Dr. Jiang Is Pregnant With His Nemesis’s Child

Chapter 39:

Shen Fangyu accompanied the two elders to the station.

In the bustling station, Shen Fangyu helped to take down the suitcases and bags of presents, and sent them to the station entrance.

Jiang's mother, who had been reluctant to part on the road, held her son's hand, as if she had something to say. Jiang's father was watching. After a long while, he suddenly patted Shen Fangyu's shoulder, motioning him to step aside.

Jiang Xu took a look, and Mother Jiang said, "Your father has something to say to him." She paused and said, "I also have something to say to you?"

"What's the matter, Mom?"

Mother Jiang glanced into the distance, then looked away, and said slowly, "When your father woke up last night, he saw Xiao Shen standing alone on the balcony. I don't know what he was thinking."

She sighed, "It was one or two o'clock at that time. We thought about it. He had something on his mind. He was a good person. Life was full of ups and downs. It was hard to avoid feeling uncomfortable in his heart. Xiao Shen is a real person. Since you live in Together, you have to take care of him more."

Jiang Xu: "..."

Shen Fangyu must have been so frightened by horror movies that he couldn't sleep.

Even though he thought so in his heart, Jiang Xu nodded cooperatively on the surface, and then he heard Jiang's mother say: "Look at Xiao Shen, the wife is gone, the money is gone, if there is no child, how can I live?" Go on, fortunately he still has a daughter, you always say that you are busy with work and don't have time to fall in love, but you see Xiao Shen is the same age as you, and they are both married and have children."

She patted Jiang Xu's hand, "So you still have to learn from others, find someone to settle down earlier, and have a child, and there is also some sustenance."

Jiang Xu's forehead was full of black lines.

Learn from Shen Fangyu?

What to learn?

Shen Fangyu's so-called child is still in his stomach.

He took a deep breath, knowing that he couldn't reveal it at this time, he barely stabilized his emotions, and said "hmm" to Mother Jiang.

His attitude surprised Jiang's mother. After trying to persuade him so many times before, he never got good feedback. He didn't expect that Jiang Xu's attitude would change so quickly when Shen Fangyu was mentioned this time.

Sure enough, there must be someone of the same age by his side to set off.

After saying goodbye to the two, Jiang Xu saw Shen Fangyu standing beside him from the corner of his eyes, and asked, "What did my dad just tell you?"

"On the surface, he encouraged me to not be overwhelmed by the short-term setbacks in life. He also asked if he would help me find a second marriage partner. Secretly..."

He glanced at Jiang Xu, "Your parents asked me to listen to you more, and let you get married early and have a child so that they can hold a grandson."


Shen Fangyu wasn't just listening to it, he had already put it into action.

Jiang Xu was inexplicably depressed.

Shen Fangyu took out a red envelope from his pocket and stuffed it into Jiang Xu's bag, "Your father insisted on giving it to me, but I dare not accept this red envelope." He said, "If your father knows that what we said that day is all false, Knowing that the two of us have a child, it is estimated that ten orthopedic specialists will not be able to use it."

"What are you doing on the balcony at night?" Jiang Xu asked suddenly.

Shen Fangyu's eyes flickered, and he paused for a while inexplicably, before saying, "Blow."

"not cold?"


As he was talking, he suddenly turned his head and sneezed. Jiang Xu stepped aside vigilantly, and Shen Fangyu immediately coughed twice.

"It's over," he quickly bought a mask and put it on, and handed another one to Jiang Xu, "I don't really have a cold, do I?"

Jiang Xu silently distanced himself from him, raised his eyebrows slightly, and repeated Shen Fangyu's outrageous remarks that day: "You will never catch a cold?"

As the saying goes, the flag is used to overturn the car. Shen Fangyu, who hadn't caught a cold for more than ten years, fell ill and had a high fever of 40 degrees. He was so frightened that the hospital leader who had been dawdling in approving leave immediately gave him approval. Leave a note.

After the fever subsided in the hospital, Shen Fangyu was afraid of infecting Jiang Xu, so he moved back to his own home to recuperate. Jiang Xu originally disapproved of him recuperating at home alone, but now that he is pregnant with a child, he is in a special situation and really dare not take risks, so He hired a nurse for Shen Fangyu.

The nurse took him as his boss, and sent him text messages every day to report Shen Fangyu's every word and deed, and even clocked in at a fixed time every day to send him a picture of Shen Fangyu.

At 5:57 p.m., Jiang Xu was eating dinner in the rest area of ​​the operating room. While eating, he was looking at his mobile phone. Wu Rui beside him teased him, "Jiang Xu, what are you looking at, girlfriend news?"

The fact that Yu Xin came to the office to deliver meals that day had already spread throughout the department because of Yu Sang's loudspeaker, and he always thought that Jiang Xu was dating the girl who delivered meals before, "When will you and your girlfriend have drinks? Shall we go to have fun too?"

Jiang Xu skimmed the first question without a trace, "What girlfriend?"

"It's the one that delivered you food last time," Wu Rui asked, "Isn't it your girlfriend?"

Jiang Xu shook his head.

"I thought she was your girlfriend, so I'm happy for you for nothing." After Wu Rui finished speaking, he remembered something and joked, "Shen Fangyu is angry for nothing."

"Shen Fangyu?"

"Yu Sang said that he told Shen Fangyu that your girlfriend was here, and his expression changed instantly. If he didn't know that you two have a bad relationship, I would doubt whether he likes you."

Wu Rui joked: "Before you chased Zhong Lan, and he immediately chased Zhong Lan, I thought it was quite evil. Shen Fangyu is good with everyone in the department, but he likes to chat with you, just like the brat in elementary school, who only loves you. Like grabbing the braids of the little girl you like."

Jiang Xu: "..."

What's going on recently, first his parents thought he and Shen Fangyu were in a relationship, and now Wu Rui suddenly suspected that Shen Fangyu liked him.

For a moment, he didn't know whether to complain about Wu Rui's outrageous metaphor first, or to agree that he also felt that Shen Fangyu was childish.

But he knew that Wu Rui was just joking, he didn't really think so, if he really had this kind of thought, he wouldn't say it, but Jiang Xu still couldn't help asking: "The relationship between me and him seems very okay?"

"That's not true," Wu Rui commented seriously, "The relationship between the two of you is not good no matter what you look at."

Jiang Xu nodded reassuringly, and turned his eyes back to the phone. It was one past six, and the nurse hadn't sent him a message yet. He frowned slightly. He used to post on time at six o'clock.

He was about to type to ask, when suddenly a video call popped up, Jiang Xu slid his hand and pressed answer, before Jiang Xu could respond, Shen Fangyu's face appeared on the screen, and a familiar voice said, "Let you see I."

Wu Rui who witnessed everything: "?"

Jiang Xu quickly hung up the video, glanced at Wu Rui, pointed to the phone and said, "He made a mistake, we don't know each other well."

The caring elder brother Wu Rui nodded cooperatively, and passed him a step, "Maybe there are some things I want to talk to you about at work."

"We really don't know each other well," Jiang Xu said.

"Well," Wu Rui said, "Not familiar, not familiar."

However, before he could finish the word "familiar", Shen Fangyu called again. Jiang Xu hung up the phone expressionlessly, and took a mouthful of food viciously under Wu Rui's meaningful gaze.

-Jiang Xu: Stop hitting, I have something to say in the operating room.

-Shen Fangyu: It's nothing. I'm just asking if you feel unwell. I haven't been sleeping well for the past two days, and I'm afraid I'll infect you.

Seeing the string of messages sent by Shen Fangyu, Jiang Xu suddenly regretted hanging up the phone just now.

He typed delicately:

-are you feeling better?

-It's much better. I think I'll be able to go to work in two days. I'm not afraid that you are thinking about playing video because you are worried.

Jiang Xu paused with his fingertips.

-I didn't ask the nurse to send me the photo.

-I know, I asked her to post it so that you can appreciate my heroic appearance.

Jiang Xu pursed his lips.

- nobody wants to admire.

- You don't want to admire, my daughter wants to appreciate.

Shen Fangyu shamelessly used his daughter to make amends, and then started to complain to Jiang Xu:

-The nurse you hired is too much. I asked her how you are and whether you have been infected. She said that you are the one who pays her wages. She can only tell you about my situation, not yours.

When Jiang Xu saw the news, he called the conscientious nurse and told her that he could just tell him what Shen Fangyu asked in the future. When he cut back, he saw Shen Fangyu sent a message:

- Good news for you, I won the fund! I wanted to howl twice like last year, but no one listened. /dog cries

...Have he and Shen Fangyu become familiar enough to make expressions other than minion?

Jiang Xu replied with an "oh", and felt a little indifferent again. After thinking about it, he picked out a picture of touching a skull from the emoji package.

touch the head.jpg

After waiting for a while, there was no reply from the other side. Jiang Xu pursed his lips. According to social etiquette, shouldn't Shen Fangyu ask him if he has won the fund?

He was inexplicably unhappy, his eyes subconsciously stopped on the last message sent by Shen Fangyu, read it back and forth twice, then he looked at the word "last year", and suddenly remembered something.

Last year they sat in the office to check the winning bid. Shen Fangyu has been shouting happily in the office since he found out: "I won, I won!"

The quarrel made Jiang Xu couldn't help saying, "Are you Fan Jinzhongju?"

Only Jiang Xu and Shen Fangyu applied for that level of fund in the entire office. Wu Rui listened to it, looked at Jiang Xu who hadn't found the result, and teased Shen Fangyu with a smile: "You are not afraid that Dr. Jiang did not apply, turn around Come to fight with you?"

"That's impossible," Shen Fangyu said, "If I can hit it, Jiang Xu will definitely hit it."

The moment the voice fell, Jiang Xu found out his own result.

winning the bid.

Jiang Xu looked at the dialog box where there was still no new news, and seemed to suddenly understand why Shen Fangyu didn't ask him. Shen Fangyu felt that they were equal in ability, so when he applied, it was only natural that Jiang Xu would also apply.

In fact, Jiang Xu wanted to refute that this kind of thing also requires a certain amount of luck, but it is true that whether it was the last time or this time, he and Shen Fangyu both applied at the same time, and the year before last, they also failed to apply together.

I can't tell whether it's because their strengths are really evenly matched to such an accurate level, or it's because of fate.

I don't know if it was because of Shen Fangyu's extra words today, but when Jiang Xu came home from work, he suddenly felt a little dull at home.

Although when Shen Fangyu was around, they didn't have a lot of conversations, but now Jiang Xu just felt a little too quiet for no reason, and even felt that the house was empty.

A few days ago Shen Fangyu was not there, Jiang Xu didn't feel anything, at most it was a little unaccustomed to waking up with cramps at night. However, during this period of time, Shen Fangyu kept reminding him to take calcium supplements, so the number of such situations has decreased a lot.

Jiang Xu thought it might be the hormonal changes of pregnancy that made him emotionally unstable. He turned on the stereo, and he didn't feel better until the singing sounded through the whole room. I also felt some inexplicable emotions hovering in my heart.

It was a bit strange, Jiang Xu felt that he seemed to miss Shen Fangyu a little bit.

This feeling is like the idea of ​​Jiang Xu, who was the last one to leave, when the students in the same dormitory returned to his hometown during the holidays when he was in college.

But there seems to be something more than that emotion.

This cognition made Jiang Xu feel a little fresh, but also a little inexplicable.

I don't know if it was because of Dr. Jiang's reading, but Shen Fangyu returned to the hospital faster than expected. When he came out of the outpatient department, Jiang Xu heard that Shen Fangyu was back. Obviously, the illness did not affect Shen Fangyu's energy at all. There were bursts of talking and laughing at the door of the office.

The male voice Jiang Xu was very familiar with, but the female voice was a little strange.

He paused, and Wu Rui suddenly appeared from behind him, "What are you doing here, go in?"

Jiang Xu: "..."

"Jiang Xu?" Shen Fangyu, who was chatting with someone, had a smile on his brow. Hearing Wu Rui's voice, he raised his eyes and met Jiang Xu's eyes.

Jiang Xu nodded to him, and sat back in his seat. Wu Rui saw the woman beside Shen Fangyu and said with a smile, "This is it?"

Not far away, Jiang Xu, who was flipping through the medical records, unconsciously rubbed the margins.

"Miss Guo from the administration department." There were many people in the administration department, and Shen Fangyu explained with a smile, "She was the one who issued the fine for me and Jiang Xu."

Jiang Xu threw aside the ravaged medical records without a trace.

After hearing the words, Miss Guo also teased Wu Rui and introduced herself: "Guo Xue in the Administration Department, Dr. Wu is too disciplined and law-abiding, and has never seen me before."

"Hello, hello," Wu Rui shook hands with her, "I can see that I'm older than you, so I won't call you Miss Guo," he said with a smile, "Why, the administrative office has something to do with us?"

Guo Xue pointed to the desk calendar and notebook on the table, "I heard that Dr. Yu Sang has been promoted to attending, and I will send him warmth on behalf of the administrative department," she said, and took out a leaflet, "There is a new Task, our hospital is going to hold the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, which will be rotated according to the department, and it's time for your department to produce a show this year."

The Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is an old tradition of Jihua. It is held every year. It is said that it is to show the spirit of contemporary doctors. In fact, it is mainly to deal with the leaders. The audience attending the party can fill up the front row at most, and most of them are relatives and friends of the leaders.

The medical and nursing work is busy, and it is difficult to find time to go to the party, let alone the program. It is the administrative department who communicated with each department for a long time, and finally came up with a rotation system, with several departments every year.

When Guo Xue said this, Wu Rui, who was still gossiping just now, immediately sat back at his workstation and straightened his back, staring at the computer with piercing eyes, as if he could see the flowers in the medical records. Don't look like me.

Relying on his familiarity with Guo Xue, Shen Fangyu would not arrange for him to be on the show, so he picked up the flyer and looked at it without thinking about the excitement.

The administrative department is full of talents, and the leaflet is very beautiful, with dark blue folds and gold letters, the background is Jihua in the night, and a golden full moon shines on the hospital building that is still brightly lit at night. Surrounded by clouds.

It's a pity that the winking eyes are thrown to the blind, and no one is willing to go to the party at all.

Shen Fangyu's eyes fell on the large characters on the title page, "Mid-Autumn Moon Full Moon·Inheritance of Medicine?" He said, "How can I remember that it was also on this theme a few years ago."

"This theme is the most innovative, so we reuse it," Guo Xue explained, "I think the program Director Cui ordered for you is quite new."

"Us?" Shen Fangyu, who ate melons and ate himself, was stunned, "Teacher Cui wants me to act in a show?"

"Yes," Guo Xue didn't care about the friendship between the two, "I just went to ask Director Cui what program your department is putting on, and she asked you and Dr. Jiang to sing the theme song of The Legend of the White Lady. Isn't Xu Xian also a doctor, how fresh. Don't tell me, although Director Cui is old, his thinking is quite trendy, and I can't even think of such an interesting program."

Shen Fangyu's face was ashen, he couldn't listen to Guo Xue's compliment to Director Cui, "Is there any teacher who deceives students like this?" He looked desperate, "Is this reasonable?"

"Unreasonable," Jiang Xu stood up straight away, "I'll talk to Teacher Cui."

A pair of treasured knives from the obstetrics and gynecology department appeared in the same frame again in Director Cui's office, and the latter slowly flipped through the newspaper, "Oh, young people need to show themselves more, why is such a handsome guy hiding in the department all day long?" .”

"Teacher Cui, I really can't do it," Jiang Xu said, "I have to have an operation."

"The party doesn't start until eight o'clock in the evening, and it's still Sunday. You can skip one operation that day. Let Lao Xue do it, and I'll call him."

Lao Xue is another deputy chief physician in the department. He is very kind, but because he is 20 or 30 years older than Jiang Xu and the others, he is not very familiar with them on weekdays.

"That's so embarrassing." Shen Fangyu knew very well that he and Jiang Xu were grasshoppers on the same rope at this moment, "Brother Xue is busy with his child studying abroad."

"It's been done, he's free now," Director Cui has a round face, not looking old, and he looks very kind when he smiles, "Old Xue is definitely willing to perform a program and an operation."

Jiang Xu was speechless for a while, then glanced at Shen Fangyu, suggesting that he should find a solution soon.

Shen Fangyu saw him smashed into the sand, turned around and changed his excuse, "Teacher Cui, we still have to come back for rounds."

"When the time comes, ask a student to go over there to watch the time. When the time comes, go to perform and come back to check the room after singing. It will only take ten minutes to go back and forth, so I won't delay you." Director Cui didn't give him any more The opportunity to talk, and even the time-saving strategy have been thought out for them.

"Teacher Cui, you also know that Jiang Xu and I have been at loggerheads." Shen Fangyu resorted to the final trump card, "I have no way to cooperate with him, nor do we have a tacit understanding."

"Didn't you all perform surgery together on Zhang Yun's case?" Director Cui said, "Singing a song together requires more tacit understanding than performing surgery on the same stage?"

Director Cui, who had been the vice president for many years, was obviously well versed in the art of conversation as a leader. Holding a thermos, he dismissed the excuses of the two doctors slowly.

"Okay, that's it for now. I'll go to see the party on the day of the party," Director Cui finished, and added a sweet date with a smile, and drew a big cake for the two of them: "When the Chinese New Year is coming, I will I’m going abroad to attend an international conference, if you perform well, I’ll apply to the dean and bring both of you.”

She said to Shen Fangyu: "If your performance is not good, then you have no chance." She glanced at Jiang Xu, and then said to Shen Fangyu: "If Jiang Xu's performance is not good, you will be fined not to go."

Shen Fangyu: "?"

"Whether Jiang Xu's performance is good or not is none of my business?" Shen Fangyu couldn't help but said, "It's strange that he cooperates with me."

Of course, Director Cui also knew that Jiang Xu was much more difficult to talk to than Shen Fangyu, otherwise she wouldn't be able to entrust Shen Fangyu with this difficult task.

It is rare for the department to have a program. She heard that the dean's daughter returned to China this year, and she was looking forward to the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

She had seen that girl when she was young, she was good-natured and pretty. Director Cui has always liked these two young and hard-working students. On the surface, he asked them to perform, but in fact, he wanted to sell his own students.

When people reach middle age, most people like to see young people in pairs, with both children, and Director Cui is no exception.

She has seen Jiang Xu and Shen Fangyu's hard work these years, and feels that it is a good thing for young people to work hard, but at the same time, she is also somewhat worried that the two of them will fight too hard in their careers and delay their lifelong events.

These two students are strong in ability and good in appearance, and the dean's daughter is also considered to be a beautiful woman, a golden boy and a beautiful girl. If the young people really see each other right, they will be more prosperous in their careers in the future.

But Director Cui, who is highly respected, can't make too much of her side that loves to protect the media. Besides, she knows that young people like to talk about the word love, and it is not good to arrange a blind date too deliberately. It is best to give them the opportunity to perform a show.

Furthermore, she also has the idea of ​​easing the relationship between the two of them through this matter. After all, they are in the same department. It is a good thing to fight when you are young. Old enemies are also not conducive to the unity of departments.

She wasn't worried about Shen Fangyu, at most she would complain a few words, but if she really arranged for him to perform, he wouldn't insist on refusing, and would save face for the teachers and leaders.

But Jiang Xu's personality is much more rigid, and he just doesn't do what he doesn't want to do, not to mention her as the deputy dean teacher, even if the dean of Jihua comes, he may not give face.

She couldn't understand the characters of these two students very well. Shen Fangyu was the pervasive water, and Jiang Xu was the stubborn rock that couldn't be moved.

But she wouldn't say these words to the two of them. Director Cui, with a kind eyebrow and kind face, finished what he had to say, and waved his hand lightly, "I'm going to the courtyard for a meeting, and I'm waiting for your good news."

Leaving the two standing still in place.

After a long time, Shen Fangyu said slowly, "Jiang Xu..."

"Are you familiar with Guo Xue?" Jiang Xu interrupted him suddenly.

"Ah?" Shen Fangyu was stunned, confused by Jiang Xu's 180-degree turn, "Yes." He wondered if there was something Jiang Xu wanted to ask Guo Xue to do, and added another sentence , "If you need to ask her for something, just tell me, and if I tell her, she will definitely help."

Jiang Xu glanced at him.

"The show..."


Jiang Xu interrupted Shen Fangyu expressionlessly, and walked away without showing any face.

"Hey Jiang Xu!"

Shen Fangyu looked at Jiang Xu's back and shouted.

Jiang Xu walked quickly and ignored him at all.

Shen Fangyu looked at Jiang Xu's back with his forehead full of lawsuits, wondering: "If you don't go, you won't go, why are you angry?"

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