Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 40 – Vision of ancient times?! Bloodline Awakening!

Chapter 40 – Vision of ancient times?! Bloodline Awakening!

Sometime later, Gerhart left the kennels with Farus on a leash, still having a restrainer, feeling light in his step.

"Well, that was a productive workout..." Gerhart thought, noting the message he received a while ago.

Romilda Elkington has converted successfully.

Soon, Gerhart returned to the house where Hope and Havre were waiting with food on the table.

"Hm? Why did you bring food here?" Gerhart curiously asked.

"I had a feeling you will have a raunchy time with Romilda, so I told Havre to bring the food here," Hope said.

"That is some terrifying intuition..." Gerhart warily said.

"Did you enthrall her, my lord?" Havre asked.

"I indeed succeeded." Gerhart nodded.

"As expected from my lord! Subduing a woman within such a short time!" Havre praised.

"Please don't praise me for something like that!" Gerhart mentally retorted.

"Forget it. Let's eat first," Gerhart walked to the table.

The trio then sat and ate dinner, and Farus ate some raw meat on the side.

"Havre, what are the plans for tomorrow? Are we training?" Gerhart asked.

"My lord, tomorrow is a resting day. We have an ongoing feast from late morning to night, where we drink, eat, play, pray, barter, and socialize. Though, in my case, it is also my busiest day." Havre warily smiled.

"A lot of people wanting massages, hah?" Hope warily asked.

"Yes. My contribution to the village involves sewing and Aura Massaging. And since everyone is free tomorrow, it is also my busiest day." Havre said with a helpless look.

"That's tough. Are you the only one giving those massages?" Gerhart asked.

"There are two others, but they are more professional. I, on the other hand, am popular with the ladies, though I sometimes therapeutically massage the children and elderly." Havre said. "By the way, it might also be an opportunity if you are willing."

"Willing?" Gerhart asked.

"Yes. Like you massaged Libby, we can introduce the women in the village to you so you can massage them. Combined with the aphrodisiacs Irene is making, you can safely enthrall half a dozen a day." Hope explained.

"Will they agree, though?" Gerhart skeptically asked.

"They should, I believe. We will start with the most desperate ones wanting to seduce you and then move to more difficult targets later on. Through word of mouth, all the single women will come to you like moths to the flame." Havre grinned.

"That's wicked... I like it! Okay." Gerhart also grinned.

"But we shouldn't forget we are still new here. We should dedicate some time to socializing and meeting everyone. That way, they will trust us more." Hope added.

"Good point." Gerhart nodded.

Gerhart and Hope were new guests. Although the villagers tried being friendly, some being overly friendly, it was safe to say most of them were still not too trusting of them.

"By the way, Gerhart, about my talent..." Hope fidgeted, playing with her fingers.

"Don't worry. I will evolve your talent now." Gerhart smiled.

"Ah, that would be great." Hope smiled.

"Kah... How envious." Havre said with a longing look.

"I haven't forgotten you, Havre," Gerhart reassured.

"Thank you, my lord." Havre lowered her head.

Finishing their meal, Gerhart and Hope went to Hope's bedroom. After she lay on the bed, Gerhart held Hope's hand.

Upgrade - Advanced Intuitive Precognition -> Perfect Intuitive Precognition: 5,000

{Unique Talent - Advanced Intuitive Precognition(Upgradable, Evolvable): Improves the user's affinity to the Second Time Dimension, Probability. Passively gives the user Precognition toward possible futures through hunches and visions, allowing them to take opportunities and avoid dangers. Can upgrade and evolve.}

"I don't know what a dimension is, but it sounds impressive! It is the right call to invest in this." Gerhart thought.

"I am about to start," Gerhart said.

"I'm ready," Hope replied.

Gerhart nodded and silently activated his power. Black energy entered Hope's body as she fell unconscious.

Seeing her unconscious, Gerhart was not anxious to evolve his talent. He patiently waited while viewing his status.

Name: Gerhart
Race: Human
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Level: 50



Base Stats:


Secondary Stats: (+)



After looking things over, Gerhart came to several conclusions.

First, he absorbed impossible talents, such as Hard Scales and Pecking. However, they remain inactive since they are biologically impossible.

Second, the adventurers he absorbed the talents from were GARBAGE. Mylo and Hazel had intermediate talents, Strong Arms, and Treasure Hunter. But them? They all had initial talents. Even if they had skills, they were so trashy that the relic ignored them. Gerhart having Intermediate Strong Arms also explained why he was so strong.

Third, he has Intermediate High Toxicity Resistance, Killing Instincts, and Constricting.

"High Toxicity Resistance and Killing Instincts aside, what does Constricting do? Help me hug someone to death?" Gerhart bitterly thought.

However, he stopped thinking about it when he saw Hope wake up, confused.

"Hope? How are—"

"I'm fine— Eh?"

When Gerhart was talking, Hope cut him short. From her reaction, she didn't intentionally do it.

"I-I'm sorry... it might sound weird, but I sensed a moment into the future while being in the present. My head also kinda hurts..." Hope warily said while grabbing her head.

"Oh?" Gerhart was intrigued and checked her talent.

{Unique Talent - Perfect Intuitive Precognition(Evolvable): Improves the user's affinity to the Second Time Dimension, Probability. Passively gives the user Precognition toward possible futures through hunches and visions, allowing them to take opportunities and avoid dangers. Can evolve.}

"Well, that didn't change... Is it related to a skill?" Gerhart wondered.

Checking her status again, Gerhart didn't see any skills related to it, so he checked her talents and found something extra.

{Unique Talent - ???(Developing): A talent that is developing due to a mutation. Unknown.}

That was the result.

"If Analyze Status can't see it, maybe the relic can?" Gerhart thought and tried. What he found made him widen his eyes.

Unknown Chronomantic Bloodline(Bloodline Atavism, Developing(0.0001%)): Not Viable

"Well... That's something you don't see every day." Gerhart gave Hope a weird look.

"Gerhart? What is it?" Hope asked.

"Hope, do you know anything about Blood Atavism?" Gerhart asked.

"Blood Atavism? That is a rare phenomenon that usually happens with monsters. Some monsters can develop a bloodline belonging to an ancestor, such as a dragon bloodline. By developing that bloodline, their bodies change, their Base Stats increase, and they might gain certain talents." Hope said after a pause.

"How long does that take?" Gerhart asked.

"Unknown. It can take anywhere from a few days to several centuries. Of course, external items can help one awaken their talent earlier." Hope said.

However, she soon noticed that Gerhart's expression turned weirder. Something dawned on her. "I developed a weird bloodline, didn't I?"

"Yes. An unknown Chronomantic Bloodline that even the relic can't recognize." Gerhart nodded.

"Did I somehow change?" Hope asked, looking at herself.

"You still look the same. You barely have a millionth of it, so there is no need to be anxious." Gerhart said.

"If it is that low, then there is no point in worrying." Hope nodded.

"Now that your talent evolution has settled, I will evolve my talent. You and Havre watch over me, okay?" Gerhart said.

"Yes, of course," Hope replied and got up.

A minute later, Gerhart was on his bed.

Talent Evolution - Pack Mule -> Goliath Physique: 5,000.

"Hah... Okay, this is it. The talent that never developed in my previous life will now evolve. I am kinda excited right now..." Gerhart smiled to himself.

If he had Goliath Physique in his previous life, the treatment he received would have been infinitely better. But, on the other hand-

"If I had it, I wouldn't have the chance to get my hands on the relic since my masters would be more wary of me." Gerhart thought.

Strength was a double-edged sword in a way, and Gerhart understood this. The stronger you are, the more wary others are of you when you show it, like how a person would be less cautious of an aggressive puppy than an equally aggressive grown wolf.

"Okay, no point thinking about this. Let's do it..."

Taking a deep breath, Gerhart initiated the talent evolution. But the moment it did-

Crack* Snap* 

"GHK!!!!!!" Gerhart felt his body breaking apart and rebuilding in real-time.

"FUCKKK!!!!!!!!!!! WHY DO I NEED TO FEEL THIS STUPID PAIN!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!" Gerhart mentally screamed.

By far, it was the most intense pain he felt since he got the relic. That is, physical pain. But Gerhart already experienced worse than that.

"BUT IT'S STILL NOTHING COMPARED TO THE BAPTISM OF CONQUEST!!! BRING IT ON!!!" Gerhart endured the pain with sheer willpower.

One minute.

Two minutes.

Five minutes.

Ten minutes.

Thirty minutes-

Finally, after close to an hour of torment, Gerhart felt the pain subsiding.

"Hah... It's finally over—"

Just when Gerhart wanted to sigh in relief, he saw a vision.

In a tribal village, he saw a golden lion slaughtering humans left and right, a young child staring at it with fear and hate.

The scene shifted again as he saw a young man fighting monster after monster, eating their flesh and training his body to the limit, becoming increasingly more powerful.

The scene shifted as he saw a muscular and grown man facing the golden lion barehanded. The fight between the two shook the ground and shattered rocks and trees. The golden creature tried clawing and biting the man, but its attacks only left shallow wounds and white marks. In retaliation, the man punched and kicked the lion, causing its bones to crack. When it was disoriented, the man jumped on its back and began choking the life out of the lion. The lion tried resisting, but in the end, the man proved the victor.

The scene then shifted again. Gerhart saw the man, now white-haired, missing an eye, covered in scars, and wearing a golden lion coat, holding a bone shield and spear, leading thousands of muscular humans as they hunted and usurped the monsters that once terrorized them, carving a place in the world they could call home.

Gerhart then saw the man turn to him and speak.

To fight the Tyrants we feared, we endured untold hardships, trained our bodies to match the monsters, and usurped them, becoming the new Tyrants!

And then, the vision ended as Gerhart opened his eyes, confused.

"W-What the heck was this all about?" Gerhart blinked his eyes.

To confirm his doubts, Gerhart checked his status again.

Name: Gerhart
Race: Human/Human(Tyrant Tribe)
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Level: 50(Incomplete)



Base Stats:


Secondary Stats: (+)



Energy: 45,900

Gerhart found that his Strength, Endurance, and Vitality improved from C-grade to B-grade. Also, it seems like Tyrant Bloodline is awakening, changing his race.

{Tyrant Bloodline(Awakening): A human-lineage bloodline that drastically improves the physique, crushing all obstacles with brute force. It is currently awakening, modifying, and improving the body to that of the Tyrant Tribe humans, potentially creating more talents.}

"Fuck. I hope this won't cause problems..." Gerhart prayed.

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