But Aeravat defied all norms, his spells and incantations were relentlessly, as if his well of mana was limitless.

Emily watched the figure of Takahashi, who was going somewhere. "I do believe some souls are simply blessed with innate talents", she whispered, "Just like him."

Her words stirred a dormant curiosity in me, making my brow to furrow. "It is true. But don't you sense anything strange about Takahashi lately?"

"Now that you mention it, there is something off about him lately."

I leaned closer, my senses attuned to every syllable that she was saying.

"There is a wishper going around that there is friction between Takahashi and Aeravat lately."

"Friction, you say? How unexpected."

Emily nodded, "Aeravat dislikes Takahashi's methods, deeming them too unpredictable or even reckless. Their clash of ideologies is causing the tension."

"True... "I replied.


Suddenly, a thunderous sound shattered the silence.

"What in the world was that?!" I shouted, my gaze darting towards Emily. No words were exchanged, our mutual understanding propelled us into swift action.

With a sense of urgency, we hastened towards the source of the explosion.

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