Doomsday: I Become Invincible By Picking Up

Chapter 184

C184 – Love

“Life Drain?”

Observing the supplemental ability within the Second Grade Law of Life, Loong Chen experienced a sudden rush of anticipation.

Initially, he harbored doubts regarding the efficacy of the Law of Life against adversaries, yet reality contradicted his assumptions.

Life Drain: Empowers the user to forcibly siphon the life force of adversaries for personal enrichment.

“It’s unfortunate that this ability holds no sway over zombies.”

Given that zombies inherently lacked life force, Life Drain proved ineffective against them.

Nonetheless, this ability remained advantageous against mutated beasts.

Following the aftermath of the corpse and beast tides, Loong Chen returned to the military encampment of the Flame Dragon Legion.

Just as he contemplated taking a brief respite, Lyi Jie unexpectedly approached.

“Loong Chen, the Commander want to see you.”


Loong Chen felt a twinge of surprise. The Commander held the highest rank within the army.

Yet, Loong Chen remained unfamiliar with this Commander. Why would they seek his audience?

“Presumably, it’s to commend your actions. Historically, the Dark Parliament doesn’t retreat so swiftly. This time, their withdrawal within a day is credited to you.”

“You single-handedly dispatched nearly a hundred thousand zombies and mutated beasts.”

Lyi Jie discerned Loong Chen’s uncertainty and provided clarification.

Simultaneously, he regarded Loong Chen with admiration.

Single-handedly altering the course of the battle was no small feat.

“Lead the way.”

Loong Chen assented. Since he was unharmed, he deemed it worthwhile to investigate.

Guided by Lyi Jie, they traversed the camp, arriving at the exterior of the largest tent.

Within the Flame Dragon Legion, whether they were Commanders, military officers, or common soldiers, all resided within the military encampment.

This aspect garnered some admiration from Loong Chen.

En route, Lyi Jie had already acquainted Loong Chen with the Flame Dragon Legion’s three Commanders.

The Flame Dragon Legion was overseen by three Commanders: one True Commander and two Deputy Commanders.

The Righteous Commander, a woman known as the Queen of Eternal Flame, held an enigmatic identity beyond her title.

Despite being female, the Queen of Eternal Flame possessed a resolute disposition towards combat.

She had accompanied the Invincible Dragon God since the apocalypse, only being dispatched to safeguard the borders upon the establishment of the Dragon God Temple.

While it was asserted that the Flame Dragon Legion was established by the Dragon God Temple, the true architects were the three Commanders, with the temple merely offering auxiliary support.

“Truly a figure of legend.”

Loong Chen sighed, simultaneously piqued by curiosity regarding the Commander known as the Queen of Eternal Flame.

“Master Commander, Loong Chen has arrived.”

Lyi Jie’s voice echoed into the tent. Moments later, the tent flap parted, admitting their entry.

Within the tent, there were only three individuals seated at the helm: two women and one man.

Upon laying eyes on these three figures, Loong Chen’s pupils abruptly dilated.

His heart rate surged instantaneously, quickening severalfold.

His gaze drifted vacantly towards the trio seated nearby, his thoughts dissipating into a void.

“Loong Chen, while these two Commanders are indeed striking, you shouldn’t gawk like that. It’s rather impolite.”

Observing Loong Chen’s demeanor, Lyi Jie hastily murmured into his ear.

Simultaneously, a sense of bewilderment crept over him.

Although the two Commanders possessed remarkable beauty, they hardly warranted such a stupefied reaction.

Moreover, rumors concerning Loong Chen and Dugu Lengyue had circulated. With Loong Chen supposedly involved with such a stunning girlfriend, one would expect his standards to be higher.

“You must be Loong Chen.”

Seated centrally was a woman clad in a fiery red gown, none other than the Commander of the Flame Dragon Legion, the Queen of Eternal Flame.

Yet, before she could utter a word, Loong Chen suddenly lunged towards her.

The Queen of Eternal Flame furrowed her brows slightly at this abrupt action. She was poised to react when she caught Loong Chen’s exclamation.


Loong Chen materialized in front of the Queen of Eternal Flame in a split second, extending his arms as if to embrace her.

This person happened to be Hua Yuxin, with whom he had a one-night liaison three hundred years prior.

He recognized the other two individuals as well: Hua Yafei and Jia Jian.

Upon witnessing Loong Chen’s rapid approach, Hua Yuxin contemplated evading, but froze upon hearing the name he called out.

It had been two centuries since her name had been uttered. Save for a few old acquaintances, no one else was privy to it.

The young man standing before her was undoubtedly not among her old acquaintances.

While Hua Yuxin remained in a state of shock, Jia Jian, standing nearby, sprang into action, launching a punch towards Loong Chen who was advancing towards Hua Yuxin.

Loong Chen’s expression shifted subtly. The force behind his punch was akin to that of a warrior at least in the Late Period of the King Level.

Loong Chen didn’t dare to underestimate the situation, promptly retaliating with a punch of his own.

Enhanced sixfold by the World Dominating technique, the force behind his punch surged to thirty million.

Despite this, upon the collision of the two punches, Loong Chen was compelled to retreat a dozen steps.

The ground bore witness to over a dozen craters.

“How did you manage to withstand my attack? Speak! Are you an agent of the Dark Parliament?”

Jia Jian glared at Loong Chen, exuding a formidable aura.

He was, in fact, a pinnacle King Level warrior.

“Sure enough, I didn’t misjudge you.”

Loong Chen thought to himself.

Observing Jia Jian’s resolute determination, Loong Chen discerned that as long as Jia Jian remained alive, he would inevitably evolve into a formidable warrior.

True to expectations, the prophecy had been fulfilled.

Noting Loong Chen’s silence, Jia Jian balled his fists, poised for another attack.

Lyi Jie hurriedly approached Long Chen and spoke.

“Commander, I can assure you that Loong Chen has no affiliation with the Dark Parliament.”

“If he’s not associated with the Dark Parliament, why would he attempt to assassinate the Commander?”

Jia Jian scoffed. Before Lyi Jie could interject, Hua Yuxin signaled for Jia Jian to step back.

Rising to her feet, she directed her gaze at Loong Chen.

“I know you’re not an assassin from the Dark Parliament. Several days ago, the Invincible Dragon God conveyed a message to me, instructing me to look after you.”

“However, what perplexes me most is how you came to know my name. Did the Invincible Dragon God disclose it to you?”

Hua Yuxin asked coldly.

She possessed a jovial demeanor. Loong Chen pondered how her past experiences might have shaped her current personality.

“No, she didn’t disclose it to me. I already know your name.”

Loong Chen shook his head and sighed simultaneously.

It appeared as though history had effaced all traces of him from three centuries past.

Even the trio failed to recollect him.

“Then why are you aware of my name?”

Hua Yuxin’s brow furrowed even deeper.

Loong Chen intended to speak but was suddenly captivated by the half of a jade pendant hanging from Hua Yuxin’s chest.

Its counterpart rested upon his own person.

“Where are you gazing? If you look again, I’ll gouge out your eyes!”

Jia Jian noticed Loong Chen’s fixation on Hua Yuxin’s chest and immediately grew incensed.

He moved to act but was halted by Hua Yuxin.

“Because of this.”

Loong Chen contemplated for a moment before retrieving half of a jade pendant.

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