Dice In The Darkness: Cthulhu Calls

Chapter 204: The Tale from Ghouls Mouth (2)

Chapter 204: The Tale from Ghouls Mouth (2)

The story continues.

Aoki harbored deep suspicions about Sawada Tomohiko, but lacking concrete evidence, he couldn't simply accuse him without cause. So, Aoki decided to take things one step at a time, hoping to uncover any anomalies in Sawada Tomohiko's behavior and expose his true nature.

After the rain cleared, Sawada Tomohiko, seemingly transformed, led a mercenary group straight to Ziwu City. They arrived at the Godless Shrine on the outskirts of Ziwu City, only to discover that the city's defenders had collapsed, retreating to the Godless Shrine.

Speaking of the Godless Shrine, it was a place Sawada Tomohiko had boasted about to Fujiwara Gen'in. He claimed it had divine protection and was impregnable, even to the forces of the demonic race. Aoki couldn't help but worry that this Godless Shrine might have issues, similar to the dilapidated shrine they had encountered earlier.

However, due to a sudden uprising at the time, the Sawada Family was besieged within the Godless Shrine. Sawada Tomohiko immediately led his mercenaries into the fray to quell the rebellion.

It was here that Aoki grew increasingly uneasy about Sawada Tomohiko's behavior. This was Sawada Tomohiko's first time on the "battlefield," and he displayed a disturbing bloodlust, hacking away indiscriminately and becoming increasingly frenzied. By the end, Sawada Tomohiko was covered in blood and casually conversing with his own father as if nothing had happened.

At this moment, Aoki found an opportunity and approached Fujiwara Gen'in to share his suspicions about Sawada Tomohiko. Fujiwara Gen'in had already noticed something amiss with Sawada Tomohiko but, like Aoki, lacked the evidence to accuse him without risk, especially given the mercenaries' reputation.

So, Fujiwara Gen'in and Aoki reached an understanding: they would continue to stay by Sawada Tomohiko's side. If he was indeed hiding something, they could seek vengeance for their fallen comrades. If Sawada Tomohiko turned out to be innocent, then Fujiwara Gen'in and Aoki could profit from the situation.

Sawada Tomohiko's ruthless performance had left a lasting impression on those who had besieged the Sawada Family. As a result, the Sawada Family regained leadership, and their head recognized the need to settle scores. Thus, they wasted no time planning their counterattack against the demonic race.

At this point, Aoki's mercenary group was formally employed by the Sawada Family, assigned under Sawada Tomohiko's command to assist in the frontlines against the demonic forces.

Following the principle of "strike while the iron is hot," the next day, the well-fed and rejuvenated Ziwu City defenders, for the first time, transitioned from defense to offense, launching an attack on the demonic stronghold.

The demonic forces were caught off guard by Ziwu City's sudden counterattack, and under Sawada Tomohiko's leadership, the mercenaries breached their defenses. One hundred demonic warriors responsible for fortifying the front lines were annihilated, with Sawada Tomohiko personally claiming over sixty of their lives.

Sawada Tomohiko's immense strength bolstered the morale of the Ziwu City defenders, though they too suffered heavy casualties during this battle.

With the momentum on their side, Sawada Tomohiko led his forces straight towards the demonic stronghold. However, the demonic leader was no pushover. Upon learning that the front lines had been breached, the demons constructed new defensive fortifications within their stronghold.

What followed was a massive battle. Although Sawada Tomohiko was formidable, the overall might of the demonic forces far surpassed that of the Ziwu City defenders. Aoki also noticed that Sawada Tomohiko was intentionally holding back and using the Ziwu City rebels as cannon fodder. Consequently, the mercenaries, who were the main attacking force, began to do the same.

After paying a toll of over six hundred lives, the Ziwu City defenders, under Sawada Tomohiko's leadership, finally secured victory, albeit at a great cost.

Following their triumph, the reconstruction of Ziwu City began. Fujiwara Gen'in and Aoki had initially planned to take their earnings and leave, but they were unexpectedly recruited by the Sawada Family as part of their security detail, given the family's dire need for manpower.

At that time, neither Fujiwara Gen'in nor Aoki noticed anything unusual about Tomohiko Sawada. They decided to stay on as guards, enticed by the prospect of good food, drink, and a steady income.

As the reconstruction of Ziwu City neared completion, the Sawada Family started settling scores. Sawada Tomohiko, acting as the executioner, personally killed those who had been involved in the uprising.

At this point, Aoki had a peculiar feeling that Sawada Tomohiko was no longer the same person. He believed that the large sword in Sawada Tomohiko's possession was likely a cursed blade, one that could control a person's mind. As Sawada Tomohiko continued to claim more lives, the blade's control over him seemed to grow stronger.

It was during this time that the Wandering Samurai appeared.

The Wandering Samurai Aoki spoke of was similar to the one Kuroba Naoki mentioned, but Aoki's version was driven by an overwhelming sense of justice, always ready to intervene when injustice occurred.

Another six months passed, and the Sawada Family had firmly established itself as the rulers of Ziwu City. Even the newly appointed city officials had to seek approval from the head of the Sawada Family in major matters.

And at this moment, with nothing much to do, Sawada Tomohiko, at the suggestion of Kanna Ryoko, the deity of the Godless Shrine, decided to retrieve the deity statue of Sulu.

Yes, the deity of the Godless Shrine was none other than Kanna Ryoko!

Upon hearing this, Liu Xing immediately turned to Aoki and inquired, "Aoki, the Kanna Ryoko you mentioned..."

Before Liu Xing could finish the question, Aoki earnestly nodded and, with a grim expression, said, "Yes, Kanna Ryoko is indeed her. But as for her story, we can discuss it later."

Seeing Aoki's ominous demeanor, Liu Xing wisely chose to remain silent.

Aoki continued with the story.

Under Kanna Ryoko's persuasion, Sawada Tomohiko, accompanied by his wife, the Godless Priest, and under the protection of the Wandering Samurai, set out with a few farmers responsible for transporting the Sulu deity statue to the Elder Gods' shrine on the outskirts of Ziwu City. Initially, Aoki and Fujiwara Gen'in were not assigned to accompany Sawada Tomohiko.

However, shortly after Sawada Tomohiko's departure, Kanna Ryoko sent word to Aoki and Fujiwara Gen'in, instructing them to bring twenty mercenaries to protect Sawada Tomohiko.

Although they found the request somewhat perplexing, Fujiwara Gen'in and Aoki had no choice but to follow Kanna Ryoko's command. They assembled the required personnel and set out for the run-down shrine based on their memories.

However, while en route, a sudden downpour struck, much like the previous incident.

After a brief discussion between Aoki and Fujiwara Gen'in, they decided to continue and seek shelter at the dilapidated shrine, just as they had done before.

By the time they reached the run-down shrine, Aoki, Fujiwara Gen'in, and their group had become drenched, resembling soaked chickens. Fortunately, Sawada Tomohiko and the others were still inside the shrine, taking shelter.

During this time, Aoki grew increasingly uneasy, sensing that something dreadful was about to happen. Yet, as a warrior (self-proclaimed), he felt he couldn't back down.

As night fell and the rain showed no signs of stopping, everyone retreated to the rear rooms behind the shrine, just as they had done previously when they were a larger group.

However, Aoki's sense of unease continued to intensify. Unable to sleep, he could only listen to the sound of the rain and contemplate life.

After an unknown period of time had passed, Aoki once again heard the eerie sound. He immediately got up, approached the door, and peered through the crack to observe what was happening outside.

This time, Aoki didn't inexplicably lose consciousness. Consequently, he witnessed Sawada Tomohiko, accompanied by the Godless Priest, walk into the main shrine with stiff, mechanical steps.

Sensing danger, Aoki rushed outside, woke up Fujiwara Gen'in, and encountered the Wandering Samurai, who had come out in response to the commotion.

Aoki briefed Fujiwara Gen'in and the Wandering Samurai on the current situation. Together, they decided to investigate the main shrine of the shrine. However, before they could enter, a green light enveloped the main shrine like a protective barrier, and Aoki and Fujiwara Gen'in found themselves unable to enter. As they attempted to break through with their weapons, the green light suddenly contracted, crushing the main shrine to rubble before transforming into a ball of light that descended underground.

Aoki and Fujiwara Gen'in, witnessing this scene, felt their perspectives shatter in an instant, leaving them bewildered and unsure of how to proceed.

Once they regained their senses, Aoki woke up the other mercenaries and began searching for any traces of Sawada Tomohiko and the Godless Priest amidst the ruins of the main shrine. However, they found nothing.

Early the next morning, the Wandering Samurai still hadn't returned. Aoki and Fujiwara Gen'in decided to return to Ziwu City to report the situation to the Sawada Family. However, upon their arrival, they were apprehended by Kanna Ryoko and her men without a word.

Suddenly detained and with no chance to explain, Aoki initially attempted to defend himself but found that Kanna Ryoko had silenced him with a spell. Aoki and his group were then thrown into the dungeons.

After spending a day and a night in the dungeons, Aoki had his eyes blindfolded and was transported to what was once the unmarked burial grounds and was now the Rose Graveyard.

There, Aoki heard Kanna Ryoko recite his charges, accusing him of betraying and murdering Sawada Tomohiko and the Godless Priest!

Feeling wronged and struggling to break free from his restraints, Aoki suddenly felt as if his entire body were engulfed in flames, causing excruciating pain. Eventually, he lost consciousness.

Upon waking up, Aoki realized that he, Fujiwara Gen'in, and their comrades had all transformed into monstrous creatures Ghouls!

What was even more terrifying was the insatiable hunger Aoki suddenly felt, compelling him to devour nearby corpses.

After briefly satisfying his hunger, Aoki realized that he was in a cave beneath the Rose Graveyard.

Subsequently, Aoki and Fujiwara Gen'in managed to comfort their comrades who had somewhat lost their sanity and had begun attacking humans, transitioning from people into Ghouls.

Just when Aoki was nearly losing control of the situation, a young man suddenly appeared before him Fujiwara Gen'in, now promoted to the position of Ghoul Elder!

As it turned out, over the course of the past century, Fujiwara Gen'in had wandered through various parts of the Island Nation, searching for a way to lift the curse. Eventually, outside Kyoto, in a graveyard, Fujiwara Gen'in encountered a dying Ghoul Elder. With the help of this Ghoul Elder, Fujiwara Gen'in achieved promotion and gained the ability to transform into a "human" once again!

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