Deviant: No Longer Human

Chapter 14: Nanjing Road, Puxi: Shuangxue (2)

Though Fu Chao never truly considered Wang Xiao an enemy, Wang Xiao was cautious about placing trust in anyone.

He implemented an internal system of checks and balances within the group to ensure his safety. These three friends—Fu Chao, Mo Xiang, and Tan Weimin—provided Wang Xiao with additional connections within the university circle.

However, their relationships were more acquaintanceships than deep friendships.

Expanding his network and knowing more people never seemed like a bad idea to Wang Xiao.

That fact was made clear when Dong Kai attempted to pick a fight with Wang Xiao outside the school last year.

Some of Wang Xiao's acquaintances happened to witness the scene unfolding on the road and immediately stepped in to intervene.

Swiftly, they subdued Dong Kai, preventing the situation from escalating further.

One of the observations Wang Xiao had made was that those friends who were considered on the wrong side of society, indulging in activities such as drinking and smoking, were often the ones who wouldn't hesitate to offer help when needed.

Upon arriving at Nanjing East Road in Puxi, their first destination was "Shuangxue," a bar owned by a local politician in the area.

Upon entering the dimly lit "Shuangxue" bar, a cacophony of sights and sounds assaulted their senses.


The flashing neon lights painted the room in a surreal, ever-changing palette of colors, casting vibrant hues across the patrons' faces.

The air was thick with a mixture of cigarette smoke, alcohol fumes, and a sense of recklessness that seemed to hang in the atmosphere.

The bar was divided into different sections, each catering to various tastes.

At the center, a makeshift dance floor pulsated with energetic music, its bass thumping through the floor and reverberating in the chests of those present.

Young men and women gyrated to the rhythm, their movements synchronized with the hypnotic beats.

Groups of patrons huddled around tables, engaged in conversations that fluctuated between laughter and heated debates.

Cigarette butts piled up in overflowing ashtrays, the smoke spiraling upwards to create a hazy cloud that seemed to obscure both time and judgment.

Along the bar counter, people leaned against it, their expressions a mix of exuberance and escapism.

Bartenders bustled behind the counter, expertly mixing drinks, pouring shots, and keeping up with the constant demands of the patrons.

In the darker corners of the establishment, where the dim lighting offered a semblance of privacy, individuals gathered in close circles.

These were the scenes of more illicit activities. Furtive glances exchanged, suspicious packages changing hands, and the distinct aroma of substances not legally consumed wafting through the air.

Among the chaos and intensity, the bar was a microcosm of a world where inhibitions were shed, and societal norms took a backseat.

Wang Xiao and his companions navigated through the sea of faces, seamlessly blending in with the crowd, while the vibrant chaos of "Shuangxue" carried on around them.

"Wanna drink?" Fu Chao extended a glass filled with alcohol toward Wang Xiao, but he shook his head in refusal.

The others didn't pay much attention and continued with their drinks, followed by lighting up cigarettes.

"Brother, why don't you give smoking a try at least?" Fu Chao suggested, offering him a cigarette.

However, Wang Xiao declined once again, saying, "I still have a long life ahead, brother. I'd rather meet my end in the warm embrace of ten women than under the weight of an ashtray." His words drew a mixture of surprised and amused looks from the others.

Wang Xiao's readiness to engage in various forms of mischief and trouble didn't extend to activities that could potentially shorten his lifespan.

He had a certain moral flexibility, being open to misdeeds like stealing and robbery, but when it came to things that could harm his health, he was staunchly against it.

This paradoxical behavior perplexed Fu Chao and the others.

However, despite these differences, Wang Xiao managed to blend into their circle quite seamlessly, even without sharing their vices.

It was a contradiction that should have raised suspicion, as friendships typically formed around shared interests.

But they missed this red flag, too focused on the surface-level camaraderie they were enjoying with Wang Xiao.

For Wang Xiao, these acquaintances were just that—acquaintances, a convenient connection for various purposes.

Their apparent inability to pick up on these details reinforced Wang Xiao's growing belief that wisdom doesn't necessarily accompany age.

He saw a world filled with fools, individuals trapped in adult bodies but carrying the naivety of children.

To him, most adults were merely depressed individuals, all broken mentally, struggling to persist through their obligatory existence.

They navigated life by conforming to societal norms and routines, employing activities like binge-watching, marriage, drinking, and smoking as a form of escape from the mundane reality they faced.

It was a perspective that further distanced him from the world around him.

"I'll take a stroll outside," Wang Xiao announced before making his way out.

Fu Chao gave a casual wave, his state clearly influenced by the alcohol. Mo Xiang, slightly less intoxicated, piped up, "I can join you if you want."

Wang Xiao declined with a shake of his head, "It's alright."

"Come on, why be so shy? I could use some fresh air too! Let's go together!" Mo Xiang insisted, catching up to him and patting his shoulder.

Wang Xiao's brows furrowed briefly before he offered a smile, "Sure, let's walk around here."

The two began to stroll down Nanjing Road, before Wang Xiao decided to head towards Jing'an Temple.

"Temple? Brother, since when did you become so cultural?" Mo Xiang inquired, clearly intrigued by Wang Xiao's unexpected choice. Temples weren't exactly on his list of interests.

Wang Xiao chuckled, "Mo Xiang, that's probably why you're single. Temples are excellent places to meet women who aren't already tangled up in a messy lifestyle."

Mo Xiang's eyes widened with realization, "Brother, I've underestimated you!" he exclaimed, bursting into laughter.

When it came to women, Wang Xiao definitely had a refined taste.

However, there was another reason behind his decision to visit Jing'an Temple...

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