Dimensional Store System In Apocalypse

Chapter 163: Large-Scale Attack (2)

Chapter 163: Large-Scale Attack (2)

"Wow, look at what you've done on the launcher… It was completely different from the one I've shown you. What about telling me what changes you've done on it so far?" Zhang Qin Feng praised Victor for his acute sense in weapon design and improvement.

At first, he felt a little guilty for showing Victor and Marvin the video clip for an older generation rocket launcher. Considering the age of the video, it was at least more than three years old. Added with the video clip was just an improved advertisement to attract more overseas buyers; the actual age of the weapon was at least five years and above.

He chooses to make it work with an older generation rocket launcher to reduce the burden for Victor and Marvin because it was their first project together.

But he did not expect that with a video clip alone, the two could come up with plenty of refreshing ideas. Everything had a revamp from the launcher tube to its ammunition according to technology achievement in this post-apocalypse.

Although this world has already stopped developing for more than a decade, the technological achievement is still more advanced than Zhang Qin Feng's modern world.

Of course, part of the difference was due to the direction they're heading.

In Zhang Qin Feng's world, their focus was on vanity, conveniences, and futuristic. But here, they choose the path of expansion instead.

The development brings them much further, but also faster destruction. Looking at this world's current situation, Zhang Qin Feng has many things to learn from them.

And one of them was to not speed up their destruction due to the greed to reach the future that was not in their grasp.

"Boss!" Victor smiled as he approached Zhang Qin Feng. It seems that the raw material Zhang Qin Feng brought from the modern world had an excess, to the point Victor used some to make a harness for himself.

The harness would keep the volatile ammunition safe from impact and make sure transporting them safer.

"Look at this. We're running a few tests now. At least ten launchers will be available for the Vanguards tomorrow. The harness I'm using is also in production, so we can expect the soldiers to carry at least three to five warheads with them while moving." Victor shows the launcher tube to Zhang Qin Feng.

Unlike the previous straight tube with some electronics extended in the middle, the current one had a rounded upper and flat base, like holding a train tunnel on your shoulder.

Victor also made few modifications to improve the firing system. The firing mechanism is positioned at the frontmost of the launcher tube to maintain stability. It now comes with a velcro-like band that helps strengthen the grip over the launcher tube.

While on the other side of the handheld was the customarily adjustable lense with an informative screen. Aiming at the targets can be done through the lens, and zooming on the spot can be done with a simple touch.

The warhead also underwent plenty of modifications. If it were to follow the traditional design shown from Zhang Qin Feng's 90 seconds video clip, a single warhead would weigh at least 4,000 to 5,000grams.

The weight alone made the harness Victor created have no uses at all. Only the thought of traveling with 25kilograms of ammunition without accounting for the other gears would make any fighters give up on the encumbering ideas.

But after Victor's modification with the twin's help in creating a much better nitro-cellulose material as its propellent agent, the warhead's design is now about the size of a canned soda. The weight was just a fifth of what it was supposed to be, between 900 to 1,000grams.

With all the improvements assembled, the rocket launcher gets itself a significant upgrade. The entire set of equipment weighed roughly around 10kilograms, and it can even be used as an alternate blunt weapon if required.

Of course, that option is a last moment of struggle when one no longer had any self-protection option. Unless the one doing it had the strength of a Tyrant-Class Zombie, no one sane would consider swinging a 5kilograms launcher tube as a blunt weapon.

"Ten launchers? That would be a fantastic addition to their firepower. I wonder how much further it can bring us in punching through the zombie's barricade." Zhang Qin Feng said while holding the rocket launcher in his hand.

"Boss?" Victor felt a slight goosebump from how quickly Zhang Qin Feng turned the empty launcher tube around and holding it upside-down. It seems the five or so kilograms of weight was nothing for him.

"Victor, after you completed the order, make a custom rocket launcher for me. I want something heavier, deadlier, and functional. Can you do that?" Zhang Qin Feng said with a smile on his face.

"Sure, boss! Everything you've asked!" Victor replied. When he noticed that Zhang Qin Feng was appropriately holding the rocket launcher again, he quickly took a prototype warhead from the harness.

The magnetic bits between the warhead and launcher tube made the connection more secured than before. The concept was almost similar to how a bullet work.

'Stein! Set the targeting for me. I want to shoot that metal drum until it gets out of the base.' Zhang Qin Feng whispered to the system.

[Toot… Aiming in progress…]

"Boss?" Victor patiently looked at his boss. The suspense was harrowing for him to bear as he waited to see how Zhang Qin Feng would do in his second time firing a rocket launcher.


The warhead went straight to the base of the metal drum, just an inch or so above the ground. It propelled the target like a twisting fan as it went up into the sky from the explosion.

"Victor, reload!" Zhang Qin Feng shouts. His call caught Victor by surprise, but he quickly recollected himself and popped another warhead into the launcher tube.

"Don't tell me… Is our boss trying to shoot the flying target from this distance? It's a challenging task, don't you think so?" the other survivors that were here to get used to the new rocket launcher stares at Zhang Qin Feng.

[User, pull the trigger]

Stein said.

The warhead flies straight up to the target in the sky. The impact was more impactful than hitting the metal drum on the ground as it flew further out of the Wind Base.

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