Doomsday: I Become Invincible By Picking Up

Chapter 35

C35 – Blood Devouring Devil Art

The lightning bolt struck with such incredible speed that even Loong Chen struggled to react promptly.

Instinctively, he drew the Tyrannical Saber from its sheath on his back and swung it towards the incoming lightning.

Instantly, a pang of regret coursed through him as his blade made contact with the electric charge.

It dawned on him that the Tyrannical Saber, being made of metal, should have conducted electricity.

But by now, retracting the Tyrannical Saber was out of the question.

The lightning bolt collided with the blade, yet Loong Chen only felt a mighty impact without any numbing sensation.

“It seems it doesn’t conduct electricity!”

Loong Chen was astounded. The Tyrannical Saber Devil King’s weapon had always served him exceptionally well.

Until now, he had assumed that aside from its sharpness and durability, the Tyrannical Saber possessed no special attributes. However, it appeared that the material from which it was forged had unique properties—it did not conduct electricity.

But contemplation would have to wait. Since the Tyrannical Saber was non-conductive, the situation had suddenly become much more manageable.

“Evil creature, it’s my turn!”

Loong Chen said coldly.

In the next instant, his form blurred into an ephemeral image, and in an instant, he stood face-to-face with Lei Kui.

He brought down his saber, yet Lei Kui’s reaction time was swift; it hastily raised its head, causing its two iron horns to clash with the Tyrannical Saber.

Their collision produced a deafening explosion that resonated through the air, as if the very atmosphere had ruptured.

With this strike, Loong Chen unleashed the might of the fifth World Dominating.

Augmented by a sixfold increase in strength, Loong Chen’s attack was equivalent to at least a Level 3 force.

Layers of Qi waves erupted, pulverizing all the vegetation and trees in the vicinity.

Sensing the sheer power of Loong Chen’s blow, Lei Kui displayed a startled expression.

How could a mere human possess such incredible strength?

Furthermore, why was he impervious to the lightning’s effects?

Loong Chen delivered another punch, forcefully driving Lei Kui back several meters.

While Lei Kui was still in motion, Loong Chen pursued it relentlessly. He suddenly propelled himself into the air with a powerful leg push and swung his blade at the grounded Lei Kui.

Lei Kui hastily discharged a bolt of lightning, yet this time, Loong Chen chose not to use the Tyrannical Saber for defense.

He allowed it to hit his body.

The lightning struck Loong Chen’s chest, but the corner of Loong Chen’s mouth twitched slightly.

Under the defense of the Doomsday Armor, a mere bolt of lightning could not hurt him.

“Go to hell!”

Loong Chen shouted, and his body fell to the ground. The Tyrannical Saber’s blade fiercely hacked onto the Lei Kui’s back.

If the Lei Kui had not shifted its position in an emergency, Loong Chen would have cut off its neck. It could be seen that it had some intelligence.

Unfortunately, it could not escape death in the end.

“Earth Control, Extreme Gravity!”

Loong Chen made a prompt decision and used the Earth Domain’s gravity to suppress it.

The Lei Kui’s four limbs bent down. Its body was being suppressed by an extremely powerful force.

The wound on its back that had just been cut by Loong Chen burst out with blood due to the tremendous pressure.

It was like a fountain of blood.

In that critical moment, Lei Kui began to perceive the imminent threat to its existence, prompting it to lift its head skyward and unleash a furious roar, intensifying the crackling lightning enveloping its body.

An onslaught of lightning bolts erupted from Lei Kui’s form, instantly blanketing the surrounding area in a shroud of electrical fury.

Lei Kui was determined to mount a final stand, channeling every ounce of its strength to unleash its most potent attack.

Faced with this extensive lightning assault, even the protective Doomsday Armor that shielded Loong Chen seemed insufficient to withstand the onslaught.

Consequently, Loong Chen recognized the need to eliminate the threat before Lei Kui could unleash its ultimate assault.

In response, Loong Chen hurled the Tyrannical Saber toward Lei Kui.

The Tyrannical Saber wavered amidst the web of lightning, momentarily losing its course, but it was soon ensnared by an imperceptible force.

It was as though an unseen hand had seized the Tyrannical Saber, guiding it with precision toward the neck of Lei Kui, who struggled under the influence of gravity.

This manifestation of power was Loong Chen’s utilization of his Psychokinesis Superpower.

Paralyzed and unable to evade, Lei Kui could only bear witness as the Tyrannical Saber sliced into its neck.

The last image imprinted in its mind was that of its decapitated form, and then it succumbed to death.

Gazing upon the headless corpse of Lei Kui, Loong Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

He had, through sheer strength, vanquished a formidable mutated creature, a Level 3 entity that rivalled the might of a Level 4 being, one gifted with control over lightning.

“Picking up done! Obtained empirical value*5000.”

“Picking up done! Obtained strength attribute*150.”

“Picking up done! Obtained defense attribute*160.”

“Picking up done! Obtained speed attribute*120.”

“Picking up done! Obtained Level 3 Mid Rank energy essence*1.”

“Picking up done! Obtained Lightning Superpower Level 1.”

Loong Chen picked up all the attributes that dropped from the Lei Kui. He had obtained a lot of benefits.

Not only had he obtained a huge amount of empirical value and Level 3 energy essence, he had also obtained the Lightning Superpower.

This was a very powerful extraordinary talent!

Loong Chen sat cross-legged on the ground and swallowed the energy essence.

He could digest Level 3 Mid Rank energy essence.

Ten minutes later, Loong Chen opened his eyes. A bright light flashed in his eyes.

Strength: 9,258 / 100

Speed: 5,756 / 100

Agility: 6,469 100

Defense: 9053 / 100

Spirit: 5020 / 100

Skills: Master level Saber technique (0 / 3200), Cat Shadow Step Level 5, Earth Control Level 1 (0 / 16000), World Dominating Level 5, Psychokinesis Superpower Level 3 (0 / 4000), Trunch Technique Level 4 (0 / 4000), Lightning Superpower Level 1 (0 / 4000) 2,000

Empirical value: 8,630

Loong Chen looked at his personal information and nodded his head in satisfaction. Currently, all of his attributes had reached the Level 2 Evolver.

Especially his strength and defense attributes, which were not far away from the Level 2 Mid Rank.

“I have more than 8,000 empirical value. Let me level up my Trunch Technique first.”

Loong Chen thought to himself.

“I’ve utilized 4,000 empirical points from you to enhance the Trunch Technique to level 5.”

“I’ve observed that the Trunch Technique has successfully advanced to Level 5 and has concurrently unlocked the Blood Devouring Devil Arts.”

“The Blood Devouring Devil Arts allow you to assimilate the flesh and blood of others to enhance your Bloodline Power.”

Upon perusing the description of the Blood Devouring Devil Arts, Loong Chen was left in astonishment.

Bloodline was an enigmatic phenomenon residing within human bodies, yet it proved exceptionally challenging to comprehend.

Its intricacies even surpassed those of genetic makeup.

In light of humanity’s current comprehension of Bloodline Power, an individual’s potential and prospects were profoundly intertwined with it.

Some individuals possessed exceedingly feeble Bloodline Power, condemning them to a lifetime of never achieving significant evolution.

Even when they occupied the same rank, their combat prowess could only be considered middling.

Conversely, some people boasted exceedingly potent Bloodline Power, enabling them to attain the status of Grandmasters or even stronger Evolvers at a tender age.

It could be asserted that the strength of one’s Bloodline Power nearly dictated both their present circumstances and future prospects.

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