Dimensional Store System In Apocalypse

Chapter 165: Large-Scale Attack (4)

Chapter 165: Large-Scale Attack (4)

"Our boss is here!" Alex and Queenie shouted when they caught Zhang Qin Feng coming out from the main building. He was already in his battle equipment from head to toe, all customized by Victor and Marvin for their upcoming battle.

It seems their past three days of preparation were not for naught as the soldiers look fit and ready for battle.

"Although the number of vanguards going out to battle was the same, the procedure might be slightly different from before. There won't be a change in their shift anymore, nor retreat.

Using about two-third of the Duranium Shards earned from their previous hunt, Zhang Qin Feng had a significant upgrade on Stein in the past three days.

The 21st to 30th box cost was 100 Duranium Shards each, which totaled up to 1,000 shards. As for the 31st to 40th, it was 1,000 shards each. Only in storage alone, Zhang Qin Feng spent 11,000 Duranium Shards just for the upgrade.

As for whatever remaining from the two-third of the shards, Zhang Qin Feng used them to upgrade the Craft-Shop Function to Level 4. The shop now has 12 products in rotation and ten items available for purchase at a time.

The product is mainly related to ammunition, rations, serums, and emergency supplies. The upgradable weapon part inside the buyable list was bought and given to Victor in the name of research.

"Is every one of you ready for battle?" Zhang Qin Feng asked. The Centurion Rifle in his hand was fired twice into the sky to catch their attention.



Everyone cried loudly in reply to Zhang Qin Feng's question. From their look, they seem motivated and eager to fight against the zombie barricade again.

Although they're not losing in all their previous battle, failure to break through the zombie's defense still leaves a sour aftertaste in their mouth after spending some ammunition on attacking them.

"Good. Let's get out there and make a killing. Let's destroy the zombie's defense at one go and make our way to the spot of our new base!"

"Our target will be to the new location for our brand new Wind Base, and we will not stop until we arrive there!" Zhang Qin Feng said and pulled the trigger without letting go.

Victor modified this set of ten Centurion Rifles in his Dimensional Storage before being given to him. It was now convertible between semi-automatic and automatic mode.

Firing the bullets into the sky in fully automatic mode was a great stress release before they marched out of the current Wind Base.

"Let's move!" Zhang Qin Feng said.

The Vanguard's number has increased to 40 people for this expedition. From its look, it must be a success in this attempt, and Zhang Qin Feng would not tolerate any failures.

Marching past the motorway, Zhang Qin Feng and his group soon arrived at the engagement point where they fought against the zombie's barricade multiple times. Their guns were ready as the stench from the zombies can be smelled from where they're standing.



Less than a mile later, the zombies were finally appearing from their left and right.

They can be said to be surrounded by the horde when they entered the zombie's defensive perimeters. It was still in question how the undead can coordinate with one another so well without advanced technology.

Even Zhang Qin Feng and his team of survivors still had difficulty communicating after a certain distance. This was because the environment seems to be blocking all kinds of transferable communication channels, making long-range communication impossible to achieve.

The only working device here was the Luna Device, which relies on sonar and sensor. But its efficiency is limited. At least to those equipped by the survivors. Although Zhang Qin Feng's Luna II is more efficient than their older models, it wasn't craftable. They had no technological fitting workshop to produce such highly sophisticated devices.

Able to tinker with some machinery, repairing, printing new parts are already their limit. This is also one of the reasons Zhang Qin Feng is bent on moving the Wind Base to the location Stein has chosen.

As for his other reason, it was because of sustainability.

In his opinion, no matter how many supplies can be brought to the post-apocalypse, there's a limit to this controlled growth. Based on Stein's calculation, the current Wind Base could support about 100 survivors at most before problems started to kick in.

Even he was not excluded from this conclusion.

To maintain a healthy base, the measurement of sustainability, space, and needs is essential. Sustainability translates to supplies, power, and numbers. The term "space" equals their expansion and growth potential.

As for needs, they can be understood as physical, sexual, and mental needs. Zhang Qin Feng was satisfied in all three, but not all survivors are. Under an independent base where everyone works under Zhang Qin Feng, it's not like they can freely go to vent their needs here and there.

Plus, it's not like the modern world, where multiple options are provided for them to release it differently. Although the survivors were cloned and sterile, the nature of all these needs is still there.

[The Luna II detected over 1,000 signatures around our 2-miles perimeter. Suggesting the user maintain alert on our way]

Stein said. This was the time to test Zhang Qin Feng's leadership quality.

"Firing position! Follow the tactics we've been drilling into your head so far! Get ready to open fire on my mark!" Zhang Qin Feng raised his voice as he gave his order.

What he just said made the soldiers adjusted the way they move forward. Gun was clicked, and safety was off as they raised the gun to their eye level for easier to aim at their target. Those with a charged weapon was standing at the rear, and those with uncharged weapon took the front.

Forty soldiers, three leaders, and Zhang Qin Feng himself. It was a formation of eleven people in a group, taking care of two directions at a time.


Stein's Luna II sensor was the first to notice the zombie's irregular movement.

"You're free to engage! Get ready to open fire!" Zhang Qin Feng said. As he finished his sentence, close to a hundred zombies came out from a slope nearby, along with a Tyrant.

"Satella!" Zhang Qin Feng shouted.


"BANG!" a 7-inch bullet's shell fell on the ground after Satella fired the Lunacy Anti-Materiel Rifle in her hand.

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