Divorced My Scum Husband, Married His Evil brother

Chapter 785 785

Chapter 785 Chapter 785

"Okay, now give me a small twirl and… perfect! Girl, You. Look. Gorgeous!" Diamond cheered and gave Chloe a thumbs-up. They were doing the wedding dress fitting because tomorrow was Chloe and Vernon's wedding day.

Chloe was already past her first trimester, so her belly had gotten bigger, and she was afraid that the wedding dress might feel too tight around her waist and hips.

On top of that, she also didn't want to hide her belly.

This baby was the fruit of love between them, and she wanted the guests to know that she was pregnant with the groom's child.

"Do you feel stuffy around your belly?" Diamond asked as she glanced at the bridal dresser. "It looks good, but if it's too stuffy, it might hurt you since the wedding speeches will take a while."

"It's fine," Chloe assured while rubbing her stomach. "I don't want to hurt my baby as well, so I'll tell you if I feel uncomfortable."

Chloe looked at herself in the mirror.

She was wearing a simple, plain satin dress that reached the floor. There was no accent on the dress or ornaments to make it more interesting.

When Chloe said it was just a simple white satin dress, Vernon was stressed out. He thought that Chloe should get something more expensive and in-your-face kind of wedding dress because he wanted the best for Chloe.

But she simply said this plain satin bridal dress fit her the most.

She had always been a simple lady. She had no huge urge for material possessions. She also felt uncomfortable wearing too many accessories. So she'd only wear accessories on her hair.

As she was enjoying the view of how her wedding dress hugged her body perfectly, she got a call from Vernon.

"Yes, honey? Do you need anything?" Chloe asked as she picked up the call.

"I'm at home with Mackie right now. She said that she wanted to see the wedding dress. Can you take a mirror selfie and send it to me?" Vernon asked.

"No, Mommy! I never ask that—Mmff!"

"She's the one asking. I swear," Vernon said as he covered Mackie's mouth.

Chloe giggled, "Can't do. This is only for the special day, and that would be tomorrow. Why can't you be patient?"

"I am patient, but I'm also curious…" Vernon admitted. He released Mackie's mouth after Chloe refused his request.

"Don't show it to Daddy, Mommy! You said it's a girl's secret!" Mackie said on the phone.

"You little—You're just a kid! Why would you need to keep a secret from your father?" Vernon argued with Mackie.

"I'm already eight years old, Daddy! I'm a big girl now!"

"You're only as tall as my waist. You're still my little wolf!" Vernon insisted.

Chloe chuckled as she heard the bickering between them, "Why don't you two busy yourself by checking the wedding venue? I've checked it myself, and I think it's perfect. But maybe you want to add something."

"We did it already, and everything is perfect," Vernon replied. His heart beat faster as he imagined his wedding tomorrow. "I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I've prepared my wedding speech."

"I've yet to prepare it. Maybe I shouldn't say anything at the altar. What do you think?"

"But I write a heartfelt wedding speech for us…" Vernon sounded dejected, and Chloe couldn't help but giggle.

"I'm just messing with you. I have everything ready," Chloe assured. "I'll talk to you later, okay? I need to talk about the hair accessories with Diamond."

"Alright, tell Diamond to give the best and the most expensive accessory she could find. I won't tolerate it if you're wearing some cheap stuff," Vernon protested since he had prepared ten million dollars and was ready to give more for Chloe's wedding dress and accessories, but she barely used the money.

Even after he insisted on her wearing the most expensive gown, she wanted the simpler one.

Sometimes, he felt like Chloe was far too simple.

This wasn't bad, but Vernon wished she was more vain because no cheap dress would do justice to her beauty.

Chloe giggled before she hung up the call.


Chloe turned to face Diamond again, "So, about the hair accessory."

"I brought the best jeweler in New York," Diamond said.

A man walked and stood right beside Diamond and opened a big jewelry case.

"I told him to bring his best, and these are everything he has to offer."

Chloe stared at the rows of beautiful hair accessories, from hairpins, hair comb, and ribbons, and all of them were beautifully crafted and embedded with precious gemstones.

Chloe was more interested in the most plain-looking one. But as she was about to reach for it, Diamond reminded her, "Girl, pick that, and Mr. Phoenix Gray will scold me."

Diamond was also distressed because Chloe and Vernon had different tastes. Vernon wanted Chloe to wear everything expensive and exclusive because he wanted the world to see Chloe's true beauty that Vernon saw in his eyes.

But Chloe disliked that kind of extreme expenditure.

"Well, I guess the accessory won't hurt," Chloe said with Vernon in her mind. She looked at each head accessory again and finally picked the one she liked the most other than the plain one.

She shifted her gaze at Diamond, asking for her approval, and Diamond nodded, "That's good. Why don't you wear it now and see if it compliments the dress?"

The jeweler helped Chloe to put on the hairpin she wanted. Chloe asked him to put the hairpin on the right side of her hair above the ear.

"Oh wow, okay, that hairpin compliments you perfectly!" Diamond praised. "You don't need a lot of accessories. I think you have that rare, serene beauty. That one is enough, and it's perfect!"

Chloe gently touched the rose hairpin above her ear. The petal was made out of white gold and embedded with dozens of rubies, so it looked like a beautiful red rose made out of ruby.

Chloe smiled at herself in the mirror. For the first time after ten years, she finally muttered;

"I look beautiful."

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