Depths of the Otherworldly Labyrinth (WN)

Chapter 9: Party

Chapter 9: Party

If I could start an industrial revolution, I might be able to clear a Labyrinth like that in a jiffy. 

The one who had thought up such a thing after pondering a whole lot of things the previous night was none other than me.

It was important to play to my strengths as an Otherworlder.

By contributing to the cultural level of this world, clearing the Labyrinth using machines instead of magic sounded a good idea. 

But the reality was that I had neither the time nor the connections to make that happen. 

I doubted the law of physics would hold true to what I knew in the first place. Sure, Id want to test it out some day, but it wouldnt be possible without money.

Thus, once again, I was confronted by a monetary barrier, so I reluctantly went out for a walk in the town. 

The world runs on money.

I checked the culture of the town by basically wandering around public institutions.

Other than that, I looked around stores unique to the world, such as weapon shops and tool shops.

There were some shops called Magic Shops, basically shops for magicians, but their items were too expensive for my financial resources. 

It was plain information-gathering work, but if I thought of it as sightseeing, it didnt feel as tedious.

Time soon passed, and my work at the tavern began. 

Just like the previous day, I would be doing my chores around the hustle and bustle of the busy tavern.

The work remained the same, but I wasnt doing the exact same thing during the work.

I tried a new usage of the Display. 

By focusing on a monster, I had managed to get the monsters information to show on the Display, so I tried to see if I could do it on a human and it succeeded. 

For example, if I focused on the big guy with a large scar on his face


Alvin Colson

HP: 165/172 MP: 0/0

Class: Swordsman

Level: 11

STR: 6.72, VIT: 4.54, DEX: 2.01, AGI: 1.78, WIS: 1.32, MAG: 0.00, APT: 0.67 

Information about the big man, Alvin Colson, appeared on the Display. 

There was no privacy before me.

But it was surprisingly fun to do. 

I got carried away and checked the strength of every customer who came into the store. 

I had no reason to stop, as I was getting a better understanding of how to handle Display in the process by observing different people. 

Also, I found out that I could put conditions on the Display for me to look at.

When the Display showed a persons information to me, if I strongly desired to know only their name, level, and skills, this would show up: 


Alvin Colson

Level: 11

Innate Skills:

  • Sewing Skill: 1.10

Acquired Skills:

  • Swordsmanship: 1.23

Apparently, that big man was great at sewing.

The gap between that fact and the bulk of his huge body teased a small smile from me. 

Just like so, I continued to observe all sorts of people

Until I spotted a familiar face.

It was the boy who looked like a girl that I had met.

A hood hid his face, but I recognized him immediately since I always kept Dimension up whenever I found the time. 

He ordered a light meal at the counter seat.

Lynn-san took his order, it seemed. I couldnt talk to him since I was still at work, but I focused on him to check his name and skills. 


Diablo Sith

Level: 1

Innate Skills:

  • Holy Magic: 3.78

  • Gods Divine Protection: 3.07

  • Judgement: 2.00

  • Concentration: 2.02

  • Attribute Magic: 2.09

  • Overcapacity: 2.00

  • Life Extension: 2.23

  • Aiming: 2.02

Acquired Skills:

  • Swordsmanship: 0.09

  • ???:

  • ???:


I couldnt keep my mouth closed.

Id seen about a dozen Statuses since that morning, and I had never seen one that had such a ridiculous amount of skills as that one. 

One or two skills per person was the norm.

Sometimes, a skilled adventurer might have three at most.

The numbers were all between 0.00 and 2.00, and none of them had more than 3.00, besides me. 

And yet, that boy had nine skills, and all of them were highly proficient.

Whats with him 

"Hey, Christ-kun! Dont be idle! The manager wants you to wash the dishes in the back!"

Lynn-san saw I was halted in my tracks and spoke up to me. 


It seemed like the kitchen was getting busier.

Curious as I was, I retreated into the back of the store.

Then, after I winced at the sheer amount of dirty dishes that had accumulated, I went about my work.

As I did, I couldnt get the Diablo boy out of my mind.

His talents were so high that youd think he was a joke. A being who was, I dare say, a bit too privileged by the world. If I assumed that this world was indeed a game, then that meant that boy most likely had some pretty important role to play. 

Either that, or he was in the same boat I was. I couldnt wait to find the opportunity to introduce myself and talk to him about it. 

As I simulated the conversation I would have with Diablo in my head whilst wordlessly washing the dishes, a loud voice boomed from the tables. 

The tavern was already a noisy place, but Diablos voice, which I had already heard, caught my ear, so I went to check on him. 

"Ha ha ha!! Working with a level one brat will give me nothing to gain. Id rather not have you hold me back and get me killed."

One man laughed out loud; a crowd formed around him. 

"Sure, my level is low! But Im confident in my sword, and I know some simple magics!"

In the midst of the crowd, a boy counterargued with a high voice. 

It was a boy with golden hair.

I was caught off guard a little, but he seemed to be Diablo for sure. His hair was long and smooth the previous night, but he had cut it short to shoulder length since then. And since it was tied back in a bun, it gave him a different appearance, making him look more like a pretty boy.

The adult woman sitting next to the laughing man explained it to the pretty boy, Diablo, in a pacifying tone. 

* * *

* * *

"Aah, being able to use magic is indeed a huge deal. However, being a level 1 means youre even weaker than some random little kids. Or rather, its not normal to be so weak. Even just by helping out your parents or leading a normal life, someone your age should be at least at around level 3. Nevertheless, seeing that you are at level 1, its not unreasonable for us to think that you were either born holding a silver spoonnot knowing a single hardship all your life, or youre a kid with some kind of problematic background, no?"


At the womans reasonable answer, Diablo could only choke on his own words and fall silent. 

"Damn right. Its near impossible youd be at level 1. Hahaha. If anything, finding someone at level one like you is much harder! Ahahahaha!"

The large man, who must have been an acquaintance of the woman, saw that Diablo was unable to say anything back and grew even more delirious.

It seemed like that man was having fun making a fool out of Diablo.

Considering I was only level 1 until recently, his words hurt me as well. 

"Sh-shut up! Dont make fun of me! I can fight, even if my level is low!!"

Diablo became agitated and grabbed onto the man. The man, however, simply brushed him off, pouring salt on his injury. Diablo grew even more upset and went to lash it out, cursing at him like some little kid. 

Nobody stopped them.

They probably thought that it was just some regular skirmish. But not me. That Diablo boy had a promising future waiting.

I knew he was a promising material for me to profit from since I could steal a glance at peoples talents.

From the looks of it, Diablo was no match for the man. I thought that it was the perfect timing to make Diablo feel indebted to me, so I went to approach him, but Lynn-san couldnt watch it any longer and intercepted faster.

"Okay, okay. Thats that. If youre here to play around, please go out. So immature, going against a kid."

Lynn-san, though she looked fed up, rebuked the man in an experienced manner. 

"Oi, oi. Were just looking for a party to explore the Labyrinth with, okay? This kid poked around even though he didnt live up to standard, so I, as a senior adventurer, had to teach him how the world works."

"Then hes learned enough. Come on. You should stop being so short-fused."

With that said, Lynn-san pulled the man and Diablo apart.


Diablo must have realized that he would gain nothing in chasing the matter any further.

He gave Lynn-san the money for his meal and was about to leave the tavern.

"With your level, no one is going to take you to their party. You need to consider other jobs."

The man gave Diablo yet another spiked comment. Lynn-san, however, didnt reproach him for it. She, and most of the people there, agreed with him. Diablo clicked his tongue and left the tavern. 


I immediately casted the magic in a whisper.

Pouring in most of my MP, I expanded the effect of Dimension to its limit.

Then, I concentrated on where Diablo was heading. 

I would not let him escape.

He was a gem that could cut my Labyrinth exploration effort in half. 

"Okay. Everyone, back to your tables. You too, Christ-kun, dont just look around; get back to your station."


As I divided my attention between my work and Diablo, I returned to the chore at hand.

The rest of the work was done in a haze, and the store finally closed. 


After that, I confirmed with Dimension that Diablo had entered the Labyrinth.

But seeing he soon came out in tatters, it was obvious he didnt achieve any luck there. 

After the restaurant was closed, I met with the manager to bounce ideas about some basic dishes; then, I was allowed to make a light dish.

That dish then became a meal for me, so I just left it lying on the table.

As planned, I went looking for Diablo, who was probably scooting up near some warm places by then.

I used up the last of my MP and caught sight of Diablo crouching down. 

"Im hungry."

I was disheartened by how loud his stomach rumbled.

I called out to him, pretending we had just met by accident. 

"We meet again, huh."

"?! Aah. Youre that taverns employee, right?"

"Yup. Still no money today?"

"As you can see, I cant even eat now."

Diablo shrugged at his own words.

"Thats perfect. Weve got some leftovers. Want to grab a bite?"


He seemed more than a little suspicious.

I immediately responded with a line I had prepared. 

"I practice cooking in that tavern after closing time. Today, I have some failed leftovers that I dont know what to do with, you see."

"Aah, you mean that. I didnt know you were a cook apprentice. But are sure thats okay? I dont think thats something you can just give away to some random stranger."

"Well, thats true Actually, I was there today when you caused that commotion, you see. As an employee, I should have admonished that guy ASAP, but I was so gutless I couldnt do anything So I felt bad for you, so"

"Aah, you saw that? It didnt really bother meThough, Ill take the food. Take what you can; thats the kind of guy I am."

After understanding my motive, Diablo stood up, looking relieved.

I might have come off a bit suspicious, but the food seemed to sway him. 

We returned to the tavern while we had some light chat, and we both devoured our meals together.

The food tasted good, and Diablo was surprised that I had made it.

Perhaps culinary culture wasnt so advanced in this world.

"Man, this kicks Right, I heard you went to the Labyrinth before. The female waitress told me."

"Kind of"

Sometimes, I wore short sleeves at work.

My burn scar was visible when I did, which sparked interest in customers who then asked Lynn-san about it. It seemed like Diablo was one of them. 

"How far did you go?"

Diablos interest lay in the Labyrinth.

So, naturally, the topic drifted there.

I chose my words carefully. I didnt want to sound too rushed.

"I tried to dive in alone and got seriously wounded on the first floor. I havent gone in since."

"Heeh, so you were a solo as well."

Diablos face lit up.

Perhaps he was glad he had found a kindred spirit.

"I wasnt lucky in finding a party, you see"

"I see"

I carefully watched Diablos expression.

I anticipated what he was thinking and guided him in the direction I wanted. 

After that, we talked about our knowledge of the Labyrinth, our levels, and our statuses.

After a few more such conversations finally, I succeeded in fishing out the long-awaited words from Diablos own mouth. 

"Hey. If youre cool with it, why dont we go to the Labyrinth together?"

Diablo invited me to join him, looking anxious and hesitant.

If it had taken any longer, I would have invited him myself. I immediately accepted his invitation without any hesitation.

"Right. That doesnt sound bad. Were pretty close in terms of strength, and covering each others downfall sounds good to me."

"R-really?! Thank you!!"

"But Im working in the tavern at night. I can only help out for a short time in the morning."

"No, thats enough! Thats no problem at all! Man, youre a life saver!"

Diablo continued to show his gratitude, smiling all the while.

It seemed like he was delighted that his long, bitter search for a companion finally bore fruit. 

I didnt show it on my face, but I was actually celebrating deep inside.

Above all else, getting an ally whose loyalty to me extended above an obligation was valuable. An ally who was knowledgeable about this world and the Labyrinth would make it easier for me to deal with the unexpected. 

"Then can we start tomorrow?!"

"Yeah, we can. My name is Christ Eurasia. Feel free to call me Christ."

"Got it. My name is Dia, no surname. Just Dia. Call me that."

We finished introducing ourselves, and he didnt seem to show any particular reaction to my name. 

I was lowkey hoping that he was someone from my original world, considering his ridiculous status and skills, but it seemed like things werent that simple for me. 

Also, he named himself differently.

His Display obviously showed the surname Sith.

Depending on how surnames were given in this world, it didnt seem like Dia was lying. It was possible that the Display anticipated the name he would assume in the future when it showed his full name. 

This game-like Display.

There seemed to be pitfalls for me waiting within it. 


Dia beamed with joy at having me for company.

Combined with his androgynous, beautiful face, he was many times prettier than any random girl. I myself have a delicate, unmanly facial profile, but not as much as him. I tried to verify his gender through the use of Display, but Display had no entry for gender. Either way, it wouldnt bother me much. If he himself said that he was no girl, then it was best to go with that. 

"Erm, nice having you with me. Dia."


And what was shown on the Display next were these words: 

Diablo Sith has Joined your Party

Party leader is Kanami Aikawa.

After that, Dia thanked me for the food, and we parted ways normally.

When I asked him about where he would sleep, he told me he would usually sleep out in the open, but there was nothing I could do about that. I couldnt have him stay inside the tavern after it was closed, so it was hard for me to help him any further.

In the corner of the tavern, I thought about what would come in the morning.

I fell asleep while working out my strategy. 

Third Day, Finished


Name: Kanami Aikawa

HP: 151/151, MP: 2/141


Level: 4

STR: 3.03, VIT: 3.16, DEX: 4.07, AGI: 5.05, WIS: 6.09, MAG: 8.08, APT: 7.00


  • Confusion: 4.26

EXP: 127/800

Skill Status

Innate Skills:

  • Swordsmanship : 1.01

  • Freezing Magic: 2.02

Acquired Skills:

  • Dimensional Magic: 5.01 + 0.10


  • ???:


  • ???:


Freezing Magic:

  • Freeze: 1.00

  • Ice: 1.01

Dimensional Magic:

  • Dimension: 1.03

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