Descent of the Demon Master

Chapter 860: Lecturing (5)

The commotion didn’t want to die down that easily.

“Come on, you idiots! I said, keep it down!”

Unfortunately, Cheon Tae-Hun’s yell fell on deaf ears. Just as his face grew red from a mixture of anger and shame…

Vator raised his weighty voice. “Hey, you lot! He told you to shut up!”

As expected, Vator's voice proved far more effective in quietening the crowd. Even though the Demon Flames didn't understand what he said in Chinese, they all still clamped their mouths shut in a hurry.

‘What the hell? These f*ckers…!’

Cheon Tae-Hun’s anger level shot up a notch, but he knew this wasn’t the right place to start yelling. Meanwhile, Vator continued to reprimand the Demon Flames.

“Today is a historic day of my master attempting to film a lecture for the first time in his life. That’s why it won’t do for anyone to raise a commotion! Now, let’s observe in silence, shall we?”

Oddly enough, Vator's voice contained a hint of mirth. Everyone listening slowly nodded, the corners of their lips curling up. They agreed that this event could very well be a once-in-a-lifetime spectacle.

Vator glanced back at Kang Jin-Ho. “Is this okay with you, Master?”

Kang Jin-Ho didn’t reply, although his cheek was twitching ominously.

Vator got a bit spooked by the ominous cheek-twitching of an expressionless man. However, he bravely forced his heart to keep pumping the blood of anticipation throughout his body.

After all, an event like this would never happen again! If Vator missed this chance, he'd never get another one to mercilessly tease Kang Jin-Ho. The big man had been getting one-sidedly beaten up more often lately, so today… Today would be the day of his fightback!

Vator quickly turned his head to avoid Kang Jin-Ho’s eerie glare, then urged Cheon Tae-Hun. “Do you need more preparation?”

Cheon Tae-Hun quickly shook his head. “No, sir. We can start any time.”

“Then, what’s the hold-up? Don’t you know my master is a very busy man? He has plenty of tasks on his plate, so stop wasting his valuable time!”

“...Understood, sir,” Cheon Tae-Hun tilted his head slightly. Why did it feel like he was being shoved forward here? Even if Vator was technically correct?

Cheon Tae-Hun turned his head and silently signaled at Lee Hyeon-Su with his eyes. After getting the latter’s permission, Cheon Tae-Hun gestured at Kang Jin-Ho to get ready. “Okay, sir! Three, two, one… Action!”

The red light on the monitors came on to signal the start of filming. However, Kang Jin-Ho didn’t move an inch from the spot.

Cheon Tae-Hun quietly whispered, “Sir, the filming has commenced.”

Only then did Kang Jin-Ho stiffly nod and address the camera. “W-we-wel-come…”



“Ku-huph! Keke!”

All Kang Jin-Ho did was stutter one word out. But that was enough to elicit stifled reactions from the crowd. The faces of the audience members rapidly turned red after they covered their mouths in a desperate attempt to keep their laughter down.

“...I, uhm, mm, will, uh… D-demonic cultivation? Uh, oh… Mm…” Kang Jin-Ho stuttered even more as his brain rapidly got scrambled on its own. “I-in any case! I’m, uh, here to teach you something new. Oh, and I’m Kang Jin-Ho.”


“K-kku-huk! Kek! Kuuuk!”

Various sound effects continued to flood the studio. It was just that those sound effects happened to be stifled cackles and laughter!

“O-okay, so… I need to teach you this thing, and so, eh… So, uh… N-no, it won't happen today. The teaching will be, uh… Next time? What I want to say today is… This isn't working. Tae-Hun, can we start over?”


“U-uwah! Uwaaahk! I’m, I’m gonna die! Ehehehe!”

“Kuh-huph! Kuuuk, kekekek!”

Yet another round of explosive reactions filled the studio. Naturally, veins began bulging on Kang Jin-Ho’s forehead.

“Kuh-huph! H-hey! Keep filming! Don’t stop! This will become a legend! The meme for all ages!”

“Kuh-huh~! This is how you add a new chapter to your dark history, sir!”

“From tomorrow, our Assembly Master will become a viral internet star!”

As he listened, the corners of Kang Jin-Ho’s lips suspiciously curled up. “...Tae-Hun. We are starting over.”

Cheon Tae-Hun nodded at Kang Jin-Ho's firm-sounding command, then stopped the camera. He briefly re-inspected the filming equipment before resuming the filming.

Meanwhile, Lee Hyeon-Su silently observed everything before carefully and sneakily shuffling toward the exit.

“Okay, sir! Three, two, one… Action!”

“Good to see you all,” said Kang Jin-Ho. He sounded so much calmer from the get-go this time.

“Oh? Oh!”

“Heol? That was pretty smooth, wasn’t it?”

Unsurprisingly, feedback was provided immediately. The audience members squatting behind the camera voiced their impressions in real time as if they were watching a play.

Was it because Kang Jin-Ho’s tone had changed? He sounded so much more natural.

Yi Myeong-Hwan briefly tilted his head.

‘No, hang on. Rather than his tone… Isn’t it more like the Assembly Master’s posture has changed a bit?’

“I’m Kang Jin-Ho. I’ll be imparting a new demonic cultivation to you. Before that can happen, however, I must explain why you must master this new demonic cultivation.”


The frequency of unnecessary remarks ruining the atmosphere noticeably went down. That was because everyone had quietened down after Kang Jin-Ho began his lecture in earnest.

“The demonic cultivation I’m about to impart to you all is…”

“Cut!” Lee Hyeon-Su suddenly cried out and stopped the filming.

Kang Jin-Ho dazedly turned his head to look at Lee Hyeon-Su standing right by the exit. “But, why?”

“Assembly Master, this lecture is meant for the Chinese demonic cultivators. Which means you must speak in Chinese.”


The serious atmosphere collapsed in an instant. Everyone clutched their mouth and tried to stifle their laughter. Some lost the battle and began rolling around on the floor as tears of laughter streaked down their faces.

“A-aigoo…! My gut! My gut’s gonna burst!”

“I haven’t laughed this hard this whole year!”

Everyone was deriving so much amusement from Kang Jin-Ho. Unfortunately, Kang Jin-Ho was the sole exception.

Kang Jin-Ho’s eerie grin deepened. “Hmm. However, the Chinese cultivators won’t be the only ones watching this, right? Korean demonic cultivators might want to take a look, too. Might as well film two separate videos.”

“Mm, I see… In that case, let us continue filming in Korean, sir. That will help you feel more settled in for the next shoot. But that means you must film another video in Chinese today, sir.”

“...Sure, why not.”

“Okay, we’re starting again!”


Once the filming resumed, everyone stared at Kang Jin-Ho with much anticipation. Their eyes sparkled so much that it seemed pointless to keep the overhead lights switched on.

Kang Jin-Ho silently observed those expectant eyes. Yes, they were waiting in anticipation. As the Assembly Master, it was his job to answer their anticipation to the best of his abilities.

“To master the new demonic cultivation…”


The sounds of joints popping eerily leaked out of his clenched fists.

“...You should learn first why you must master it.”

By then, some among the audience had instinctively realized something had gone wrong. Unfortunately, they couldn’t do anything about it. Kang Jin-Ho was glaring at them with bloodshot eyes, after all!

Vator sneakily looked back.

‘Where… Where is Lee Hyeon-Su?’

He had been wondering why Lee Hyeon-Su was standing so close to the exit, but now…

‘W-what?! He’s already slipping outside the exit?! T-that bastard!’

No one was better than Lee Hyeon-Su in detecting life-threatening danger. His sneaky but silent exit from the studio was enough to let Vator instinctively realize what fate had in store for him.

“The reason itself is simple enough. You can become stronger. That's it. However, no amount of verbal explanation will be enough for you to understand it. That is why… I shall personally demonstrate the truth today.”


The sound of teeth gnashing loudly echoed in the studio. Vator’s complexion was drained of all color just then.

“Watch very closely. See for yourself how powerful this demonic cultivation can be,” said Kang Jin-Ho, then his head snapped to Cheon Tae-Hun next. “Make sure you capture everything.”

“Yes, sir!” Cheon Tae-Hun replied loudly enough to rock the studio. By now, he was standing stiffly at attention like a scared teenager!

“For your benefit… These people have volunteered as guinea pigs in my demonstration,” said Kang Jin-Ho.

Cheon Tae-Hun smartly turned the camera around. The monitor captured the sight of the Demon Flames with Vator and Wiggins at the front of the pack. Vator's complexion was uncharacteristically pale, while the Demon Flames were stumbling back in dread after finally realizing the severity of their situation.

Vator nervously swallowed and tried to reach out to the English gent next to him. “W-Wiggins. Wiggins!”

“Yes, Sir Vator?”

“It seems we need to make a hasty exit from here, so how about we combine our… Wiggins?”

Vator no longer sensed Wiggins' presence next to him, so he reluctantly tore his gaze away from Kang Jin-Ho to see what happened.

Wiggins was right next to Vator only a second ago, but… But he had disappeared without a trace now!

Vator’s jaw fell.

‘T-that rat bastard! He escaped on his own?! All alone?! And through teleportation, no less! You… You dishonorable bastard!’

Vator’s head snapped back toward Kang Jin-Ho, then the big man urgently waved his hands in denial. “N-no, wait! Master, our intentions were not…”

Kang Jin-Ho ignored the big man and directly addressed the camera. "Now, watch closely. See for yourself what kind of demonic cultivation you will be learning from me!”

...And then, as pitch-black demonic qi gushed out of his entire body, Kang Jin-Ho ruthlessly pounced on the Demon Flames.

Only around ten minutes was enough to turn all the audience members having fun into bloodied and battered victims of violence and also to utterly destroy the filming studio.


“Hmm…” Cai Kechang peered closely at the person standing before his eyes before eventually shrugging casually away. “So… This is the list of things you want us to support you with?”

Lee Seong-Hwi nodded. “That’s right.”

“Good. Good. However, it seems you don’t seem to have any fundamental understanding of what a contract is. Did you say your name is Lee Seong-Hwi?”

Lee Seong-Hwi stood in silence and endured Cai Kechang's mocking cackle.

“A contract starts on the basis that both parties reveal pertinent information to each other first. Who in their right mind would want to partner with you when they don't know what you're doing behind the scenes? Wouldn't you agree?”

Lee Seong-Hwi narrowed his eyes. “...And what do you mean by that?”

“I'm saying this list is a useless pile of papers.” Cai Kechang casually chucked the stack of documents in his hand at Lee Seong-Hwi.

All the white pieces of paper danced around in the air to fall around Lee Seong-Hwi.

“You aren't even a bunch of school kids asking their parents for pocket money, so why… We need this, so cough it up? You only need to wait for a bit more? Seriously? Honestly, I'm shocked that you thought it'd be okay to bring me this nonsense.”

Lee Seong-Hwi remained still as he replied flatly. “I’m merely a messenger.”

“Even a bloody pigeon can deliver messages. Since you have taken up the role of the middleman responsible for mediation, shouldn't you also be accurately delivering one party's stances and thoughts to the other party? Since the other side wants our support, shouldn't you at least bring me information on things like how big the invasion force will be, how they plan to invade, and what kind of support they want?”

Cai Kechang stared at Lee Seong-Hwi with an unreadable expression on his face. “From what I recall, you used to handle the Martial Assembly's administration duties as Lee Jung-Geol's disciple. Or was that information incorrect?”


“To think someone like that doesn't even understand something as basic as this! No wonder the Assembly ended up in that state.”

“Oh? Then, what about your side?”

Cai Kechang frowned slightly. “Mm?”

“Since you’re so knowledgeable about something so basic, I’m wondering how Kang Jin-Ho managed to utterly humiliate you.”

“...I dare you to say that again.”

“You think I can’t?” Lee Seong-Hwi’s brows shot up as he glared murderously at Cai Kechang. “It is as you say. I am stupid. And a traitor to my people. All I have left in me is my obsession to kill Kang Jin-Ho. Do you understand what that even means?”

Lee Seong-Hwi leaned forward while licking his lips like a predator.

“I have nothing to lose anymore. I don’t know what you think you can get from me by provoking me like this, but you better do it in moderation, Cai Kechang. Or you’ll learn what a man with nothing to lose can do to you.”

“Oh, how scary. I’m pissing in my pants,” Cai Kechang cackled and mocked Lee Seong-Hwi back.

Lee Seong-Hwi bit his lower lip. “We’ll amend the documents as you say. The other side can generate things like a report quickly, after all. However, nothing will change either way since the Japanese are still wary of you. That’s why they have drawn up this list containing the most realistic set of demands.”

“I don't need another report from them. Pocket change like this can be provided at any time, anyway.” Cai Kechang smirked strangely. “Since I chose to work with morons, I should lower my standards to match theirs, no? After all, it's impossible to expect morons to act like regular people, right? They would've done that already if it was actually possible!”


“Then again, you aren’t supposed to become regular people. No, no, no. Your role is to become beasts. Animals. For that purpose, our preparations will be thorough. So thorough that you’d think we’ve gone overboard! We will support you with everything you demand. However!”

Cai Kechang bared his fangs in a ferocious smirk.

“You better sink your fangs into Kang Jin-Ho’s throat or else! There is no retreat for you lot. But… If you do get scared and try to run back to the islands…! I will personally track you down and slit your throats open.”

“...Don’t worry, that won’t happen.”

“I hope that will be the case,” said Cai Kechang, his odious smirk deepening. Then, he turned his chair around to look away from Lee Seong-Hwi and dismissively waved his hand while speaking in a slightly sharper, shriller tone. “If that's all, get out of my sight. Breathing the same air as a bastard like you is giving me the creeps.”

“...As you wish.”

Cai Kechang sensed Lee Seong-Hwi leaving his office, then mouthed a fresh cigarette.

‘Hah. You think you losers can kill Kang Jin-Ho?’

That would never happen in a million years! Still, their actions could hinder Kang Jin-Ho. If they could do that, Kang Jin-Ho would never be able to interfere with the Crimson King’s faction.

That would be enough for Cai Kechang.

“Now, then… I did my best to lay out this banquet for you, Kang Jin-Ho. It’s now your turn to show us how sincere you are. Isn’t that right, Kang Jin-Ho?”

Cai Kechang’s subdued yet sinister cackle lazily echoed in his office.

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