Deep Sea Fish Hunting Specialty Broadcast

Chapter 11: Interlude (1)

Chapter 11: Interlude (1)

Deep Sea Fish Hunting Specialty Broadcast – 11

EP.11 Interlude (1)

“Ugh… Ah…”

After a deep-ocean broadcast, Parang woke up refreshed from a deep sleep.

She stretched thoroughly, feeling revitalized.

It was eleven in the morning. Another late start.

While she slept, the world had been desperately searching for her.

Parang looked at the mountain of notifications and missed calls.

She tried not to panic. After all, she knew what she had done yesterday.

The last viewer count she saw was 200,000.

Two hundred thousand. Not twenty thousand, but two hundred thousand people had watched her antics, and she had wrapped it up in a rather haphazard manner.

She had somewhat anticipated this level of chaos.

With a resolute determination, Parang opened her email inbox.

Unlike when she had just rescued Yuna, she now had an open channel for incoming messages.

[ You have (999+) unread emails ]

…Such a disaster didn’t happen, surprisingly.

Thanks to Yuna’s clever tactics.

‘After the broadcast, people will line up demanding artifacts. They’ll present all sorts of sob stories.’

To preemptively filter out such people, Yuna created a dedicated email for <Artifact Inquiries> and directed all artifact-related questions there.

She even threatened to exclude anyone who mentioned artifacts in the wrong channel from the drawing.

Artifacts were to be distributed through a separate site with individual verification. There was no reason to inquire outside of that.

Any inquiries that came in? All begging.

The <Artifact Inquiries> email was internally considered non-existent from the moment it was created.

Next were inquiries related to Hunter Yu Parang. Interviews, sponsorships, and guild invitations were also separated into different email channels.

Parang and other production hunters wondered, ‘Is this really necessary?’ but Yuna insisted it was ‘absolutely necessary.’

Now, Parang thought she was right to listen to her.

The attention of the world focused on her was far more cumbersome than she had imagined.

‘Ah, I ignore everything.’

Some might do that, but Parang was a bit too cautious for that.

So, the emails Parang had to deal with: 2,892 interview requests, 122 sponsorship inquiries, and 45 guild invitations.

A total of 3,059 emails.

Still a lot, but considering she had given away ten A-rank artifacts in front of 200,000 people (partially omitted), it was surprisingly few.

Moreover, she could narrow it down further!

The three thousand interview request emails before her.

Given her goals, she couldn’t ignore them all. But she could filter them.

About 2,500 of them were from T-tubers.

Parang opened her notepad and pulled up the ‘List of Acceptable Media Outlets.’ It was a list agreed upon by fourteen production hunters of various ideologies, genders, and ages, deciding ‘These media outlets are okay!’

Then she searched the emails -> filtered -> searched by sender.

– Tap- Tap –

[ Hunter Times ] Six emails.

[ Post Korea ] Ten emails.

[ Sub Garnet ] Nine emails.

She deleted the rest.

Parang, who had extended her ruthless extermination from monsters to emails.

In an instant, three thousand emails were reduced to twenty-five. The power of this feat could astonish the world. (Not really.)

Anyway, Parang skimmed through the emails and replied to reporter Lee Hyungjin from [Sub Garnet].

It was because of one sentence that touched her heart.

[Interview can be conducted underwater.]

Parang had been extremely worried about trembling during the interview.

Interview requests, handled.

Next was sponsorships. Parang didn’t need financial support. All deleted.

Guild invitations. Same thing.

What guild could possibly help her at a depth of 1km underwater? All deleted.

Still, Parang thought about starting a guild someday. An underwater hunter guild. Wouldn’t that be cool?

Well, that was something for the future. Parang still had things to do.

There were still people who wanted to talk to her.

People who didn’t need ’emails’ to contact her.

Hunter Association, World Government, Silo.

Except for the Hunter Association, these were remnants left by the original protagonist and the Slayers.

Of course, the only thing officially established by the Slayers was Silo Corporation.

The World Government claimed to be “a unified global government centered around Seoul to prevent the dispersion of hunter power due to hegemony competition.”

“Then how do you explain the hunter units under your command?”

“Oh, they volunteered to serve.”

“Why Seoul?”

“Geographically, it’s convenient.”

Obviously, that’s nonsense. No one seriously believes it.

Thus, all sorts of conspiracy theories have sprung up. From Reptilians to resurrected Nazis, flat Earth theory, donut Earth theory, and even the Flying Spaghetti Monster… there are countless theories.

The most overwhelmingly supported one is the Slayers conspiracy theory.

The theory that “Hunter Han Siwoo created it.”

It’s not really a conspiracy theory because it’s true.

It’s called a conspiracy theory, but it’s an open secret.

The first president of the World Government? Kang Yuri, Slayers.

Second president? Olivia Cloverfield, Slayers.

Third president? Yoo Sungjun, Lancers.

Oh! Third president Yoo Sungjun! Is he the hero on a white horse who ended the Slayers’ brutal dictatorship?

Not at all. The Lancers were the second team of Slayers, nurtured by Hunter Han Siwoo to maintain Earth’s order after his ascension. Given their purpose, they had an enormous number of members, each a world-class powerhouse.

They are the organization that practically rules the world now. They are also the reason why order is maintained even after the Slayers’ ascension. Hunter Han Siwoo had a knack for grooming successors.

Because of their overwhelming power, they can’t cause any trouble even if they wanted to.

So, what happened to the existing governments? They still exist, as subordinate organizations of the World Government.

If the World Government is the Blue House, the national governments are like city halls. So, while there are some behind-the-scenes power struggles, there are no wars, armed protests, or diplomatic disputes.

Next, Silo Corporation.

Think of these guys as a colossal conglomerate that has swallowed the world.

With unparalleled capital and technology, they have devoured the global market…

And then did nothing special. The world’s economy surprisingly operates the same as it did before Silo.

The founder is Hunter Han Siwoo.

Lastly, the Hunter Association.

Current president, Igarashi Natsuko. Lancers.

Vice president, Alisa Kozlov. Lancers.

Asia regional head and Seoul branch head, Seo Sunwoo. Lancers.

Europe regional head and Berlin branch head, Alfonso Lopez Blasco. Lancers.

North America regional head and… Lancers.

This is the world after the end of a typical overpowered hunter story.

As expected of the protagonist of such a tale, the aftermath is handled very neatly. No loose ends.

Surprisingly, these three organizations are currently in a competitive relationship. Hunter Han Siwoo, who was a Korean to the core, established a system of separation of powers on Earth even as he ascended.

About five years before his ascension, the Slayers stepped back, and the Lancers took their place.

Anyway, out of the three organizations that rule this world, two had contacted Parang simultaneously.

First, the World Government.

“Are you Hunter Yu Parang?”

“Yes, you are.”

While she was processing emails, a man in sunglasses and a suit showed up with a government ID, handed her some documents, and disappeared.

The documents contained details about the time, place, and other minor things.

Next, the Hunter Association.

Right after the World Government agent left, Manager Choi called.

“Parang, can you come to the Seoul Association next Sunday? The branch manager wants to meet you.”

“What? The branch manager?”

Parang was quite surprised. Manager Choi was somewhat seasoned in the Association, but was he important enough to run errands for the branch manager?

When she asked him over the phone, Manager Choi replied,

“There’s something. It’s not a bad thing for you, so trust me and go.”

“Well… okay. Next Sunday then…”

“August 4th. At 2 PM.”

It was the same date suggested by the World Government.

Well, it was probably just a scout offer. Parang accepted the proposal without much thought. She had known Manager Choi for eight years now.

Lastly, Silo Corporation. Surprisingly, there was no contact from them.

Honestly, Parang was surprised. Hadn’t she had a good relationship with Silo so far? They even made her diving suit and gave her a phone.

Moreover, the broadcast she did yesterday was an achievement that could easily astonish Silo. The World Government and the Hunter Association had contacted her out of surprise.

Well, they must have their reasons. She decided not to think too deeply about it.

Anyway, Parang had received calls from two of the three leading organizations in the world.

And finally.

Parang turned on her phone for the first time since waking up.

Missed calls: (9)

Messages: (3)

SiloTalk: (77)

Friends, benefactors, and acquaintances had sent messages filled with worry, pride, and admiration, seeing her at the center of the bustling world.

First, the missed calls.

Three calls from Yuna. Hmm, she felt a bit guilty.

One call from ‘Director.’

Five calls with caller ID restricted.

Parang decided to call Yuna first.

– Ring… –

– Click. –


Her voice sounded a bit tired.

“Oh, Yuna?”

“Go ahead…”

Correction. She sounded really tired. Did she stay up all night?

Parang decided not to ask. Knowing would only increase her guilt.

“Just, you helped me a lot this time. I wanted to thank you, um…”

To be honest, Parang had never received such a significant favor in her life. She wasn’t sure how to respond in such situations.

“Oh, stop. If you’re thinking of repaying me, don’t. It makes me uncomfortable to be repaid for a favor, and more importantly…”

“More importantly, I’ve gained a lot from this as well.”

Parang tilted her head in confusion.

She wasn’t very good at understanding these kinds of things. Had Hunter Shin Yuna gained something from this?


Even after thinking it over, she couldn’t figure it out.

While she continued to tilt her head, Shin Yuna spoke up first.

“Honestly, I’ve gained so much from the broadcast we did. That’s why I called earlier. If you’re okay with it, I’d like to continue cooperating with you.”


Parang jumped in surprise. Was it really that beneficial?

“What kind of benefits did you get to such an extent…?”

“In broad terms, three things.”

Three things. Throughout history and across cultures, the number three symbolizes perfection and completeness.

Everything is one in three, and one should naturally be divided into three.

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; rock, paper, scissors; yuri, yaoi, no romance.

Anyway, Parang listened intently.

“Parang, production hunters are essentially merchants. They live by selling what they create to others. And the two most important things for a merchant are recognition and reputation.”

Parang knew that well. The more recognition and reputation, the better.

“First, recognition. 200.000 people saw the artifacts I made and the broadcasting equipment that works at a depth of 2km.”


“Second, reputation. Right now, the public sees Hunter Shin Yuna as someone who gave away ten A-rank artifacts to help a benefactor who saved her life.”

Parang finally slapped her forehead.

Wait, she almost did.

“Then what’s the third thing?”

“Really, you don’t know?”

“Not at all.”

“You. Hunter Yu Parang.”


Parang made a dumbfounded sound.

“Don’t you get it? A hunter who received 3,000 interview requests from one broadcast, who got 45 guild invitations at the same time, and who is being noticed by both the World Government and the Hunter Association. I don’t intend to end my interaction with such a person after repaying a favor. Anyone would feel the same.”

Parang finally realized her position.

When looked at individually, each thing seemed understandable (not at all), but when put together, she finally grasped the situation she was in.

Hunter Shin Yuna continued speaking without giving Parang a chance to think.

“So, what do you say? Would you seriously consider collaborating with me? Although it might sound self-serving, I believe I proved my capabilities in the last broadcast.”

She was right. Parang felt a chill run down her spine. ‘Proved her capabilities in the last broadcast’? How long had she been planning for this moment?

The light-hearted image from the broadcast had vanished without a trace.

Shin Yuna. She was someone who had reached the S-rank position in this harsh society.

And Parang, outside of the water, was weak to such charisma.

“Th-then, shall we meet and talk…?”

“Sure. I’m available anytime, so just let me know when it’s convenient for you.”

There was no way it was okay. It meant that no matter what she was doing, she would drop everything and come running at the time Parang suggested.

She’s not someone to be taken lightly, Parang thought after hanging up the phone.

Next, she checked the remaining messages. Three texts.

They were from the orphanage director who had taken care of Parang after she was reincarnated as an orphan.

Unlike the typical orphanage directors in novels, this one genuinely cared for and loved the children, supporting them in every way possible.

Even after becoming independent, Parang often visited the orphanage with a load of beef whenever she had time.

Director: Parang, you seem busy, so I’m leaving a text.

Director: I watched your broadcast. You looked happy. It’s a good thing.

Director: I’m cheering for you.

The affection that dripped from the director’s rough texts made Parang’s heart ache.

Parang immediately called the director.

– Ring… Ring… –

“The person you are trying to reach is not available. Please leave a message after the beep…”

Oh, she must be busy. The director often couldn’t answer calls because she was playing with the children.

Parang decided to convey her message through text.

[Thank you, Director. I’ll visit you sometime next week.]

She planned to bring not just beef, but also chicken, pork, fish, and set up a buffet for the entire orphanage.

And then, the five calls with caller ID restricted.

These weren’t calls she needed to return.

Parang entered a secret chat room on SiloTalk.

The room name was simply a dot.

There were six members. All names were randomly generated by default.

Buzzing Car Moody: &2* I900 5-3 3km Q.

July 28th, 7 PM, Arctic Ocean Point 3, 3km, urgent.

She checked the time. It was 3:40 PM.

For Point 3 in the Arctic Ocean, even Parang would need to use a warp station.

Parang quickly changed clothes, dashed out of her house, and dove straight into the water, heading for Seoul.

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