Digitize: Rebirth of the Silver Death God

Chapter 190: Start of the DU Meet

Chapter 190: Start of the DU Meet

The mood within the room had a slightly tense feeling, each person who gathered faced the direction of the DU leader with sternness on their faces. While some didn't like that the official's collective auras were oppressing them, they didn't say anything as they knew this was only the first test.

Suddenly, the auras vanished as everyone began to feel better; those amongst the talents that struggled were able to breathe in relief as they wiped the sweat from their bodies. However, for those who more easily resisted, they merely continued to observe with composure.

Naturally, the Child of Blaze, Avollo, Nero, Elly, Ryo, Kailua Meng, and those few others were those who stood out amongst the many, causing a few of the prominent figures to look at them with flickers in their eyes.

Reil glanced at the talents before looking at Yullia, who had a smile and shrugged; he then focused onto Elly and Avollo, knowing who they were due to Screwgelman and Ian's presence.

Though he was a bit surprised that they were with his Blood Steel Society group, he didn't overly mind it but instead looked at the talents in his faction. Not mind Kenra and Judy, Reil's eyes locked onto both Nero and Ryo as he smiled, satisfied while thinking.

'Well-well-well, these boys are pretty good, and here I thought that my faction wouldn't be able to show off today. It looks like Yullia's recruits some fine talents...'

Much like Reil, the other officials also had satisfying expressions when they inspected the reactions of the superior talents, each praising them within their mind.

After a short while, the scene here returned to normal as Xu Waren, who seemed to have been impatient, took a step forward before the podium and cleared his throat.

'This man... he might also know something about mother's past...'

Nero thought as his eyes fixed directly onto Xu Waren; he recalled the strange words said doing their past encounter. However, back then, Xu Waren himself didn't even seem to pay attention as if there was something more pressing at hand.

Adult Nero said nothing, the look he gave Chairman Xu from with his mind was a cold one as he chose to remain silent. 

Looking at Nero's lost expression, Elly glanced at him with a puzzled look as she asked, "Nero, what's wrong? Do you know Chairman Xu?"

Yullia also made an odd expression as she turned to face Nero while thinking, 'Huh? Did Little Handsome know that shameless fellow? That's not right. If he did, he would have likely been recruited.'

Nero soon recovered from his thoughts as he replied, "It's nothing, Elly; I just found him to be a bit familiar."

Elly, hearing this, showed a look of understanding as she replied, "Oh, okay, I just thought that look you gave him was a bit weird."

Nero shook his head at this. He decided inwardly to try and keep more control over his state of mind. 

Elly was easily fooled, but unlike her, Avollo and Ryo were different, as were Yullia, Ian, and Screwgelman. They each narrowed their eyes a bit as they stared at Nero, but neither said anything. Plus, even if they wanted, the meeting was already about to begin.

Xu Waren nodded at the calm scene from behind a podium before he made a welcoming gesture with his hands and spoke, "Greetings, fellow digitizers, and associations; I Xu Waren would like to welcome you all today to this year's Du Meeting. I can see that we have all acquired a few outstanding talents this year, and while it's around the time for that yearly Novice Zone Event, it's natural that we compare their strength collectively."

The others looked at him sternly when they heard those words; Nero looked around while thinking.

'So, this meet is akin to small competition, or maybe just a place to show off a bit of ours skills. Since it's so, what's the advantage to all of this?'

A few others also had similar thoughts; Xu Waren smirked as if he could read their minds. He continued, "Yes, most of you might wonder why go through all of this, but the answer is simple. Before we send you on your way to represent humanity against those races, we must understand the gaps between our varying talents. This time, there have been rumors passing along in Upper Zones that quite a few hostile Class Two races shall be appearing, along with a Lower Class Three Race. Although the exact race is unknown, we must know the standard of our talents; that way, we can better advise you against the expected threat." 

"What? A Lower Class Three Race, are you serious?!" One digitizer from the practitioner faction exclaimed.

"It's already enough trouble as it is to keep up to Class Two races, but you're telling us these kids are going to have a slight odd of facing off against a Lower Class Three?" Paul Newman said.

Yullia, Screwgelman, and Ian also frowned at this; they've only heard of lesser races taking part in the Gate of Legends, rarely would there ever be those of Class Three and more.

"Is this why he seemed so distressed? I can see why; this truly isn't good news,' Yullia thought as she noticed Reil's slightly tired look.

Nero was also shocked. He asked inwardly, "Hey, didn't you say that those stronger races wouldn't have a reason to participate? Why is he speaking about some Class Three Race partaking in the event."

Adult Nero remained calm. He thought for a bit before he replied, "It's likely a butterfly effect. There's nothing that I can do about what's changed and the inevitable. It's likely that in this timeline, a race of that standard has discovered enough reason for one or multiple talents to partake in the event. It might be even more dangerous now, but I believe it would do you and every other talent here an advantage."

Nero made an odd look as he inwardly asked, 'What kind of advantage can anyone get if they're only going to be ruthlessly oppressed?'

Adult Nero smirked and replied, "The kind that you wouldn't get if you were to face them in the Upper Zones, experience against these monsters through life and death."

Nero's eyes flickered at this as he seemed to understand what his older self was mentioning. He pondered for a while before deciding to say nothing, as he knew that such a thing would be more valuable than anything else.

Much like Adult Nero explained to his younger self, Xu Waren had also similarly explained the situation to the others. Looking at how the talents showed thoughtful looks before firm and competitive gazes, Xu Waren smiled at this in content as he continued speaking.

"Good, I can see that you're all not only talents in skills, but in mind, well then, without further ado, I believe this is the right time to start the contests. We shall be doing it the same as always; any talent can step forward on the battle platform, you are free to choose one or multiple opponents to face off against. If you defeat them, you shall acquire one Victory Point for each person defeated, but you shall also lose an equal amount of point you would have earned if you lose. Anyone who loses to possess -5 Victory Points shall be disqualified from receiving any rewards, and only those with more than 5 Victory Points will qualify to receive the gifts we've prepared."

Many of the eyes of the various talents flashed at this, as they knew about these details before; even Elly and Avollo had shining eyes, eager to see what they can win for themselves.

Nero looked around at the faces of those who gave him a surge of danger, Avollo, Child of Blaze, and a few hidden talents who hid in the background.

His face turned solemn as he thought inwardly, 'Winning probably won't be easy, but I'll do my best. A skill book wouldn't be able to increase my strength immediately. If possible, I'd like another survival artifact.'

"Haha, look at these brats, readying up for battle; this should be fun..." One person said.

"Indeed, I'm curious to see who can compete against Child of Blaze, or even that Gold Spear Child..." Another added.

"Oh yeah, where that brat? We hadn't seen him yet, is late or something?" Another digitizer said in a curious tone.

Some others also thought the same, but it would seem that Xu Waren didn't want to w waste any more unneeded time.

"Well then, now that everyone's ready, I think this is the right time to..."

Xu Waren was about to say something, but suddenly, his face turned solemn as he turned in a particular direction. 

Many other of the prominent figures did the same, as even Reil, who usually had a more laid-back manner, stared at the doorway with a thoughtful look on his face.

The scene turned quiet as while the talents didn't know what happened, only those experts who guided them along with powerful figures from the different associations had felt the change.

Moments after, everyone heard a few footsteps coming from the door, and soon, it opened with a loud creak as a different group appeared

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